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全球15~24岁青年性传播疾病(STI)报告率最高[1]。目前各国缺乏未婚性活跃青年STI发病率和流行率的有效数据[2]。国内学者推断中国未婚育龄人群中性病的感染率高于已婚育龄人群[3]。  相似文献   

Objective: Rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rising among older Australians. We conducted a large survey of older people's knowledge of STIs and safer sexual practices. Methods: A total of 2,137 Australians aged 60 years and older completed the survey, which included 15 questions assessing knowledge of STIs and safer sexual practices. We examined both levels of knowledge and factors associated with an overall knowledge score. Results: In total, 1,652 respondents reported having sex in the past five years and answered all knowledge questions. This group had good general knowledge but poorer knowledge in areas such as the protection offered by condoms and potential transmission modes for specific STIs. Women had better knowledge than men. Men in their 60s, men with higher education levels, and men who thought they were at risk of STIs reported better knowledge than other men. Knowledge was also better among men and women who had been tested for STIs or reported ‘other’ sources of knowledge on STIs. Conclusions: Many older Australians lack knowledge of STIs and safer sexual practices. Implications for public health: To reverse current trends toward increasing STI diagnoses in this population, policies and education campaigns aimed at improving knowledge levels may need to be considered.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that sexually transmitted infection (STI) interventions can be an effective means of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention in populations at an early stage of the epidemic. However, evidence as to their cost-effectiveness when targeted at high-risk groups is lacking. This paper assesses the cost-effectiveness of a competitive voucher scheme in Managua, Nicaragua aimed at high-risk groups, who could redeem the vouchers in exchange for free STI testing and treatment, health education and condoms, compared with the status quo (no scheme). A provider perspective was adopted, defined as: the voucher agency and health care providers from the public, NGO and private sectors. The cost of the voucher scheme was estimated for a 1-year period (1999) from project accounts using the ingredients approach. Outcomes were monitored as part of ongoing project evaluation. Costs and outcomes in the absence of the scheme were modelled using project baseline data and reports, and relevant literature. The annual cost of providing comprehensive STI services through vouchers was US$62 495, compared with an estimated US$17 112 for regular service provision in the absence of the scheme. 4815 vouchers were distributed by the voucher scheme, 1543 patients were tested for STIs and 528 STIs were effectively cured in this period. In the absence of the scheme, only an estimated 85 cases would have been cured from 1396 consultations. The average cost of the voucher scheme per patient treated was US$41 and US$118 per STI effectively cured, compared with US$12 per patient treated and US$200 per STI cured in its absence. The incremental cost of curing an STI through the voucher scheme, compared with the status quo, was US$103. A voucher scheme offers an effective and efficient means of targeting and effectively curing STIs in high-risk groups, as well as encouraging quality care practices.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that neighborhoods with drug markets, as compared to those without, have a greater concentration of infected sex partners, i.e. core transmitters, and that in these areas, there is an increased risk environment for STIs. This study determined if neighborhood drug markets were associated with a high-risk sex partnership and, separately, with a current bacterial STI (chlamydia and/or gonorrhea) after controlling for individual demographic and sexual risk factors among a household sample of young people in Baltimore City, MD. Analyses also tested whether links were independent of neighborhood socioeconomic status. Data for this study were collected from a household study, systematic social observations and police arrest, public health STI surveillance and U.S. census data. Nonlinear multilevel models showed that living in neighborhoods with household survey-reported drug markets increased the likelihood of having a high-risk sex partnership after controlling for individual-level demographic factors and illicit drug use and neighborhood socioeconomic status. Further, living in neighborhoods with survey-reported drug markets increased the likelihood of having a current bacterial STI after controlling for individual-level demographic and sexual risk factors and neighborhood socioeconomic status. The results suggest that local conditions in neighborhoods with drug markets may play an important role in setting-up risk environments for high-risk sex partnerships and bacterial STIs. Patterns observed appeared dependent on the type of drug market indicator used. Future studies should explore how conditions in areas with local drug markets may alter sexual networks structures and whether specific types of drug markets are particularly important in determining STI risk.  相似文献   

目的 了解越南籍跨境暗娼人群艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS)性病(sexually transmitted diseases,STD)感染情况,高危行为特征及危险因素,为制定有针对性的预防控制措施提供依据。 方法 采用"滚雪球、同伴推动"等方法,由经培训懂双语的外展人员对越南籍跨境暗娼人群进行面对面问卷调查,调查内容包括人口学特征、艾滋病知识、高危行为、安全套使用情况等,并采集静脉血3~5 ml进行艾滋病病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)、梅毒抗体检测,应用SPSS 19.0 软件分析其中HIV、梅毒感染状况及探讨影响越南籍跨境暗娼人群商业性行为不使用安全套的可能因素。 结果 92例调查对象中,未发现HIV抗体阳性者,梅毒抗体阳性1例,阳性率为1.09%。调查对象均存在有多国商业性伴情况,每日接客数量为3个及以上者高达60.87%,最近1次和最近1个月商业性行为每次都使用安全套的比例分别为80.44%和68.48%;有54.35%的调查对象,在最近1个月内与固定性伴(熟客)发生过性关系, 最近1次和最近1个月每次性行为均无人使用安全套。通过多因素logistic回归分析显示,高档/中档服务场所(OR=15.021, 95%CI:2.820~80.023)是越南跨境暗娼商业性行为使用安全套的保护因素,首次性服务年龄≥30岁(OR=0.165, 95%CI:0.042~0.651)、每日接客数量≥3个(OR=0.129, 95%CI:0.023~0.737)是越南跨境暗娼商业性行为使用安全套的主要危险因素。 结论 越南籍跨境暗娼人群普遍存在多国商业性伴情况,低档服务场所、每日接客数量较多、高年龄组的暗娼安全套使用频率较低。提示在今后干预工作中,应充分考虑不同档次高危娱乐场所和高危性行为特征,开展有针对性的综合干预工作。  相似文献   

  目的  了解云南省男男性行为人群(MSM)沙眼衣原体(CT)、淋球菌(NG)和梅毒感染现状,探索云南省MSM人群CT、NG和梅毒感染的影响因素,为制定性传播感染防治策略提供依据。  方法   2020年1 — 12月,通过滚雪球抽样在云南省14个州(市)招募男男性行为者,共招募1298名MSM。采集尿液、咽拭子和直肠拭子以及血液标本进行CT/NG核酸扩增检测和梅毒检测。使用logistic回归模型分析CT、NG和梅毒感染影响因素。  结果   1298名MSM调查者中,CT、NG、梅毒的感染率分别为9.9 %、3.1 %、3.2 %。直肠拭子CT的阳性率最高(6.0 %,61/1023),咽拭子NG的阳性率最高(1.8 %,22/1190)。多因素分析结果显示,滇中地区(OR = 4.217,95 % CI = 1.611~11.04)和滇西北地区(OR = 3.521,95 % CI = 1.357~9.136)、初中及以下文化程度(OR = 2.333,95 % CI = 1.427~3.813)的MSM感染CT的风险更高,初中及以下文化程度(OR = 2.935,95 % CI =1.265~6.812)、通过互联网/交友软件寻找性伴(OR = 2.64,95 % CI = 1.019~6.836)的MSM感染NG的风险更高,最近1年有性病史(OR = 43.983,95 % CI = 19.31~100.182)的MSM感染梅毒的风险更高。  结论  云南省MSM人群CT、NG和梅毒感染率处于较高水平,应加强对MSM人群的综合干预,建议对存在高危性行为的MSM进行CT、NG和梅毒筛查。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the association between risk perceptions after human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and sexual behaviors and sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosis over 30 months following vaccination.MethodsParticipants included 112 sexually experienced girls aged 13–21 years who were enrolled at the time of first HPV vaccination and completed ⩾2 of 4 follow-up visits at 2, 6, 18, 30 months and including 30 months. At each visit, participants completed surveys assessing risk perceptions (perceived need for safer sexual behaviors, perceived risk of STIs other than HPV) and sexual behaviors. STI testing was done at 6, 18, and 30 months. Outcomes were condom use at last intercourse with main male partner, number of sexual partners since last study visit, and STI diagnosis. Associations between risk perceptions and sexual behaviors/STIs were examined using generalized linear mixed models.ResultsMean age was 17.9 years; 88% were Black; 49% had a history of STI at baseline. Scale scores for perceived need for safer sexual behaviors did not change significantly over time. Scale scores for perceived risk of STIs other than HPV significantly changed (p = 0.027), indicating that girls perceived themselves to be more at risk of STIs other than HPV over 30 months following vaccination. Multivariable models demonstrated that greater perceived need for safer sexual behaviors following vaccination was associated with condom use (p = 0.002) but not with number of partners or STI diagnosis. Perceived risk of STIs other than HPV was not associated with the three outcomes.ConclusionsThe finding that perceived risk for STIs other than HPV was not associated with subsequent sexual behaviors or STI diagnosis is reassuring. The association between perceived need for safer sexual behaviors and subsequent condom use suggests that the HPV vaccination visit is an important opportunity to reiterate the importance of safer sexual behaviors to sexually experienced girls.  相似文献   

HIV pre‐exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been embraced in Australia, making PrEP available with public funding to people at risk of HIV. Here, we consider the associated ‘problems’ of reduced condom use and sexually transmissible infections (STIs), as seen by HIV professionals. Twenty‐one interviews were conducted during May‐August 2017. All agreed that PrEP was a valuable addition to HIV prevention, but their views about reduced condom use and STIs were variable. Using poststructural policy analysis, three main stances were identified: (1) Concerned/alarmed. PrEP was seen as causing reduced condom use, STIs and antibiotic resistance, posing threats to the general population; (2) Neutral/normalising. Stakeholders emphasised that condom use was declining and STIs increasing independently of PrEP, and that PrEP was simply a new tool to be accommodated; (3) Optimistic/critical. PrEP was seen as diminishing fear of HIV and engaging users in more frequent testing and treatment that could lead to declining STI rates. What linked all three stances was the selective performance of evidence, deploying a mixture of personal experience, clinical observations, behavioural data and epidemiology. Anticipating possible futures through evidence‐making suggested practical, political and moral consequences for what PrEP could become. We encourage others to consider these consequences with care.  相似文献   

Understanding the demographic, behavioural and psychosocial factors associated with partner referral for patients with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is important for designing appropriate intervention strategies. A survey was conducted among STI clients in three government and three non-governmental organization-operated clinics in Dhaka and Chittagong city in Bangladesh. Demographic and psychosocial information was collected using a questionnaire guided by the Attitude-Social Influence-Self Efficacy model. Partner referral data were collected by verification of referral cards when partners appeared at the clinics within one month of interviewing the STI clients. Of the 1339 clients interviewed, 81% accepted partner referral cards but only 32% actually referred their partners; 37% of these referrals were done by clients randomly assigned to a single counselling session vs. 27% by clients not assigned to a counselling session (p < 0.0001). Among psychosocial factors, partner referral intention was best predicted by attitudes and perceived social norms of the STI clients. Actual partner referral was significantly associated with intention to refer partner and attitudes of the index clients. Married clients were significantly more likely to refer their partners, and clients with low income were less likely to refer partners. Intervention programmes must address psychosocial and socio-economic issues to improve partner referral for STIs in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that hormonal contraceptive users, compared with nonusers, may be at increased risk for acquiring sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases for all articles from January 1966 through February 2005 for evidence relevant to all hormonal contraceptives and STIs (including cervical chlamydial and gonococcal infection, human papillomavirus, trichomoniasis, herpes and syphilis). We used standard abstract forms and grading systems to summarize and assess the quality of 83 identified studies. Studies of combined oral contraceptive and depot medroxyprogesterone use generally reported positive associations with cervical chlamydial infection, although not all associations were statistically significant. For other STIs, the findings suggested no association between hormonal contraceptive use and STI acquisition, or the results were too limited to draw any conclusions. Evidence was generally limited in both amount and quality, including inadequate adjustment for confounding, lack of appropriate control groups and small sample sizes. The observed positive associations may be due to a true association or to bias, such as differential exposure to STIs by contraceptive use or increased likelihood of STI detection among hormonal contraceptive users.  相似文献   

The sexually transmitted infection (STI) epidemic among adolescents in the USA is inextricably tied to individual, psychosocial and cultural phenomena. Reconceptualizing the epidemic within an expanded socio-ecological framework may provide an opportunity to better confront its challenges. In this article, we use a socio-ecological framework to identify determinants of adolescents' sexual risk and protective behaviours as well as antecedents of their STI acquisition. The goal is to provide a synthesis of several discrete categories of research. Subsequently, we propose an integrated strategy that addresses the STI epidemic among adolescents by promoting a socio-ecological perspective in both basic research and intervention design. This approach may expand the knowledge base and facilitate the development of a broader array of intervention strategies, such as community-level interventions, policy initiatives, institutionally based programmes, and macro-level societal changes. Although there are inherent challenges associated with such an approach, the end result may have reciprocal and reinforcing effects designed to enhance the adoption and maintenance of STI-preventive practices among adolescents, and further reduce the rate of STIs.  相似文献   

Our objective was to describe the basic epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections for Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of North America. We summarized published and unpublished rates of chlamydial infection and gonorrhea reported from 2003 through 2006 for Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. In 2006, Alaska reported high rates of chlamydial infection (715 cases/100,000 population) compared with the United States as a whole; northern Canada reported high rates of chlamydial infection (1,693 cases/100,000) and gonorrhea (247 cases/100,000) compared with southern Canada; and Greenland consistently reported the highest rates of chlamydial infection (5,543 cases/100,000) and gonorrhea (1,738 cases/100,000) in the Arctic. Rates were high for both men and women, although the highest incidence of infection was predominantly reported for young women in their early twenties. We propose that community-based participatory research is an appropriate approach to improve sexual health in Arctic communities.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe last Canadian biobehavioural surveillance study of HIV and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI) among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM) was conducted in 2010. We designed a study to measure STBBI prevalence among GBM in metropolitan Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver and to document related preventive and risk behaviours.MethodsThe Engage Cohort Study used respondent-driven sampling (RDS) to recruit GBM who reported sex with another man in the past 6 months. At baseline, we examined recruitment characteristics of the samples, and the RDS-II-adjusted distributions of socio-demographics, laboratory-confirmed HIV and other STBBI prevalence, and related behaviours, with a focus on univariate differences among cities.ResultsA total of 2449 GBM were recruited from February 2017 to August 2019. HIV prevalence was lower in Montreal (14.2%) than in Toronto (22.2%) or Vancouver (20.4%). History of syphilis infection was similar across cities (14–16%). Vancouver had more HIV-negative/unknown participants who reported never being HIV tested (18.6%) than Toronto (12.9%) or Montreal (11.5%). Both Montreal (74.9%) and Vancouver (78.8%) had higher proportions of men who tested for another STBBI in the past 6 months than Toronto (67.4%). Vancouver had a higher proportion of men who used pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the past 6 months (18.9%) than Toronto (11.1%) or Montreal (9.6%).ConclusionThe three largest cities of Canada differed in HIV prevalence, STBBI testing and PrEP use among GBM. Our findings also suggest the need for scale-up of both PrEP and STI testing among GBM in Canada.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between contraceptive method choice, sexual risk and various demographic and social factors. Data were collected on 378, 15- to 24-year-old women, recruited from health clinics and through community outreach in Northern California. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the association of predictors with contraceptive method used at last sex. Asian and Latina women were less likely to use any method. Women who were raised with a religion, or thought they were infertile, were also less likely to use any method. Women with multiple partners were generally less likely to use any method, but were more likely to use barrier methods when they did use one. Few women (7%) were dual method users. Women appear to act in a rational fashion within their own social context and may use no methods at all or use methods that are less effective for pregnancy prevention but offer more protection from sexually transmitted infections.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Using simulated client and provider interview methods, this study assessed chemists and druggists' post-training management quality of syndromic sexually transmitted infections focusing on the areas of privacy maintaining, encouraging, history taking, counseling, referral practice, partner notification, and drug prescribing and then compared the findings of two methods. DESIGN: Forty-five pharmacies from a list of 75 in Pokhara, who collected sexually transmitted infections data during 1999, were selected randomly. First simulated client successfully presented either urethral or vaginal discharge syndrome at 37 pharmacies and recorded the events of whole encounter into an observation form within 20 minutes. Later 39 chemists and druggists were interviewed by a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. MAIN MEASURE: Results were reported mainly by numbers and corresponding percentages. For comparative purpose, P values were also shown. RESULTS: Overall, interview method revealed satisfactory knowledge of chemists and druggists for management of sexually transmitted infections except drug prescribing but their actual behaviors, revealed by simulated client method, indicated lower quality and differed significantly in the areas of encouraging, history taking, counseling, referral practice, and partner notification. Both methods indicated very poor qualities of drug prescribing. CONCLUSION: Retained knowledge of chemists and druggists for syndromic management of sexually transmitted infections were not applied to simulated client in actual practice. They should not prescribe drugs for patients of sexually transmitted infections, except referring to the doctors/hospitals. Continuous monitoring and further motivations for them may improve syndromic management quality of sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, depending on the purpose of study, various methods should be applied simultaneously to reach a better conclusion.  相似文献   

Knowledge of partner risk and secondary transmission of HIV   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: The number and proportion of people living longer with HIV and the proportion of people infected heterosexually have increased. We measured the frequency with which people with heterosexually acquired AIDS knew their partners' risk behaviors, the extent of secondary heterosexual transmission of HIV, and characterized people at risk for secondary heterosexual transmission. METHODS: For each of five sites (Alabama, California, Florida, New Jersey, and Texas) and for New York City, a sample of adults with AIDS was interviewed. Primary heterosexual transmission was contact with a partner who had a known risk factor for HIV infection. Secondary transmission was contact with an HIV-positive partner not known to have a risk for HIV. RESULTS: Among men, 35% knew that a sexual partner was HIV infected, 56% of women knew that a sexual partner was HIV infected. Among women, 12% knew that a partner was bisexual. Overall, 79% (460 of 581) reported a partner with a primary risk for HIV; among men, 236 of 293 (81%), and among women, 224 of 288 (78%) reported a partner with a primary risk. People categorized with secondary transmission were significantly more likely to be black and never married. People categorized with secondary transmission were more frequently women (53%), had less than a high school education (48%), and a history of drug use (52%). Men categorized with secondary transmission of HIV had a mean of 22 heterosexual partners; women had a mean of 16 partners. CONCLUSIONS: We found that many heterosexuals with AIDS did not know their sexual partners' risk for HIV, and that secondary heterosexual transmission probably results in a small proportion of all AIDS cases in the U.S.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the barriers that prevent or delay people seeking a sexually transmitted infection (STI) test. Methods: Qualitative in‐depth interviews were conducted with 24 university students, who are a group prone to behaviours putting them at risk of STIs, to understand the factors that had prevented or delayed them from going for an STI test in the past. Resulting data were thematically analysed employing a qualitative content analysis method, and a final set of themes identified. Results: There were three main types of barrier to STI testing. These were: personal (underestimating risk, perceiving STIs as not serious, fear of invasive procedure, self‐consciousness in genital examination and being too busy); structural (financial cost of test and clinician attributes and attitude); and social (concern of being stigmatised). Conclusions and implications for public health: These data will help health providers and policy‐makers provide services that minimise barriers and develop effective strategies for improving STI testing rates. The results of this study suggest a holistic approach to encouraging testing is required, which includes addressing personal beliefs, working with healthcare providers to minimise structural barriers and developing initiatives to change social views about STIs.  相似文献   

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