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基于水流阻力与图论的河网连通性评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
河网连通是区域防洪、供水和生态安全的重要基础。基于图论将河网概化为图模型,考虑不同类型河道输水能力差异,以河道水流阻力倒数表征水流通畅度,并以河道水流通畅度为权值,借助ArcGIS平台建立河网图模型加权邻接矩阵,再利用MATLAB工具进行顶点水流通畅度计算和河网连通度分析,从而实现对河网连通性的定量化分析。以太湖流域嘉兴平原河网为例,进行河道疏浚前后的河网连通程度定量评价,结果表明河道疏浚后河网连通度明显增加。  相似文献   

The interaction of an advancing hydraulically loaded crack and in situ fracture network can yield highly complex patterns. We model the connectivity of cells in a finite element domain and in a fracture network by a simplicial complex data structure. The complete adjacency information between cells is determined by one level down facet and one level up cofacet neighborhood information. Combined with a disjoint set data structure, explicit algorithms are derived to efficiently track network connectivity and load transfer between independent fracture sets. We also propose an approach to regularize the application of hydraulic load to newly intersected in situ cracks to smoothen the transition of pressure on intersected cracks from ambient to hydraulic pressure and to avoid the sudden loading of the entire length of these cracks. Numerical results demonstrate the performance of crack connectivity and load transfer models and the effect of regularization model. The results show that as the angle between an incoming hydraulically loaded crack and an in situ crack increases, the effect of in situ crack shifts from slight realignment to diversion/offsetting of the loaded crack. As the angle difference approaches the normal angle, the loaded crack tends to penetrate through the in situ crack. The proposed schemes are also used for transient simulation of 2D reservoirs with multiple perforations surrounded by in situ cracks with and without a bias in the distribution of their orientation. It was shown that from 2 perforations with angles closer to in situ cracks at low loading rates to all perforations at higher loading rates can result in active hydraulic crack propagation. The h‐adaptive method of asynchronous space‐time discontinuous Galerkin method is used to exactly track complex fracture patterns in these dynamic fracture simulations.  相似文献   

陈成  詹良通  徐文杰  陈云敏 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3685-3694
褶皱的水力连通长度是复合褶皱渗漏量评估的关键参数,褶皱网络的水力连通性分析还缺乏客观高效的分析方法。基于对漏洞周围水头分布的简化,提出以搜索长度为标准判定褶皱间水力连通性。通过将褶皱线段化,建立了褶皱网络连通性数字化分析方法,并编制了相应的分析程序,研究了该方法在文献报道的褶皱网络和处于良好状态的GM/GCL(土工膜/土工复合膨润土垫)衬垫中的应用。结果表明:搜索长度的定义给出了判定褶皱间水力连通性的客观标准,能反映衬垫的不同参数(如水头、界面导水系数以及渗透系数等)对褶皱间水力连通性的影响。褶皱线段化使褶皱位置和尺寸的描述更容易,数字化的水力连通分析简便且高效。基于该水力连通性分析方法的渗漏量评估结果偏保守。在进行渗漏量计算时,若假定统一的长度来描述褶皱网络,则需要根据漏洞频率的不同选择不同值。该水力连通性分析方法作为渗漏量评估完全数字化的关键环节,具有重要的应用前景。  相似文献   

张钰彬  黄丹 《岩土力学》2019,40(7):2873-2881
水力压裂技术广泛使用于页岩气开采工程中。为了分析压裂过程中多裂缝扩展形成复杂裂缝网的机制,尝试将态型近场动力学理论引入页岩水平井水力压裂过程的力学建模与数值仿真,在物质点间相互作用力模型中加入等效水压力项以实现在新生裂缝面上跟踪施加水压力,建立了水力压裂过程的近场动力学分析模型。通过模拟页岩储层的水力压裂过程,可得到复杂的裂缝扩展路径、裂缝网络的形成过程以及裂缝扩展受射孔间距及页岩天然裂缝和层理的影响。研究结果表明:射孔间距过小会造成起裂干扰,使中心射孔的裂缝扩展受到抑制;在压裂压力一定的情况下适当增大射孔间距,可以显著增强页岩压裂形成裂缝网的能力;压裂过程中水平层理面可能张开形成水平裂缝,且天然裂缝会诱导形成更复杂的垂直裂缝。模型和方法可为页岩水力压裂过程和机制研究及工程实践提供参考。  相似文献   

裂缝连通性评价是地下空间研究的重要内容。逾渗分析是研究裂缝网络连通性的一种有效手段。裂缝网络逾渗临界值多使用裂缝间接表征参数(如分形维数)来确定,但存在裂缝网络连通性不同却有相同间接表征参数的情况,这降低了预测的可靠性。为避免此类问题并更加准确快速地表征裂缝网络的连通性,文章在构建逾渗临界值方程时,摒弃了间接参数简化的方式,使用裂缝直接表征参数(如裂缝数量、长度等)进行非线性拟合。通过二维数值模拟建立不同参数的离散裂缝网络模型,分析逾渗低、中、高概率临界条件与裂缝直接表征参数的关系,建立逾渗临界条件预测方程,并对方程在不同尺度研究区的应用进行了讨论和验证。结果表明:预测方程可有效地预测不同概率的逾渗临界值。同时文章在预测方程的基础上,建立了裂缝网络连通性评价标准,这对于裂缝发育地区的地下空间评价工作具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

根据新集试验区地质、储层条件,提出了适合该地区煤层气井水力压裂选井选层方法。通过对3口试验井8个目标层段进行水力压裂增产改造,认为活性水压裂液、兰州砂支撑剂应作为该地区的首选压裂液和支撑剂。利用先进的压裂软件进行压裂设计、实时分析以及压后评价,通过严密组织、合理施工获得了单井最大日产气量3 278m3/d,为该地区今后进行煤层气勘探开发提供了技术基础。  相似文献   

以平煤八矿己15-22060工作面为背景,引入逾渗和分形理论,分析了煤岩体裂隙网络的演化特征,得到了逾渗概率和分形维数随工作面推进度的变化规律及二者的变化关系。结果表明:逾渗概率的大小受横向离层裂隙和竖向破断裂隙的发育、贯通等因素影响,随工作面推进分阶段线性增大,且增幅有增大的趋势;随工作面推进煤岩体的裂隙网络逐步向工作面前方煤体和上覆岩层扩展,分形维数大小受裂隙的长度、宽度、数量、分布等因素控制,升维过程大致可分为3个阶段;煤岩体裂隙网络的逾渗概率与分形维数的关系可分段拟合为1个幂函数和2个线性函数,且具有很好的相关性,数学模型的建立可为研究煤岩体裂隙网络的等效渗透率奠定一定的基础。  相似文献   

岩体裂隙网络随机生成及连通性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于裂隙几何参数分布的统计特性,应用Monte Carlo模拟技术生成二维裂隙网络.利用无向图方法实现裂隙网络连通图的绘制,并比较了走向服从均匀分布和正态分布的裂隙连通概率.在此基础上,对Balberg等人提出的渗流临界裂隙数(即主干裂隙数)和临界裂隙长度估算方法进行了验证.结果表明,无向图方法可以方便、快捷地实现裂隙网络连通图的绘制;同等条件下走向服从均匀分布比走向服从正态分布的裂隙连通概率大20%左右;当裂隙连通概率大于90%,Balberg等人提出的渗流的临界裂隙数和临界裂隙长度估计值与实际参数值吻合较好,研究成果为裂隙地下水渗流计算提供了分析方法.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fully coupled model is developed for numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing in partially saturated weak porous formations using the extended finite element method, which provides an effective means to simulate the coupled hydro‐mechanical processes occurring during hydraulic fracturing. The developed model is for short fractures where plane strain assumptions are valid. The propagation of the hydraulic fracture is governed by the cohesive crack model, which accounts for crack closure and reopening. The developed model allows for fluid flow within the open part of the crack and crack face contact resulting from fracture closure. To prevent the unphysical crack face interpenetration during the closing mode, the crack face contact or self‐contact condition is enforced using the penalty method. Along the open part of the crack, the leakage flux through the crack faces is obtained directly as a part of the solution without introducing any simplifying assumption. If the crack undergoes the closing mode, zero leakage flux condition is imposed along the contact zone. An application of the developed model is shown in numerical modeling of pump‐in/shut‐in test. It is illustrated that the developed model is able to capture the salient features bottomhole pressure/time records exhibit and can extract the confining stress perpendicular to the direction of the hydraulic fracture propagation from the fracture closure pressure. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A virtual multidimensional internal bond (VMIB) model developed to simulate the propagation of hydraulic fractures using the finite‐element method is formulated within the framework of the virtual internal bond theory (VIB) that considers a solid as randomized material particles in the micro scale, and derives the macro constitutive relation from the cohesive law between the material particles with an implicit fracture criterion. Hydraulic pressure is applied using a new scheme that enables simulation of hydraulically driven cracks. When the model is applied to study hydraulic fracture propagation in the presence of a natural fracture, the results show the method to be very effective. It shows that although the in situ stress ratio is the dominant factor governing the propagation direction, a natural fault can also strongly influence the hydraulic fracture behavior. This influence is conditioned by the shear stiffness of the fault and the distance to the original hydraulic fracture. The model results show that when the fault is strong in shear, its impact on hydraulic fracture trajectory is weak and the hydraulic fracture will likely penetrate the fault. For a weak fault, however, the fracture tends to be arrested at the natural fault. The distance between the fault and the hydraulic fracture is also important; the fault influence increases with decreasing distance. The VMIB does not require selection of a fracture criterion and remeshing when the fracture propagates. Therefore, it is advantageous for modeling fracture initiation and propagation in naturally fractured rock. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

殷德胜  汪卫明  陈胜宏 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2535-2539
岩体中的裂隙分布具有随机性,且渗流主要通过裂隙面进行。运用蒙特卡罗法模拟生成岩体中的随机裂隙面,基于矢体的概念,实现了包括凹块体和多连通体在内的三维随机裂隙岩体的块体单元自动识别。假定岩块不透水、渗流仅通过裂隙面进行,建立了三维随机裂隙岩体渗流分析的块体单元法。通过算例分析,验证了所提方法的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Estimating the hydraulic properties of fractured aquifers is challenging due to the complexity of structural discontinuities that can generally be measured at a small scale, either in core or in outcrop, but influence groundwater flow over a range of scales. This modeling study uses fracture scanline data obtained from surface bedrock exposures to derive estimates of permeability that can be used to represent the fractured rock matrix within regional scale flow models. The model is developed using PETREL, which traditionally benefits from high resolution data sets obtained during oil and gas exploration, including for example seismic data, and borehole logging data (both lithological and geophysical). The technique consists of interpreting scanline fracture data, and using these data to generate representative Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models for each field set. The DFN models are then upscaled to provide an effective hydraulic conductivity tensor that represents the fractured rock matrix. For each field site, the upscaled hydraulic conductivities are compared with estimates derived from pumping tests to validate the model. A hydraulic conductivity field is generated for the study region that captures the spatial variability of fracture networks in pseudo-three dimensions from scanline data. Hydraulic conductivities estimated using this approach compare well with those estimated from pumping test data. The study results suggest that such an approach may be feasible for taking small scale fracture data and upscaling these to represent the aquifer matrix hydraulic properties needed for regional groundwater modeling.  相似文献   

Hydraulic exponents and unit hydraulic exponents are unit-sum constrained, which requires that they be analyzed by statistical methods designed for compositional data. Though uncertainties remain regarding selection of the best constraining operation and method of handling departures from the unit-sum constraint, neither category of uncertainty should be an impediment to the selection of the appropriate statistical methodology. In a small sample study, the hydraulic geometry of different types of streams were compared: (1) semi-arid: perennial vs. ephemeral; (2) tropical: Puerto Rico vs. West Malaysia; and (3) semi-arid vs. tropical (by pooling the previous data sets). All three comparisons revealed statistically significant differences in either logratio mean vectorsor logratio covariance matrices but not both. All six categories of data had logistic normal distributions. Because the derivatives at a given discharge of curvilinear hydraulic geometry relationships and hydraulic exponents on either side of the breakpoints of piecewise linear relationships are unit-sum constrained, they also can be studied by compositional methods. However, the compositional approach is limited in cases where distributions have large departures from logistic normality and for streams that have negative hydraulic exponents.  相似文献   

李明  郭培军  李鑫  梁力 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3591-3597
基于水平集法的基本思想,讨论了含有不同类型包裹体分布的岩石的二维和三维有限元建模方法。对于二维有限元模型的建立,考虑了以椭圆形为例的规则包裹体的周期分布、位置及包裹体大小均随机变化的多种情况。建议了包裹体和基岩之间界面的材料特性过渡处理方法。同时给出了含有非规则形状包裹体的建模方法。对于三维有限元模型的建立,则考虑了以任意大小椭球体为例的包裹体分布情况。该种建模方法的优点是对于不同的含有任意分布的包裹体的岩石试件,均可以采用相同的有限元网格,即,材料特性的变化不受有限元网格的制约。该法缺点是增加了计算资源。最后结合基于弥散裂缝模型的水力压裂数值计算方法,模拟了含有不同包裹体分布的岩石试件的水力压裂传播特点。  相似文献   

查明不同煤体结构煤水力压裂时裂缝延伸规律能为合理井网部署奠定基础。以沁水盆地柿庄区块为研究对象,对钻井煤心裂隙进行观测,划分出4种裂隙发育程度煤。基于岩体力学理论,建立了水力压裂过程中裂缝尖端应力场计算模型和水力裂缝能否穿过天然裂隙的判断准则。根据煤层气井实测资料,验证了理论分析的可靠性,得出了不同煤体结构煤的水力压裂裂缝延伸规律。结果表明:考虑诱导应力前后,2组天然裂隙发育煤的水力裂缝延伸规律不同,随着缝长增加,诱导应力随之增大,水力裂缝单一延伸方向变为双向延伸;1组天然裂隙发育煤的发育方向与最大主应力方向夹角较小,导致考虑诱导应力前后水力裂缝的延伸方向变化不明显,整体延伸趋于天然裂隙发育方向;在粒状偶见及粉状无裂隙发育煤中,水力裂缝总是沿着最大主应力方向延伸。研究成果为该区不同应力和裂隙发育下井网合理布置提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

王璜  王贵玲  岳高凡  甘浩男 《地质学报》2020,94(7):2124-2130
水力压裂技术是成功实现干热岩资源开发利用的重要手段之一,数值模拟技术能够精准预测水力裂缝扩展。针对典型花岗岩,借助黏性单元法,分别模拟了致密花岗岩和天然裂缝存在情况下的水力裂缝扩展特征,得出以下结论:致密花岗岩的水力裂缝形态单一,天然裂缝的存在增加了压裂后裂缝的复杂性;致密花岗岩水力裂缝拓展主要分为憋压和拓展两个交替往复的阶段,当存在天然裂隙时,水力压裂过程会变得复杂;天然裂缝存在时,水力裂缝的缝长和缝宽分别为致密花岗岩的5.7倍和1.7倍;缝网的形成需要借助复杂的压裂工艺实现。研究结果可以为增强型地热系统(EGS)储层水力刺激工作提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Simulated annealing (SA) has the capacity to handle complex problem of fracture heterogeneity. However, its applications to characterization and modeling of an actual discrete fracture network are limited. Borrowing the context of geothermal reservoirs (where extensive discrete fractures exist), this paper attempts to solve several key practical issues that persist in current models: objective function’s (OF’s) formulation, modification scheme, and stop criteria. The improvements are examined in a case study on an actual fracture outcrop, where results are compared with a current and advanced SA work.  相似文献   

润扬长江大桥北锚碇是大桥关键工程,承担大桥悬索较大拉力.北锚碇的基础为花岗岩裂隙岩体,分布断裂和多组裂隙,基岩表部风化,上覆约45m厚的第四系松散沉积层,基坑开挖深度达48m,基坑内外水头差达47m.如何做好防渗和排水,对施工期的安全和施工质量至关重要.为此,采用离散裂隙网络渗流的三结构模型与连续介质渗流模型相结合,对北锚碇场区的地下水渗流进行了多种工况的数值模拟,为基坑防渗和排水设计提供了主要参考依据,其数值模拟结果已得到后来施工期实际资料的验证.  相似文献   

年涛  王贵文  范旭强  谭成仟  王松  侯涛  刘之的 《地质论评》2021,67(1):67020019-67020019
综合露头刻度井、数值模拟和物理模拟的实验结果对微电阻率扫描成像测井缝洞解释评价的研究进展进行了总结和探讨,分别包括岩芯归位、缝洞刻度率、岩芯和成像裂缝参数的差异性,以及裂缝宽度和地层孔隙度的计算。岩芯归位确定了缝洞体在地层中的深度和方位。电成像测井对过井眼未充填缝和孔洞发育段的刻度率为100%,而单个孔洞在岩芯和电成像测井中通常无法一一对应。单条裂缝的倾角或井周长度在岩芯和成像测井中具有较高的相关性,而裂缝宽度的相关性一般。数模和物模的结果表明电成像测井裂缝宽度的计算受多种因素影响,当裂缝的视宽度大于0.1 mm时,电成像测井计算的裂缝宽度和裂缝视宽度基本一致,当小于0.1 mm时,电成像测井计算的宽度值误差较大。目前电成像测井通过孔隙度谱法和图像分割法计算地层的孔隙度,但都受限于除孔洞的其他低阻地质体的影响,因此需要加强岩芯刻度的功能。  相似文献   

综合露头刻度井、数值模拟和物理模拟的实验结果对微电阻率扫描成像测井缝洞解释评价的研究进展进行了总结和探讨,分别包括岩芯归位、缝洞刻度率、岩芯和成像裂缝参数的差异性,以及裂缝宽度和地层孔隙度的计算.岩芯归位确定了缝洞体在地层中的深度和方位.电成像测井对过井眼未充填缝和孔洞发育段的刻度率为100%,而单个孔洞在岩芯和电成像...  相似文献   

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