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A geochemical survey involving the collection and analysis of 170 stream sediment samples was carried out in Vale das Gatas area in order to delineate geochemical signatures and to detect pollution hazards due to mining.Factor analysis applied to the data showed that the most important variables accounting for the first factor are Ag, Pb, Bi, As, W, Cd, Zn and Cu. These variables represent the most significant metalliferous elements of the original paragenesis, which still maintain a close relationship in the secondary geological environment. The spatial distribution of the factor scores referred to factor 1 indicates that positive scores occur predominantly in the Vale das Gatas and Sabrosa streams and in the main Pinhão river. The results also show that the Vale das Gatas mine is the most important contamination source in the Vale das Gatas district.In order to study the dispersion, transfer and uptake mechanisms of trace elements from the Vale das Gatas mine, additional sample media were collected, i.e., stream sediments, tailings, coatings, waters (surficial and mine waters) and specific biological species. Four sample stations were selected, namely two in connection with abandoned adits of the Vale das Gatas mine, one located in the Vale das Gatas stream and one located in the Pinhão River. The results show that chemical reactions of leaching and precipitation took place controlling the heavy metals in areas near the Vale das Gatas mine.At the same time, positive anomalous patterns are visible along the Pinhão river for about 20 km. The mineralogical composition of the stream sediments suggests that processes of mechanical dispersion also interfere in the secondary distribution of the metalliferous elements in that media.  相似文献   

Active and abandoned mine activities constitute the sources of deterioration of water and soil quality in many parts of the world, particularly in the African Copperbelt regions. The accumulation in soils and the release of toxic substances into the aquatic ecosystem can lead to water resources pollution and may place aquatic organisms and human health at risk. In this study, the impact of past mining activity (i.e., abandoned mine) on aquatic ecosystems has been studied using ICP-MS analysis for trace metals and Rare Earth Elements (REE) in sediment samples from Lubumbashi River (RL) and Tshamilemba Canal (CT), Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Soil samples from surrounding CT were collected to evaluate trace metal and REE concentrations and their spatial distribution. The extent of trace metal contamination compared to the background area was assessed by Enrichment Factor (EF) and Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo). Additionally, the trace metal concentrations probable effect levels (PELs) for their potential environmental impact was achieved by comparing the trace metal concentrations in the sediment/soil samples with the Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs). Spearman's Rank-order correlation was used to identify the source and origin of contaminants. The results highlighted high concentrations of trace metals in surface sediments of CT reaching the values of 40152, 15586, 610, 10322, 60704 and 15152 mg kg−1 for Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, Fe and Mn, respectively. In the RL, the concentrations reached the values of 24093, 2046, 5463, 3340, 68290 and 769 mg kg−1 for Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, Fe and Mn, respectively. The ΣREE varied from 66 to 218 and 142–331 mg kg−1 for CT and RL, respectively. The soil samples are characterized by variable levels of trace metals. The EF analysis showed “extremely severe enrichment” for Cu and Co. However, no enrichment was observed for REE. Except for Mo, Th, U, Eu, Mo, Ho and Tm for which Igeo is classified as “moderately polluted and/or unpolluted”, all elements in different sites are classified in the class 6, “extremely polluted”. The trace metal concentrations in all sampling sites largely exceeded the SQGs and the PELs for the Protection of Aquatic Life recommendation. Cu and Co had positive correlation coefficient values (r = 0.741, P < 0.05, n = 14). This research presents useful tools for the evaluation of water contamination in abandoned and active mining areas.  相似文献   

The Nador lagoon ecosystem (North-East of Morocco) displays a major socioeconomic interest. In fact, it is essential to evaluate consequences of anthropogenic activities in the lagoon especially by organic matter studies (nature and distribution) in the sedimentary compartment. Surface sediments show variable rates in total organic carbon and in sulfur, high in some cases (7.5 and 1.8% respectively). These high contents are recorded in the center of the lagoon. Their distributions are controlled by the hydrodynamism and the anthropogenic degree. The molecular biomarkers analyses and especially n-alkanes distribution reveal: a zone of marine influence; and a zone of continental influence. The occurrence of pentacyclic triterpanes with a typical distribution of a thermally mature organic matter reveals a contamination due to petroleum products in the entire lagoon except for the center. Coprostanol occurrence near cities indicates wastewater effluents inputs and reducing conditions underlined by high values of stanols/sterol ratios. Thus, the organic contamination (petroleum by-products and wastewater effluents) occurs in the vicinity of the cities whereas the littoral edge and center remain weakly affected by these contaminations.  相似文献   

A modified DRASTIC model for groundwater vulnerability assessment (abbreviated as DRARCH model by combining the first letters of its six assessment indices) was proposed. It is essentially the specific application of DRASTIC model rather than a new model. Both natural hydrogeological conditions that prevent groundwater from contamination and important intrinsic hydrogeochemical properties of sediments in vadose zone that are related to the retardation of contaminants were considered as vulnerability indices. The DRARCH model consists of six indices: (1) Depth to the water table, (2) net Recharge, (3) Aquifer thickness, (4) Ratio of cumulative thickness of clay layers to total thickness of vadose zone, (5) Contaminant adsorption coefficient of sediment in vadose zone, and (6) Hydraulic conductivity of aquifer. The rating values and the weights of these vulnerability indices were obtained by contaminant transport simulation and factor analysis method respectively. Furthermore, the DRARCH model was applied to evaluate the groundwater vulnerability to arsenic contamination in Taiyuan basin, northern China, where groundwaters with high arsenic concentration occur in some localities. GIS-based mapping of groundwater vulnerability using this model indicates that the distribution of very high and high-vulnerability areas corresponds well to that of high-arsenic groundwaters. The DRARCH model is therefore reliable and useful for guiding groundwater environment management.  相似文献   

 Marine contamination of groundwater may be caused by seawater intrusion and by salt spray. The role of both processes was studied in the Cyclades archipelago on four small islands (45–195 km2) whose aquifers consist essentially of fractured, weathered metamorphic rocks. Annual rainfall ranges from 400 to 650 mm and precipitation has high total dissolved solids contents of 45–223 mg l–1. The chemical characteristics of the groundwater, whose salinity is from 0.4 to 22 g l–1, are strongly influenced by seawater intrusion. However, the effect of atmospheric input is shown in certain water sampling locations on high ground elevation where the dissolved chloride contents may attain 200 mg l–1. Received: 14 November 1995 · Accepted: 9 September 1996  相似文献   

Surface water samples from the Drake mining area show elevated metal concentrations, notably cadmium, iron and zinc. A detailed study of a sphalerite /quartz vein from Strauss Pit and chalcopyrite and pyrite from the Adeline mine and Strauss Pit indicate that micro-scale analyses of ores are necessary for environmental management of mine sites. Analyses show that Cd is elevated, up to 2.1 % by weight, and is associated with sphalerite, replacing Zn, or to a lesser extent replacing Pb within small galena grains. High concentrations of Cu are also associated with the Strauss Pit ore as small chalcopyrite grains along the margins of the sphalerite vein, within the central quartz zone of the vein system, and as replacement rims on sphalerite grains. Chalcopyrite from the Adeline mine area, is by comparison, metal poor, but still contains elevated heavy metal concentrations. Whereas, pyrite and chalcopyrite, from Strauss Pit have variable heavy metal concentrations, with chalcopyrite from within sphalerite veins having higher Cd and Zn concentrations than chalcopyrite distal to the veins. Cadmium and other heavy metals within the ores are mobilised during sulphide weathering and enter the drainage network; precipitation of secondary oxidation minerals act as temporary stores for many heavy metals. The complexity of the mineral and heavy metal associations at Strauss Pit suggest that a detailed knowledge of these associations and distributions within ore bodies, and associated waste rocks, are needed by environmental managers of mine sites because the presence of havy metals may greatly affect the decision making process, and management strategies employed. Received; 14 July 1999 · Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

The influence of hydrodynamics on the chemical composition of sediments is based on the uneven distribution of element abundances in different size fractions. In this study, 72 size‐fractional sediments from the Huanghe (Yellow River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) riverbeds were measured with XRD, SEM, ICP‐AES and ICP‐MS. The analysis results show that the mineral and chemical characteristics change with grain size in the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments. According to the principal components analysis, three independent geochemical factors were found. The first factor elements, Zr, Hf, Th, U, Y, La and TiO2 are influenced by the existence of heavy minerals. The second factor elements, Al2O3, alkalis, alkaline earth (excluding Ca and Sr) and most of the transitional metals are dominated by clay minerals. The third factor group includes Ca and Sr, which were controlled by calcium‐bearing mineral contents and chemical weathering intensities. The various grain size distributions greatly affect the mineralogical and chemical compositions of bulk sediments. Compared to other size fractions, the 5–6PHI size fractions of the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments have special mineralogical and chemical compositions, and intermediate volume percentages. Weight or volume percentage of each size fraction may be more suitable than mean grain‐size of the bulk sediment to elucidate the grain size effects. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values increase steeply with decreasing grain size, while Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) values are relatively stable. Because of the big influence of the abundance of clay minerals on CIA values, it is questionable to use CIA as a proxy of weathering intensity. Considering the clay mineral effects, stability in values and heterogeneous material properties, WIP has the potential to indicate the chemical weathering intensity of sediments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zechstein (Z1) rocksalt from the Fulda basin, from the immediate vicinity of the Hessen potash bed is folded into tight to isoclinal folds which are cut by an undeformed, 1 cm thick, coarse-grained halite vein. Microstructures were investigated in etched, gamma-irradiated thin sections from both the wall rock and the vein. The lack of synsedimentary dissolution structures and the widespread occurrence of plate-shaped and hopper grains in the wall-rock suggests that the sedimentary environment was perennial lake. Deformation microstructures are in good agreement with solution-precipitation creep process, and salt flow under very low differential stress. Strength contrast between anhydrite-rich and anhydrite-poor layers caused the small scale folding in the halite beds. The vein is completely sealed and composed mainly of euhedral to subhedral halite grains, which often overgrow the wall-rock grains. Those microstructures, together with the presence of occasional fluid inclusion bands, suggest that the crystals grew into a solution-filled open space. Based on considerations on the maximum value of in-situ differential stress, the dilatancy criteria, the amount of released fluids from the potash bed during metamorphism and the volume change, it is proposed that the crack was generated by hydrofracturing of the rocksalt due to the presence of the salt-metamorphic fluid at near-lithostatic pressure.  相似文献   

The Strona-Ceneri Zone (Southern Alps) contains folds with moderately to steeply inclined axial planes and fold axes, and amplitudes of up to several kilometres (so-called 'Schlingen'). These amphibolite facies folds deform the main schistosity of Late Ordovician metagranitoids and are discordantly overlain by unmetamorphic Permian sedimentary rocks. Mutually cross-cutting relationships between these folds and garnet-bearing leucotonalitic dykes indicate that these dykes were emplaced during folding. Sm–Nd systematics and the strongly peraluminous composition of these dykes point to an anatectic origin. Pb step leaching of magmatic garnet from a leucotonalitic dyke yielded a 321.3±2.3  Ma intrusive age. Rb–Sr ages on muscovites from leucotonalitic dykes range from 307 to 298  Ma, interpreted as cooling ages during retrograde amphibolite facies metamorphism. Conventional U–Pb data of zircons from an older granodioritic dyke that pre-dates the Schlingen folds yielded discordant U–Pb ages ranging from 371 to 294  Ma. These ages reflect a more complicated multi-episodic growth history which is consistent with the observed polyphase structural overprint of this dyke. Schlingen folding was accompanied by prograde amphibolite facies metamorphism, during the thermal peak of which the leucotonalitic dyke material was generated by partial melting in a deeper source region from where these S-type magmas intruded the presently exposed level. Because partial melting may occur in a relatively late stage of a clockwise P–T–t path, or even during decompression on the retrograde path, we do not exclude the possibility that Schlingen folding had already started in Early Carboniferous time. Schlingen folds also occur in Penninic and Austroalpine basement units with a very similar pre-Alpine history, indicating that Variscan folding affected large segments of the future Alpine realm.  相似文献   

The erosion of rocks rich in organic matter typically leads to the complete mineralization of the organic material. However, in some cases, it is re-deposited to become a part of sediments once more. This process should be considered to be a part of global carbon cycle, possibly much more significant than assumed to-date. The research presented here aims to characterize re-worked organic matter occurring in post-glacial sediments of southern part of Poland, in the Oder river valley (the Racibórz town region, Miocene, Pleistocene and Holocene age). Organic substances extracted from the sediments originated from organic matter that had resided in rocks eroded by glaciers. Sediments were sampled in two boreholes which sediments were correlated. Sediments were extracted and extracts analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to assess distributions of biomarker groups. Organic matter of selected samples was pre-concentrated and analyzed with Py/GC-MS. In the extracts several biomarker parameters of source/environment and thermal maturity were calculated. Organic substances in the investigated sediments come from variable re-deposited organic matter occurring in rocks eroded by glaciers. Three main parent types of re-deposited organic material are identified showing variable geochemical features: 1) organic matter of recent or almost recent age being the source of polar labile compounds; probably formed in situ, 2) re-deposited organic matter of the middle diagenesis showing features similar to lignites (huminite reflectance Rf ~ 0.25–0.35%) deriving from angiosperm remains, mainly monocotyledons and to the lower extend also deciduous trees, 3) re-deposited organic matter at the middle catagenesis (Rf ~ 0.65–0.75%) being the source of most of aromatic hydrocarbons and biomarkers such as steranes, hopanes of the more thermally advanced distribution type. Its geochemical properties and assumed directions of sediment transport indicate bituminous coals of Upper Silesian Coal Basin together with coaly shales as a possible source of this organic matter. Such mixed origin of organic matter caused large discrepancies in values of thermal maturity parameters depending on input from the particular sources and occurrence both geochemical biomarkers and their biochemical precursors in the same samples.  相似文献   

Whereas most of the reported δ34S values of dissolved sulphate are positive in the Llobregat basin, Calders stream, which is a tributary of the Llobregat River, is characterised by negative values. Stream waters, sampled monthly between 1997 and 1998, and quarterly in 1999, show an overall increase in δ34S from −10‰ to 0‰, coupled with an increase in Na and Cl concentration. On the other hand, the oxygen isotopic composition of dissolved sulphate, δ18O, displayed an opposite trend with a slight decrease, from +9‰ to +6‰. Detailed sampling up stream in November 2000 indicated that, contrary to most of the surficial waters of the Llobregat basin with a δ34SSO4 mainly controlled by evaporites, in Calders stream, sulphate is derived from pyrite oxidation. The dual-isotope approach, coupled with chemical data, allowed us to identify the contribution of 34S-rich sulphate effluents from anthropogenic sources, while mixing models, calculated between natural and anthropogenic sources, enabled us to estimate their contribution. Sudden increases of δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulphate in stream waters are believed to be caused by a sulphate reduction process related to oil spillage. The long-term enrichment in δ34S, coupled with a decrease in δ18OSO4, from Jan-97 to Aug-99, is interpreted as a progressive increase in the contribution of pig manure.  相似文献   

 In the northern Schwarzwald (Moldanubian Zone of the Variscan belt), paragneisses drilled from approximately 2500 m depth at the Bühl-1 drilling site have experienced amphibolite-facies metamorphism and were later partly transformed to mylonites under greenschist-facies conditions. Completely graphitised acritarchs and chitinozoans were recovered from these paragneisses and mylonitic gneisses. Whereas both groups of palynomorphs give evidence of a marine depositional environment, only the chitinozoans are stratigraphically useful in this case and indicate a Paleozoic age. Previous findings of acritarchs in a different high-grade metamorphic gneiss unit within the Schwarzwald indicate an Upper Proterozoic marine sedimentation age. The spectrum of palynomorphs found thus far in the Schwarzwald in combination with petrological data suggests that within the Moldanubian domain of the Armorican microplate, rocks with different sedimentary records later experienced diverging prograde metamorphic histories. In general, the results reveal that palynological studies in combination with petrological data are a promising tool for reconstructing pre-orogenic settings in collisional belts. Received: 17 July 1998 / Accepted: 19 January 1999  相似文献   

The geochemistry of carbonate fault rocks has been examined in two areas of the Arava Fault segment, which forms the major branch of the Dead Sea Transform between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aquaba. The role of fluids in faulting deformation in the selected fault segment is remarkably different from observations at other major fault zones. Our data suggest reduced fluid rock interactions in both areas and limited fluid flow. The fault did not act as an important fluid conduit. There are no indications that hydrothermal reactions (cementation, dissolution) did change the strength and behavior of the fault zone, although the two areas show considerable differences with respect to fluid sources and fluid flow. In one area, the investigated calcite mineralization reveals an open fluid system with fluids originating from a variety of sources. Stable isotopes (13C, 18O), strontium isotopes, and trace elements indicate both infiltration of descending (meteoric and/or sea water) and ascending hydrothermal fluids. In the other area, all geochemical data indicate only local (small scale) fluid redistribution. These fluids were derived from the adjacent limestones under nearly closed-system conditions.  相似文献   

Mauro Alberti   《Tectonophysics》2006,421(3-4):231-250
The spatial properties of events in the 1997 Colfiorito–Sellano seismic sequence (Northern Apennines, Italy) were investigated using coherence, a parameter derived from seismic moment tensors that quantifies the kinematic similarity between focal mechanisms. The 1997 Colfiorito–Sellano seismic sequence predominantly consists of normal faulting earthquakes, with a few strike-slip and reverse faulting episodes. This kinematic heterogeneity is possibly related to the contemporaneous activity of two different sets of faults: NW–SE normal faults and NNE–SSW sub-vertical faults, the latter inherited from the previous Miocene compressional phase. The study used two independently-derived data sets of the same seismic sequence characterized by a different number of events and by different precision of spatial localisation. Their statistical significances, assessed through a reshuffling procedure, reveal that data sets with at least some hundreds of events and good positional precision are required to obtain significant results through coherence analysis. Results from the better quality data set indicate that this seismic sequence is characterized by a rapid decrease in the kinematic similarity between earthquake pairs within 2 km of separation, particularly along directions sub-perpendicular to the normal fault strike. The decrease rate seems to be controlled by the geometric characteristics of the normal faults, given that the mean along-dip distance between fault segments is 2 km. In proximity to pre-existing tectonic lineaments the relative abundance of strike-slip and reverse faults tends to decrease the kinematic similarity between events but does not influence the coherence decrease rate. The presence of mixed focal mechanisms (normal, reverse and strike-slip) in a single seismic phase implies that mixed fault types are not restricted to polyphase tectonic histories: such heterogeneous kinematics during a single phase may be induced by the presence of inherited discontinuities.  相似文献   

The Iquitos Arch corresponds to a broad topographic high in the Western Amazonia. Morphostructural and geophysical data and flexural modeling show that the Iquitos Arch is the present-day forebulge of the Northwestern Amazonian foreland basin. A detailed tectono-sedimentary study of the Neogene and Quaternary deposits of the Iquitos area has been carried out in order to circumscribe the timing of the forebulge uplift and its environmental consequences. The Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary succession of the Iquitos Arch consists of six formations that evolved from tidal to fluvial environments. The first three formations exhibit Late Miocene gliding features and synsedimentary normal faults. Such soft-sediment deformations bear witness to tectonic activity ascribed to the growth of the forebulge. Regional erosive surfaces that separate the Neogene and Quaternary formations recorded the progressive forebulge emersion and the evolution of Amazonian drainage system. This uplift is related to an increase in tectonic activity within the Andes, which has provoked the eastern propagation of the orogenic wedge and caused an orogenic loading stage in the Amazonian foreland basin system. The emersion of the forebulge induced the retreat of the Pebas “marine megalake” nearby the Iquitos area and consequently caused important environmental changes in the Amazonian basin. From the end of the Late Miocene to the Pliocene, the forebulge acted as a barrier inducing the deposition of fluvial deposits in the forebulge depozone and the deposition of the “White Sand” deposits in the backbulge depozone. Since about 6 Ma, the forebulge is incised and crossed over by the modern Amazon River. The Iquitos forebulge is still growing as shown by the faulted Holocene terrace deposits.  相似文献   

 The Yamuna River sediments, collected from Delhi and Agra urban centres, were analysed for concentration and distribution of nine heavy metals by means of atomic adsorption spectrometry. Total metal contents varied in the following ranges (in mg/kg): Cr (157–817), Mn (515–1015), Fe (28,700–45,300), Co(11.7–28.4), Ni (40–538), Cu (40–1204), Zn (107–1974), Pb (22–856) and Cd (0.50–114.8). The degree of metal enrichment was compared with the average shale concentration and shows exceptionally high values for Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in both urban centres. In the total heavy metal concentration, anthropogenic input contains 70% Cr, 74% Cu, 59% Zn, 46% Pb, 90% Cd in Delhi and 61% Cr, 23% Ni, 71% Cu, 72% Zn, 63% Pb, 94% Cd in Agra. A significant correlation was observed between increasing Cr, Ni, Zn, and Cu concentrations with increasing total sediment carbon and total sediment sulfur content. Based on the Müller's geoaccumulation index, the quality of the river sediments can be regarded as being moderately polluted to very highly polluted with Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the Delhi and Agra urban centres. The present sediment analysis, therefore, plays an important role in environmental measures for the Yamuna River and the planning of these city centres. Received: 21 June 1999 · Accepted: 1 October 1999  相似文献   

戴玲玲  张义中 《第四纪研究》2021,41(5):1455-1465
中国是全球家猪驯化起源地之一,中国古代家猪的驯化和饲养一直是学界关注的重点。目前,碳、氮稳定同位素视角下中国北方粟黍农业体系中家猪的饲喂策略已经基本清晰。然而,地处"稻粟混作区"的淮河流域新石器时代家猪的管理和饲养策略研究相对匮乏。本文对安徽淮北渠沟遗址(约6700~4000 BC)出土的猪等动物骨骼开展碳、氮稳定同位素分析,探讨该遗址的家猪饲养等问题。结果显示,猪群的稳定同位素值非常相近,整体以C3类植物为食,与野生动物的食物结构很相似。已有的动物考古研究显示,渠沟遗址的猪群构成复杂,既包括家猪,也有部分野猪和家/野杂交等个体,但无法根据稳定同位素对其进行区分,反映出对家猪采用松散的饲养方式,让其在居址周围觅食。早、晚期猪群的碳、氮稳定同位素值存在明显差异,结合渠沟及周围遗址的植物考古研究推断,晚期对猪的管理趋于强化,但仍为较松散的管理方式,并非中原地区的圈养策略。渠沟遗址及所在淮河流域农业长期不发达,且周围自然资源丰富,家猪饲养的驱动力不足,发展较缓慢。  相似文献   

通过对大煤沟地区4口钻井和侏罗系标准剖面的40件大煤沟组七段泥页岩样品进行有机地球化学特征、岩矿特征、储集性能等实验分析。结果表明:样品的总有机碳含量平均值为5.22%;干酪根类型为I-II型,以腐泥质为主;样品有机质成熟度平均值为0.52%,主要为未成熟—低成熟样品;样品的储集空间类型多样、微裂缝发育,有利于页岩油的吸附、存储,矿物组成中大于40%的脆性矿物含量有利于后期的生产压裂。另外,在荧光下,样品断面及层理面具有好的荧光显示,为页岩油的存在提供了直接证据。综合分析认为,大煤沟地区大煤沟组七段具备页岩油形成的地质条件,是中侏罗统页岩油发育的最有利层段。并且在柴北缘范围内,该层段泥页岩单层厚度大,平面上横向分布稳定,结合已有研究成果,初步预测冷湖地区、赛什腾凹陷、鱼卡凹陷、大柴旦—大煤沟地区为柴北缘该层段的页岩油发育有利区。  相似文献   

将下扬子区苏北盆地溱潼凹陷作为示范区,探讨了人工智能该如何进行页岩气资源评价的问题.给出了可采用的运算方法的组合设计,针对工区陆相页岩气资源评价参数进行了全过程的示范操作:用变形结构分区的方法在平面上将溱潼凹陷分成14个样品区,用模糊数学的方法对定性参数进行定量、半定量取值打分,用因子分析方法对平面上14个样品区进行了单层评价;以平面上14个样品区单层评价为基础,给出了14个样品区5个页岩气目的层在垂向上的叠合评价.为了解决叠合评价时样品区各单层数据的等价性,引入全零值和分级值进行评价、排优.这种针对页岩气资源评价的定性、定量和多层混合问题进行定量综合评价的组合运算方法,可以被开发页岩气资源人工智能评价系统所借鉴.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships of inclusion trail geometries in porphyroblasts relative to matrix foliations is vital for unravelling complex deformation and metamorphic histories in highly tectonized terranes and the approach used to thin sectioning rocks is critically important for this. Two approaches have been used by structural and metamorphic geologists. One is based on fabric orientations with sections cut perpendicular to the foliation both parallel (P) and normal (N) to the lineation, whereas the other uses geographic orientations and a series of vertical thin sections. Studies using P and N sections reveal a simple history in comparison with studies using multiple-vertical thin sections. The reason for this is that inclusion trails exiting the porphyroblasts into the strain shadows in P and N sections commonly appear continuous with the matrix foliation whereas multiple vertical thin sections with different strikes reveal that they are actually truncated. Such truncations or textural unconformities are apparent from microstructures, textural relationships, compositional variations and FIA (foliation intersection axis) trends. A succession of four FIA trends from ENE–WSW, E–W, N–S to NE–SW in the Robertson River Metamorphics, northern Queensland, Australia, suggests that these truncations were formed because of the overprint of successive generations of orthogonal foliations preserved within porphyroblasts by growth during multiple deformation events. At least four periods of orogenesis involving multiple phases of porphyroblast growth can be delineated instead of just the one previously suggested from an N and P section approach.  相似文献   

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