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基于暴雨数值预报模式AREM,以2008年5月21日—7月30日为例,开展了以LAPS系统和GRAPES-3DVAR系统两种不同初值方案同化相同资料源(NCEP预报场、地面、探空资料)的AREM-LAPS和AREM-3DVAR试验,以探讨两种初值分析方案对降水模拟的影响。结果表明:(1) AREM-LAPS试验与AREM-3DVAR试验相比,各区域、各量级、各时效的降水预报在绝大多数情况下TS评分有较明显提高,特别是大雨、暴雨、大暴雨等强降水等级。(2) AREM-3DVAR试验可以大致模拟出与实况比较相近的平均降水量分布,但预报雨区范围偏小,强度偏弱;AREM-LAPS试验对此有较明显改善。(3) AREM-LAPS较AREM-3DVAR试验更好地模拟出了降水雨带的南北摆动及降水强度的变化。(4) AREM-LAPS试验较好地再现了我国西南地区东部、华南沿海、长江中下游-淮河流域及胶东半岛主要雨带区平均降水率逐日降水增强与减弱的过程,其强度也与实况大体相当;而AREM-3DVAR试验模拟的强度则明显偏弱,特别是我国西南地区东部。(5) 对2008年夏季10余次典型降水过程的对比检验表明,AREM-LAPS对雨带范围、位置、强度的预报都好于AREM-3DVAR,特别是对于降水强度的改进尤为突出。   相似文献   

俞小鼎 《高原气象》1998,17(3):310-316
北欧有限区域模式HIRLAM被应用于中国的暴雨个例以探讨初值形成方法对有限区域模式定量降水数值预报的影响,对两种初值形成方案进行了对比,一种是由HIRLAM自己的数值同化系统提供初值,另一种是直接内插ECMWF全球模式的相应分析场,与这两种方案对应的数值试验分别是控制试验(CONL)和对比试验(COMP),将CONL和COMP的降水预报与观测值比较,结果表明:(1)当为COMP提供初值的ECMWF  相似文献   

With a mesoscale model (MM5) nested with the global spectral model of NationalMeteorological Center/CMA and especially with the forecast experiments as to rainfall andtemperature of twenty-seven sampling stations in East China for six months (February, March,April in 1997 and June, July, August in 1998), it has been found that the better prediction can beperformed on the condition that the surface physical process of practical land-use categories andphysical parameters is parameterized in particular forecast domain. limited-area model, land-use category, forecast experiment  相似文献   

冀春晓  李南声 《气象科学》1996,16(3):277-284
为提高山西暴雨预报能力,在引进颜宏等人设计的复杂地形条件下嵌套细网格模式的基础上,对其进行了某些调整,即:中心点位置的改动:取水汽办事办事量M为M.=Mtl+Mtm=1.75Mtl;湿润因子也按Anthes积云对流参数化方案取值,并将郭晓岚和Anthes两方案结合起来使用,企图建立适用于山西暴雨预报的数值预报系统,使用该系统,对1993年山西暴雨个例进行了数值模拟,发现该系统对雨量及天气过程的模拟  相似文献   

This paper further explores the estimating and expressing of dynamic balance constraints using statistical methods in GRAPES-3DVAR (Version GM). Unlike the single-level scheme which only considers the coupling between mass and wind at one level, the multi-level scheme considers the coupling between their vertical profiles and calculates the balanced mass field at each layer using the rotational wind at all model levels. A reformed ridge regression method is used in the new scheme to avoid the multicollinearity problem and reduce the noises caused by unbalanced mesoscale disturbances. The results of numerical experiments show that the new scheme can get more reasonable vertical mass field, reduce the magnitude of the adjustment by the initialization, and improve the potential temperature analysis performance. Furthermore, the results of forecast verification in January (winter) and July (summer) both confirm that the new scheme can significantly improve the temperature forecast accuracy and bring slight positive effects to the pressure and wind forecast.  相似文献   

An ensemble prediction system based on the GRAPES model, using multi-physics, is used to discuss the influence of different physical processes in numerical models on forecast of heavy rainfall in South China in the annually first raining season(AFRS). Pattern, magnitude and area of precipitation, evolution of synoptic situation, as well as apparent heat source and apparent moisture sink between different ensemble members are comparatively analyzed. The choice of parameterization scheme for land-surface processes gives rise to the largest influence on the precipitation prediction. The influences of cumulus-convection and cloud-microphysics processes are mainly focused on heavy rainfall;the use of cumulus-convection parameterization tends to produce large-area and light rainfall. Change in parameterization schemes for land-surface and cumulus-convection processes both will cause prominent change in forecast of both dynamic and thermodynamic variables, while change in cloud-microphysics processes show primary impact on dynamic variables. Comparing simplified Arakawa-Schubert and Kain-Fritsch with Betts-Miller-Janjic schemes, SLAB with NOAH schemes, as well as both WRF single moment 6-class and NCEP 3-class with simplified explicit schemes of phase-mixed cloud and precipitation shows that the former predicts stronger low-level jets and high humidity concentration, more convective rainfall and local heavy rainfall, and have better performance in precipitation forecast. Appropriate parameterization schemes can reasonably describe the physical process related to heavy rainfall in South China in the AFRS, such as low-level convergence, latent heat release, vertical transport of heat and water vapor, thereby depicting the multi-scale interactions of low-level jet and meso-scale convective systems in heavy rainfall suitably, and improving the prediction of heavy rainfall in South China in the AFRS as a result.  相似文献   

基于有限区域中尺度暴雨预报模式AREM,利用常德、荆州、宜昌3部多普勒雷达及武汉数字化天气雷达联合反演的1 h降水量资料和宜昌、荆州多普勒雷达反演的水平风场资料,采用3种不同的初值方案:Grapes-3DVAR同化方案、Barnes客观分析法及Barnes-3DVAR同化方案,对 2002年7月22日20:00-23日20:00发生在长江流域的一次大暴雨过程进行了多普勒雷达估算降水和反演风场在不同初值方案下对降水预报影响的数值试验,结果表明:(1)采用相同资料源(探空+T213L31分析场),3种初值方案降水模拟效果差别显著.整体而言,融合了Barnes和3DVAR两种方案的Barnes-3DVAR初值方案降水模拟效果最好:雨带模拟完整,位置与实况完全一致;降水中心中尺度结构清晰,位置、强度与实况接近.(2)Barnes-3DVAR同化方案与Grapes-3DVAR同化方案都能同化雷达降水和风场资料,但两者降水预报结果相差很大.Barnes-3DVAR方案下的降水模拟结果明显好于Grapes-3DVAR同化方案.(3)Grapes-3DVAR同化方案下,在控制试验的基础上增加雷达降水资料的同化,24 h降水模拟效果有所改善;增加雷达风场资料的同化,仅部分改善模拟效果,某些地方效果反而变差;同时增加雷达降水和风场资料的同化,降水模拟效果反而明显变差.Barnes-3DVAR同化方案则不然,无论雷达降水资料和风场资料单独同化还是两种资料同时同化,降水模拟效果都有不同程度的改进,特别是对雷达降水和风场资料同时同化的模拟结果是各种试验中效果最好的.(4)融合Barnes客观分析方法和Grapes-3DVAR同化方案的Barnes-3DVAR同化方案,是同化雷达降水和风场资料的一种新的、有效的初值方案.  相似文献   

一次华南暴雨过程的数值模拟和试验   总被引:5,自引:9,他引:5  
张立凤  查石祥 《气象科学》2000,20(2):120-128
本文利用有限区域数值预报模式MM4对一次华南暴雨过程进行了数值模拟和试验.用该模式预报的形势场与实况较一致,预报的暴雨强度、位置也与实况相近.此外由控制试验和敏感性试验可知,该暴雨强度对地形、辐射和下垫面过程比较敏感.  相似文献   

数值预报中卫星资料同化效果实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,卫星资料在数值天气预报中的同化应用显著改善了数值预报效果,尤其是在全球数值预报中更为明显.而在区域数值预报中,卫星资料同化应用的影响还需要开展进一步的研究与分析.采用基于GRAPES-3DVar 同化系统和中尺度数值模式WRF 构造的区域数值预报流程,引入NOAA16 卫星资料分别对T213 和T511不同背景场...  相似文献   

利用CRA空间检验技术对ECMWF模式36 h时效预报的2016-2018年华南前汛期(4-6月)69个降水目标进行了检验及误差统计分析,并将预报落区偏差相似个例的环流形势及天气尺度影响系统进行了分析.(1)87%的强降水目标存在明显落区预报偏差,最大偏差为2.75 °.偏差以经向偏差为主,其中偏北的目标多于偏南的目标...  相似文献   

对流云团资料在局地暴雨数值模拟预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用PSU/NCAR中尺度数值模式,对两次暴雨实例进行了数值模拟试验。结果表明:相对应用地面及高空常规资料作为初始场的控制试验而言,就用实时卫星对流云团资料增强局部湿度场的敏感性试验,可使暴雨及邻近地区对流层中低层气流辐合上升运动增强,  相似文献   

张铭 《气象科学》1990,10(3):311-318
本文用一个准二维的原始方程组进行了套网格模式的数值试验。文中介绍了单向套网格和双向套网格的试验结果。试验表明在粗细网格边界上采用松弛法有较好的效果。  相似文献   

“00.7”北京特大暴雨模拟中气象资料同化作用的评估   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
针对2000年7月4~5日北京地区的一次特大暴雨过程(24 h降水量达240 mm),文中利用MM5/WRF三维变分系统和MM5非静力模式,对此次特大暴雨过程中的各种气象监测资料(地基GPS大气柱水汽含量、常规探空、高空测风、地面常规观测和地面自动气象站)的同化作用通过观测系统数值试验进行了评估.结果表明与传统的客观分析方案相比较,MM5/WRF三维变分同化系统可直接引入非常规地基GPS大气柱水汽含量监测资料,提供更好的大气初始分析场.在三维变分同化方案下,各种大气监测资料均对改进此次特大暴雨模拟有不同程度的贡献,其中,常规探空和高空测风监测资料对改进预报结果的影响最大,地面常规观测和地面自动气象站观测资料作用次之,地基GPS大气柱水汽含量资料在与其他大气监测资料相互优势互补后,可很好地改善模式大气的分析质量,通过三维变分同化技术在区域数值天气预报模式初始场中引入地基GPS大气水汽监测网资料,使此次强降水个例的6 h和24 h测站降水预报的TS评分值在1,5,10和20 mm预报检验阈值下分别提高了1%~8%.研究结果对利用三维变分数值系统,评估气象监测网资料在改进高影响天气事件预报中的作用有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

A zonal domain,primitive equation model is used in this paper to study the influences of the main sea surface tem-perature anomaly(SSTA)areas over the Pacific on precipitation in 1991.Some numerical experiments are made and themechanisms of the influences are discussed.The results show that the influences of the SSTA are mainly confined withinthe tropical and the subtropical regions.The direct effect of the SSTA is to change the exchanges of the sensible heat andthe water vapour between the air and the sea,through the consequent changes of temperature and the flow fields and thefeedback process of condensation,the SSTA finally affects precipitation.  相似文献   

极冰气候效应的数值试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨梅玉  刘屹岷  李骥 《气象学报》1998,56(4):476-484
利用一个大气环流模式(AGCM)和一个全球耦合海气模式(COAGCM),模拟了北极海冰边界范围的变化对月平均气候的影响。结果表明,极冰边缘的异常完全可以改变中高纬度某些地区的局地气候。受冷源的影响,北半球中高纬度冷高压加强,低纬度暖高压减弱。同时利用一个全球三维大气环流模式,作了海冰反照率参数化的数值试验,用两种不同的海冰反照率参数化方案,检验对地表面温度、海平面气压、极地表面对太阳辐射吸收的影响。模拟试验表明了冰雪圈反照率的反馈作用,对气候变化的影响十分重要。  相似文献   

雷达反演水汽在华南前汛期短时临近降水预报应用试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了改善数值预报模式短时临近降水预报能力,采用雷达水汽反演同化方案来提高模式初始水汽场质量。以华南精细预报模式对2013年5月进行了冷启动、热启动和热启动加雷达水汽同化等3个对比试验,并进一步详细分析2013年5月8—9日广东西南部到珠三角地区强降雨过程,探讨雷达反演水汽对短时临近降水预报的影响作用。分析结果显示3个试验结果反映精细模式冷启动不利于1~6 h的降水预报,模式热启动能较好预报前6 h的降水,但对随后预报效果不佳。在热启动的基础上,考虑同化雷达反演的水汽后,不仅较好模拟前6 h的降水,也可以预报出6~12 h的降雨带变化趋势。  相似文献   

The present study designs experiments on the direct assimilation of radial velocity and reflectivity data collected by an S-band Doppler weather radar (CINRAD WSR-98D) at the Hefei Station and the reanalysis data produced by the United States National Centers for Environmental Prediction using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, the WRF model with a three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) data assimilation system and the WRF model with an ensemble square root filter (EnSRF) data assimilation system. In addition, the present study analyzes a Meiyu front heavy rainfall process that occurred in the Yangtze -Huaihe River Basin from July 4 to July 5, 2003, through numerical simulation. The results show the following. (1) The assimilation of the radar radial velocity data can increase the perturbations in the low-altitude atmosphere over the heavy rainfall region, enhance the convective activities and reduce excessive simulated precipitation. (2) The 3DVAR assimilation method significantly adjusts the horizontal wind field. The assimilation of the reflectivity data improves the microphysical quantities and dynamic fields in the model. In addition, the assimilation of the radial velocity and reflectivity data can better adjust the wind fields and improve the intensity and location of the simulated radar echo bands. (3) The EnSRF assimilation method can assimilate more small-scale wind field information into the model. The assimilation of the reflectivity data alone can relatively accurately forecast the rainfall centers. In addition, the assimilation of the radial velocity and reflectivity data can improve the location of the simulated radar echo bands. (4) The use of the 3DVAR and EnSRF assimilation methods to assimilate the radar radial velocity and reflectivity data can improve the forecast of precipitation, rain-band areal coverage and the center location and intensity of precipitation.  相似文献   

采用ECMWF集合预报降水量资料和中国降水量观测资料,研发了基于最优概率的过程累计降水量分级订正预报(OPPF)技术,并在遵循总体技术思路的基础上设计出三种不同的OPPF计算方案(OPPF1、OPPF2、OPPF3),继而选用2015—2017年汛期(5—9月)中国91次区域性强降水过程进行回报试验和预报效果对比评估,结果表明:(1)在中期延伸期预报时效(96~360小时),对强降水和有无降水的预报效果,三种OPPF均明显优于集合平均(EMPF)和控制预报(CTPF);对中等以上或较强以上强度降水的预报效果,OPPF1和OPPF3明显优于CTPF、与EMPF基本接近。(2)三种OPPF相比,OPPF3的预报效果较OPPF1总体略胜一筹,两者均好于OPPF2。(3)预报效果存在明显的地域差异,南方地区强降水预报的TS评分明显大于北方地区,且OPPF3预报效果明显优于EMPF;在96~240小时预报时效,东北地区东部OPPF3强降水的预报效果也明显好于EMPF。   相似文献   

A scheme of assimilating radar-retrieved water vapor is adopted to improve the quality of NWP initial field for improvement of the accuracy of short-range precipitation prediction. To reveal the impact of the assimilation of radar-retrieved water vapor on short-term precipitation forecast, three parallel experiments, cold start, hot start and hot start plus the assimilation of radar-retrieved water vapor, are designed to simulate the 31 days of May, 2013 with a fine numerical model for South China. Furthermore, a case of heavy rain that occurred from 8—9 May 2013 over the region from the southwest of Guangdong province to Pearl River Delta is analyzed in detail. Results show that the cold start experiment is not conducive to precipitation 12 hours ahead; the hot start experiment is able to reproduce well the first 6 hours of precipitation, but badly for subsequent prediction; the experiment of assimilating radar-retrieved water vapor is not only able to simulate well the precipitation 6 hours ahead, but also able to correctly predict the evolution of rain bands from 6 to 12 hours in advance.  相似文献   

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