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目的探讨乳腺实性乳头状癌的临床病理学特点、免疫表型。方法对11例乳腺实性乳头状癌的临床病理学特点、免疫表型及淋巴结转移情况进行分析。结果 11例实性乳头状癌均为女性,8例为原位癌,3例伴浸润癌成分,平均年龄63.2岁。11例实性乳头状癌均表现为乳腺肿块,其中3例为乳头溢血。所有病例大体界限清楚,肿瘤细胞围绕纤细的纤维血管轴心呈实性结节状增生,肿瘤细胞形态单一,核染色质细腻,核分裂象5个/10 HPF,8例可见细胞内外黏液。免疫表型:ER、PR均弥漫强阳性,CK5/6和HER-2均阴性,5例在瘤巢周围可见稀少的p63阳性细胞,4例瘤巢周围可见CK5/6和CD10阳性细胞,3例伴浸润癌成分者,瘤巢周围无p63、CK5/6、CD10阳性细胞;5例表达神经内分泌免疫标记Syn,6例表达Cg A。9例行腋窝淋巴结清扫术,其中1例发生淋巴结转移。结论乳腺实性乳头状癌是一种少见的好发于老年女性的乳腺癌,以肿瘤细胞排列呈实性乳头状结节为特征,常有细胞内外黏液分泌,为腺腔A型乳腺癌的免疫表型,并表达神经内分泌免疫标记,预后良好,较少发生腋窝淋巴结转移。  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳腺实性乳头状癌(solid papillary carcinoma,SPC)的临床病理学特征及预后.方法 采用免疫组化Ven-tana法对78例乳腺SPC进行检测;采用FISH法对HER-2基因进行检测,并复习相关文献.结果 78例乳腺SPC患者均为女性,平均64.7岁,多以乳头溢液和(或)乳腺肿块就诊.7...  相似文献   

目的 探讨乳腺实性神经内分泌癌的临床病理特征和免疫表型.方法 对3例乳腺实性神经内分泌癌患者的临床资料进行病理组织学及免疫组化观察并进行文献复习.结果 患者平均年龄62岁,肿瘤直径为1.5~3 cm,均因乳腺肿块入院.镜检:肿瘤细胞排列呈实性巢团或小梁状,被纤细的纤维血管间质分隔开来.免疫组化检测显示:3例肿瘤均表达ER、PR、HER-2、CK7、GCDFP-15和Syn,2例表达CgA、NSE,3例CD56均为阴性.结论 乳腺实性神经内分泌癌是一种少见的乳腺恶性肿瘤,确诊主要依靠病理组织学检查及免疫组化染色.  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺实性乳头状癌(solid papillary carcinoma,SPC)伴浸润性癌的临床病理特点、组织学特征和免疫表型。方法收集乳腺SPC伴浸润性癌8例,总结该组病变的临床资料,采用HE及免疫组化En Vision两步法染色检测组织病理学特征。结果乳腺SPC伴浸润性癌好发于老年女性,平均发病年龄55.5岁,其发生率约占SPC总病例的30%。肿瘤最常见的临床特征为乳腺肿块和乳头溢液,伴浸润癌常见的类型为乳腺非特殊类型癌和黏液癌,亦常伴神经内分泌分化。SPC伴浸润性癌时,浸润癌周边及其癌巢内肌上皮染色均为阴性。SPC与伴随的浸润癌区域ER、PR均阳性且阳性率较高(≥70%),HER-2均阴性,Ki-67增殖指数均≤10%。神经内分泌免疫组化标记Cg A及Syn均双阳性或单个阳性。结论 SPC可能是低级别乳头状导管原位癌的变异型,其具有进展为其他类型乳腺浸润性癌的潜能。SPC可能为伴神经内分泌分化乳腺黏液癌及非特殊类型癌原位癌阶段的病变。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺包裹性乳头状癌(encapsulated papillary carcinoma,EPC)的临床病理特征。方法回顾性分析17例乳腺EPC的临床病理资料和免疫组化染色结果(抗体包括p63、SMA、CK5/6、ER、PR、HER-2和Ki-67),获取随访患者预后信息。结果 17例EPC中女性16例,男性1例,平均年龄62岁。临床以乳腺肿块和乳头溢液为主要表现。肿瘤最大径1.5~5.5cm(平均2.9 cm),10例肉眼可见囊腔形成。镜下见肿瘤单发或多病灶聚集,肿瘤周围有纤维性包膜。多数EPC以乳头状结构为主,被覆柱状细胞。少数肿瘤伴有筛状、实体结构或以其为主。1例EPC伴有腋窝癌结节。EPC的周缘和乳头轴心均缺乏p63、SMA和CK5/6阳性染色的肌上皮层。肿瘤细胞ER、PR均(+),1例HER-2呈(),其余均(-)。Ki-67平均增殖指数为12%。10例随访患者均无局部复发、远处转移和死亡。结论缺乏周缘肌上皮层的EPC可被视为特殊的浸润癌亚型,其远期预后较好,可参照导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS)治疗标准进行临床治疗。  相似文献   

Wei B  Bu H  Chen HJ  Zhang HY  Li XJ 《中华病理学杂志》2006,35(10):589-593
目的探讨乳腺实体型乳头状癌(SPC)的临床病理特征和免疫表型特点。方法收集伴或不伴有浸润癌的SPC共21例,总结其临床资料、大体和组织病理特征,并进行免疫组织化学LSAB法染色和阿辛蓝黏液染色。选用抗体包括细胞角蛋白(CK)、肌上皮标记、神经内分泌标记、增殖标记Ki-67和雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)等。结果本组患者均为女性,发病平均年龄66.1岁。肿瘤的临床特征与经典型乳头状肿瘤相似。行腋窝淋巴结清扫术的8例中无1例检出癌转移。镜检所有标本均见到实体乳头状病变,19例存在黏液分泌。肿瘤细胞呈卵圆形、多角形、梭形或旱印戒样。细胞为轻度或中度异型性,15例核分裂象〈5/10HPF。7例伴发细胞学与导管内癌一致的浸润癌。肿瘤均表达CK8,但基底型CK呈阴性。平滑肌肌动蛋白(SMA)d、Calponin和p63在乳头轴心肌上皮的阳性率分别为94.0%、64.7%和58.8%,在导管周缘肌上皮的阳性率分别为94.0%、76.5%和70.6%。CgA和突触素阳性率分别为88.2%和82.4%。Ki-67平均阳性指数为8.1%。17例行ER、PR和pS2染色的肿瘤均呈阳性,c—erbB-2均阴性。获得随访的患者中16例(94%)均未见肿瘤复发或转移。结论乳腺SPC好发于老年女性,具有较独特的病理组织学改变和免疫表型,部分SPC与乳腺黏液癌和神经内分泌癌相关。多项临床病理特征和随访显示SPC具有较为惰性的生物学行为和良好的预后。  相似文献   

例1,患者女,72岁,因“发现乳房肿块3 d”于2020年6月15日入院。患者诉3天前无意间发现左侧乳房肿块1枚,如豌豆大小,无疼痛,伴乳头溢血。查体:双乳对称,双乳头无凹陷,左乳头溢血;左乳可触及一直径约2.5 cm的肿块,质地中等,活动可,边界尚清,无压痛,双侧腋下未触及明显肿大淋巴结。乳腺彩色多普勒超声示:左乳1...  相似文献   

乳腺囊内乳头状癌的临床病理学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨乳腺囊内乳头状癌的临床病理特征及其鉴别诊断.方法 观察14例囊内乳头状癌的临床病理特点,并采用平滑肌肌动蛋白(SMA)、肌特异性肌动蛋白(MSA)、ER、PR、p63、广谱和高相对分子质量CK(AE1/AE3和34βE12)和CK5/6进行EnVision法染色.结果 14例发病年龄42~79岁,平均65.4岁.乳腺肿块是最常见的症状.镜下见两种形态,以较纤细的乳头状结构为主,乳头纤维血管轴心衬覆高柱状上皮细胞,无肌上皮细胞(9例)和以张力高的筛孔或实性结构为主,其问仍可见纤维血管轴心(5例);11例为单纯性囊内乳头状癌,1例伴有导管原位癌,2例伴有浸润性癌.肿瘤细胞核为低级别,肿瘤细胞呈ER和PR弥漫强阳性,CK5/6和34βE12阴性或局灶弱阳性.肿瘤内未见肌上皮细胞,而肿瘤外围肌上皮消失或仅散在着色.结论 囊内乳头状癌是一种发生在老年妇女的少见肿瘤,在临床表现、组织形态和免疫表型上的独特性有助于鉴别诊断.  相似文献   

乳腺神经内分泌癌18例病理形态观察   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
目的:分析乳腺癌神经内分泌癌的病理形态特征,阐明其诊断要点。方法:对确诊为乳腺神经内分泌癌的除标本18例进行光镜和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)及哮铬素A(CgA)免疫组织化学染色、8例进行电镜观察,并复习其临床资料,结果本组患者均为女性,年龄36-77岁,平均53岁,肿瘤大小1.2-5.5cm,平均2.7cm。18例乳腺神经内分泌癌中,典型类癌5例,不典型类癌8例,未分化型小细胞癌5例;电镜下8  相似文献   

乳腺神经内分泌型导管内癌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对乳腺神经内分泌型导管内癌(E-DCIS)的临床病理特点、预后和鉴别诊断进行探讨。方法用光镜、免疫组织化学EnVision法行嗜铬素A、突触素和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)染色和消化PAS、消化阿辛蓝和嗜银染色,对18例具有E-DCIS特征的乳腺癌进行观察。结果具有E-DCIS特征的乳腺癌具有以下特点:(1)好发于老年女性,平均年龄71岁。最常见的临床症状为乳腺肿块或乳头溢液。(2)E-DCIS呈导管内肿瘤细胞的膨胀性生长,在肿瘤周边常可见导管内乳头状瘤。(3)肿瘤细胞呈多边形,卵圆形或梭形,胞质丰富,嗜酸性或细颗粒状。细胞核往往只有轻一中度异型,消化PAS或AB染色显示细胞内或细胞外存在黏液,有些肿瘤细胞呈印戒细胞样。(4)〉50%的肿瘤细胞表达嗜铬素A、突触素和NSE中的至少两种,部分病例CD56和CD57染色阳性。(5)E-DCIS中常可见到肿瘤细胞向邻近导管的派杰样扩散,且在膨胀性生长的导管内不存在肌上皮成分。这两点有助于E-DCIS与导管上皮增生的鉴别。结论E-DCIS是一种低度恶性的乳腺导管内癌,有其独特的组织形态、免疫组织化学特征,应作为一种独立的导管内癌类型加以认识。  相似文献   

We describe a case of encapsulated papillary carcinoma (EPC), apocrine variant in a 50‐year‐old woman. The patient presented a cystic lesion in her right breast, measuring 8 cm in diameter, containing three solid papillary nodules. A fine‐needle aspiration showed isolated apocrine cells containing round nuclei, irregular nuclear membranes, fine chromatin, and prominent macronucleoli. The lesion was excised and showed a pure papillary apocrine carcinoma, which stained diffusely with GCDFP‐15 and androgen receptors. The lesion was totally devoid of myoepithelial cells (smooth muscle actyn, p63, calponin, and collagen IV stains were negative). With MIB1 the proliferative activity was 10%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of EPC apocrine variant with cytologic and immunohistochemical study. This lesion must be included in the list of apocrine lesions of the breast. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

乳腺浸润性筛状癌临床病理分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨乳腺浸润性筛状癌(invasive cribriform carcinoma,ICC)的临床病理和免疫表型特点。方法复习8例乳腺ICC的临床病理资料,并将其组织学特征、免疫表型和预后与浸润性导管癌进行比较。结果乳腺ICC发病平均年龄42.9岁,多表现为无痛性乳房肿块,影像学微钙化常见。组织学特征是不规则癌细胞团巢呈筛状结构浸润性生长,瘤细胞核级低-中等,多数病例核分裂象少见,胞质顶浆分泌和间质成纤维细胞增生易见,常并存筛状型导管原位癌和小管癌。免疫表型显示CK34βE12高表达而CK5/6阴性,肌上皮标记阴性。8例中经典型6例、混合型2例,其发病年龄、组织学分级、腋淋巴结转移率、c-erbB-2和Ki-67阳性率均低于浸润性导管癌,近期随访结果显示预后优于浸润性导管癌。结论乳腺ICC作为WHO新确定的浸润性癌类型,预后较好,需要与筛状型导管原位癌和腺样囊性癌等鉴别,免疫组化染色有助于确诊。  相似文献   

Encapsulated papillary carcinoma (EPC) and solid papillary carcinoma (SPC) are distinctive variants of intraductal papillary carcinomas, each accounting for <1% of breast carcinomas. Here we report a composite carcinoma consisting of EPC and SPC. A 73‐year‐old woman was found to have a high density mass in the left breast on mammogram. A biopsy showed intermediate to high grade ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Gross examination of the lumpectomy specimen revealed a solid, multinodular mass. Microscopic examination demonstrated two morphologically distinct intraductal carcinomas intermingled with each other. One had delicate papillae in multi‐cystic spaces surrounded by thick fibrous capsule, consistent with EPC. The other had solid tumor nests with delicate fibrovascular cores. The cells were monotonous with round nuclei and salt and pepper‐like chromatin, characteristic of SPC. The lack of myoepithelial cells within the papillae and at the periphery of the lesion was confirmed by immunostaining for p63 and CK5/6. Neuroendocrine differentiation of SPC was demonstrated by neuron specific enolase staining. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of composite EPC and SPC. It raises an interesting question as to a possible common pathway of carcinogenesis of these two rare variants.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper was to evaluate the clinicopathological and biological features of 20 Japanese patients with solid-papillary carcinoma of the breast (SPC) or SPC associated with invasive breast cancer. All the patients were Japanese women, including two sisters. The mean age was 66.0 years. The incidence of SPC among all the breast cancers treated at two institutions was 1.1% and 1.7%, respectively. The mean disease-free interval was 4 years 11 months. Axillary lymph node metastasis or tumor recurrence did not occur in any of the cases. Fifteen cases of SPC contained invasive cancers that ranged from <5% to 60% of the entire tumor area. Histological types of invasive cancers were mucinous carcinoma in five cases and neuroendocrine cell carcinoma in 10 cases. These results indicate that SPC is a potential precursor lesion for neuroendocrine carcinoma as well as mucinous carcinoma. When all the cases were classified and analyzed according to both the 2002 tumor node metastasis (TNM) classification system and the Nottingham histological grade, SPC patients, even those with invasive cancers, seemed to have longer disease-free survival compared to patients with the other invasive breast cancers of matching grade and stage. Clinicopathologically, SPC could be regarded as a separate type of ductal carcinoma in situ.  相似文献   

Solid-papillary carcinoma (SPC) of the breast is a rare variant of low-grade intraductal carcinoma but there are few cytological studies. We examined 20 cases of SPC of the breast, aged 31-80 (mean age 66.0 yr), to define the cytological features. In each of the cytological specimens, we could find both malignant and benign cytological features; the former were characterized by hypercellularity, highly discohesive clusters, numerous isolated cells, and severe overcrowding cells, while the latter were marked by small and bland nuclei, a low nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, and inconspicuous nucleoli. Neither abnormal naked nuclei of tumor cell origin nor oval naked nuclei of myoepithelial cell origin were seen.We also reviewed the cytological findings of SPC as well as neuroendocrine carcinomas with intraductal components that had been reported and we concluded that the coexistence of malignant and benign features was the most characteristic cytological feature of SPC.  相似文献   

We report a case of solid papillary carcinoma (SPC) of the breast, of which the cytologic findings of the nipple discharge and the fine needle aspiration (FNA), and the pathology of the resected tumour are described in detail. Imaging studies demonstrated an intra‐ductal tumour of the breast, which seemed responsible for the bloody nipple discharge. The cytologic features of the nipple discharge and the FNA targeted to the intra‐ductal tumour suggested low‐grade carcinoma. Additional findings of mucin production and rosette‐formation (possibly neuroendocrine differentiation) indicated SPC as a major differential diagnosis. Histologically, the lesion consisted of mainly ductal proliferation of low‐grade carcinoma associated with prominent rosette formation within the tumour and mucin production. Permeation of mucin with cancer cell clusters into the adjacent adipose tissue was also noted. Immunohistochemically, the tumour cells, especially those forming rosettes, were partially positive for CD56. Histological diagnosis was SPC with invasion. SPC is a rare tumour, and its cytologic and pathologic features have only been sporadically reported. Our case was unique in that there was a good correlation between cytologic and histologic findings. The cytologic findings that are important to predict the histologic diagnosis are emphasized. A brief review of the relevant literature is also included.  相似文献   

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