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几种枝角类的卵鞍形态及表面超微结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陆开宏 《动物学报》2001,47(5):565-572
用光镜和扫描电镜对浙东地区八种常见淡水枝角类卵鞍形态和表面结构进行了观察和比较。卵鞍形态多为三角形或豆荚形,表面大都具特定的纹饰,内储冬卵1-2枚。卵鞍的形态、表面纹饰、冬卵的数量的排列方向具有种的特异性。枝角类的分类地位相距越远,卵鞍形态和表面结构相差越大,相近种和亚种间的卵鞍在光镜下难以区别,亚显微结构却有一定的差异。卵鞍的形态和结构作为枝角类的分类依据是有意义的。  相似文献   

若干种枝角类卵鞍表面亚显微结构的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以扫描电镜对发头裸腹溞、蚤状溞、隆线溞指名亚种以及隆线溞东湖一亚种的卵鞍分别进行了比较研究,发现卵鞍表面的亚显微结构有明显的差异,但亚种之间差异较小。隆线溞指名亚种与隆线溞东湖一亚种二者的卵鞍在光学显微镜下看不出有什么差异,然而亚显微结构却互不相同。这就为东湖一新亚种的确定提供了一项可靠的依据,同时也进一步证实卵鞍的超微结构确可作为枝角类分类的表征。  相似文献   

韩小玉  徐磊  陈向  韩博平 《生态科学》2011,30(3):273-279
为了解华南地区深水水库中枝角类休眠卵在底泥中的种群特征,于2009年2月对广东省流溪河水库沉积物中的枝角类休眠卵种类、数量和分布进行研究。在湖泊区、过渡区和河流区共设置8个采样点,采集表层15cm柱状底泥,经600、200和35μm三种孔径的网筛分离休眠卵后显微镜下计数。15cm样品根据柱状底泥的纹层确定为18~24年的沉积物。共检出12种枝角类休眠卵,河流区采样点未检出,两条入库河流汇合区种类数为10,其余采样点有4至5种。15cm沉积物中休眠卵的平均密度为1.3×105 ind.·m-3。休眠卵的多样性及密度分布特征与生境相关,过渡区底泥中的多样性高于湖泊区,但湖泊区底泥中密度高。卵库中的优势种类为微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)、船卵溞属(Scapholeberis sp.)和溞属(Daphnia sp.),均为逃避能力弱的种类。流溪河位于热带北缘,水温常年较高,多数枝角类可通过孤雌生殖终年存在于水体中,导致休眠卵的种类数量与密度均明显地低于温带湖泊。  相似文献   

本文记述和图示了产于准噶尔盆地硅屯河剖面安集海河组中上段地层中的枝角类冬卵化石1新属、新种。该类化石的发现丰富了准噶尔盆地早第三纪非海相生物资料,为地层划分对比,特别是对其沉积环境的探讨提供了较可靠的依据。  相似文献   

疏浚工程前后杭州西湖枝角类群落结构的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调查了疏浚工程前(1995年)与疏浚工程后(2003年)杭州西湖四个湖区枝角类的群落结构,包括密度、生物量、多样性指数以及优势种组成的变化,并对枝角类生物量与水质理化因子之间的相关关系进行了分析。结果表明:西湖枝角类平均密度由1995年的1.86ind/L上升到2003年的4.53ind/L,生物量由1995年的0.051mg/L上升到2003年的0.093mg/L,而多样性指数平均值则由1995年的10.39下降到2003年的4.33。疏浚后,西湖原第一优势种长肢秀体溞(Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum)的优势度明显下降,一些体型较小的优势种,如长额象鼻涵(Bosmina longirostris)、颈沟基合溞(Bosminopsis deitersi)和微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)的优势度均有不同程度的增加:某些湖区长额象鼻溞和微型裸腹溞取代了长肢秀体溞第一优势种的地位。枝角类年平均生物量与水体年平均叶绿素a和总磷含量之间均有显著的负相关关系,并有随水体透明度提高而增加、随pH值增大而下降的趋势。长肢秀体溞、长额象鼻溞和颈沟基合溞在营养水平较低的湖区具有较大的密度和生物量,而微型裸腹溞则在营养水平较高的湖区具有较大的密度和生物量。水体富营养化程度不同被认为是枝角类在湖区间具有不同分布格局的重要原因。  相似文献   

枝角类休眠卵形成和萌发的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟琼  邓道贵 《动物学杂志》2008,43(3):154-160
综述了多年来国内外对枝角类休眠卵的研究概况,重点介绍了休眠卵的形态、形成的条件、保存方式及萌发条件等.休眠卵通常呈圆形或椭圆形,外被一层厚的卵膜.休眠卵的形成主要依赖于生物因子(遗传因素、种群密度等)和非生物因子(温度、食物、光照等)的作用.影响休眠卵萌发的因子有休眠卵的保存方式、保存时间、萌发阶段的光照及温度等.  相似文献   

略论武汉东湖枝角类种类演替及其与生态因子的关系   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文报道了武汉东湖1980—1988年间枝角类的种类演替,并分析了种类演替与主要生态因子间的关系,同时还与他人的研究结果进行了比较。研究结果表明,二十年来,枝角类种类组成已趋于简单,并由六十年代的47种减少为八十年代的26种。优势种群也发生了较大的变化。虽然冬、春季节仍以透明溞(Daphnia hyalina)为第一优势种,但以往夏、秋季节的优势种群隆线溞一亚种(Daphnia carinata ssp.)规模却日趋减少,并趋于消失;而杂食性的短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)种群规模则不断变大,最终跃为东湖夏、秋季节枝角类的优势种群。即在夏、秋季节,优势种群已由专性植食性种演变为杂食性种。在种类演替的同时,枝角类小型化现象也十分明显。其平均体长与时间的回归方程式分别为: 隆线溞一亚种:Y=122.23-0.06107X 透明溞:Y=142.28-0.07117X 短尾秀体溞:Y=61.56-0.03067X 渔业的强化,浮游植物的演替及水体富营养化的日趋严重导致了东湖枝角类的种类演替。同时,这也是引起枝角类小型化现象的主要生态因素。  相似文献   

毛洁  杨宇峰  谷阳光  陈实 《生态科学》2012,31(3):252-258
于2010年9月采集南澳海域鱼类养殖区、贝类养殖区、大型藻类栽培区和对照区4个功能区表层沉积物样品,分析沉积物中生物硅(BSi)、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)4种生源要素的含量。结果表明,南澳海域生源要素含量与国内外养殖区相比属于中等水平。鱼类养殖区TOC、TN、TP的含量最高,而BSi的最高含量出现在藻类栽培区(平均含量为0.30%)。鱼类养殖区BSi、TOC、TN和TP的平均含量分别为0.24%、0.89%、0.13%和0.097%。根据沉积物中TOC/TN比值分析,发现鱼类养殖区的TOC主要来源于水生,贝类、藻类和对照区TOC则主要来源于陆源。生源要素污染评价表明,4个功能区的TN均属于Ⅱ类污染,鱼类和贝类养殖区的TP属于Ⅱ类轻度污染。  相似文献   

催产时鳝卵磷酸酶活性的变化及其与排卵的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用Gomori组织化学法和磷酸苯二钠法,分别检测黄鳝卵ALP、ACP的细胞定位和活性变化。结果表明,催产后72h,ALP活性显著高于临近注射时(Oh),催产后48h和96h(p<0.05);临产前(催产后96h),ACP活性极显著高于试验组其它各时程(p<0.01)。提示ALP和ACP活性增强与卵母细胞成熟、排放有直接关系。本研究为探索排卵机制提供资料。  相似文献   

武汉南湖沉积物中水生植物残体及其氮磷分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对武汉市南湖5个采样点30 cm沉积物柱样中水生植物残体的含量、植物残体的总氮和总磷量进行了研究.结果表明,在南湖中水生植物残体具有较大的沉积量,是一个重要的N、P库;不同采样点之间,水生植物残体的含量有着较大的差异性.在水生植物残体的TN和TP的垂向分布上,0~5cm段TN为20.230 mg·g-1, 25~30 cm段TN为 20.613 mg·g-1,检测TN 与沉积深度的相关系数为0.5851,P>P 0.05,两者相关不显著;0~5cm 段的TP为2.546 mg·g-1 ,25~30 cm段的TP为 0.634 mg·g-1,上下相差4倍,TP 与沉积深度的相关系数为-0.9507(P<P 0.01),说明两者呈紧密负相关,即沉积年代越早,TP值越低;沉积年代越晚,TP值越高,这与南湖的富营养化过程是一致的.研究表明,湖泊沉积物中的水生植物残体可作为湖泊富营养化过程的一种新的证据材料,其TP值可以作为一个环境变化的指标,对研究长江中下游浅水湖泊的富营养化过程具有参考意义.  相似文献   

Xu  Fu-Liu  Tao  S.  Dawson  R. W.  Xu  Z. R. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):85-93
The temporal and spatial distribution of total nitrogen and total phosphate in the sediments of a shallow eutrophic Chinese lake (Lake Chao), and their relationships with the physical and chemical features of sediments, and their effects on the lake water quality and trophic state, are presented in this paper. The following results were obtained: (1) higher concentration of Tot-N and Tot-P in the sediments occurred in the summer and the autumn seasons; (2) higher annual average Tot-N and Tot-P concentrations were observed in the sediments near the various river mouths and in the western part of the lake; (3) Tot-N and Tot-P concentration in the lake sediments generally increased with increase in lake sediment Eh, pH, and Al2O3, and declined with decrease in lake sediment size diameters and SiO2; and, (4) correlations were observed in both the temporal and spatial distributions between the trophic state, Tot-N and Tot-P concentration in the lake water, and the Tot-N and Tot-P concentration found in the lake sediments.  相似文献   

Columnar sediment samples were collected from five representative estuaries of Dianchi Lake, China. And the vertical distribution of each fraction of nitrogen (IEF-N, CF-N, IMOF-N, OSF-N) were tested. The results showed that the TN content in sediments from areas A, B, C, D and E gradually decreased with depth between 0 and 15 cm, then sharply decreased with depth between 15 and 30 cm and stabilized at depth below 30 cm, indicating the exogenous input of N in these areas has not been controlled effectively. The proportion of TN occupied by various N fractions in the sediments ranked as follows: OSF-N > IMOF > CF-N > IEF-N. Correlation analysis results showed both IEF-N and IMOF-N were significantly correlated with the content of TFe2O3 + MnO + Al2O3 in deeper sediments, while no correlation in superficial sediments. The areas A and B have extremely high release risks for N in superficial sediments. However, the N in the sediments of areas C, D and E were in relative equilibrium with the overlying water, indicating release potential risk was relatively low.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物微生物生物量及其与碳、氮、磷的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对太湖沉积物中微生物生物量碳(MBc)、氮(MBN)、磷(MBp),以及沉积物总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)进行测定并进行相关性分析,揭示太湖沉积物微生物对太湖沉积物营养盐的响应及反馈特征.结果表明:沉积物微生物生物量(MB)在湖体沿岸地区大于湖心区,平均值为184.66 mg·kg-1,MBc在西部沿岸区以及竺山湾和梅梁湾区域较高,平均值为127.57 mg·kg-1;MBN在梅梁湾、贡湖部分区域以及靠近梅梁湾和贡湖的湖心区域和东部沿岸区较高,平均值为19.25 mg·kg-1;MBp在东部沿岸区及其附近的湖心区最高,平均值为19.09 mg·kg-1;沉积物TOC高值区(≥2.30 g· kg-1)主要集中在竺山湾、西部沿岸区、梅梁湾、贡湖地区,平均值为1.59 g·kg-1;沉积物TN高值区(≥0.30g· kg-1)主要集中在贡湖、梅梁湾、竺山湾部分地区以及西部沿岸区,平均值为0.21 g·kg-1;沉积物TP高值区(≥1.20g·kg-1)主要集中在东部沿岸区以及湖心部分区域,平均值为0.55 g·kg-1;太湖沉积物TOC/TN在7~19,平均值为8.97,表明太湖沉积物中的有机质具有明显的双重来源,其中陆源有机质主要集中在西部沿岸区;太湖沉积物MB与沉积物TOC和TN呈显著正相关,与沉积物TP相关性不显著;沉积物MBc/MBN与沉积物TOC/TN显著相关.太湖沉积物微生物主要受沉积物TOC、TN影响,且沉积物TOC/TN的变化显著影响微生物群落结构.  相似文献   

The cladoceran faunas from 13 northern German lakes (the Plön district) of different trophic levels were analysed using the bosminid and chydorid remains in the surficial sediment as an integrated sample of the total lake fauna. In the dimictic lakes, a shift occurred in the composition of planktonic Cladocera from Bosmina coregoni, including morphs with a mucro, to predominance of Chydorus sphaericus and Bosmina c. thersites as trophic state increased. In the benthic Cladocera (Chydoridae), there was a decrease in species diversity, in the percentages of phytophilous species and in the portion of species that are typical of clear water lakes, but there was an increase both in the number of mud dwellers and species that are typical of polluted lakes. No positive correlation was found between mean depth of the lakes and the planktonic/littoral ratio.  相似文献   

刘静静  董春颖  宋英琦  孙培德 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7932-7939
通过采集北里湖不同季节的柱状芯样,在实验室静态模拟沉积物氨氮(NH+4-N)和可溶解性磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)的释放,同时研究了沉积物间隙水中NH+4-N及PO3-4-P的垂直分布特征.结果表明,沉积物间隙水NH+4-N随深度的增加有上升的趋势,PO3-4-P随深度的增加呈先升后降的趋势.氮、磷营养盐在沉积物—水界面均存在浓度梯度,表明存在自间隙水向上覆水扩散的趋势.沉积物NH+4-N在春季、夏季、秋季、冬季的释放速率分别为0.074 mg·m-2· d-1、0.340mg· m-2· d-1、0.087 mg· m-2· d-1、0.0004 mg·m-2·d-1,pO3-4-P的释放速率则分别为0.340 mg·m-2·d-1、0.518 mg·m-2·d-1、0.094 mg·m-2·d-1、-0.037 mg· m-2·d-1.不同采样点表现出明显的季节和空间差异性,释放速率表现为夏季>春季、秋季>冬季.根据静态模拟出的不同季节下内源氮、磷释放速率计算,全湖内源氮、磷营养盐的贡献分别为0.0037、0.0057t/a.该研究可为北里湖富营养化及内源污染的治理提供基础数据.  相似文献   

Palynological analyses in combination with radiocarbon dating on a Holocene borehole from the Lake Nanyi, Anhui Province, East China demonstrate a well-documented local vegetation evolution since 9000 cal BP, which is the first record of Holocene climate change and human impact in this region. Since 9000 cal BP a mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest dominated by Cyclobalanopsis and Quercus developed in this area, indicating a warm climate condition with enhanced insolation. A mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest was fully developed between 6600–4500 cal BP, which corresponds to the Holocene Climate Optimum with the strong influence of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). After 3000 cal BP the broad-leaved forest decreased rapidly, while land herbs and ferns increased. It seems that the climate condition in East China was similar to the present after Holocene Climate Optimum. Pollen results show a potential interface between environment changes and human activities. Pollen diagram demonstrates that human impacts on the natural vegetation remained weak at the early stage but significantly enhanced upwards. The distinctive fluctuations of the pollen contents among AP (trees and shrubs), and the possible agriculture indicators might infer the potential human behaviors for environment changes. Due to the enlargement of organized farming and increase in population, natural forest was eventually replaced by farmland since 3000 cal BP. This study would increase our knowledge of Holocene vegetation transition related to the monsoon dynamics on a long timescale in East China and provide an environmental background for more detailed studies on cultural developments in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region.  相似文献   

龙感湖沉积物碳、氮同位素记录的环境演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对龙感湖沉积物样品中δ13Corg、δ15N、有机碳与总氮比值(C/N)、总有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)含量的测定,分析了自1948年以来龙感湖沉积物有机质的来源,探讨了湖泊生产力变化以及随后的沉积演化过程.结果表明:在这个沉积历史阶段中,湖泊沉积物有机质以自生有机物源为主,大型水草发育,伴有低等藻类参与,湖泊沉积物受陆源输入影响较小,基本不受城市污染物的输入影响,但受流域农业化肥大量使用的影响较大;随着营养物质的输入,湖泊的初级生产力逐渐增大,藻类开始发育;在沉积历史上L2点附近低等藻类相对发育早,但L1点沉积物相对能够固定更多的营养盐.  相似文献   

The cycling of nutrients in a closed-basin antarctic lake: Lake Vanda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lake Vanda is a permanently ice covered, meromictic, closed basin lake, located in the Dry Valley region of Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. A unique feature of the lake water column structure is that the bottom lake waters exist as a natural diffusion cell. The diffusive nature of these waters allows rates of sulfate reduction, nitrification and denitrification to be calculated from nutrient concentration gradients. Calculation reveals that sulfate reduction is by far the most important anoxic process acting to oxidize organic material. In addition, rate calculations reveal that bottom water nutrient profiles are in steady state. One argument in support of this conclusion is that the calculated rate of nitrification balances the flux of ammonia from the anoxic lake waters. The flux of phosphorus from the reducing waters is several times less than would be predicted from the nitrogen and phosphorus content of decomposing lake seston. Solubility calculations show that phosphorus may be actively removed at depth in Lake Vanda by the formation of hydroxyapatite. It is found that estimated rates of nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the bottom lake waters and sediments roughly balance the riverine input flux. This suggests that throughout the lake a nutrient steady state may exist, and that the anoxic zone may be the most important loci for nutrient removal. Finally, the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus entering Lake Vanda by riverine input is less than the Redfield ratio of 16/1; in contrast to the lake waters which are strongly phosphorus limited at all depths. This curious aspect of the lake's nutrient chemistry is explained by the presence of preformed nitrogen, which has been concentrated in the deep brine due to several episodes of evaporative concentration.  相似文献   

南京玄武湖底泥微生物群落结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)的方法研究了南京玄武湖底泥中的微生物群落结构分布。此外,我们还采用了典范对应分析(CCA)的方法研究了底泥中一些环境因子对微生物群落结构的影响。在玄武湖三个不同湖区共选取八个采样点采集底泥样品,测定不同底泥样品中的总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、有机质(OM)、pH和氧化还原电位(Eh),发现不同采样点的环境参数存在差异。其中,采样点S2底泥样品的总氮和有机质含量最高,氧化还原电位水平最低。对DGGE分离的DNA条带进行测序,测序结果利用BLAST与GenBank数据库中的菌种进行对比,运用MEGA 3.0软件构建了系统进化树。结果表明:玄武湖底泥中分离出的微生物属于Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, VerrucomicrobiaNitrospira,它们都属于富营养化湖泊中常见的微生物类群。典范对应分析(CCA)的结果表明: 底泥样品的pH值和氧化还原电位水平对底泥当中的微生物群落结构有显著影响。  相似文献   

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