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广东嵩溪银——锑矿床的地质地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广东嵩溪银-锑矿床属中低温浅成热液矿床,地质地球化学特征表明:银-锑矿床赋存于下侏罗统金鸡群上段下部(Jc-1)以炭质页岩为主的碎屑岩建造中,空间中上锑下银;燕山晚期火山沉积为银,锑矿化提供了物质来源,后期热液使银,锑活化,进一步富集。  相似文献   

文章介绍了福建皇山铅锌矿矿区地层、构造和岩浆岩,通过对矿体地质特征的描述、岩浆岩化学成分组成特征及成矿条件分析,提出矿区找矿标志。  相似文献   

江西省潭坑铅锌(银)矿区位于北武夷铅锌银成矿带内,本文系统阐述了矿区地质和矿床特征,并对矿床的成因进行了探讨。认为本区铅锌(银)矿床,经历了火山喷发沉积和后期热液充填两大成矿期,与次火山岩体(流纹斑岩)有密切的关系,属次火山热液矿床。  相似文献   

刘晓燕  张俊  王承平 《地球》2013,(1):100-101
某矿区位于那里凹陷带中部,袁水复式向斜南翼。矿区经历了多次地质构造运动,区内褶皱和断裂构造发育,地质成矿条件有利。文章对该金矿地质特征进行详细的论述,为今后找矿指明了方向。  相似文献   

铅锌矿床中的Cd同位素组成特征及其成因意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于Cd同位素分馏主要受蒸发和冷凝以及海洋生物摄取等作用的控制,Cd同位素已被广泛应用于宇宙演化和海洋环境等方面的研究.然而,在复杂的成矿环境中,特别是在热液参与的成矿体系中,Cd同位素是否能够指示成矿物质来源或成矿演化过程还鲜有研究.通过对我国西部五个铅锌矿床闪锌矿中Cd同位素的研究,发现铅锌矿床中Cd同位素组成变化范围大,其δ^114/110Cd值介于-1.53%,0.34%0,总变化范围为1.87‰,远大于目前所测定的大部分地质样品.同时,通过不同矿床Cd含量和Cd同位素的对比研究,不同成因的铅锌矿床其Cd含量和Cd同位素组成不同,具有明显的“元素一同位素”分组,这可为矿床成因研究提供重要信息.另外,生物(有机质)作用和结晶分异作用也可能是导致Cd同位素组成差异的原因.尽管Cd同位素的研究还处在初始阶段,特别是涉及成矿过程的研究,然而,通过本次初步研究,我们认为Cd同位素有可能作为一种示踪成矿流体以及成矿环境演化的有效手段.  相似文献   

吉松铅矿床位于喜马拉雅板片拉轨岗日陆隆壳片南部,属拉轨岗日成矿带。三年来的勘查成果显示,该矿床成矿地质条件较好,北东向断裂带及其次级断裂为主要的导矿和容矿构造,强蚀变中基性岩脉与炭质板岩的外接触带部位,特别是硅化和绿帘石化地带是矿体有利的富集部位,围岩蚀变强弱与矿化有着密切关系,矿床为硅化破碎带中低温热液交代型矿床,具有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

江西省贵溪市罗塘石膏矿赋存于晚白垩世地层中,是一个湖相沉积型矿床,已探明资源储量在3000万吨以上,属大型规模。本文主要介绍矿床地质特征、矿石质量及开发利用方向。  相似文献   

江西葛源黄山铌(钽)矿床地质特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西葛源黄山铌(钽)矿床位于灵山花岗岩体西侧的内外接触带上,受赣东北深大断裂及其次级北东向和北西西向断裂的控制。围岩蚀变主要为角岩化、矽卡岩化和黑鳞、铁锂云母岩化等。总体矿化特征,近岩体富铌,远岩体而富钽。  相似文献   

葛坪铅锌矿是一个多阶段形成的中温热液充填交代矿床,主要的矿化类型有脉状、稀疏和稠密浸染状等。本文阐述了葛坪铅锌矿的基本地质特征,并通过在野外对矿床不同的成矿作用及矿化蚀变的观察研究,及室内对矿石结构、构造、矿物组合及先后关系的研究,将矿床的形成划分出五个成矿阶段:1早矽卡岩阶段;2晚矽卡岩阶段;3脉状铅锌硫化物阶段;4硫化物-石英阶段;5方解石阶段。  相似文献   

Cretaceous subduction complexes surround the southeastern margin of Sundaland in Indonesia. They are widely exposed in several localities, such as Bantimala (South Sulawesi), Karangsambung (Central Java) and Meratus (South Kalimantan).
The Meratus Complex of South Kalimantan consists mainly of mélange, chert, siliceous shale, limestone, basalt, ultramafic rocks and schists. The complex is uncomformably covered with Late Cretaceous sedimentary-volcanic formations, such as the Pitap and Haruyan Formations.
Well-preserved radiolarians were extracted from 14 samples of siliceous sedimentary rocks, and K–Ar age dating was performed on muscovite from 6 samples of schist of the Meratus Complex. The radiolarian assemblage from the chert of the complex is assigned to the early Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous. The K–Ar age data from schist range from 110 Ma to 180 Ma. Three samples from the Pitap Formation, which unconformably covers the Meratus Complex, yield Cretaceous radiolarians of Cenomanian or older.
These chronological data as well as field observation and petrology yield the following constraints on the tectonic setting of the Meratus Complex.
(1) The mélange of the Meratus Complex was caused by the subduction of an oceanic plate covered by radiolarian chert ranging in age from early Middle Jurassic to late Early Cretaceous.
(2) The Haruyan Schist of 110–119 Ma was affected by metamorphism of a high pressure–low temperature type caused by oceanic plate subduction. Some of the protoliths were high alluminous continental cover or margin sediments. Intermediate pressure type metamorphic rocks of 165 and 180 Ma were discovered for the first time along the northern margin of the Haruyan Schist.
(3) The Haruyan Formation, a product of submarine volcanism in an immature island arc setting, is locally contemporaneous with the formation of the mélange of the Meratus Complex.  相似文献   

The Bayan Obo deposit in northern China is an ultra-large Fe–REE–Nb deposit.The occurrences,and geochemical characteristics of thorium in iron ores from the Bayan Obo Main Ore Body were examined using chemical analysis,field emission scanning electron microscopy,energy dispersive spectrometer,and automatic mineral analysis software.Results identified that 91.69%of ThO2 in the combined samples was mainly distributed in rare earth minerals(bastnaesite,huanghoite,monazite;56.43%abundance in the samples),iron minerals(magnetite,hematite,pyrite;20.97%),niobium minerals(aeschynite;14.29%),and gangue minerals(aegirine,riebeckite,mica,dolomite,apatite,fluorite;4.22%).An unidentified portion(4.09%)of ThO2 may occur in other niobium minerals(niobite,ilmenorutile,pyrochlore).Only a few independent minerals of thorium occur in the iron ore samples.Thorium mainly occurs in rare earth minerals in the form of isomorphic substitution.Analyses of the geochemical characteristics of the major elements indicate that thorium mineralization in the Main Ore Body was related to alkali metasomatism,which provided source material and favorable porosity for hydrothermal mineralization.Trace elements such as Sc,Nb,Zr,and Ta have higher correlation coefficients with thorium,which resulted from being related to the relevant minerals formed during thorium mineralization.In addition,correlation analysis of ThO2 and TFe,and REO and TFe in the six types of iron ore samples showed that ThO2 did not always account for the highest distribution rate in rare earth minerals,and the main occurrence minerals of ThO2 were closely related to iron ore types.  相似文献   

范疙瘩金矿位于熊耳山断隆的东南部,马超营断裂带的北侧,金矿体产于北西向M14断裂带内。本文通过研究断裂构造的方向、规模、分布特征,分析断裂活动历史及矿体产出特征,总结成矿规律。金矿体严格受M14断裂控制,离断裂越远金矿化越弱,M14断裂带倾向上引张部位及断裂分支复合部位是金元素的富集地段,是成矿有利部位。  相似文献   

河南嵩县安沟钼矿区构造、岩浆活动强烈,具有良好的成矿地质条件。以构造控矿为主,石英-方解石脉是钼矿的主要矿石类型,属石英-方解石脉型钼矿。本文介绍了安沟钼矿床地质特征,总结了钼矿找矿标志。  相似文献   

江西省瑞昌市港南金矿是上世纪八十年代发现的小型金矿床,前人称之为"铁帽"型。本文通过对以往勘查资料的进一步分析和野外调查,发现矿体受F1硅化破碎带及溶蚀侵蚀洼地控制,产于破碎带之上的溶蚀侵蚀洼地粘土层中,顶板较平整,底板随基岩侵蚀面的起伏而波动,初步认为属残积红土型金矿,矿区及外围具有进一步找矿的前景。  相似文献   

梅子坑钼矿位于九岭钨钼成矿带,为中型石英脉型钼矿床。矿区内地层和岩浆岩钼元素含量分别是克拉克值的43倍和21倍。矿体赋存于双桥山群修水组浅变质岩系中及北西向断裂控制的裂隙密集带中;矿石主要类型为石英脉型,矿石有益组分为辉钼矿,形成于石英-黄铁矿-辉钼矿-黄铜矿早期矿化阶段。矿床可能与隐伏的燕山期细粒花岗岩、花岗斑岩岩脉有成因关系,属与燕山期岩浆活动有关的中-高温热液矿床。北西向断裂密集带,硅化、云英岩化、黄铁矿化围岩蚀变,燕山期花岗岩类及双桥山群浅变质岩系,是其主要找矿标志。  相似文献   


The effect of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on rainfall characteristics in the tropical peatland areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, is demonstrated. This research used rainfall data collected between 1978 and 2008. The results suggest a relationship between ENSO events and the trend in rainfall observed in the study area. Further analyses show that El Niño events have a stronger effect on the rainfall compared to La Niña events. El Niño events were also correlated to the increase in the number of days with less than 1 mm of rainfall in the dry season. The analysis reveals that the impact of El Niño events on rainfall in dry seasons is intensifying annually. Furthermore, ENSO events are not the only factors affecting rainfall trends in the observed area. Other factors, such as deforestation, may also affect the trend.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Susilo, G.E., Yamamoto, K., Imai, T., Ishii, Y., Fukami, H., and Sekine, M., 2013. The effect of ENSO on rainfall characteristics in the tropical peatland areas of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 539–548.  相似文献   

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