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高鑫  胡秀清  方伟  张鹏 《遥感学报》2022,26(3):505-515
陆上气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)反演作为气候、环境领域的一大研究方向,偏振多角度遥感在这个方向上有其特有的优势.本文使用法国POLDER(Polarization and Directionality of Earth's Reflectance)1 级偏振多角度资料,提出了一种针对气溶胶反演的群组残差最优方法,反演了气溶...  相似文献   

冠层间隙率和叶片聚集度指数对植被拦截光和冠层辐射传输过程有重要影响。叶片往往以树冠的形式聚集在森林中,而树冠在诸多森林冠层几何光学模型中有重要作用。之前的研究主要集中于树冠的形状(例如圆柱、圆锥、椭球、圆锥+圆柱等)特征对冠层间隙率和叶片聚集度的影响。然而,树冠的结构特征除了包括形状特征外,还包括尺寸特征。事实上,树冠的尺寸特征是植被在长期进化过程中与自然环境相互作用的结果,且比树冠形状特征具有更明显的地理空间特征。本文首先修改了前人常用的用于描述树冠分布的泊松分布模型,其次,利用超几何模型更为真实地、定量地描述树冠之间的排斥效应和树冠的分布情况;最后,以椭球树冠为例,设定了从"瘦高"型到"矮胖"型等7种尺寸的树冠,分别通过固定树冠半径和树冠体积两种途径探讨了树冠尺寸特征对冠层间隙率和叶片聚集度的影响。结果表明:(1)无论固定树冠半径,还是固定树冠体积,树冠尺寸特征对冠层间隙率和叶片聚集度指数的影响,均比树冠形状特征对间隙率和叶片聚集度指数的影响明显;(2)树冠的尺寸对冠层间隙率和叶片聚集度的影响非常显著,且具有明显的规律性。树冠在观测方向的投影面积越大,冠层间隙率越小,叶片聚集指数度越大,冠层内叶片越趋于泊松分布。  相似文献   

Clumping index quantifies the level of foliage aggregation, relative to a random distribution, and is a key structural parameter of plant canopies and is widely used in ecological and meteorological models. In this study, the inter- and intra-annual variations in clumping index values, derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) BRDF product, are investigated at six forest sites, including conifer forests, a mixed deciduous forest and an oak-savanna system. We find that the clumping index displays large seasonal variation, particularly for the deciduous sites, with the magnitude in clumping index values at each site comparable on an intra-annual basis, and the seasonality of clumping index well captured after noise removal. For broadleaved and mixed forest sites, minimum clumping index values are usually found during the season when leaf area index is at its maximum. The magnitude of MODIS clumping index is validated by ground data collected from 17 sites. Validation shows that the MODIS clumping index can explain 75% of variance in measured values (bias = 0.03 and rmse = 0.08), although with a narrower amplitude in variation. This study suggests that the MODIS BRDF product has the potential to produce good seasonal trajectories of clumping index values, but with an improved estimation of background reflectance.  相似文献   

从业务化应用的角度针对合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)卫星的平面定位能力及高程测量能力进行了分析与展望.在平面定位方面,TerraSAR-X、COSMO-SkyMed及天绘二号已经达到了1:50000比例尺数字正射影像产品生产指标要求,其中TerraSAR-X的业务化平面定位精度...  相似文献   

新技术在国家西部1∶50000地形图空白区测图工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家西部1:50000地形图空白区测图工程(简称西部测图工程)是填补我国西部1:50000基础地理信息空白区的国家重大测绘专项,涉及区域地形、气候、交通等条件异常恶劣,常规测绘手段难以完成全部测图任务。集成航天遥感、数字航空摄影、航空航天合成孔径雷达、全球定位和地理信息系统等现代地理空间信息技术,综合利用多种已经发展成熟的和新型的遥感影像测图技术,是西部测图工程顺利实施关键所在。文章对西部测图工程中使用的这些测绘新技术、新方法进行了较为详细的阐述,这些测绘新技术、新方法形成西部测图工程的创新技术体系,为西部测图工程提供了具有自主知识产权的测图软硬件系统,促进测绘整体技术水平的提高、产业进步与升级。  相似文献   

利用POLDER数据验证MODIS BRDF模型参数产品及Ross-Li模型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
将MODIS BRDF模型参数产品(MCD43A1)模拟的近红外波段反射率与从POLDER-3/PARASOL BRDF全球数据集中筛选的9961个像元的BRDF观测数据进行对比,验证了MCD43A1所采用的RossThick-LiSparseR BRDF 模型(Ross-Li模型)拟合二向反射的能力。结果表明,Ross-Li模型总体上可以有效地模拟地物的二向反射,所有像元的近红外波段反射率模拟值与POLDER-3观测数据之间的R2达到0.943,RMSE为0.016,模拟反射率比POLDER-3数据总体偏低5.2%。但Ross-Li模型明显低估了热点反射率,热点模拟结果比POLDER-3数据平均偏低14%,模拟值的R2为0.824,RMSE为0.07。热点反射率模拟误差与地表覆盖类型有关,针叶林热点反射率模拟值偏低最严重,其次是阔叶林、草地与农田,灌木与裸地热点反射率模拟值偏低相对较小。通过修正Ross-Li模型中的体散射核,可以明显改善热点反射率的模拟效果(R2=0.839,RMSE=0.043)。Ross-Li模型对天底、暗点等特征方向反射率的模拟较为准确。Ross-Li模型的模拟精度随太阳天顶角和观测天顶角的增大而降低。对于农田与草地而言,Ross-Li模型的模拟精度随NDVI的增加而降低;但在森林与灌木覆盖条件下,当NDVI约为0.5时,Ross-Li模型的模拟效果最差。  相似文献   

PREFACE The paper contains a brief overview of the professional activities of Professor Gottfried Konecny,Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation,Leibniz University Hannover,Germany,and his influence on photogrammetry,remote sensing and geospatial infor-mation science during his time at the University of New Brunswick,Canada,and at the Leibniz University.His work can be divided into educational,scientific,application,organizational,and work in international societies.Additional activities comprised of giving courses in various languages,consultancy activities,and various other cooperations which took place in many South American countries,in Africa and Asia,for organizations such as the World Bank,United Nations,German Space Agency DLR,to name only a few.Activities in connection with international societies mainly took place during Prof.Konecny's engagement in the Council of the International Society for Photogrammetry(ISP),renamed the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(ISPRS),and the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories(EARSeL)Bureau.He was a key figure in bringing many countries and organizations to ISPRS as Ordinary and Sustaining Members.Professor Konecny has always been aware of the importance of international cooperation at various levels,also with sister societies such as the International Cartographic Association and the United Nations-Global Geospatial Information Management(UN-GGIM).His application activities span from the photogrammetry-oriented projects he was awarded in Canada,to remote sensing topics and geospatial sciences,combined with cartography during his Hannover period.His vision and endless effort are exemplary for a person who has always been devoted to the three geosciences mentioned above.Professor Konecny is the author of a number of books,journal papers and papers presented at international and national conferences.He has been a recognized keynote speaker at many conferences throughout the world due to his vast experience.This paper describes 75 years of a man who is an expert in fields which arose during his academic life.  相似文献   

目前,对于城市1∶500数字化地形图数据的获取与更新中,全野外数字测图仍是主要的测绘方式。如何利用新的测量手段提高生产效率和降低劳动强度,是值得关注的问题。文中阐述无人机和地面三维激光扫描仪新技术在城市基本地形图测绘中的应用,利用无人机航测生产的1∶500正射影像图成果,辅助进行全野外测图;利用地面三维激光扫描仪,将快速获取的三维点云数据加以处理,用于测绘成果质量检查。通过这些新技术,对提高1∶500城市基本地形图的生产效率进行有益的尝试,对同类工程具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A method is presented for the development of a regional Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) spectral greenness index, coherent with a six-dimensional index set, based on a single ETM+ spectral image of a reference landscape. The first three indices of the set are determined by a polar transformation of the first three principal components of the reference image and relate to scene brightness, percent foliage projective cover (FPC) and water related features. The remaining three principal components, of diminishing significance with respect to the reference image, complete the set.The reference landscape, a 2200 km2 area containing a mix of cattle pasture, native woodland and forest, is located near Injune in South East Queensland, Australia. The indices developed from the reference image were tested using TM spectral images from 19 regionally dispersed areas in Queensland, representative of dissimilar landscapes containing woody vegetation ranging from tall closed forest to low open woodland. Examples of image transformations and two-dimensional feature space plots are used to demonstrate image interpretations related to the first three indices. Coherent, sensible, interpretations of landscape features in images composed of the first three indices can be made in terms of brightness (red), foliage cover (green) and water (blue). A limited comparison is made with similar existing indices. The proposed greenness index was found to be very strongly related to FPC and insensitive to smoke. A novel Bayesian, bounded space, modelling method, was used to validate the greenness index as a good predictor of FPC. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) estimates of FPC along transects of the 19 sites provided the training and validation data. Other spectral indices from the set were found to be useful as model covariates that could improve FPC predictions. They act to adjust the greenness/FPC relationship to suit different spectral backgrounds. The inclusion of an external meteorological covariate showed that further improvements to regional-scale predictions of FPC could be gained over those based on spectral indices alone.  相似文献   

This study aims to map regions of near surface fluvial channels, mega-basins and topographic wetness in Saudi Arabia using remote sensing data and an information value (IV) model, which is a modified approach of weight of evidence. We used the new version of the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) to delineate the fluvial channels, mega-basin, and slope. These hydrological parameters were used to index the topographic wetness of each mega-basin in the region based on IV in a Geographic Information System. We validated our method using the Space Imaging Radar-C and Landsat 8 images and compared the textural features (fluvial channels) evident from SRTM digital elevation model and to determine whether these patterns were different. Our results revealed that the region is drained by nine tributaries and that the Err Rub Al Khali and Sahba mega-basins have the highest value of the IV and topographic wetness values; the Arran and coastal mega-basins have the lowest value of the IV and topographic wetness values. An integrated approach is timely and economically effective and can be applied throughout the arid and semi-arid regions to help hydrologists and urban developers.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了国家西部1∶50000地形图空白区测图工程的背景,根据测区地物特征提出了补充西部测图要素的四种途径:要素选取指标调整;地形图原有要素类属性内容扩充;西部特色要素突出表示;地形图新生要素选取.进而,对补充的要素进行几何形状规定和属性表设计.最后针对补充要素的可视化进行了符号设计.  相似文献   

In Africa, food security early warning systems use satellite-derived data concerning crop conditions and agricultural production. Such systems can be improved if they are provided with a more reliable estimation of the cultivated area at national scale. This paper evaluates the potential of using time series from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MOD13Q1 (16-day composite of normalized difference vegetation index at 250 m resolution) to extract cultivated areas in the fragmented rural landscapes of Mali. To this end, we first stratified Southern Mali into 13 rural landscapes based on the spatio-temporal variability of NDVI and textural indices, using an object-oriented classification scheme.The accuracy of the resulting map (MODIScrop) and how it compares with existing coarse-resolution global land products (GLC2000 Africa, GLOBCOVER, MODIS V05 and ECOCLIMAP-II), was then assessed against six crop/non-crop maps derived from SPOT 2.5 m resolution images used as references. For crop areal coverage, the MODIScrop cultivated map was successful in assessing the overall cultivated area at five out of the six validation sites (less than 6% of the absolute difference), while in terms of crop spatial distribution, the producer accuracy was between 33.1% and 80.8%. This accuracy was linearly correlated with the mean patch size index calculated on the SPOT crop maps (r2 = 0.8). Using the Pareto boundary as an accuracy assessment method at the study sites, we showed that (i) 20-40% of the classification crop error was due to the spatial resolution of the MODIS sensor (250 m), and that (ii) compared to MODIS V05, which otherwise performed better than the other existing products, MODIScrop generally minimized omission-commission errors. A spatial validation of the different products was carried out using SPOT image classifications as reference. In the corresponding error matrices, the fraction of correctly classified pixels for our product was 70%, compared to 58% for MODIS V05, while it ranged between 40% and 51% for the GLC2000, the ECOCLIMAP-II and the GLOBCOVER.  相似文献   

Many regions remain poorly studied in terms of geological mapping and mineral exploration in inaccessible regions especially in the Arctic and Antarctica due to harsh conditions and logistic difficulties. Application of specialized image processing techniques is capable of revealing the hidden linear mixing spectra in multispectral and hyperspectral satellite images. In this study, the applications of Independent component analysis (ICA) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) algorithms were evaluated for Landsat-8 and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensing data for geological mapping in Morozumi Range and Helliwell Hills areas, Northern Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica. The results of this investigation demonstrate the capability of the two algorithms in distinguishing pixel and subpixel targets in the multispectral satellite data. The application of the methods for identifying poorly exposed geologic materials and subpixel exposures of alteration minerals has invaluable implications for geological mapping and mineral exploration in inaccessible regions.  相似文献   

若参数先验信息含有异常信息,必然造成序贯平差参数估值及其协方差的扭曲。本文首先分析了先验信息异常对参数结果的影响,然后通过对先验信息异常进行判断,再有针对性地引入部分附加参数,通过函数模型补偿法控制先验信息异常误差的影响。实测GPS算例表明,通过该方法能有效地抵制参数先验信息异常的影响。  相似文献   


The overarching goal of this study was to perform a comprehensive meta-analysis of irrigated agricultural Crop Water Productivity (CWP) of the world’s three leading crops: wheat, corn, and rice based on three decades of remote sensing and non-remote sensing-based studies. Overall, CWP data from 148 crop growing study sites (60 wheat, 43 corn, and 45 rice) spread across the world were gathered from published articles spanning 31 different countries. There was overwhelming evidence of a significant increase in CWP with an increase in latitude for predominately northern hemisphere datasets. For example, corn grown in latitude 40–50° had much higher mean CWP (2.45?kg/m³) compared to mean CWP of corn grown in other latitudes such as 30–40° (1.67?kg/m³) or 20–30° (0.94?kg/m³). The same trend existed for wheat and rice as well. For soils, none of the CWP values, for any of the three crops, were statistically different. However, mean CWP in higher latitudes for the same soil was significantly higher than the mean CWP for the same soil in lower latitudes. This applied for all three crops studied. For wheat, the global CWP categories were low (≤0.75?kg/m³), medium (>0.75 to <1.10?kg/m³), and high CWP (≥1.10?kg/m³). For corn the global CWP categories were low (≤1.25?kg/m³), medium (>1.25 to ≤1.75?kg/m³), and high (>1.75?kg/m³). For rice the global CWP categories were low (≤0.70?kg/m³), medium (>0.70 to ≤1.25?kg/m³), and high (>1.25?kg/m³). USA and China are the only two countries that have consistently high CWP for wheat, corn, and rice. Australia and India have medium CWP for wheat and rice. India’s corn, however, has low CWP. Egypt, Turkey, Netherlands, Mexico, and Israel have high CWP for wheat. Romania, Argentina, and Hungary have high CWP for corn, and Philippines has high CWP for rice. All other countries have either low or medium CWP for all three crops. Based on data in this study, the highest consumers of water for crop production also have the most potential for water savings. These countries are USA, India, and China for wheat; USA, China, and Brazil for corn; India, China, and Pakistan for rice. For example, even just a 10% increase in CWP of wheat grown in India can save 6974 billion liters of water. This is equivalent to creating 6974 lakes each of 100?m³ in volume that leads to many benefits such as acting as ‘water banks’ for lean season, recreation, and numerous ecological services. This study establishes the volume of water that can be saved for each crop in each country when there is an increase in CWP by 10%, 20%, and 30%.  相似文献   

In an increasingly GIS‐literate world, the availability of quality topographic maps and map databases is critical for the numerous users of spatial data. Particularly governmental agencies, first responders, and utility and transportation services, rely on the completeness and classification correctness of these maps. Estonia has systematically updated its topographic Basic Map in digital form over the past 15 years. An analysis of the Estonian production process in the period 2003‐2006 provides a useful case study of both error types and error frequencies encountered in topographic mapping. Errors of completeness and classification correctness of topographic features are analyzed at two levels of specificity: in general, across all map sheets, and in detail according to the field‐workers who performed the mapping. The structure of errors at the two levels was different by geometry and error types; however, both systematic and individual errors were evident. The systematic errors indicated a need for revision and improvement of the data capture specifications, which was accomplished. The individual errors were addressed by additional training for the field‐workers involved.  相似文献   

现代测绘学与测绘工程专业创新人才培养模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
论述现代测绘学的技术体系、本质及其内涵,探讨新形势下测绘工程专业创新人才培养模式。确定全新的教育思想与教学目标,构建科学、合理的课程体系和培养方案。加强实践教学体系及教学模式的创新。  相似文献   

于荣花  沈涛  苏山舞 《测绘科学》2006,31(2):106-107,121
本文首先论述了全国1∶100万地形数据库的现状,对其进行扩充的必要性及扩充原则,同时叙述了选取全国重点文物保护单位和世界遗产这两个文化要素对数据库进行扩充的原因和意义;接着列举了扩充数据库时选用的资料源及更新和扩充的方法,最后将在此基础上建立的两个数据层的空间内容及属性信息通过图表进行了表现。文化遗产在地形数据库中的扩充,不仅丰富了数据库的内容,而且能够使更多的人了解我国灿烂的民族文化和丰富的自然遗产。文章同时对今后的工作做了展望。  相似文献   

李珂  白开旭 《遥感学报》2022,26(5):1002-1014
大气污染物浓度全方位动态监测是进行区域大气污染精细化防控的重要前提。为开展长三角地区小时分辨率PM2.5浓度无缝制图,本研究通过耦合AOD缺失信息重建与多模数据融合技术,建立了一套能够有效集成卫星遥感、地面观测、数值模拟等多源异构数据资料的近地面PM2.5浓度无缝制图方案,并据此生产了2015年—2020年长三角地区小时分辨率无缝PM2.5浓度格点数据产品。结果表明:本研究生产的PM2.5浓度无缝格点产品与国控站点观测数据的交叉验证相关系数达0.9,平均偏差不超过10 μg·m-3。较于空间分布不均且相对稀疏的站点观测PM2.5浓度资料,面域无缝PM2.5浓度格点数据更能有效揭示长三角地区PM2.5污染的时空变化特征;在2015年—2020年研究期内,其平均下降速率超过3 μg·m-3·a-1。本研究发展的PM2.5浓度无缝制图方法和生产的相关数据产品有望为区域灰霾污染防控和PM2.5暴露健康风险评估研究提供方法参考和基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

Journal of Geographical Systems - This paper contributes to the existing literature on the explanation of housing prices. First, our proposed methodology accounts for cross-sectional dependence,...  相似文献   

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