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气囊抛光工具的研制及特性测试   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
气囊式抛光是一种新颖的非球面抛光方法。气囊是该方法的关键部件,为控制它的变形和柔性,采用层合复合材料的制作方法,对气囊结构进行改进,然后从机械特性和应用两个方面,对改进的气囊进行试验和分析。研究结果表明,改进后的气囊具有变形小、柔性好的特点,能满足实际应用要求。  相似文献   

计时鸣  敖海平  金明生  张利  曾晰  丁洁瑾 《机电工程》2012,29(12):1367-1370,1375
为提高模具自由曲面上的气囊抛光加工效果,在六自由度气囊抛光实验平台上对不同曲率半径的二维曲面模具进行了气囊抛光实验研究。首先,研究了模具自由曲面上不同曲率表面对于气囊抛光过程中接触区域的接触面积、接触宽度,接触力和抛光效果的影响规律;在此基础上,提出了在气囊抛光过程中通过调节气囊抛光头的下压量和内部充气压力来改变接触面积、接触宽度和接触力值的方法,使抛光时不同曲率表面接触区域内的平均接触压力相同,且沿运动方向的接触宽度也相同,从而使不同曲率表面在抛光后的抛光质量接近,使整个模具自由曲面的抛光效果达到最佳;最后,运用上述方法对二维曲面模具进行了抛光实验。实验研究结果表明,经过接触特性优化,不同模具曲率表面气囊抛光后接触区域内的抛光质量接近,抛光效果得到提高。  相似文献   

针对目前模具抛光工艺规划方法研究的不足,提出一种模具气囊抛光总体工艺规划方法.基于抛光实验,研究了不同磨粒粒度水平下工件表面粗糙度的变化规律及可达的最小粗糙度值,提出一种基于不同抛光阶段中磨粒粒度选取的模具气囊抛光工序规划方法,该方法有助于实现抛光工序的智能规划.最后基于此方法进行了抛光实验,抛光效果较好.  相似文献   

自由曲面光学元件气囊抛光进动运动控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对自由曲面光学元件的加工特点,研究气囊抛光自由曲面光学元件进动运动控制技术,用于求出气囊工具进动过程中两虚拟轴的转角,实现对气囊自转轴空间位置的控制.以气囊自转轴为研究对象,由于自由曲面光学元件上每个点的法线三维坐标都不相同且气囊进动抛光过程中气囊自转轴与工件加工点局部法线夹角不变,提出建立基坐标系和抛光点对应三维空间坐标系的方法,得到抛光过程中气囊自转轴的空间位置变化情况,而后利用旋转坐标变换得到气囊抛光进动运动控制模型;在所建立的自由曲面光学元件气囊抛光进动运动控制模型中加入控制算法,求出抛光自由曲面光学元件各点时气囊工具两个虚拟旋转轴的转角.利用Matlab对自由曲面光学元件不同方向截面进行仿真抛光试验,得到自由曲面各方向上气囊抛光进动运动曲线以及仿真进动角曲线,结果证明了自由曲面光学元件气囊抛光进动运动控制模型及控制算法的正确性.  相似文献   

分析了模具型面数控铣削后表面形貌的特点,在此基础上提出相应的研磨抛光工艺,并开发出适用于数控机床的工具系统,以实现研磨抛光作业的自动化,提高工作效率.  相似文献   

针对工业机器人气囊抛光工具参数标定困难的问题,提出一种简便有效、易于操作的工具坐标系参数标定新方法。首先介绍了工具坐标系的标定原理,建立了机器人抛光系统的各个坐标系,然后根据工件转台与机器人的位置关系,提出一种只依靠机器人系统本身的工具参数标定算法,采用姿态转换及简单几何数学的计算即可实现。最后,以ER20D-C10型机器人为试验平台,对气囊抛光工具的参数进行标定并与传统标定方法对比,结果表明该方法是一种易操作、高精度的工具参数标定方法,满足机器人气囊抛光的技术要求。  相似文献   

气囊抛光技术及其研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
气囊抛光能够获得稳定的材料去除特性和高质量的抛光表面。回顾了气囊抛光的工作原理、特点和发展现状,对气囊抛光的关键技术进行了比较分析,包括抛光工具,进动抛光,脉动抛光,磁流体抛光,驻留时间,边缘控制和过程控制,抛光轨迹规划,磨粒场及气囊抛光应用等。研究结果表明,气囊抛光是一种值得关注的自由曲面高效精密抛光方法。  相似文献   

针对目前模具自由曲面抛光过程加工难的问题。从抛光工具与模具表面的接触入手。分析抛光工具的姿态,并着重对模具曲面抛光运动轨迹的规划和生成方法进行探讨。提出了根据模具曲面的不同区域宜采用不同的抛光轨迹生成方法。通过UGNX软件进行仿真分析。验证其抛光运动轨迹生成的合理性。  相似文献   

气囊式抛光是一种极具发展潜力的抛光方法,在精密光学元件的加工领域具有广阔的应用前景.针对现有气囊式抛光磨头加工方法的不足,提出了一种环形气囊抛光技术,设计了气囊式环形抛光磨头的机械结构.基于环形气囊抛光实验平台,利用气囊式环形抛光磨头进行了工艺试验.实验结果表明,此种抛光技术能够实现光学零件高精度表面质量的加工.  相似文献   

机器人模具抛光自由曲面刀具轨迹的生成研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以HNC-IR教学机器人为对象,对机器人模具抛光中自由曲面的抛光刀具轨迹的生成和干涉处理进行了研究,提出了适合于机器人抛光的面自由曲面刀具轨迹生成算法,此算法生成的抛光刀具轨迹具有形式简单、在曲面表面分布均匀等优点,适合于机器人抛光。  相似文献   

针对气囊抛光的运动特性和要求,提出了一种新型正交5-DOF并联气囊抛光机床,研究了该机床的位置正反解,推导出位置正反解方程,基于该并联机床的结构布局特点,绘制了该机床的工作空间轮廓图,仿真结果适合于气囊抛光的运动要求,为该并联机床的设计及气囊抛光的应用奠定了理论基础.新型5-DOF并联气囊抛光机床具有结构简单、承载能力强、精度高、运动稳定、惯性小、初始装配位姿解耦、工艺性好等优点,可用于空间曲面(磨具、叶片等)零件的加工及精密抛光等领域.  相似文献   

The research on the parameters optimization for gasbag polishing machine tools, mainly aims at a better kinematics performance and a design scheme. Serial structural arm is mostly employed in gasbag polishing machine tools at present, but it is disadvantaged by its complexity, big inertia, and so on. In the multi-objective parameters optimization, it is very difficult to select good parameters to achieve excellent performance of the mechanism. In this paper, a statistics parameters optimization method based on index atlases is presented for a novel 5-DOF gasbag polishing machine tool. In the position analyses, the structure and workspace for a novel 5-DOF gasbag polishing machine tool is developed, where the gasbag polishing machine tool is advantaged by its simple structure, lower inertia and bigger workspace. In the kinematics analyses, several kinematics performance evaluation indices of the machine tool are proposed and discussed, and the global kinematics performance evaluation atlases are given. In the parameters optimization process, considering the assembly technique, a design scheme of the 5-DOF gasbag polishing machine tool is given to own better kinematics performance based on the proposed statistics parameters optimization method, and the global linear isotropic performance index is 0.5, the global rotational isotropic performance index is 0.5, the global linear velocity transmission performance index is 1.012 3 m/s in the case of unit input matrix, the global rotational velocity transmission performance index is 0.102 7 rad/s in the case of unit input matrix, and the workspace volume is 1. The proposed research provides the basis for applications of the novel 5-DOF gasbag polishing machine tool, which can be applied to the modern industrial fields requiring machines with lower inertia, better kinematics transmission performance and better technological efficiency.  相似文献   

In order to solve the problems of reconstruct an unknown workpiece operations are always required by CAD information of workpiece which cause eeficiency low, operation complex and so on, the one which design and implementation of gasbag polishing operations which can automatically online reconstruct the geometry information of workpiece was investigated. The operation method of online reconstruction of a workpiece surface and the basic theory were introduced, in order to obtain the normal vector of workpiece surface. The outer ring of active compliance control based on the inner position loop was proposed, the position compensation at the end of the polishing manipulator was used to achieve the gasbag polishing contact force control. The contact force model of gasbag polishing was established. The trajectory planning algorithm with time-varying constraints was established. An experimental platform which is capable to reconstruct an unknown workpiece was built, the theory was simulated. The results indicate that this strategy is feasible and rffective. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]  相似文献   

计时鸣  陈伟强  金明生  张利 《机电工程》2012,29(4):377-380,416
为了控制六自由度机器人实现气囊连续进动抛光功能,建立了相应的运动数学模型。首先基于气囊连续进动抛光原理,利用齐次坐标变换矩阵,建立了气囊定点进动抛光的数学模型;在此基础上,根据气囊连续进动要求,应用坐标系转换原理,推导了气囊连续进动抛光的数学模型;通过Matlab仿真绘制了气囊连续进动抛光的运动空间,并在六自由度机器人辅助气囊抛光系统中进行了直线连续进动的实验验证,实验验证结果和仿真结果完全吻合。研究结果表明,该气囊连续进动抛光数学模型是可行的。  相似文献   

页轮是一种新型抛光工具,具有抛光效率高、质量好、抛光方法简便、成本低等优点,适用于各种轴类、大孔径、大平面等复杂型面零件的抛光加工,可解决因工件超长或超负荷而难以在磨床和珩磨机上进行表面精加工的难题。采用页轮代替砂带进行抛光是近年来国外用于改善工件表面粗糙度的一种新工艺,该工艺在我国的应用还处于起步阶段。我公司从1991年开始试验和应用这项新技术,取得了较好效果,证明页轮抛光是一种投资少、见效快、效益高的超精加工工艺。1 页轮抛光的原理及特点页轮抛光装置如图1所示。根据选用的电机轴配置左、右联接…  相似文献   

Micro impact extrusion is an appropriate mass production technology for micro structuring of sheet metal. The technology was applied to form sample geometries consisting of ten precision cavities which are intended to be collets for the form- and force-locked integration of piezo rods for later usage of the sheets as “smart sheet metal”. For reasons of flexibility, a modular tool concept was studied and applied. It allows a flexible arrangement of geometry elements but introduces new aspects which need to be considered. This study investigated the influences of tribological- and process parameters onto the microforming process. Therefore forming experiments were performed with different die coatings (titanium nitride, titanium carbon nitride, amorphous carbon), different lubricants (common oil, forming lubricant and without lubrication), as well as two die materials. In contrast to forming processes with established monolithic die configurations, phenomena like tilted structures and the appearance of unwanted burr were investigated. For creating structures with minimal tolerances, these effects need to be considered. The investigation of the influence of process parameters showed, that the lowest surface roughness was achieved without lubrication. Furthermore low-friction coatings and harder die materials improved the forming results.  相似文献   

Gasbag polishing is a kind of ultra-precision machining technology by means of flexible contact, while how to control the polishing contact force online is one of the key issues. In this paper, by analyzing the effect of downward depth and inflation pressure on the contact force experimentally, and then the coupling contact force model is developed. Thus, the predictions of polishing contact force and inflation pressure in terms of the nonlinear composite material of rubber gasbag can be obtained, which can be used to get the optional combination and controllable range of polishing contact force, and to construct the control system of coupling contact force as well. Experimental study shows that applying coupling contact force model to the control system of gasbag polishing contact force with BP neural network PID control strategy is a proper method, which realizes the polishing contact force controllable online and uniform surface quality of mold.  相似文献   

在分析卧式加工中心自身结构特征的基础上,应用广义模块化设计和基于实例推理技术,提出了一种基于实例推理的卧式加工中心广义模块化设计方法,建立了卧式加工中心模块编码体系,并根据卧式加工中心主轴及其各模块的静动及热态特性要求引入了基于有限元原理的结构分析及优化,最后论述了卧式加工中心模块化设计系统功能结构与开发技术。提出并实现了一种模块化设计系统,该系统有效的集成CAD/CAE系统,事实表明对产品设计有着一定意义。  相似文献   

Ballonet polishing tools, soft gasbags filled with compressed gas, are taking priority over other tools in curved surfaces polishing for their adaptability to change their shape to fit the machined surfaces. However, the real contact stress would be changed by the tensile stress of the bag’s material with the change of the workpiece’s shape even if the internal pressure of the gasbag is kept at a constant value. This paper studies how the tensile stress influences the contact conditions and the contact stress, and it advances an improved ballonet polishing method by contact force controlling. As a typical application, geometry arithmetic and parameter optimization are studied on the process of aspheric surfaces polishing. Theory study and real experiments show that, it is a better way by controlling the contact force rather than by controlling the internal pressure of the ballonet.  相似文献   

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