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We analyze in situ observations of magnetic reconnection at the Earth magnetopause to estimate the importance of the Hall current during the merging of interplanetary and magnetospheric magnetic field lines. The reconnection process is studied through numerical simulations, integrating the Hall MHD equations in 2.5 dimensions. A large influence of the Hall effect is found, which can be measured by a significant increase of the reconnection rate.  相似文献   

IMF北向时磁层顶重联的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于自己开发的全球三维磁层模型,模拟研究了IMF(Interplanetary Magnetic Field)北向时磁层顶重联及磁尾结构.结果发现磁层顶附近存在两种典型的重联过程:一是高纬极尖区IMF与地球磁场的重联,这与空间观测证据和前人的模拟结果是一致的;二是重联后一端在太阳风中另一端与地球相连的磁力线在向磁尾运动中,会发生弯曲、拖曳,在磁尾晨昏侧低纬区域可与尾瓣开放磁力线满足重联条件而再次发生重联.我们认为前一重联会使磁尾等离子片产生与IMF时钟角方向相反的旋转;而后者可重新形成闭合磁力线,可能是LLBL(Low Latitude Boundary Layer)形成的重要原因.  相似文献   

本文基于自己开发的全球三维磁层模型, 模拟研究了IMF(Interplanetary Magnetic Field)北向并且By分量较大(时钟角为60°)时磁层顶三维结构及其重联图像. 结果发现, IMF By为正时, 在北极隙区附近尾-昏侧存在IMF与地磁场之间稳定持续的重联现象;参与重联的地球磁场既有闭合磁力线也有开放磁力线;IMF在北极隙区与地球闭合磁力重联后一端与南磁极相连的磁力线在尾向运动时还可能与北尾瓣的开放磁力线重联而重新闭合, 这种重联与磁力线循环过程不同于同一条IMF磁力线分别在南北半球与地磁场重联的模型. 南极隙区的重联发生在尾-晨侧, 其动力学过程与北极隙区情形类似. 我们的模拟结果表明, IMF By较大时不可能发生IMF同一条磁力线分别在南北极隙区重联的情形, 也不会因此而减少尾瓣的开放磁力线.  相似文献   

This review covers several aspects of magnetopause research during the two-year period from mid-1991 to mid-1993. It focusses upon three topics which received renewed attention: the structure of the steady-state magnetopause, the origin of the transient events which are superimposed upon it, and the cause of transient signatures observed by high-latitude dayside ground magnetometers. Case and statistical studies defined the relatively unknown characteristics of the magnetosheath plasma layers lying outside the magnetopause, while theoretical studies provided alternative explanations for the presence of magnetosheath plasma within the LLBL. Evidence was presented for a steady transition from magnetosheath to magnetospheric plasma parameters. Detailed studies described the plasma, energetic particle, and magnetic field characteristics of transient events in the outer dayside magnetosphere, and multipoint studies provided important new information concerning the ionospheric response to sudden changes in solar wind parameters. This review emphasizes the competing explanations which have been advanced to explain these phenomena.  相似文献   

Measurements of the plasma parameters and magnetic field upon magnetopause crossings by the THEMIS-А satellite during the large magnetic storm of November 14, 2012, are analyzed. The main specific feature of this event is the magnetopause crossing at the time of the magnetic-storm maximum. An imbalance of total pressure on the magnetopause reaching up to ~40% has been observed. An abrupt turn of the magnetic field immediately on the magnetopause is recorded. Inside the magnetosphere, plasma motions have been observed, both along the magnetopause and inward, at velocities of ~100–300 km/s. Variations in geomagnetic parameters are analyzed before and after the crossing. It is shown that specific features of the observed crossing may be associated with a sharp change in the magnetospheric current systems during the magnetospheric substorm.  相似文献   

The magnetopause separates the geomagnetic field from the interplanetary plasma and performs finite motions under the action of the solar wind pressure variable in time. Accelerations originating in this case result in that the necessary condition for the development of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability is formed at quite a definite motion phase. We can anticipate that the instability will develop during compression of the magnetosphere. It should be taken into account that the magnetopause is a potential tangential discontinuity. On the one hand, a plasma flow along the magnetopause results in a decrease in the Rayleigh-Taylor instability threshold. On the other hand, the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability threshold, typical of the tangential discontinuity, also decreases during the magnetosphere compression phase. Thus, if we speak about the magnetopause, it is natural and necessary to jointly consider both types of instability. Main information on the combined Rayleigh-Taylor-Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is presented, the dispersion equation determining the evolution of small perturbations is considered, and the possible geophysical applications to the theory (e.g., penetration of the solar plasma into the magnetosphere, excitation of global Pc5 oscillations) are indicated.  相似文献   

We analyze variations in the rigidity spectrum of primary cosmic rays during Forbush effects recorded in cycles 20–24 of solar activity on the basis of data from the global network of neutron monitor stations processed by global survey. We investigate variations in the rigidity spectrum index of Forbush effects as a function of the solar activity level, phases of the effect, polarity the total magnetic field of the Sun, type and parameters of the source of cosmic ray modulation, etc. Comprehensive analysis of our results revealed regularities in the dynamics of the energy spectrum of galactic cosmic rays that reflect the dynamic processes occurring in the interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Specific features of the magnetic configuration, morphological structure, dynamics, and evolution of sunspot groups of the current (24th) cycle of solar activity with high flare activity are considered. The gradients of longitudinal magnetic fields at places of δ-configuration are calculated. The main finding is a time delay of 24–30 h between the time when the magnetic field gradient reaches a critical level of 0.1 G/km and the time when the first of powerful flares occurs in the active region. The study is based on data from the SDO and GOES-15 spacecrafts and ground-based solar telescopes (TST-2 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 150-foot telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory).  相似文献   

The dynamics of northern auroral structures drifting equatorward and bright auroral forms of substorm intensifications in the south, simultaneously moving northward, is analyzed based on data from the Lovozero, Loparskaya, and Tumanny auroral stations and using effective methods for filtering TV images. A fundamentally new fact that the structures of northern intensifications drifting southward cross the structures of southern intensifications propagating northward has been discovered. The effect is detected statistically and is only clearly defined on filtered keograms. The presence of this effect possibly means that northern structures and intense breakup auroras in the south have radically different sources and are caused by different mechanisms by which electrons accelerate and precipitate.  相似文献   

The energy spectrum of electrons with energies of 0.8–6.0 MeV has been analyzed based on the data of the Express-A2 geostationary satellite and time variations in the fluxes of electrons with energies higher than 0.6 and 2 MeV (according to the GOES-10 satellite data) before and after a weak geomagnetic storm on April 9–10, 2002, which developed during the prolonged (about ten days) recovery phase of a strong magnetic storm on April 6, 2000. The effect of the secondary injection and acceleration caused by an intensification of substorm activity during a weak storm on the electron flux dynamics has been studied for the first time. The energy spectra and time variations in the electron flux dynamics before and after a weak storm have been described based on analytical solutions to the kinetic equation for the electron distribution function with regard to the stochastic acceleration and loss rates. It has been established that there were different acceleration and loss rates before and after the weak storm of April 9–10, 2000.  相似文献   

The character of a change in the wave field in the frequency range near the maximum usable frequency is analyzed for the model of a simple ionospheric layer. The estimates of the characteristic scale of diffraction damping of the wave field in the frequency range, which are in rather good agreement with the experimental data of LFM or chirp sounding of the ionosphere on two mutually perpendicular paths, have been obtained.  相似文献   

The minimum variance and tangential discontinuity analyses are used to find the normal directions of the magnetopause using 550 crossings from ISEE 1 and 2, AMPTE/IRM, and IMP 8 satellites. Then, the average shape of the magnetopause is studied by using two-region fit procedure. These studies show: (i) most of the crossings are reasonably characterized as tangential discontinuity; (ii) there does appear to be east-west and north-south asymmetry in the shape of the magnetopause; (iii) the magnetopause in the equatorial region is swept back from the vacuum location for both northward and southward IMF, which means that the simple single conic section used in previous fits may not be appropriate to the entire shape of the magnetopause, especially at the nightside. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49374222).  相似文献   

Francis Graham-Smith and Maura Ann McLaughlin describe the interactions in the first double-pulsar system, which produce a comet-shaped magnetosphere with remarkable similarities to that surrounding the Earth.  相似文献   

The open magnetosphere model of cusp ion injection, acceleration and precipitation is used to predict the dispersion characteristics for fully pulsed magnetic reconnection at a low-latitude magnetopause X-line. The resulting steps, as would be seen by a satellite moving meridionally and normal to the ionospheric projection of the X-line, are compared with those seen by satellites moving longitudinally, along the open/closed boundary. It is shown that two observed cases can be explained by similar magnetosheath and reconnection characteristics, and that the major differences between them are well explained by the different satellite paths through the events. Both cases were observed in association with poleward-moving transient events seen by ground-based radar, as also predicted by the theory. The results show that the reconnection is pulsed but strongly imply it cannot also be spatially patchy, in the sense of isolated X-lines which independently are intermittently active. Furthermore they show that the reconnection pulses responsible for the poleward-moving events and the cusp ion steps, must cover at least 3 h of magnetic local time, although propagation of the active reconnection region may mean that it does not extend this far at any one instant of time.  相似文献   

磁层顶压缩事件的磁场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
向日面磁层顶在平静太阳风条件下,处于10RE(RE为地球半径)左右.但在异常的太阳风条件下,即南向行星际磁场很强和(或)太阳风的动压很大时,会被压缩,甚至到达同步轨道附近.集中分析2001年4月11日的磁暴事件,研究当磁层顶发生强烈压缩以后。在地球空间和地面上产生的磁场影响.磁层顶位形选取Shue(1998)模型计算.当把计算结果与GOESl0卫星的观测数据对比时发现:磁层顶在强的太阳风条件下的确会被压缩到同步轨道以内.Shue(1998)模型的预测基本正确,通常的漏报可能是由于预报的位置误差所致.实际磁层顶电流片的位置和强度与我们假设的理想磁层顶间断面计算结果基本吻合.在分析大磁暴过程时,磁层顶压缩使磁层顶电流对于中低纬度地磁场扰动有突出的贡献,在2001年4月事件中,这个贡献可以大于50nT,占主相的1/6左右.这一贡献可以使Dst指数产生相应的误差.  相似文献   

Some theories predict the magnetosheath magnetic field strength will decrease and the density increase just outside the dayside magnetopause as the interplanetary magnetic field turns southward. Two studies have recently reported results which confirm these expectations. In contrast, we briefly review our own theoretical predictions which indicate that precisely the opposite effect is expected. We survey new and previously reported magnetosheath observations and demonstrate that they are consistent with the predictions of our model. The conflicting results indicate a need for further theoretical and observational work.  相似文献   

The analytical expressions for determining the deceleration region of plasma, produced during large-scale geophysical experiments of explosion type, and taking into account the effect of the rarefied ionosphere and geomagnetic field have been obtained. The possibility of the magnetosphere braking by plasma produced by a powerful explosion is analyzed. The simplified set of equations used to analyze the linear and non-linear stages of flute instability of explosive plasma expanding into the magnetic field has been obtained. The mass overflow between flutes and the viscous force is taken into account. The experimental studies of flute instability during laser plasma expansion into the magnetic field are theoretically substantiated. The mechanism explaining the formation of a jet stream and the main jet inclination of 11° with respect to the axis of symmetry has been proposed.  相似文献   

Long, structurally undeformed north–south trending structures show no magnetic anomaly at the magnetic equator, except at the north and south truncations of the structure. However, folding, faulting, differential erosion or other structural deformation can produce detectable magnetic anomalies in a generally north–south trending equatorial structure. Spatial variation in magnetic susceptibility or remanent magnetization can also produce anomalies in equatorial north–south structures. These anomaly patterns are often more complicated than patterns produced by similar structures at high latitudes, but interpretational insight can be gained through numerical modelling of common structures. Reduction-to-pole and analytic signal filters can aid in interpretation of equatorial anomalies, but these must be applied carefully because of instabilities deriving from filter design and noise amplification.  相似文献   

We analyze the results of a series of experiments on studying the dynamical pattern of fracture growth. The failure of the rocks under long loading with the use of nonexplosive demolition agent (NDA) is studied. Due to the long (about 2 days) loading, the experiment closely reproduces the natural conditions. It is shown that a single center of failure is absent. The coordinates of the sources of acoustic emission are calculated. The failure zone where the fracture is formed is identified. The combined analysis of the migration of strong acoustic events (ACmax) with the determination of their coordinates together with the deformation observations provide an insight into the kinetics of evolution of the source zone.  相似文献   

Using the data of Moscow station for 1975–1985, the seasonal features in the dependence of the spread-F probability P near midnight on the levels of solar and geomagnetic activity have been analyzed. It has been found that the P dependence on solar activity is most substantial in winter and fall, the P dependence on geomagnetic activity is maximal during equinoxes, and the P dependence on solar activity prevails in summer but is much weaker than in winter and fall. Based on the qualitative analysis of the known mechanisms of the midlatitude spread-F, the regression equation, which shows the P dependence on the solar activity level and thermospheric parameters (temperature and density) at a fixed average level of geomagnetic activity, has been obtained. In this equation the character of the seasonal changes in P is determined by the thermospheric parameters, the relative contribution of which depends on solar activity. The found dependence of the character of the P seasonal variations on the solar activity level has been interpreted based on this equation.  相似文献   

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