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苏南某市春季蔬菜中农药残留调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

微生物降解蔬菜残留农药研究   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
从富集培养物中筛选到以甲胺磷为唯一碳源生长的菌株NMJ5和以乐果为唯一碳源生长的菌株NML3,经鉴定分别为芽孢杆菌属(Bacilussp.)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonassp.).它们利用甲胺磷、乐果生长的最适条件及在无机盐培养基中农药最大耐受浓度分别为pH7.5,t=35℃,ρ=1000mg/L和pH7.5,t=30℃,ρ=2000mg/L.在无碳基础培养基内单菌株培养8d,524mg/L的甲胺磷好气降解42.5%,厌气降解35.9%,250mg/L的乐果好气降解50.2%,厌气降解16.4%.小区试验表明,NMJ5、NML3的菌液制剂对普通白菜的变种南农矮脚黄(Brasicacampestrissp.chinensisL.var.communisTsenetLee)中残留的甲胺磷、乐果有明显的去除作用.  相似文献   

苏南某市春季蔬菜中农药残留调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003年3月对苏南某市蔬菜中有机氯、拟除虫菊酯及氨基甲酸酯类农药残留状况的调查结果表明:有机氯农药残留量较低,检出范围为ND~31.7μg·kg-1,蔬菜基地蔬菜中六六六类农药检出量高于传统菜地;蔬菜中滴滴涕类残留物主要组分为p,p′ DDE和p,p′ DDD。拟除虫菊酯类农药检出范围为ND~46.9μg·kg-1,检出量较高的是氯氰菊酯、氰戊菊酯、溴氰菊酯。氨基甲酸酯类农药检出范围为ND~111.9μg·kg-1,其中灭虫威和3-羟基克百威检出量和检出率最高,且蔬菜基地样品中的检出量低于传统菜地。蔬菜样品中克百威大部分已降解为3-羟基克百威,涕灭威、亚砜涕灭威与砜涕灭威检出量都很低,其中砜涕灭威平均检出量最低。供试区春季蔬菜中所检测的各种农药除克百威和涕灭威外,其余残留量均低于国家无公害蔬菜农药残留量标准。  相似文献   

中国食品中农药残留污染状况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结了近十几年来我国城市蔬菜等食品中农药残留污染的研究成果。调查表明,随着农药使用量的增大,蔬菜等食品中农药残留污染尤其是一些高毒有机磷农药在食品中的残留污染已不容忽视,而有机氯农药的污染则呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

夏季蔬菜中有机磷农药残留调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  

江汉平原农村食品中农药残留研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晶  陈义珍 《农村生态环境》1998,14(4):53-57,62
研究了湖北省潜江市农村6类食品中农药的残留情况,采用测定结果表明,在被检食品中有机氯农药污染普遍存在,但残留量均低于最大残限量,以植物油残留量为最大;  相似文献   

报道了夏季蔬菜中有机磷农药残留量的调查。结果表明:在西红柿、青椒和豆角中,乐果平均残留量为0.081mg/kg,甲基对硫磷为0.015mg/kg,二嗪农为0.003mg/kg,而敌敌畏在这三种蔬菜中均未检出。夏季蔬菜中农药残留量的超标率甲基对硫磷>乐果>二嗪农>敌敌畏。三种蔬菜中,豆角的有机磷农药检出率最高,其次为青椒、西红柿。  相似文献   

研究了湖北省潜江市农村6类食品中农药的残留情况,采样测定结果表明,在被检食品中有机氯农药污染普遍存在,但残留量均低于最大残留限量(MRL),以植物油残留量为最大;有机磷农药残留只在蔬菜中检出,检出率以根菜类为最大,叶菜类次之,果菜类和花菜类最小;菊酯类农药残留较少;杀菌剂多菌灵残留未检出。  相似文献   

农产品的全球化和人们对食品安全的普遍关注,促进了相关部门加快进行旨在加强对农药残留物分析方法专属性和增加测试样品数量方面的计划.这些需求使得我们必须开发可以从一次萃取的样品中,分析多种农药化合物的可靠而快速的分析方法.许多已经开发的分析方法只是适合于有限的农药残留化合物,例如用ECD,NPD等检测器,结果需要多次进样,而且需双柱进行分析确认.  相似文献   

蔬菜中有机磷农药残留的发光菌快速检测   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
本文建立了一种用发光细菌快速检测蔬菜中有机磷农药残留的方法,以3%NaCl(W/V)溶液从蔬菜中洗涤出残留的农药,加入定量发光菌溶液,通过其发光量的变化来检测农药的含量。分析了发光菌对蔬菜中六种有机磷农药的响应情况,探讨了检测空心菜中甲胺磷农药残留的最佳参数,实验表明,新建立的方法是检测蔬菜中有机磷农药残留的一种快速有效,价廉的方法。  相似文献   

建立了超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS;MS)快速测定蔬菜中18种农药残留的方法.样品经乙腈提取后,经Oasis PRiME HLB固相萃取柱净化,采用ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 C18(50 mm×2.1 mm,1.8μm)色谱柱进行分离,以0.1%甲酸水溶液和乙腈作为流动相进行梯度洗脱.采用电喷雾电离源、正离子模式下以多反应监测(MRM)进行定性和定量分析.结果表明,18种农药在0.5—50μg·L-1范围内线性关系良好(r2>0.995),方法最低检出限为0.4—1.5μg·kg-1,最低定量限为1.4—5.0μg·kg-1.在韭菜、芹菜、番茄、白菜基质中,5、10、50μg·kg-1添加水平下的加标回收率为60.2%—126.9%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.4%—21.6%(n=3).  相似文献   

土壤中结合残留态农药的生态环境效应   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
郜红建  蒋新 《生态环境》2004,13(3):399-402,413
土壤中农药结合残留态的形成,导致其活性暂时降低,但并未从土壤中消失,在特定的环境条件下又重新释放到环境中并表现出较高的生物有效性,从而威胁农产品质量安全与环境质量。文章论述了土壤中结合残留态农药的定义、形成过程及影响因素、老化和释放过程及机制。土壤中结合残留态农药主要通过吸附过程、化学反应及物理镶嵌等作用而形成,其形成过程受农药的结构和化学特性、土壤理化性质、环境条件和农艺措施的影响。老化是化合物和土壤组分紧密结合,减少被普通提取方法提取出来的数量,降低了化合物的生物有效性。同时老化的物质在土壤环境条件改变的情况下又重新释放到土壤溶液中或进行矿化,此过程可以通过物理一化学机制或生物化学作用而发生。重新释放到环境中的结合残留态农药又表现出较高的生物有效性,可能被植物、动物或微生物所吸收,并沿食物链富集和放大或进入水体污染水产品和造成水质恶化,从而威胁人体健康。文章还分析了土壤结合残留态农药可能带来的环境问题,提出了此问题今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

农药与土壤腐殖物质的结合残留及其环境意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
农药或其代谢产物进入土壤环境后,可通过多种途径与土壤无机和有机组分形成结合残留物。越来越多的证据表明,在农药土壤环境行为的研究中,应重视其结合残留问题。文章阐述了农药在土壤中的主要结合残留机理,结合残留物在土壤腐殖物质各组分中的分布状况及其环境意义,并对该领域的深入研究提出建议。  相似文献   

Residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) namely 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCH-isomers), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) and its metabolites, and endosulfan stereoisomers were analyzed in dry and green fodder samples from rural areas of Ambala, Gurgaon, and Hisar districts of Haryana, India during winter, summer, and post-monsoon seasons. The HCH isomers γ-HCH and β-HCH, and DDT and its metabolites p,p′-DDD, p,p′-DDE, and p,p′-DDT had more traceability in test samples as compared to other isomers and metabolites studied. Total OCPs (ΣOCPs), i.e., ΣHCH, ΣDDT, and Σendosulfan were found to be the highest in wheat straw (1.1–1.2?mg?kg?1) from Ambala and Gurgaon, followed by that in sorghum straw (0.46?mg?kg?1) from Hisar. Dry fodder samples were found to have relatively higher residue levels than green fodders. In case of green fodder samples, maximum ΣOCP residues of 0.44?mg?kg?1 were found in whole plant samples of sorghum from Gurgaon district followed by that in pearl millet (0.40?mg?kg?1) from Ambala. The findings indicate highly significant differences (p?>?0.0001) in ΣOCPs and ΣDDT in wheat straw between different districts and reveal the persistence of OCP residues in both dry and green fodder samples in the study area.  相似文献   


Starting from the suspicion that the medicinal herbs may contain traces of pesticides and taking into account the risks of patients being exposed to contaminated products, the aim of this research was to evaluate the pesticide residues and the degree of their transfer (%) in three types of preparations (infusion, decoctionand cold maceration), for four medicinal plant species very often used in phytotherapy (Rosmarini folium, Menthae folium, Saturejae herba and Basilica herba). For each type of plant product, four samples were purchased from different manufacturers and they have been analyzed using gas chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry. One out of four samples of the same plant species contain at least one pesticide residue above the maximum level and shows a significant transfer of these residues in aqueous extractive solutions during extraction. The highest rate of pesticide transfer from medicinal plants was identified in infusions, recommended by many manufacturers.  相似文献   


A large number of pesticides used in agricultural practice has been characterized or suspected to be Endocrine Disruptors, with dietary intake to be the major route of consumer’s exposure. In the present study the safety to consumer after the consumption of pome fruits and fruiting vegetables originated from the area of Thessaly, Central Greece was assessed. Objective samplings of 110 samples were conducted in local retail markets in an effort to quantify potential residues of targeted pesticides, previously characterized as endocrine disruptors. For the determination of residues, a QuEChERs-based multiresidue method coupled with liquid and gas chromatographic systems was applied and fully validated in accordance with the European Unions’s requirements in apples and tomatoes in three fortification levels. Acceptable results were obtained for all the validation parameters studied and the limit of quantification of 0.01?mg/kg and limit of detection of 0.0033?mg/kg were achieved. Based on the determined results, the most frequently determined pesticide was chlorpyrifos with a maximum concentration of 0.32?mg/kg in tomato samples. Cypermethrin and dimethoate were also determined in tomatoes and aubergines. The EFSA PRIMo rev.3.1 model was applied for all positive samples and acute risk for consumers was confirmed only in the case of determination of chlorpyrifos in tomatoes.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in fruits and vegetable from Islamabad market, Pakistan were determined by GLC using Perkin Elmer Autosystem equipped with 63NECD and capillary column. Dimethoate was determined in the quantity of 0.032 mg kg-1 in apple, 0.110 mg kg-1 in banana, 0.004 mg kg-1 in brinjal, 1.80 mg kg-1 in cauliflower and 0.13 mg kg-1 in arvi, fenvalerate 0.010 mg kg-1 in apple and chlorpyrifos 0.004 mg kg-1 in brinjal. The importance of these pesticide residues with reference to human health is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

对昆明地区土壤中Cd、Cu、Pb、As、Cr、Hg6种重金属和六六六、DDT、甲胺磷、乐果4种农药含量进行了调查监测,并就其来源及污染状况进行了评价,结果表明:Cd、Cu、As、Hg等重金属对土壤均存在不同程度的污染,其中Cd污染最为严重,其后依次为Cu、Hg、As、Pb、Cr,土壤重金属综合评价为中度污染,土壤有机氯农药仍有部分残留,有机磷农药残留量很低。  相似文献   

The levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, carbofuran, and cartap were determined in muscles of Cyprinus Carpio sampled from 10 different sites of River Ravi between Shahdara to Balloki Headworks to assess level of contamination of these pesticides by GC-ECD (gas chromatograph equipped with electron capture detector) method. All fish samples were found contaminated with different concentrations of DDT, DDE, endosulfan, and carbofuran. DDT and DDE concentrations were higher than maximum residue limits (MRL) in food standards, while endosulfan sulfate and cartap were not detected. These findings indicate that pesticide concentrations in fish muscles decreased in the order: DDT > DDE > carbofuran > endosulfan. Furthermore, the sampling sites after Degh fall and beyond Hudiara Nulla Fall river sampling sites were more polluted. It is proposed that constant monitoring programs are needed to assess potential exposure risks.  相似文献   

As a major ecosystem type, wetland provides invaluable ecological services. Environmental pollution, especially pesticides pollution should be paid more attention to keep wetlands healthy. Based on the risk quotient method, coupled with a probabilistic risk assessment model, this paper proposed a methodology suitable for ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues for wetland ecosystems. As an important industrializing and ecologically vulnerable area in China, the Taihu Lake wetland was chosen for the case study. The risks of eight pesticides in Taihu Lake wetland were assessed, as single substances and in mixtures. The assessment indicates that risks of the representative species are not significant. In general, the herbicide is found to be more toxic for algae, whereas insecticides pose more risks to zooplankton, insect and fish. For each pesticide in the wetland, the ecological risk it poses is acceptable. But the combined ecological risk posed by mixture can harm more than 10% of species of the wetland ecosystem, mainly dominated by dichlorvos, dimethoate and malathion contributions. These results imply that pesticide residues have been posing pressures on the ecosystem of the Taihu Lake wetland. It is recommended that proper countermeasures should be implemented to reduce the risks.  相似文献   

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