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在需求不确定的情况下,构建了3个阶段中两零售商利用契约机制进行竞争的模型.通过模型求解,得出各阶段中两零售商各自的最优订货量及契约参数.最后,通过数值例子分析了模型的可行性及解的有效性,并得出当单一零售商采用一种契约机制时,两零售商的整体利润达到最大,实现了优化协调;当两零售商均采用契约机制时,整体利润受损,利润总和达到最小,整体利润的优化协调作用失效.  相似文献   

针对完全信息下以供应商为核心企业的二级供应链库存系统,将全单位延期支付与部分延期支付两种手段相结合,并在考虑延期支付期限与订货量相关的条件下,设计了基于供应商视角和订货阈值的延期支付策略,从而得出此策略能使系统利润达到帕累托最优.最后,通过数值算例对相关结论进行了验证和灵敏度分析.  相似文献   

王宜举  孟凡秀 《控制与决策》2014,29(8):1413-1418
在延期支付及价格折扣策略下,建立以供货商为主导的主从斯坦伯格模型,从供货商的角度研究基于价格折扣的有条件延期支付策略设置问题.通过对模型的理论分析和模型求解,给出了各情形下供货商的延期支付策略、零售商的最佳订单量和货款的最佳支付时间.数值结果表明,此策略在激励零售商加大订单量的同时,还能吸引其尽早交付货款,从而加快供货商的资金周转,实现双赢.  相似文献   

基于现金折扣和延期支付的零售商补货和付款策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在考虑供应商给予零售商延期支付、现金折扣的基础上,加入了非瞬时补货的条件,建立了相应的零售商库存决策模型.通过模型的分析求解,可以得出零售商在上述情况下的最优订货周期及最优付款时间的简单判定方法.最后,通过算例验证了模型的可行性,得出了与实际相符的结论.  相似文献   

当供应商处于供应链节点的买方市场时,通常要求零售商提前支付一定比例购置成本作为订金.针对该问题研究零售商促销努力下存在随机需求的非瞬时变质产品批量订货定价策略,考虑零售商提前支付策略,允许部分缺货.在一定条件下可得零售商最优补货周期和局部最优定价策略,随之提出相应的求解算法.数值计算结果表明:若提前支付购置成本占比或利率增大,则零售商利润将显著减少;提前支付期限和期数均对最优利润产生消极影响;零售商采取积极促销策略可有效提升自身利润.  相似文献   

张冲  张俊  王海燕 《控制与决策》2019,34(8):1769-1775
为了避免坏账,同时刺激下游零售商订购批量,上游供应商要求零售商采取ACC支付模式(提前支付advance、现金支付cash和延期支付credit).针对顾客资金情况,将顾客分为如下两类:第1类顾客资金充足,顾客会提前支付部分比例的货款,同时获得价格折扣,剩余货款采取延期支付的方式,这类顾客不仅享受价格折扣,同时享受延期支付策略;第2类顾客资金不足,顾客会采取部分货款货到付款,剩余货款采取延期支付的方式,这类顾客仅享受延期支付策略.构建由1个供应商与1个零售商和两类资金情况不同的顾客构成的两层信用支付供应链库存模型,证明最优解的存在性和唯一性.研究表明,零售商可以通过提高销售价格,争取更大的价格折扣,缩短零售商提前支付货款的时间期限,减少提前支付货款的比例等策略,以实现降低其年均成本.  相似文献   

翁鸣  王吴静 《计算机工程》2012,38(1):261-263,267
市场需求的不确定会对零售商订货决策造成困难。为解决该问题,将多产品报童模型与贪心算法相结合,基于主流开发技术,设计一个功能齐全、操作简便的零售商订货管理系统,为零售商在需求不确定情况下的订货决策提供支持。仿真实验结果表明,与依靠经验决策获得的订货方案相比,利用该系统求得的订货方案具有明显优势。  相似文献   

在单周期易逝品供应链协调问题的研究中,常常借助于经典的报童模型,限制销 售商的订货机会只有一次。然而在实际中,对一些具有特定消费时间的易逝性商品( 如中秋 节月饼等) ,生产厂家为了更好地安排生产,通常提供提前购买价格折扣策略,销售商则在销 售期末进行再次订购。以单个风险中性的供应商与多个竞争的损失规避型零售商组成的两阶 段供应链系统为背景,在提前订购折扣( Advanced Booking Discount,ABD) 合约中考察竞争和 零售商的损失规避偏好对零售商的最优订购决策以及整个供应链协调性的影响。以博弈论为 基本研究方法,证明了该供应链博弈存在惟一的对称纯策略Nash 均衡,而且竞争使得零售商 的总订购量上升,而损失规避则使得总订购量下降,供应商通过制定提前订购折扣合约可以协 调整个供应链。最后通过算例,验证了提前订购折扣合约在协调供应链中的有效性。  相似文献   

供需不匹配一直是供应链管理领域的难点问题,多源采购策略被企业广泛应用于解决该问题。本研究考虑风险厌恶型零售商向上游两家供应商订货的问题,其中供应商1供应不可靠但价格较低,供应商2供应可靠但价格较高。为了缓解降低供应商1的供应不可靠性,零售商可以通过提前支付部分货款的方式帮助供应商1提高供应链可靠性。本研究首先构建了零售商只采用供应商1或2的采购策略,接着构建了零售商采用双源供应采购策略的模型。本研究发现,在双源供应情况下,随着零售商提前支付比例的增加,零售商将增加供应商1的订货量而降低供应商2的订货量,最优期望效用也随之增加。研究还发现相比于单源采购而言,双源供应条件下零售商所获得的最优期望效用更大。本研究也探讨了双源供应情况下,损失厌恶程度、随机需求对零售商最优策略的影响  相似文献   

王丹丹  吴和成 《控制与决策》2017,32(8):1439-1448
采用基于目标客户群定位的两阶段决策方法,研究策略消费者异质情形下的销售商订货模型.假设策略消费者对产品的估价为随机变量,通过对模型的逆向求解和仿真得出:1)消费者平均支付意愿的大小影响销售商定位的目标客户群的范围;2)随着消费者平均支付意愿、产品清仓价格的提高以及消费者异质程度、产品成本的降低,销售商会将更多的消费者定位为目标客户;3)当消费者平均支付意愿较低或异质程度较大时,销售商可以获得比消费者同质情形更高的利润,消费者的异质性有利于销售商.  相似文献   

Generally, in the business world, it is observed that suppliers give different kinds of benefits to retailers due to advance payment. One of the popular benefits is instant cash discount due to advance payment. If a retailer pays off his total purchase cost before receiving the products, then he receives a certain percentage of cash discount instantly. However, if the retailer pays off a certain fraction of the total purchasing cost, then price discount is given only at the time of receiving the products while paying the remaining amount of the total purchasing cost. Using this concept, this paper formulates, under both cases of advance payment (full or partial), an inventory model for deteriorating products where shortages are allowed and demand function is considered as price and stock dependent. The closed‐form solutions for each case are presented and two numerical examples are solved. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is also performed to show the effects of advance payment with discount facility.  相似文献   

在延期支付下研究零售商为损失厌恶型的供应链运作及协调性问题。研究表明:系统存在唯一的纳什均衡;损失厌恶型零售商在订货上可能表现得更加积极;订货量随零售商损失厌恶的加深而减少;批发价格随零售商损失厌恶的加深而增加;供应商更倾向于选择损失厌恶更小的零售商,以达到提高期望利润的目的。在协调方面,通过引入回购合同在某种程度上缓解了零售商的资金约束,同时使得供应链达到协调,而这种协调经证明是具有柔性的。  相似文献   

This article develops an inventory model for exponentially deteriorating items under conditions of permissible delay in payments. Unlike the existing related models, we assume that the items are replenished at a finite rate and the demand rate of the items is dependent on the current inventory level. The objective is to determine the optimal replenishment policies in order to maximise the system's average profit per unit of time. A simple method is shown for finding the optimal solution of the model based on the derived properties of the objective function. In addition, we deduce some previously published results as the special cases of the model. Finally, numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed model. Some managerial insights are also inferred from the sensitive analysis of model parameters.  相似文献   

We found that the 2KP/3KP electronic payment protocols as well as the 1KP electronic payment protocol do not possess a probably important property. The property is that if an acquirer authorizes a payment, then both the buyer and seller concerned always agree on it, which is called agreement property in this article. We also propose a modification to have 2KP/3KP possess the property.  相似文献   

供应商与第三方物流合作实施供应商管理库存,采用共同补货转运策略( , , )为地理位置相邻的两制造商供应零部件,并通过两制造商初期库存之差 来分配库存,允许制造商相互转运.首先分析随机需求下两制造商总库存的变化情况,求解共同补货转运策略( , , )下的库存、缺货数量和转运数量及其随各控制值变化的性质;然后,通过算例将提出的共同补货转运策略与供应商单独为各制造商补货的策略进行比较;最后,考察不同参数对共同补货转运策略效果的影响.  相似文献   

李涛  张合新孟飞 《控制与决策》2011,26(10):1520-1524
研究了一类具有分布时滞的线性不确定系统的鲁棒非脆弱保性能控制问题.考虑分布时滞系统和状态反馈控制器均具有时变不确定性,通过构造新的含三重积分项的Lyapunov-Krasovskii泛函,并结合不等式推导技巧,以线性矩阵不等式形式给出了系统鲁棒非脆弱保性能控制器存在的充分条件.该方法保证了给定的二次性能函数不超过一个确定的界并且是分布时滞相关的.仿真实例表明了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

We consider in this paper an Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) problem involving a single supplier that offers quantity discounts and allows retailers to delay payments. The retailers are tempted to form coalitions in order to minimize their costs. We propose a solution approach that generates stable coalition structures for the retailers taking into account the delay in payments and the discount quantity offered by the supplier. The proposed approach includes a decision rule that generates preferred coalitions for each retailer. Our decision rule reduces considerably the number of explored coalition structures in order to determine solutions in the core.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the problems of stability and stabilization of Markovian jump systems with time‐varying delays and uncertain transition rates matrix. First, the stochastic scaled small‐gain theorem is introduced to analyze the stability of the Markovian jump system. Then, a new stability criterion is proposed by using a new Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional combined with Wirtinger‐based integral inequality. The proposed stability condition is demonstrated to be less conservative than other existing results. The merit of the proposed approach lies in its reduced conservatism, which is made possible by a new precise triangle inequality and a new Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional. Moreover, a controller design criterion is presented according to the stability criterion. Furthermore, the transition rate matrix is treated as partially known and with uncertainty, and the relevant stability and stabilization criteria are proposed. Finally, 3 numerical examples are provided to illustrate the superior result of the stability criteria and the effectiveness of the proposed controller design method.  相似文献   

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