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The stage of benthic re-colonization at a site formed by sand extraction was investigated some 10 years after the cessation of dredging. The examined post-dredging pit is one of five deep (up to 14 m) pits created with a static suction hopper on the sandy, flat and shallow (1–2 m) part of the inner Puck Bay (the southern Baltic Sea). The topography of the dredged area makes a specific trap for different kinds of organic matter. It is created by the small areas of post-dredging pits as compared to their depths. As a result, organic matter accumulation leads to anaerobic conditions and hydrogen sulfide formation. Macrofauna was not found to occur permanently in the deepest part (11 m) of the cup-shaped depression, which was characterized by its small area (0.2 km2) and steep walls. However, permanent occurrence of meiofauna (max. 180 ind. 10 cm−2, mainly Nematoda) was noted. Undoubtedly, re-colonization of benthic fauna assemblages, typical of shallow and sandy seabed of the Puck Bay, will not follow in a natural way in the area of post-dredging pits. Also, it could not be expected that the re-colonization sequence would result in the formation of a structure similar to that of the natural depression (the Kuźnica Hollow).  相似文献   

The metabolic inhibitor cycloheximide was used to estimate the influence of primarily unicellular eukaryotes (heterotrophic protozoa) on nutrient recycling in different types of sediments in the North Sea. Fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen across the sediment–water interface were measured in undisturbed sediment cores (controls) and compared to fluxes in sediment cores with cycloheximide added. If eukaryotes play an important role in nutrient recycling, one would expect to find lower nitrogen sediment–water effluxes in cores with cycloheximide due to the inactivation of eukaryotes. This important role hypothesised for eukaryotes was not generally observed: Only at four of the nineteen stations were ammonium effluxes significantly higher in controls than in cores with cycloheximide, and at five stations nitrate effluxes were significantly higher in the controls than in the cores with cycloheximide. Eukaryotic activity apparently contributed to the sediment–water exchange of ammonium through mineralisation of organic matter, nitrification and the subsequent release of ammonium and nitrate at these stations. At most other stations no differences were obtained between controls and cores with cycloheximide. This suggests that bacteria were the most important nutrient mineralisers at these stations at the time of the cruises.  相似文献   

High resolution measurements of carbon dioxide and oxygen were made in surface waters of the central Arkona Sea (Baltic Sea) from May 2003 to September 2004. Sensors for CO2 partial pressure (pCO2w) and oxygen (O2) concentration were mounted in 7 m depth on a moored platform which is used for hydrographic and meteorological monitoring. The pCO2w data were obtained in half hour intervals and O2 was measured each hour as an average of a 10 min measurement. To check the performance of the sensors, pCO2w and O2 were determined by shipboard measurements on a research vessel which visited the site in 1–2 month intervals. In addition, pCO2w was measured on a “volunteer observing ship” (VOS) passing the platform each second day at a distance of about 25 km. Minima of 220 to 250 μatm of pCO2w were observed at the time of the spring bloom and a cyanobacteria bloom in mid-summer. During winter the pCO2w was mostly close to equilibrium with the atmosphere but maxima of 430 to 530 μatm were also observed. The seasonality of oxygen and pCO2w showed an opposing pattern. From a multiple regression analysis, we concluded that two processes primarily controlled pCO2w during our study: biological turnover and mixing. A parameterization, based on apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) and salinity (S) only (pCO2w = 1.23 AOU + 43 S), reproduced the seasonality of pCO2w in surface water reasonably well. Based on our pCO2, salinity, and temperature data set, we attempted to separate processes changing total inorganic carbon concentrations (CT) by using an alkalinity–salinity relation for the area. The contribution of CO2 gas exchange and mixing were calculated and from this the biological turnover was deduced to reveal the calculated CT changes.The net annual uptake of CO2 in the central Arkona Sea was estimated to be about 1.5 Tg (1.5·1012 g) which was approximately balanced by a net oxygen release considering the uncertainties of the flux calculations. Near-coast CO2 emission due to episodic upwelling partly compensated the uptake of the central part of the Arkona Sea reducing the overall magnitude of the CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

Genotoxic effects were evaluated in the somatic and gonadal cells of bivalve and gastropod molluscs inhabiting different sites of Klaip da port area in Lithuania. The occurrence of aneuploidy and polyploidy of cells, meiotic injures, centromere dissociation and fragmented polyploid nuclei as cytogenetic indicators of environmental stressors was assessed in snails Lymnaea ovata . The highest level of environmental genotoxicity (in 43.2 and 46.2% of studied cells) was observed in the tissues of snails inhabiting Malk Bay in 1995 and 1996. Dredging and thus removal of contaminated sediments from Malk Bay resulted in significant decrease (up to 27.2% in 1999) of cytogenetic injures in molluscs studied over the period from 1997 to 1999. However, the frequency of cytogenetic disturbances in molluscs from Vilhelmo Channel was increasing (1.8 times) from 1995 to 1999. Therefore, the ecological safety of the biggest drinking water supply for Klaip da population became questionable. Assessment of cytogenetic damage in Mytilus edulis (MN test) and the crustacean, Balanus improvisus, (aneugenic effects) inhabiting the Baltic Sea at B ting oil terminal has shown the highest genotoxicity level in the zone of sewage effluents from Palanga town and Ma eikiai oil refinery plant. Extensive cytogenetic injuries in gonadal cells indicated the potential long-term hazards of pollutants to ecological health and integrity of aquatic species.  相似文献   

K. Vopel  G. Arlt 《Marine Ecology》1995,16(3):217-231
Abstract. The fauna — including macrofauna, meiofauna, and large ciliates — of floating cyanobacterial mats in a brackish shallow-water area was studied by analysing six 20 cm2 pieces of mat. Although these microbial aggregations were scarcely 1 cm thick, their total meiofauna abundance was about five times as high as in the uppermost 4 cm of the adjacent sediment. The mat fauna was dominated by harpacticoids, although large ciliates, rotifers, nematodes, and oligochaetes were also markedly more abundant than in the sediment. All species occurring in the mats were members of the surrounding sediment fauna. Out of the 47 species found, only a few, among them predominantly the harpacticoid, Mesochra lilljeborgi B oeck , 1864, and the nematode Daptonema setosum ( bütschli , 1874), accounted for the majority of the individual abundance in the mats. Both are regularly found in sulphidic biotopes near Hiddensee. As SEM micrographs revealed, the oligochaete Paranais litoralis (O. F. M üller , 1788) and the harpacticoid Cletocamptus confluens (Schmeil, 1894) were apparently optimal substrates for dense lawns of cyanobacteria. This indicates possible close interactions between the meiofauna and these microbiota. The frequent predation of histophagous ciliates on nematodes and harpacticoids, which were probably weakened by oxygen deficiency and/or high sulphide concentrations, were not only a sign of a generally neglected pathway in the food chain, but also impressively emphasized the huge variety of interactions taking place between meio- and microfauna within this specific benthic microcosm. Because of their floating character, the mats can play an important role in the dispersal of benthic fauna.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, eddy-permitting ocean circulation model with implemented bottom boundary layer model and flux-corrected transport scheme is used to calculate the pathways and ages of various water masses in the Baltic Sea. The agreement between simulated and observed temperature and salinity profiles of the period 1980–2004 is satisfactory. Especially the renewal of the deep water in the Baltic proper by gravity-driven dense bottom flows is better simulated than in previous versions of the model. Based upon these model results details of the mean circulation are analyzed. For instance, it is found that after the major Baltic inflow in January 2003 saline water passing the Słupsk Furrow flows directly towards northeast along the eastern slope of the Hoburg Channel. However, after the baroclinic summer inflow in August/September 2002 the deep water flow spreads along the southwestern slope of the Gdansk Basin. Further, the model results show that the patterns of mean vertical advective fluxes across the halocline that close the large-scale vertical circulation are rather patchy. Mainly within distinct areas are particles of the saline inflow water advected vertically from the deep water into the surface layer. To analyze the time scales of the circulation mean ages of various water masses are calculated. It is found that at the sea surface of the Bornholm Basin, Gotland Basin, Bothnian Sea, and Bothnian Bay the mean ages associated to inflowing water from Kattegat amount to 26–30, 28–34, 34–38, and 38–42 years, respectively. Largest mean sea surface ages of more than 30 years associated to the freshwater of the rivers are found in the central Gotland Basin and Belt Sea. At the bottom the mean ages are largest in the western Gotland Basin and amount to more than 36 years. In the Baltic proper vertical gradients of ages associated to the freshwater inflow are smaller than in the case of inflowing saltwater from Kattegat indicating an efficient recirculation of freshwater in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The population structure of Mya arenaria has been investigated in the sublittoral zone of the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic Sea). Box-corer samples were collected during a 1.5-year period in 1993/94 to follow changes in size and age structure of the clam populations in different parts of the study area. Large spatial differences in population structure were found between the sheltered southwest of the Bay and the shallow and exposed Oder Bank in the centre. The stock of the Oder Bank consisted of two different clam types. A slow-growing cohort was assumed to be autochtonous on the Oder Bank, whereas a fast-growing one was assumed to have immigrated from the surrounding area. The contribution of the two cohorts to the total density varied seasonally. Because of bedload transport of clams, the contribution to the reduction of the clam stock by wintering sea ducks could not be quantified. In the southwest of the Pomeranian Bay erosion was of minor importance. High mortality rates during the first two years of life were assumed to be caused by predation. Mortality rates of older cohorts remained stable until old age. Variations in cohort strength were related to interannual differences in the reproductive success. A mild winter presumably lowers the reproductive success in the subsequent summer. Severe oxygen depletion in summer 1994 caused a strong reduction in the clam stock at stations deeper than 10 m.  相似文献   

Studies on aggregate formation and size distribution in relation to bottom water composition and flow regime were carried out in November 1994 at two transects in the inner and outer Mecklenburg Bight (Baltic Sea). The bottom water sampler ‘BIOPROBE' (BWS) was used to collect 10-dm3 water samples at 5, 10, 20 and 40 cm above the seabed. The outer transect samples tended to be more influenced by the open western Baltic Sea, whereas the inner transect samples were more affected by the coastal hydrography. Aggregate size distribution was investigated using a newly developed particle camera allowing identification of particles down to 150 μm size. Increasing concentrations of total particulate matter (TPM), particulate organic carbon (POC) and chlorophyll pigment equivalents (CPE) towards the seafloor together with a low proportion of POC/TPM (<5%) implied that the material was of resuspended origin. Aggregate size in both transects was positively correlated with TPM, transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and bacterial cell abundance. Higher particle concentrations and aggregate numbers in the outer transect indicated a higher resuspension frequency, or lateral advection processes. The higher concentration of aggregates at the outer transect may reflect the larger amount of near-bottom transported material.  相似文献   

The subject of the investigation was the multiyear hindcast of the sea level elevations and currents over the Baltic Sea. The approach follows to the HIPOCAS project conception and contained the 3D hydrodynamic model using boundary conditions from the atmosphere and catchment for 44-year period referring to the second half of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Salt-water inflows into the Baltic Sea are important events for renewing the deep and bottom waters of the deep basins of the Baltic Sea. These events occur only at irregular intervals. The last strong event was in January 1993 followed by minor inflows in winter 1993/1994. As a result of these inflows, the deep water of the central Baltic basins was completely renewed.Based on extensive observations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water, fluffy layer material and surface sediments between 1992 and 1998, the transformation of PAHs and the modification of their distribution in the Baltic deep water is discussed in connection with the spreading of the inflowing highly saline and oxygen-rich water along its pathway from the sills into the central basins. In the course of the inflows in 1993/1994, the PAH concentration in the deep water of the different basins increased significantly. The concentrations were elevated, at least by a factor of 2 and as much as seven to eight times (for the four-ring PAHs) compared to the previous and the following years. Two hypotheses for the causes were discussed: the inflowing salt water may have entrained more highly polluted surface water in the western Baltic Sea, or it may have entrained contaminated fluffy layer material or sediment particles along the route of transport.  相似文献   

The dynamics controlling the response of the Baltic Sea to changed atmospheric and hydrologic forcing are reviewed and demonstrated using simple models. The response time for salt is 30 times longer than for heat in the Baltic Sea. In the course of a year, the Baltic Sea renews most of its heat but only about 3% of its salt. On the seasonal scale, surface temperature and ice-coverage are controlled by the atmospheric conditions over the Baltic Sea as demonstrated by e.g. the strong inter-annual variations in winter temperature and ice-coverage due to variations in dominating wind directions causing alternating mild and cold winters. The response of surface temperature and ice-coverage in the Baltic Sea to modest climate change may therefore be predicted using existing statistics. Due to the long response time in combination with complicated dynamics, the response of the salinity of the Baltic Sea cannot be predicted using existing statistics but has to be computed from mechanistic models. Salinity changes primarily through changes in the two major forcing factors: the supply of freshwater and the low-frequency sea level fluctuations in the Kattegat. The sensitivity of Baltic Sea salinity to changed freshwater supply is investigated using a simple mechanistic steady-state model that includes baroclinic geostrophic outflow from the Kattegat, the major dynamical factor controlling the freshwater content in the Kattegat and thereby the salinity of water flowing into the Baltic Sea. The computed sensitivity of Baltic Sea surface salinity to changes of freshwater supply is similar to earlier published estimates from time-dependent dynamical models with higher resolution. According to the model, the Baltic Sea would become fresh at a mean freshwater supply of about 60 000 m3 s−1, i.e. a 300% increase of the contemporary supply. If the freshwater supply in the different basins increased in proportion to the present-day supply, the Bothnian Bay would become fresh already at a freshwater supply of about 37 000 m3 s−1 and the Bothnian Sea at a supply of about 45 000 m3 s−1. The assumption of baroclinic geostrophic outflow from the Kattegat, crucial for the salinity response of the Baltic Sea to changed freshwater supply, is validated using daily salinity profiles for the period 1931–1977 from lightship Läsö Nord.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify potential environmental “key factors” causing spatial distributions of macrozoobenthic communities to improve our understanding concerning benthic biotic/abiotic interactions and ecosystem functioning. To this end benthic and environmental data, collected over a period of 4 years (2003–2006) at 191 sampling stations in the Pomeranian Bay (southwest Baltic Sea), were analysed. This represents the most comprehensive study performed in this respect in the Baltic Sea up to date and also the necessary first step towards a model able to predict macrofaunal distributions regarding autecological species-environment interactions. Based on species abundances, distinctive macrobenthic community patterns were identified and evaluated via univariate correlation methods, multivariate numerical classification and ordination techniques (e.g. PCA, CCA). These patterns were caused by clear responses of several benthic species to certain prevailing environmental conditions. The observed distribution of selected species followed a strong gradient of depth and was explained best by the sediment parameters total organic carbon (TOC), median grain size and sorting. By using different statistical methods these abiotic/biotic interactions were modelled allowing to extend our knowledge concerning ecosystem functioning, and provide a tool to assess natural and anthropogenic forced changes in species distribution.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations of dissolved137Cs have been determined in the water column and137Cs and134Cs in the sediments and the sediment porewaters of the southern Baltic Sea. The mean activity concentration of dissolved137Cs in the Gdansk Deep declined from 109 Bq m−3in June 1986 to 61 Bq m−3in 1999. In sediments, the activity concentrations of137Cs (33-231 Bq kg−1) were highest in muds and the activity concentrations of134Cs were about 6% of the total Cs activity. The Chernobyl contribution to137Cs activity was between 43% and 77%. The porewater activity concentrations of137Cs in muddy sediments were in the range 71 to 3900 Bq m−3and were higher than those in the overlying seawater. The diffusive flux of dissolved137Cs from the muddy sediments was estimated in the range 5 to 480 Bq m−2year−1. The flux of137Cs from sediment porewaters of the southern Baltic Sea was about 45% of the total, including fluxes of137Cs from wet and dry atmospheric deposition and the fluvial inputs. The results were used to elucidate the rate of recovery of the sediments and the waters of the southern Baltic from Chernobyl-derived137Cs.  相似文献   

The concept of size spectra, developed by S heldon & P arsons 1967 and S heldon et al. 1972, seeks to describe community structure by evoking the distribution of biomass over a sequence of equal intervals of the logarithm of body size. In this study, biomass size spectra were prepared for benthic macro- and meiobenthos communities at 5 stations, differing in their sediment characteristics, located in the shallow, coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk Southern Baltic Sea. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the community spectra would allow distinct separation of ecological categories of the benthos and whether habitat differences between stations would significantly affect benthic size spectra.
Benthic biomass at the stations sampled depended mainly on nematodes and oligochaetes among the meiobenthos and on hydrobiid snails and M. edulis among the macrobenthos. Regardless of habitat, size spectra peaked initially at the meiofaunal range weight class 25 1. 19–501.19 ng C, identical to that reported in other studies. The separation between meio- and macrobenthic peaks, however, was not as pronounced as that found in other studies. Normalized size spectra demonstrated that most of the variations in the spectra between stations was introduced by macrobenthos, which differed between the coarse- and fine-grained sediments. Nonetheless, those differences were not strong enough to significantly affect the spectra. In consequence, the benthic biomass spectra of all the stations were found to conform to a common pattern and could be represented by a single, average spectrum.  相似文献   

The pikeperch (Sander lucioperca (L.)) is an economically important fish species occurring in the fresh and brackish waters of Europe. To evaluate the distribution and extent of the reproduction areas in the northern Baltic Sea, a field survey was carried out in two separate coastal areas. Presence/absence data were used to develop a geographic information system (GIS)-based predictive spatial distribution model, where high resolution raster maps of the focal environmental variables and a logistic regression equation were used to predict the probability of larval occurrence. The results indicated that the pikeperch reproduction areas are located in the innermost archipelago zone where high water turbidity best explained their presence. Turbidity was related to several other variables such as fetch and depth. Contrary to our preliminary hypothesis, surface water temperatures measured during the survey had no significant effect in the model due to the low spatial variation in the measured values. Since turbidity is possible to determine by remote sensing methods, the probability maps can be cost-effectively extended to more extensive coastal areas with proper validation.  相似文献   

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