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阐述了静态高温高压实验研究在地学各方面的新进展、新动向、新仪器、新观点和新资料。  相似文献   

Pressure–volume–temperature measurements have been carried out using synchrotron X-ray diffraction for wüstite at static pressures of 1.9, 2.6, and 5.4 GPa. Our results revealed that the composition change of wüstite and, hence, rearrangements of defect structures are primarily caused by the magnetite (Fe3O4) exsolution at temperatures of 523–723 K. Based on the isobaric volume–temperature data collected during cooling, the contribution of compositional variations to the unit-cell volumes of wüstite in the ranges of 300–673 K and 723–1073 K is negligibly small, within the experimental uncertainties. These observations suggest that the measured volume changes in the range of 300–673 K and 723–1,073 K can be attributed to the metal–oxygen bond expansion. Owing to the magnetite exsolution, thermal expansion data are obtained in each experiment at 1.9, 2.6, and 5.4 GPa for wüstite of two different compositions, Fe0.987O and Fe0.942O. At all three pressures, Fe0.942O shows a thermal expansion that is about 30% larger than Fe0.987O. Such findings represent the first experimental evidence of a substantial effect of nonstoichiometry on thermal expansivity, and based on previous thermodynamic calculations of the defect formation and interaction, this effect is likely associated with the distinct defects arrangements in iron-rich and more iron-deficient wüstite. This study also presents thermal equations of state for wüstite of two different compositions. Such volume-related properties at high temperatures are experimentally difficult to obtain in wüstite but important for thermodynamic studies in the binary Fe–O system.  相似文献   

Carrara大理岩高温高压变形实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高精度的Paterson高温高压流变仪对Carrara大理岩在高温(873~1173K)高压(~300MPa)以及约10-6~10-3s-1应变速率下进行了三轴压缩变形实验。结果表明,在等应变速率条件下,其强度随着温度的升高而降低;在等温和等压条件下,其强度随着应变速率的增加先快速增加而后缓慢增加。在应变速率对差应力的双对数投图中,我们发现随着温度的升高拟合直线的斜率减小,并且在873K和高应变速率时973K温度下Carrara大理岩的流变本构方程服从指数律变化关系;而在高温(1073K和1173K)和973K低应变速率条件下Carrara大理岩的应力指数n为5.3~7.7,且服从幂次律变化关系。因此,Carrara大理岩在本研究的实验条件下主要有两种变形机制,一种是用指数律表示的高应力变形机制;另一种是用幂次律表示的中等应力变形机制。  相似文献   

橄榄石集合体中与位错蠕变相伴随的粒间滑动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究橄榄岩位错蠕变过程中粒间滑动所起的作用,对经脱水干燥的橄榄石集合体试件进行了一系列的变形试验。三轴压缩蠕变试验在T=1473K、P=200和400MPa条件下使用一台高分辨率气体介质变形装置进行,每个试件在介于100~250MPa之间的不同应力水平下变形,得到的应变率介于10-4 ~10-6S-1之间。随着差应力的增加,得到扩散蠕变到位错蠕变的过渡,在位错蠕变域,易滑动体系在~50MPa和颗粒尺寸为15μm时伴随粒间滑动。这一粒径敏感蠕变域由应力指数3.2±0.1和粒径指数1.8±0.2来刻划。将这一流动律与其他扩散和位错蠕变结果进行对比,表明本文得出的流动律可应用于粒度小于100μm和差应力大于20MPa时的岩石流动。因此,与粒间滑动相伴的位错蠕变可能是上地幔岩石圈剪切带变形局部化的主要变形机制。  相似文献   

We observed a direct reaction of metallic iron with water to form iron hydride and iron oxide, 3Fe + H2O–>2FeHx + FeO, at pressures from 6 GPa to 84 GPa and temperatures above 1,000 K in diamond anvil cell (DAC). Iron hydride is dhcpFeHx or -FeHx, and iron oxide has the rhombohedral or B1 structure at pressures at least up to 37 GPa. The formation of an assembly composed of dhcpFeHx and FeO with the B8 structure was observed at 84 GPa. In primordial Earth, water formed by dehydration of the low temperature primitive materials reacts with metallic iron in the high temperature component to form iron hydride FeHx and iron oxide FeO. The former would be incorporated in the iron forming the core. Thus hydrogen could be an important element of the Earths core. This reaction would be essential for transport of hydrogen into the core in the accretion stage of the Earth.  相似文献   

矿物反应与变形关系研究——以糜棱岩高温高压实验为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘贵  石耀霖  周永胜 《岩石学报》2016,32(6):1663-1674
矿物反应和变形局部化在中下地壳普遍存在,两者相互影响和促进。实验研究表明,矿物反应与变形关系非常复杂。本文在糜棱岩高温高压流变实验的基础上,分析了实验变形样品中的矿物反应分布特征以及矿物反应引起的化学成分变化,讨论了矿物反应与变形的相互影响。微观结构分析表明,实验变形后的糜棱岩样品在温度800~890℃时,角闪石和黑云母出现脱水反应,生成微晶角闪石和黑云母,并伴有局部熔融。受应变局部化控制,脱水反应产物主要出现在黑云母、角闪石条带边缘。微晶和熔体的成分分析表明,不仅脱水反应形成的微晶与熔体的SiO 2含量非常低,而且黑云母周围的反应产物和熔体主要来自于黑云母的脱水,角闪石边缘的反应产物和熔体主要来自于角闪石脱水,石英、钾长石和斜长石没有参与反应与熔融。本研究中的脱水反应产物中,没有发现辉石和石榴石,这种脱水反应与文献中报道的无局部化的均匀样品在静高压和高熔融比例条件的脱水反应产物和熔体的成分有很大差别。黑云母和角闪石的局部化分布和脱水程度低,可能是造成脱水反应产物有差别的巨大原因。在本实验结果中,脱水反应对变形的影响主要体现为,脱水反应产生了细粒混合矿物相,使得在局部化的剪切带内变形机制从位错蠕变转变为扩散蠕变,导致样品出现应变弱化。另外脱水反应还引起了局部脆性破裂。变形引起晶体塑性变形,增加了位错密度和矿物细粒化,促进了晶体内部成核和黑云母与角闪石的脱水分解;差应力作用增加了局部的正应力和平均应力,增加了黑云母和角闪石能够稳定存在的压力范围,这可能是反应产物以微晶黑云母和角闪石为主,而没有转化为辉石的原因。  相似文献   

In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments were conducted using the SPEED-1500 multi-anvil press of SPring-8 on stishovite SiO2 and pressure-volume-temperature data were collected at up to 22.5 GPa and 1,073 K, which corresponds to the pressure conditions of the base of the mantle transition zone. The analysis of room-temperature data yielded V0=46.56(1) Å3, KT 0=296(5) GPa and K T =4.2(4), and these properties were consistent with the subsequent thermal equation of state (EOS) analyses. A fit of the present data to high-temperature Birch-Murnaghan EOS yielded (KT /T) P =–0.046(5) GPa K–1 and = a + bT with values of a =1.26(11)×10–5 K–1 and b =1.29(17)×10–8 K–2. A fit to the thermal pressure EOS gives 0=1.62(9)×10–5 K–1, ( K T / T) V =–0.027(4) GPa K–1 and (2P /T 2) V =27(5)×10–7 GPa K–2. The lattice dynamical approach by Mie-Grüneisen-Debye EOS yielded 0=1.33(6), q =6.1(8) and 0=1160(120) K. The strong volume dependence of the thermal pressure of stishovite was revealed by the analysis of present data, which was not detectable by the previous high-temperature data at lower pressures, and this yields ( K T / T) V 0 and q 1. The analyses for the fictive volume for a and c axes show that relative stiffness of c axis to a axis is similar both on compression and thermal expansion. Present EOS enables the accurate estimate of density of SiO2 in the deep mantle conditions.  相似文献   

富铁橄榄石的高温变形实验研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用高精度Paterson气体介质变形装置对(Mg0.5,Fe0.5)2SiO4和(Mg0.7,Fe0.3)2SiO4橄榄石集合体进行了高温三轴压缩变形试验。首先用人工合成了纯铁橄榄石Fe2SiO4,然后用合成的纯铁橄榄石与天然圣卡罗橄榄石按一定比例混合烧结合成了含铁量分别为50%和30%的富铁橄榄石集合体Fo50和Fo70。三轴压缩蠕变变形试验在温度1223-1473 K和围压 300 MPa的条件下进行,差应力为10-300 MPa,应变率为10-7-10-4s-1,每个试件的最大变形量为20%.利用三维非线性方法对蠕变数据进行拟合,得出的流动律中,Fo50应力指数为4.1,活化能为499kJ/mol;Fo70应力指数为4.3,活化能为510kJ/ mol。将实验结果与Fo90圣卡罗橄榄石集合体的强度进行对比,发现含铁量的增加使橄榄石的强度明显下降,Fo50橄榄石集合体比Fo70的粘性低一个量级,Fo70比Fo90的粘性低一个量级。从而得到了含铁量对橄榄石的粘性(强度)影响的初步试验结果。  相似文献   

Iron pressurized to 60 gigapascal (GPa) was heated with laser up to temperatures of over 2200 K. The structural changes were determined in-situ using third generation synchrotron X-ray source; the changes were recorded on an imaging plate with a monochromatic beam. The results strongly support the existence of a phase transformation of the hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure to the new polymorph (β-phase of iron) at high pressure and temperature. We interpret the X-ray data as belonging to the double hexagonal close-packed (dhcp) structure distorted by stress due to laser heating. Received: 2 February 1998 / Accepted: 23 August 1998  相似文献   

秦善  顾婷婷  巫翔 《岩石学报》2019,35(1):146-152
利用同步辐射X射线衍射及拉曼光谱技术对葡萄石分别进行了原位高温及原位高压实验。原位高温实验结果表明葡萄石的热膨胀系数为K=1. 77(3)×10~(-5)K~(-1),轴向热膨胀系数具有各向异性(α_aα_bα_c),葡萄石在1073K时开始发生脱水反应,分解为钙长石及硅灰石。原位高压X射线衍射实验结果表明,在大于12. 4GPa时,葡萄石的晶胞参数发生不连续变化,可能发生了相变;在24. 0GPa左右,葡萄石发生不可逆的非晶化转变。原位高压拉曼光谱表明,葡萄石在12. 6GPa左右发生相变,这一相变很可能与其[(Si,Al)O_4]四面体中的Si发生有序排列有关。结合葡萄石的热膨胀性及压缩性,我们确定了葡萄石在高温高压下的稳定范围,这一结果对认识上地幔中含水矿物的状态以及地幔中水的来源有重要意义。  相似文献   

Shear deformation of hot pressed plagioclase–olivine aggregates was studied in the presence and absence of mineral reaction. Experiments were performed at 900 °C, 1500 MPa, and a constant shear strain rate of 5×10−5 s−1 in a solid medium apparatus. Whether the mineral reaction between plagioclase and olivine takes place or not is controlled by choosing the appropriate plagioclase composition; labradorite (An60) does not react, anorthite (An92) does. Labradorite–olivine aggregates deformed without reaction are very strong and show strain hardening throughout the experiment. Syndeformational reaction between olivine and anorthite causes a pronounced strain weakening. The reaction produces fine-grained opx–cpx–spinel aggregates, which accommodate a large fraction of the finite strain. Deformation and reaction are localised within a 0.5-mm-wide sample. Three representative samples were analysed for their fabric anisotropy R* and shape-preferred orientation α* (fabric angle with the shear plane) using the autocorrelation function (ACF). Fabric anisotropy can be calibrated to quantify strain variations across the sheared samples. In the deformed and reacted anorthite–olivine aggregate, there is a strong correlation between reaction progress and strain; regions of large shear strain correspond to regions of maximum reaction progress. Within the sample, the derived strain rate variations range up to almost one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

天荒坪电 站引水系统岔管段固结灌浆压力为9.0MPa,据此对高压充气塞和机械塞2种灌浆塞进行试验分析,总结出各自的优缺点及其适用条件。  相似文献   

The first pressure derivatives of the second-order elastic constants have been calculated for brucite, Mg(OH)2 from the second- and third-order elastic constants. The deformation theory and finite strain elasticity theory have been used to obtain the second- and third-order elastic constants of Mg(OH)2 from the strain energy of the lattice. The strain energy ϕ is calculated by taking into account the interactions up to third nearest neighbors in the Mg(OH)2 lattice. ϕ is then compared with the strain dependent lattice energy from continuum model approximation to obtain the expressions of elastic constants. The complete set of six second-order elastic constants C IJ of brucite exhibits large anisotropy. Since C 33 (= 21.6 GPa), which corresponds to the strength of the material along the c-axis direction, is less than the longitudinal mode C 11 (= 156.7 GPa), the interlayer binding forces are weaker than the binding forces along the basal plane of Mg(OH)2. The 14 nonvanishing components of the third-order elastic constants, C IJK , of brucite have been obtained. All the C IJK of brucite are negative except the values of C 114 (= 230.36 GPa), C 124 (= 75.45 GPa) and C 134 (= 36.98 GPa). The absolute values of the C IJK are, in general, one order of magnitude greater than the C IJ ’s in the Mg(OH)2 system as usually expected for a crystalline material. To our knowledge, no previous data are available to compare the pressure derivatives of brucite. The pressure derivatives of the two components viz., C 14 and C 33 become negative indicating an elastic instability in brucite while under pressure. This may be related to the phase transition of brucite largely involving rearrangements of H atoms revealed in the Raman spectroscopic, powder neutron diffraction and synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies.  相似文献   

Arrays of closely-spaced (approximately <70 mm) sub-parallel cataclastic deformation bands are common structures in deformed, high-porosity (∼10–35%) sandstones. The distribution of strain onto many small-displacement deformation bands is thought by some to result from strain-hardening of the cataclasite within individual bands. Examination of both normal and strike-slip faults with displacements ≤7 m from southeastern Utah, USA, and the North Island of New Zealand suggests, however, that clusters of deformation bands systematically develop at fault geometric irregularities (e.g., fault bends, steps, relays, intersections and zones of normal drag). The strain-hardening model does not account for clustering of deformation bands at fault geometric irregularities or the associated widespread coalescence of bands, and is not unequivocally demonstrated by post-peak macroscopic mechanical responses in laboratory rock deformation experiments. A geometric model is proposed in which individual bands within clusters develop sequentially due to migration of incremental shear strains at fault geometric irregularities as part of a slip localisation, asperity removal and strain weakening process. The geometric model, which does not require strain hardening of the fault rock, applies for the duration of faulting and a range of rock types in the brittle upper crust.  相似文献   

We have determined the P-V equation of state of Al-rich H-bearing SiO2 stishovite by X-ray powder diffraction at pressures up to 58 GPa using synchrotron radiation. The sample contained 1.8 wt% Al2O3 and up to 500 ppm H2O, and had a composition that would coexist with Mg-silicate perovskite in a subducted slab. By fitting a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to our compression data, we obtained a bulk modulus K T0=298(7) GPa with K′=4.3(5). With K′ fixed to a value of 4, the bulk modulus K T0=304(3) GPa. Our results indicate that Al3+ and H+ have a small effect on the elastic properties of stishovite. Compared with data obtained up to 43.8 GPa, peak intensities changed and we observed a decreased quality of fit to a tetragonal unit cell at pressures of 49 GPa and higher. These changes may be an indication that the rutile↔CaCl2 transition occurs between these pressures. After laser annealing of the sample at 58.3(10) GPa and subsequent decompression to room conditions, the cell volume is the same as before compression, giving strong evidence that the composition of the recovered sample is also unchanged. This suggests that Al and H are retained in the sample under extreme P-T conditions and that stishovite can be an agent for transporting water to the deepest lower mantle.  相似文献   

Recent developments in studies of soil response to earthquake loadings have made it possible to incorporate the rates of pore water pressure build-up in soils in to nonlinear response analyses of the grounds. Such pore pressure changes help in computing the changes in stress-strain behaviour of soils in the deposit progressively as the earthquake progresses. The rate and magnitude of pore pressure generation in soils during seismic loading will have important effects on the shear strength, stability, and settlement characteristics of a soil mass, even if the soil does not liquefy. The results in terms of pore pressure response in soils from a series of experimental investigations using strain-controlled cyclic triaxial tests on soils samples collected from liquefied sites are presented in this paper. The effect of relative density, amplitude of cyclic shear strain, number of loading cycles, confining pressure and frequency of cyclic loading on the pore pressure build-up are studied. Analytical expressions are proposed using regression analysis to define mean relationships between normalized pore water pressure and normalized cycles for the prediction of pore water pressure build-up in silty sands. Also, the pore water pressure build-up in soils is independent of frequency of loading.  相似文献   

Summary Ghana and many developing countries have relied heavily, in the past, on hard granites and granitic gneisses for the production of rock aggregates and rock products for civil engineering works including the construction of roads and buildings. Experience in Ghana has shown however, that the quantity of crushed rock aggregates produced from hard rocks have proved insufficient for the needs of the country. This situation has called for engineering geological studies into the use of rock types and rock formations previously designated as low grade and unsound for the production of aggregates. The major objective of this study was to review the occurrences of non-conventional hard rocks and gravels such as quartzites, silicified sandstones, metagreywackes, dolomitic limestones and quartz gravels. This was followed by the application of appropriate standard specification tests to establish criteria for the selection and recommendation for the use of low grade and unsound rocks and gravels for various civil engineering projects in Ghana and other developing countries, especially those of the subregion with similar geological formations.  相似文献   

野外地质观察发现,在大陆地壳变质岩中可以广泛观察到围绕一个大的单晶或者硬质点的两端区域填充低粘度相物质形成的压力影。为了定量研究岩石材料中压力影的形成条件,本文利用高精度Paterson气体介质变形装置,对含有刚性球的圣卡罗橄榄石和洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)的混合物圆柱型样品进行了高温高压扭转变形试验。变形实验前样品的初始熔融均匀分布,比例为φ≈0.05,变形试件尺寸为D8.9mm×L5.5mm,内含8粒直径约1mm的刚性球。扭转变形试验温度为1473K,围压为300MPa,应变率为γ≈1×10~(-4)s~(-1),最大剪切变形为γ≈4。实验结果表明,岩石受到扭转力的作用产生变形之后,当局部剪切应变达到γ≈1时,可以在刚性球周围形成熔融富集带和熔融贫乏带,即压力影构造,围绕刚性球对称分布。由于熔融分布的不均一性,富集带熔融比例上升,最高可以达到φ_(high)=0.1~0.3,熔融贫乏带熔融比例下降,含量为φ_(low)=0.01~0.02。由于刚性球对其周围的压力分布的扰动区域大约为刚性球的尺度范围,因此,在离开刚性球一定距离后,熔融趋于均匀分布。  相似文献   

In situ measurements of mineral surface evolution during the process of pressure solution are possible with the high brightness of synchrotron X-ray sources. This capability has been explored through the use of newly developed reaction vessels that allow transmission of the incident and scattered X-ray beam through a low atomic weight piston. Several new vessels are described, along with details of computational algorithms that are used to simulate X-ray scattering in this unconventional geometry. Results using calcite (CaCO3) and halite (NaCl) as reactant crystals are presented and compared to other atomic-scale measurements of surface dissolution processes. Calcite was reacted with an unsaturated fluid at 30 bars of pressure for approximately 24 h. During reaction the root mean square surface roughness (σ) evolved from 13.7 Å (± 0.5 Å) to 19.5 Å (± 1.0 Å), giving a roughening rate of: dσ/dt = +6.3 × 10− 5 Å s− 1. This is consistent with other measurements made with free calcite surfaces and is driven almost entirely by chemical disequilibrium. Analysis of the surface ex situ post-reaction gives an identical σ value, showing that the in situ measurements are well-constrained. Experiments also at 30 bars but in a saturated solution indicate that the calcite surface does not significantly roughen, giving the result that pressure solution of calcite at this pressure cannot be monitored in experiments of several days duration. Experiments with halite, a much more reactive phase, in saturated solutions showed the reflectivity profile to be dynamic on a time scale of hours. This experiment was left to reach equilibrium over 108 days and then re-analyzed, showing that σ had increased from 34 Å (± 2 Å) to 41 Å (± 2 Å), giving a roughening rate of: dσ/dt ≤ +6.4 × 10− 7 Å s− 1. This is two orders of magnitude smaller than the calcite roughening rate caused by chemical disequilibrium and provides the first direct in situ atomic-scale measurement of the rate of surface roughening due to pressure solution.  相似文献   

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