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烟台市4401名学龄前儿童龋病调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握烟台市学龄前儿童的龋病发生情况 ,我们于1999年对烟台市 44 0 1名 3~ 7岁儿童口腔情况进行了调查 ,并将资料整理进行了乳牙龋病流行病学分析 ,现将结果报告如下 :1 资料和方法1999年对烟台市 2 4所幼儿园 44 0 1名 3~ 7岁儿童口腔调查资料整理。调查方法采用临床常规检查的方法 ,检查者具有多年临床工作经验并经统一培训 ,最终从5名中选出 2名口腔专业医师 ,以重复检查的方法进行 ,以患牙数多的结果为准 ,资料经统计学分析。2 结果患龋人数 3147人 ,龋齿总数 17793个 ,患龋率71.5 1%,患者龋均 5 .6 5个 ,见表 1。表 1  44 0 1名…  相似文献   

目的了解北京市海淀区3岁儿童2012~2015年间乳牙龋病的患病趋势,为海淀区低龄儿童龋病防治工作提供依据。方法 2012~2015年间对北京市海淀区13所幼儿园3岁儿童,连续4年进行口腔健康状况调查,采用WHO推荐的检查方法和龋病诊断标准,调查海淀区3岁儿童乳牙龋病的患病趋势。口腔检查由2年以上工作经验的儿童口腔医生进行,所有的检查者都经过培训和校准。结果 4年来13所幼儿园3岁儿童的患龋率为46.26%~51.62%,逐年上升(P<0.05),平均48.78%。龋均(dft)2.06~2.57,龋面均(dfs)2.63~3.37,重度低龄儿童龋(SECC)患病率为22.09%~29.54%,龋均、龋面均和SECC患病率从2012年到2014年呈上升的趋势,2015年略有下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。患龋儿童接受治疗的百分比为79.14%~41.46%,龋补充填比(ft/dft)为65.09%~31.45%,二者从2012年到2014年呈下降的趋势,2015年明显有回升,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论近年来3岁儿童患龋率逐年上升,低龄化趋势明显,患龋严重程度呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

张家口市26122名小学生龋病的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的通过对张家口市26 122名小学生患龋情况的调查和对比分析,了解6~12岁小学生龋病的流行情况并为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法对张家口市26 122名年龄在6~12岁的小学生进行口腔龋齿检查。结果受检儿童患龋率59.93%,龋均为3.09;7~8岁年龄组患龋率和龋均最高,11~12岁患龋率和龋均最低。结论替牙时期患龋率随着年龄增长而下降,恒牙的患龋率随着年龄增长而有所上升,应加强替牙期的学生龋齿的防治及相关的健康教育。  相似文献   

四川省青少年儿童恒牙龋病抽样调查报告   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
目的:为了解四川省青少年人群口腔健康状况,制定龋病防治规划提供参考依据。方法:根据WHO《口腔健康调查方法》,参照“全国第二次口腔流行病学调查方法”,在四川省三市、三县,随机抽样共选取36 个调查点,3 个年龄组各调查2132 人,男女比为1∶1 ,共调查6396 人。结果:四川省青少年儿童随年龄增加龋患率增加,女性患龋率较男性高( P < 0105) 。12、15、18 岁组青少年儿童龋病患病率分别为28147 %、36140 %、39154 %;DMFT 分别为0152、0181、0199。龋患牙充填率低,需治龋牙60 %以上是单面洞。结论:四川省青少年儿童龋病患病率相对较低,但龋病仍广泛存在;龋充填率低,主要是单面洞需要治疗。  相似文献   

王鑫 《上海口腔医学》2002,11(2):187-187
为了解泰安市中小学生龋齿发病特点,为今后防治工作开展提供依据,于2001年6月对泰安市745名中小学生进行了龋齿患病情况调查,现报告如下。1资料与方法调查对象选取城区中小学校各1所,以6~15岁的中小学生为对象,共调查745名学生,其中男性363名,女性382名;混合牙列551人  相似文献   

1052例上海市普陀区外来儿童龋病调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解上海市普陀区外来儿童的龋病发病情况。方法 按全国口腔流行学调查标准,对1052名外来儿童的龋病进行调查。结果 乳牙患龋率85.8%,龋均4.61;恒牙患龋率6.45%,龋均1.4。结论 上海市普陀区外来儿童乳牙龋病患病率仍处较高水平,防治是关键。  相似文献   

无锡市9 238名中小学生龋病情况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查无锡市9 238名中小学生的龋患率及充填率。方法采用整群抽样方法从无锡市11所中学5所小学中,每所学校每年级抽取2个班的学生,分3个年龄段对龋患率、充填率、龋均等指标作调查统计。结果无锡市中、小学生的龋患率为29.15%、充填率为19.43%、龋均为0.82。不同年龄组龋患率、充填率分别是6~12岁为36.56%、8.28%,13~15岁为23.62%、20.78%,16~18岁为28.75%、31.59%,χ2=3.98,P<0.05,χ2=6.22,P<0.01,差异有显著性,不同性别组龋患率、充填率差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论龋患率随着年龄增长逐渐下降,充填率随着年龄增长逐渐上升,龋均值可以反映该地区口腔健康整体水平。  相似文献   

上海市杨浦区648名学龄前儿童龋病调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龋病是人类发病率较高的一种慢性病,因其高发病率及对治疗的高投入,成为WHO提出重点防治的三大疾病之一我国自80年代以来,龋病的患龋率呈逐年上升的趋势[1,3]1999年11月对上海市杨浦区4所幼儿园648名儿童进行了乳牙龋病调查,现报道如下。1材料与方法1.1调查对象本市出生及生长的3~6岁儿童648名,其中男性34人,女性302人;按年龄分3岁组46人,4岁组227人,5岁组290人,6岁组85人。1.2调查项目包括各年龄组患龋率、龋均、龋失补牙数及其构成比、龋齿的好发牙位和好发牙面。在5~6岁组中,由于难以区别乳切牙是生理性脱落,还是因龋…  相似文献   

目的 通过了解北京市2所大学附属幼教机构学龄前儿童的口腔健康状况、龋病活跃性,了解儿童患龋情况与龋病活跃性之间的关系,探讨龋病活跃性检测筛查龋易感儿童及反映龋活跃性检测试剂的灵敏性和特异性,评价其对患龋预测的有效性和可行性.方法 对3岁年龄组儿童进行连续1年的口腔检查和龋活跃性检测,分析儿童患龋情况的变化与龋病活跃性之间的关系.结果 3岁儿童的患龋率为44.80%,龋均dft为2.04,龋面均dfs为2.79,儿童龋活跃性检测结果的各个分值与儿童患龋程度呈高度正相关关系(P<0.001).1年后随访,龋高危组儿童的新龋发生率显著高于龋低危组,经统计学检验其差异具有显著性意义(P<0.001).Cariostat法进行龋活跃性检测的敏感度可达95.1%,特异度达50.2%.结论 龋活跃性检测能够准确的反映儿童龋患现状,预测儿童患龋的趋势,为儿童制定个性化的预防保健计划.  相似文献   

目的了解贵阳市南明区学龄前儿童乳牙龋患病状况,为乳牙龋防治工作提供依据。方法按照第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查的要求,参照世界卫生组织《口腔健康调查基本方法》,随机抽取贵阳市3~5岁儿童432名,进行龋病检查。结果 432名受检儿童中,乳牙患龋率为46.3%,龋均为1.71。各年龄组间比较显示:随年龄增长各年龄组患龋率和龋均均显著上升,各组间患龋率与龋均比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05);乳牙龋充填率为5.83%,随年龄增长龋充填率逐渐上升。。结论贵阳市3~5岁儿童乳牙患龋率较高,充填率较低,应加强乳牙龋的早期防治。  相似文献   

目的了解云南楚雄彝、汉民族高中生龋病患病情况及口腔卫生保健意识和行为,丰富云南省口腔流行病学数据和资料,指导省内偏远地区口腔疾病防治工作。 方法根据世界卫生组织《口腔健康调查基本方法》(第4版,1997),并结合第四次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查方案,采用整群抽样方法,对云南省楚雄州民族中学660名高二学生进行龋病流行病学调查,应用SPSS 21.0软件包对资料进行处理并进行相关性分析。 结果660名受检者中汉族学生319名、彝族学生341名。彝、汉民族高中生的患龋率、龋均分别为76.2%、3.14和71.5%、2.81,两民族之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论通过流行病学调查获得云南楚雄彝、汉民族高中生患龋率、龋均及其口腔卫生保健意识和行为,提示该地区高中生龋患情况较严重,口腔卫生保健意识不强,省内偏远地区口腔疾病防治工作力度有待加大。  相似文献   

Abstract The First National Oral Health Survey on caries prevalence was estimated on 1213 Iraqi primary schoolchildren aged 6–12 years from mixed socioeconomic levels, to provide a baseline data for future planning of dental services. The mean dill was 5.2±3.6 for the 6-year-olds and 11 % of the children were caries free. For the permanent teeth caries experiences were 0.6±1.0, 1.4±1.5 and 2.7±2.4 for ages 6, 9 and 12 years respectively and the rate of caries free children were 67%, 40% and 21% for the respective ages. The majority of the dift and DIMFT indices were due to decayed teeth and almost no restorations were found.  相似文献   

A dental health survey was carried out in the Arussi province in Ethiopia. The survey comprised 1,700 persons between 6 and 54 years of age in five age groups from four areas of the province. The present paper deals with findings on dental fluorosis and dental caries. Dental fluorosis was found in 18% of the subjects, mainly in a very mild form. The fluoride content of the water (0.2-0.3 part/10(6) F-) in combination with a high tea consumption was assumed to give a fluoride intake optimal for caries prevention. The prevalence of dental caries was low. Thirty-eight percent of the 6-7-year-old group had decayed primary teeth and 51% of the total sample had decayed permanent teeth. Comparisons with a study from 1958 revealed that the prevalence of dental caries had increased in the last few decades, probably due to the recently adopted habit of using sugar in the diet.  相似文献   

尹灿凤 《口腔医学》2016,(9):838-840
目的了解四川凉山7~14周岁彝族学生患龋情况,为民族地区中小学生龋病的防治提供科学依据。方法参照世界卫生组织口腔检查诊断标准,采用多阶段随机整群抽样的方法,对7、9、12及14周岁4个年龄段的954名彝族学生进行龋病调查。用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计学分析。结果四川凉山7~14周岁彝族学生恒牙患龋率为43.50%,龋均为1.21。女性彝族学生患龋率为50.52%,男性彝族学生为36.48%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。患龋率随年龄增长明显升高,龋坏主要发生在第一恒磨牙,且下颌高于上颌。总的充填率为零。结论凉山彝族学生患龋情况严重,预防和治疗为空白,他们的口腔健康问题应受到更多的关注。  相似文献   

abstract An investigation of the occurrence of fluorosis and caries was carried out in districts in Sweden with extremely high fluoride (F) concentrations in the drinking water. In areas with ~ 10 ppm F* severe fluorosis, DEAN'S Index Grade 3 and 4, occurred on all permanent teeth and most of the primary teeth. The fluorosis was related to the F supply during the period of mineralization of the teeth. One case of “delayed” fluorosis was, however, demonstrated. In the area ~ 5 ppm, 50 % of individuals had fluorosis Grade 2 and 28 % Grade 3 or 4 in the permanent teeth. Fluorosis in the primary dentition was milder, but only 20 % of the individuals were completely free from fluorosis and several cases of Grade 3 and 4 occurred in this area also. Caries frequency in the permanent teeth was higher in the ~ 10 ppm area in comparison with the ~ 1 ppm area. The highest DMFS values could be related to fluorosis Grade 3 and 4 in both the ~ 10 ppm and ~ 5 ppm areas. For the primary teeth the deft value decreased with increasing water F content and the caries frequency was not related to the degree of fluorosis. Duration of breastfeeding influenced the degree of fluorosis in areas up to ~ 5 ppm in both the primary and secondary dentitions; in areas with ~ 10 ppm F only the primary dentition was influenced, while the permanent teeth in these areas showed severe fluorosis even with long duration of breastfeeding. F content of saliva was, like the F content of bone and blood plasma, increased in the ~ 10 ppm area. F deposition in primary teeth from the ~ 10 ppm area was of the order four times that in the 1 ppm area. Pre- and post-natal F deposition is discussed with reference to analyses of F content of blood and bone, and the significance of these factors during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Dental fluorosis and caries in high-fluoride districts in Sweden   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
abstract An investigation of the occurrence of fluorosis and caries was carried out in districts in Sweden with extremely high fluoride (F) concentrations in the drinking water. In areas with ~ 10 ppm F* severe fluorosis, DEAN'S Index Grade 3 and 4, occurred on all permanent teeth and most of the primary teeth. The fluorosis was related to the F supply during the period of mineralization of the teeth. One case of “delayed” fluorosis was, however, demonstrated. In the area ~ 5 ppm, 50 % of individuals had fluorosis Grade 2 and 28 % Grade 3 or 4 in the permanent teeth. Fluorosis in the primary dentition was milder, but only 20 % of the individuals were completely free from fluorosis and several cases of Grade 3 and 4 occurred in this area also. Caries frequency in the permanent teeth was higher in the ~ 10 ppm area in comparison with the ~ 1 ppm area. The highest DMFS values could be related to fluorosis Grade 3 and 4 in both the ~ 10 ppm and ~ 5 ppm areas. For the primary teeth the deft value decreased with increasing water F content and the caries frequency was not related to the degree of fluorosis. Duration of breastfeeding influenced the degree of fluorosis in areas up to ~ 5 ppm in both the primary and secondary dentitions; in areas with ~ 10 ppm F only the primary dentition was influenced, while the permanent teeth in these areas showed severe fluorosis even with long duration of breastfeeding. F content of saliva was, like the F content of bone and blood plasma, increased in the ~ 10 ppm area. F deposition in primary teeth from the ~ 10 ppm area was of the order four times that in the 1 ppm area. Pre- and post-natal F deposition is discussed with reference to analyses of F content of blood and bone, and the significance of these factors during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Abstract The study was performed in 1378 intermediate Saudi schoolchildren in Riyad, 693 females and 685 males. The results indicate low caries prevalence among Saudi children. This may be due to the type of food eaten, and other factors could be important, e.g. the use of miswak by Saudi children as the traditional practice for brushing teeth. The difference between the DMFT of the total number of Saudi females and males by sex and age were not statistically significant, P > 0.7498 and P > 0.1808, respectively. The chi-square analysis for treatment needs between females and males indicate that the differences were not statistically significant (X2= 0.254, I df, P= 0.6145). The most prominent finding was a high percent (77.65%) of treatment needs for Saudi children. This confirmed the continuous need for planning and delivering dental services.  相似文献   

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