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Two lines of research have emerged in the study of planning techniques. The psychological approach emphasizes the cognitive processes that underlie planning while project management researchers have focused on applications of planning in organizational settings. The purpose of this study is to examine how the use of formal planning techniques influences planners' creative problem‐solving. Specifically, three planning techniques, Gantt charts, case‐based planning and critical path analysis, were examined. We attempted to ascertain the impact of using these techniques on a planner's ability to develop innovative solutions. It was found that participants demonstrated higher levels of creativity when they were encouraged to consider events that could jeopardize successful goal attainment rather than using cases from memory and planning specific tasks to be done.  相似文献   

结合业务流程再造的企业系统规划法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
开发一个良好的信息系统首先需要一个好的规划,针对传统的企业系统规划法的一些缺点,提出了一种改进的方法,即结合业务流程再造的企业系统规划法。该方法利用Petri网对工作流程进行仿真再造,最终分离出业务流程中的各个企业过程,在实际应用中已经取得了理想的效果。  相似文献   

Since the National Implementation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education for college students, the majority of un- dergraduate students have obtained great benefits. Both the innovation and entrepreneurship ability and practical ability have been improved greatly, which has laid a good foundation for going to the society. However, there are still some problems in the process of application, project establishment, organization and implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship project, and there are still loopholes in the management of innovation and entrepreneurship project of college students in quite a number of colleges. The au- thor puts forward some suggestions and opinions on how to manage the innovation and entrepreneurship projects of university stu- dents so as to make more breakthroughs in project management.  相似文献   

通过文献总结,揭示了商业模式的内涵,并在经典的委托代理的框架下,利用价值偏好参数(描述行为者关心自己与他人的程度)修改了委托人(运营商)的目标函数,集中考察了运营商与服务提供商之间基于共赢的电信商业模式业务创新合同设计问题,进而分析了均衡性质.结果表明,价值偏好参数可以协调委托代理双方的利益关系并有效控制代理成本,而单位努力的边际产出会影响激励结构的变化.  相似文献   

高校电子商务的局部解决方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高校这一特定区域的特点和优势,提出了以智能卡技术为依托,建立于校园网络平台之上的校园局部电子商务解决方案。运用智能卡的低端加密技术,实现电子交易的安全认证,采用高校集中的派送中心及智能卡管理模式,以解决一般电子商务物流处理环节的瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

This study advances prior theoretical research by examining the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and new venture performance with the introduction of exploratory and exploitative innovations as mediating variables. To fully understand the influence process of entrepreneurial leadership, we argue that environmental dynamism should be considered. Data on 168 new ventures in China indicate that entrepreneurial leadership is positively related to both exploratory and exploitative innovations, which in turn are both positively related to new venture performance. Our results also confirm that environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and both types of innovation (i.e., exploratory and exploitative). Thus, we contribute to the debate on the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on the pursuit of excellent new venture performance, not only by examining how entrepreneurial leadership affects new venture performance by pursuing two types of innovative activities (i.e., exploratory and exploitative innovations), but also by revealing how these relationships are contingent upon environmental dynamism.  相似文献   

By organizing a company's business elements into a conceptual model, strategic data planning can help the company gain a competitive edge. This article describes how an insurance company used an Information Cycle strategy and a subject data model to distribute information processing costs over its entire product line.  相似文献   

软件项目策划中的工作量估算方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对软件项目策划中工作量的估算方法进行了探讨,并重点介绍了一种基于组织经验和项目的实际情况来确定估算系数并进行工作量估算的方法,旨在为软件企业进行工作量估算、实行过程改进提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

Data from 135 teams that have participated in a software project planning exercise are analyzed to determine the relationship between team experience and each teams estimate of total project cost. The analysis shows that cost estimates are dependent upon two kinds of team experience: (1) the average experience for the members of each team and (2) whether or not any members of the team have similar project experience. It is shown that if no members of a planning team have had similar project experience then the estimate of cost is correlated with average team experience, with teams having greater average team experience producing higher total cost estimates. If at least one member of the planning team has had similar project experience then there is a weaker relationship between average team experience and cost, and cost estimates produced by those teams with similar project experience are close to those produced by teams with the greatest average team experience. A qualitative examination of the project plans produced by all teams indicates that the primary reasons that teams with less experience of either type produce lower cost estimates are that they have failed to include some tasks that are included by more experienced teams, and that they have estimated shorter task durations than have the more experienced teams.  相似文献   

室内设计企业要在专业化设计中脱颖而出,近来被引进"设计管理"的全新概念,无疑是帮助本土企业迅速提升核心竞争力的"一剂良方"。只懂得设计已经落伍,能选择市场切入点,对流行概念做出前瞻性预测,并激发创意,这些"设计管理"的功夫才是把室内设计企业引向专业化、规模化发展的关键所在。  相似文献   

信息化在中国经历数十年的发展,各企事业单位已经拥有了不同种类的成熟的基础信息系统,这些系统称为联机业务系统,如今根据自身发展的迫切需要,企业已经进入了商业智能(BI)分析的信息化阶段,商业智能所要解决的问题:如何充分利用这些分散在各个基础系统的信息,帮助企业更好的管理和决策以及为客户提供个性化的服务.商业智能系统与联机业务系统不一样,首先面临的问题是:数据量的急剧增长,联机业务系统也有,但是,联机业务系统通常的做法:定期会清理数据,而数据仓库系统里面通常至少保留数年的数据,所以膨胀的数据都要在数据仓库里面存储,比如以金融业的自然规律来讲:每年增40%的数据,如何设计和规划这些后台的数据,成为商业智能系统的设计的核心问题之一.本文提出的正是商业智能系统数据库的规划.  相似文献   

为了响应国家教委关于加强学生应用动手能力的指示精神,早在2005年,江西农业大学南昌商学院为了提高学生应用动手能力,更好地与市场人才需求相结合,江西农业大学南昌商学院开始以商学文化、商学素养、商务能力为目标,提出抛开以计算机等级考试为目的的应试性计算机基础教学,开设更加实用,应对市场需求的课程,以提高学生真实计算机操作水平。  相似文献   

大数据为国内运营商带来机遇的同时,也对运营商现有的业务发展模式以及运营模式提出了挑战。结合运营商业务发展现状以及开展大数据业务的驱动力进行分析,借鉴互联网公司及国外运营商的先进经验,从业务发展和业务运营2个角度讨论运营商在目前阶段如何进行大数据业务规划。  相似文献   

为使软件项目计划合理、计划执行控制有效,该文基于小组软件过程TSP(TeamSoftwareProcess),提出了一个软件过程知识支持下的具有决策、建议和预测能力的分布式软件项目计划与控制解决方案,与此同时,讨论了相关支持工具的体系结构实现及其实例应用场景。  相似文献   

经过多年来的信息化建设和积累,交通信息资源总量呈指数级增长,交通信息资源面临的缺乏整合与共享的问题也日益凸显.本文分析了公路信息资源存在的问题,对公路信息资源规划的数据库建设以及数据资源共享进行了深入研究,基于信息工程方法论,科学规划信息资源,并完善基础数据库、业务数据库以及主题数据库的建设,在明确数据服务的发布管理、...  相似文献   

苏云  朱原 《计算机应用》1999,19(8):39-40
企事业单位举办的各类大型活动阳一项项系统工程,牵涉面比较广。本文提出用计算机辅助进行活动度量有设计的方法,可以避免人工安排可能带来的不到之处。该设计思想针对有大批贵宾需要各自不同的个人详细活动计划表的接待工作而言,是非常奏效的。  相似文献   

随着国内经济发展和消费需求的变化,银行卡业务也应与时俱进,寻求创新.本文首先分析银行卡业务发展的现状,然后提出今后创新的方向.在此基础上,文章从银行卡风险防范的角度分析业务创新的重要作用.  相似文献   

本文从项目管理的概念入手,引入移动通信项目管理概念,分析项目管理的目的,以及当前移动通信工程项目面临的困难与挑战,探讨了如何在移动通信工程项目中成功实施项目管理。  相似文献   

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