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In the previous papers of this series (Winfield 1937, 1937ay 1937b, Winfield and Chin 1938) the study of the epidemiology of the nematode Ascaris lumbrz''coides has been used to indicate the funda- mental aspects of the fecal pollution of the environment in West Shantung, as a part of a general program of study on the control of fecal-borne diseases. In order more completely to fill in the picture of sanitary conditions the main features of which have been disclosed by the Ascaris studies, concomitant studies on the parasitic amoebae have also been carried through. These investigations on the amoebae are also of value because they contribute to our specific knowledge of these protozoa.  相似文献   

Large scale control of malayan filariasis has been achieved in China by carrying out mass surveys and total population treatment mainly with diethylcarbamazine (DiEC) or DEC medicat- ed salt reducing the microfilaria rate to minimum levels. But surveillance and campaigns must be continued for at least 10 years. We have little experience in exterminating the Anophet,es siuen- sis vector. The density of this species of vector is still fairly high here so further investigation and studies should be made in order to find a method of controlling it. This is our major task today.  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板状电泳对人肠道蛔虫、人胆道蛔虫、猪蛔虫和犬弓蛔虫的蛋白质进行了比较。结果表明:人肠道蛔虫、人胆道蛔虫和猪蛔虫蛋白质的电泳区带没有明显区别,而犬弓蛔虫与人肠道蛔虫、人胆道蛔虫和猪蛔虫蛋白质的电泳区带却有明显区别。  相似文献   

Cardioivascular diseases have become one of the major health problems in China in recent years. Stastistics from 4 urban B.eijing districts showed that the mortality rate of heart diseases increased from 71/1001,000 in 1958 t0 141/10'0,000 in 1979 and that of the cerebrovascular diseases from 107/100,000 t0 152/1010,000. Cardiovascular diseases acclounted for '52.670 0f all deaths in Beijing in 1979. Cardiovascular epidemiology and community control programs for manage- ment and prevention of major cardiovascular diseases are making steady progress in our coun- try. Further development of international ex- change and collaboration in cardio.vascular epidemiology will be emphasized in the coming years.  相似文献   

This papcr lists some institutions established since the founding of the People's Republic of China engaged in the research and control of ma laria, schistosomiasis, filariasis and leishmaniasis, ancl reviews their achievements in control. The number of reported malaria cases dropped from 3 059 636 in 1981 t0 563 400 in 1985, while the cs timated number on the eve of liberation was 30 million. Of 372 schistosomiasis endemic counties, 124 are now.. free of it and transmission has been virtually interrupted in 154 counties. Of 864 fila riasis endemic counties, 660 exhibit an infection rate of microfilaremia of less than one percent in every village of the county. Kala-azar occurs only spora dically in six provinces and municipalites in north, northwest and southwest China, while in east, north- east and central China it has been successfully eradicated. The author enumerates other parasitic infections which have so far been neglected and notes their clinical importance. Their control is to be considered by the health authorities. The task will not be an easy one, but the prospects are bright in view of our past experience and development of new technologies.  相似文献   

The morbidity and mortality rates of car- diovascular diseases have been on steady increase in recent years in China. Much emphasis and effort have been instituted by our government and the medical profession since the First National Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases in 1959. The main targets of health measures and research have been focused on hypertension, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and pulmonary heart disease (PHD), as these are the main causes of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity of the people. Our main activities include the follow- ing aspects.  相似文献   

Background. Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) infection is ubiquitous in selected population with sero-prevalence of 60-80%. Little is known for that in China, except few sporadic studies. To understand prevalence of HHV-6 antibody in Chinese population,this seroepidemiological study was conducted.Methods. Sera were collected from 430 healthy persons and donors living in North China,and tested for HHV-6 antibodies using IFA with HHV-6 GS strain passaged on HSB-2 cells as antigen, and titer e-qual or higher than 1:10 was regarded as seropositive.Results. Of the 430 serum samples tested,297 (69.1%) were positive for HHV-6 IgG. Both seropositive rate and GMT in females were significantly higher than those in males,with X2 = 7. 05,P<0. 01 and F = 7.23,P<0. 01,respectively. Statistically significant difference in prevalence of HHV-6 antibody among various age groups was observed in both sexes,with X2=20. 08 and 20. 28,P = 0. 04,respectively,and young children had a higher titer than adults. But, no significant dif  相似文献   

本文报告了Tamm-Horsfall蛋白与肾脏病关系的一组系列性临床—实验研究结果,包括:①如何自行提取尿THP和制备抗THP抗体,说明自制抗原、抗体具有经济、实用、可靠性高的优点。②介绍用火箭电泳和单扩法测定尿THP的具体方法、要点和临床意义。③用火箭电泳法测定肾脏病尿THP排量,发现慢性肾脏病时尿THP排量减少,在肾移植急性排异反应时其排出量增高,这是一种肾脏病的辅助诊断方法。④采用荧光标记抗THP抗体,检测尿THP包裹游离细胞(THP-CFC),发现肾实质疾病的尿THP-CFC为阳性,而下尿路疾病和正常人则为阴性,因而是尿中细胞来源定位的较好方法。⑤首次用THP局部和全身注射两法成功制作了与国外学者技术路线不同的小管-间质性肾炎(TIN)模型,它是研究TIN发病机制与防治的一种理想和成功率高的、病理损害表现典型的动物模型。⑥在上述⑤的基础上,用环孢素A(CsA)来干扰TIN,发现CsA有预防TIN形成的作用,同时也证实了免疫反应在该TIN形成中起一定作用。  相似文献   

An authoritative monograph on the history; epidemiology including distribution, patient age, pre- valence, sources of infection, vectors; clinical aspects including incubation period, typical cases and unusual forms (lymph gland, depigmented macular type, maculopapular nodular type and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis), importance of mitosis of the mono nuclear-phagocyte system cells containing Leishmania amastigotcs, hypersplenism and pathogenesis of pan- cytopenia in visceral leishmaniasis, complications (noma, agranulocytosis, acute bacillary dysentery and pneumonia), treatment (chemotherapy, splenectomy and treatmcnt of complications); post 1949 legislature to facillitatc free and effective treatment, killing of dogs and interruption of transmission route. The disease was not reported in China until the late 19th century. Now it is mainly found in the northwest in Xiujiang, and Inner mongolia and other isolated areas north of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

The Chinese Medical Association Survey hospitals numbered twenty- Light in 1933, and were situated in twelve of the fifteen provinces of (.hina proper, and their patients represented a satjsfactory sample of the disease population coming under modern meojcal observation in China toaay (I). Records of new in-patients and out-patients were returned and analysed on a uniform basis, and those of venereal disease will form the subject of the present communication.  相似文献   

应用“静息心电图明尼苏达编码—1982”对我省苏北一农村自然人群1177例35岁和以上农民进行心血管疾病调查。主要异常编码和次要异常编码发生率为3.7%和23.3%。异常编码之发生随年龄增长而增加,异常编码与三个主要易患因素—高血压、高脂血症、吸烟之间存在一定内在联系,对心血管疾病的发生和死亡具有预测价值。  相似文献   

省级三家医院1987年住院确诊滋养性细胞疾病患者:良性葡萄胎30例,恶葡30例,绒癌20例,进行患者的病因和流行病学调查,对照组选自同期住院的正常产妇。病例组与对照组按1∶2配对.结果:单因素 Logisitic 回归模型分析方法,选出22个有相对意义的因子。多因素分析:年龄、孕早期使用激素史、丈夫初婚年龄、初潮年龄、怀孕次数、停房事天数等,有显著意义(P均<0.05或<0.01).  相似文献   

The chromosome number and patterns of lung flukes belonging t0 9 species and subspecies were studied. The lung fluke P westermani in China can also be differentiated int0 2 types i.e. triploid and diploid in chromosome patterns. The chromosome patterns of other s.pecies studied are a.ll diploid. The significance of chromosome studies in species differentiation of lung flukes is discussed.  相似文献   

<正> 虻俗称瞎虻,在分类上隶属于双翅目虻科。虻是体型最大的凶猛叮吸人畜血液的一类昆虫,又是数种人畜间传染病的传播媒介,如罗阿丝虫病、野兔病、非洲锥虫病、马传染  相似文献   

中药沐浴涂搽剂是外治法的一种新剂型,用以治疗寻常痤疮、皮脂溢出、多汗及臭汗症、足癣及瘙痒症共318例,有效率分别为97.8%,100%,96%,100%及88%。本品具有消炎、杀菌、去脂、止痒及除臭等多种功能,其特点是见效时间快、有效及近期治愈率高、使用方便、副作用少,是防治皮肤病的一种有效的辅助治疗药物。  相似文献   

Objective To study the allele genetic polymorphism of five short tandem repeat (STR) loci on X-chromosome in Ewenke population of north China and to provide basic data for forensic identification. Methods Genomic DNA was extracted from EDTA-whole blood of Ewenke population by Chelex-100. The DNA samples were amplified by PCR and were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. The sequence length variations of DXS6799, DXS8378, DXS101, HPRTB, and DXS6789 loci on X-chromosome in 98 unrelated Ewenke individuals were investigated. Results All five loci analyzed showed high polymorphism and genetic stability. The data of the five X-chromosome STR loci in Ewenke ethnic group of China was in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by Chi-square test. Conchusion Allele polymorphism of five X-chromosome STR loci can be used as a genetic marker for forensic identification and population genetic research.  相似文献   

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