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Some green microalgae have the ability to harness sunlight to photosynthetically produce molecular hydrogen from water. This renewable, carbon-neutral process has the additional benefit of sequestering carbon dioxide and accumulating biomass during the algal growth phase. We document the details of a novel one-litre vertical flat-plate photobioreactor that has been designed to facilitate green algal hydrogen production at the laboratory scale. Coherent, non-heating illumination is provided by a panel of cool-white light-emitting diodes. The reactor body consists of two compartments constructed from transparent polymethyl methacrylate sheets. The primary compartment holds the algal culture, which is agitated by means of a recirculating gas-lift. The secondary compartment is used to control the temperature of the system and the wavelength of radiation. The reactor is fitted with probe sensors that monitor the pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and optical thickness of the algal culture. A membrane-inlet mass spectrometry system has been developed and incorporated into the reactor for dissolved hydrogen measurement and collection. The reactor is hydrogen-tight, modular and fully autoclaveable.  相似文献   

Even though microalgae are able to produce various valuable metabolites, microalgal culture on an industrial scale still faces challenging difficulties. Open systems may be cheaper to construct, easier to operate and maintain, and possess greater surface area to volume ratio, but they are also easily contaminated, have high water loss due to evaporation, and suffer from unfavorable weather. On the other hand, closed photobioreactor systems possess higher biomass yields, better control over culture parameters, and lower contamination risks. However, photobioreactors are costlier to construct and maintain. Thus, a hybrid semi-closed thin layer cascade photobioreactor was proposed to cultivate high-density microalgal cultures for biodiesel production. Computational fluid dynamics analysis was carried out to observe fluid behavior in the hybrid photobioreactor design. The simulation results showed satisfactory performance in the improved design, making the photobioreactor a potential candidate for microalgal biodiesel production.  相似文献   

Increasing energy demands, predicted fossil fuels shortage in the near future, and environmental concerns due to the production of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide on their combustion have motivated the search for alternative ‘clean’ energy sources. Among many resources for this, microalgae have been found to be most promising due to their high production capacity of vegetable oils. They possess a high growth rate, need abundantly available solar light and CO2, and thus are more photosynthetically efficient than oil crops. Also, they tolerate high concentration of salts allowing the use of any type of water for the agriculture and the possibility of production using innovative compact photobioreactors. In addition, microalgae are a potential source of biomass, which may have great biodiversity and consequent variability in their biochemical composition. This paper presents an overview on microalgae with particular emphasis as a source for energy (biofuel/electricity) and new materials. Critical issues involved in production of microalgae and their use, future R & D to overcome these, including the work initiated by the authors at Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, in Brazil are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The increasing global demand of biofuels for energy security and reduction in climate change effects generate the opportunity to explore new biomass sources. Algae is a very promising source of biomass in this context as it sequester a significant quantity of carbon from atmosphere and industrial gases and is also very efficient in utilizing the nutrients from industrial effluents and municipal wastewater. Therefore cultivation of algal biomass provide dual benefit, it provides biomass for the production of biofuels and also save our environment from air and water pollution. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of algal biofuels suggests them to be environmentally better than the fossil fuels but economically it is not yet so attractive.  相似文献   

The development of alternative fuels has been promoted by the extreme fossil fuel consumption brought on by urbanisation and deteriorating pollution. Due to its high energy and combustible qualities, biohydrogen has been perceived as a potential fuel substitute in dealing with issues related to the rising emission of greenhouse gases and global warming. As a source of carbon sequestration and sustainable renewable energy, biohydrogen synthesis by algae species has been prevalent in research scale. This review focuses on the novel and recent metabolic approaches for enhanced algal based biohydrogen production. Pretreatment methods available and scaling techniques used for enhancing the biohydrogen productivity using algal species have been elaborated in the review. Algal characteristics that make them suitable alternative for biohydrogen production are discussed briefly. Various pretreatment methods such as physical, chemical, biological and thermal are elaborated. In addition, the factors involved in influencing the biohydrogen productivity and the metabolic engineering approaches for modifying the pathway in algae are highlighted. Scaling up of process using different types of photobioreactors such as tubular, flat panel, airlift and stirred tank are reported that briefs about merits and demerits of each photobioreactor.  相似文献   

The biodiesel production from a naturally isolated strain of Chlorella in 2 L bubble-column photobioreactor was studied. The microalgal strain was isolated from the rice paddy-field soil samples during a screening program. After 17 days, at the end of exponential phase of growth, the total content of the lipids was extracted. The extracted fatty acids were first esterified and then identified using GC/MS analysis. Several types of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were identified in the isolated microalga and the presence of saturated fatty acids in Chlorella sp. MCCS 040 was approved. The composition of fatty acids in the studied species of microalga was mainly palmitic acid methyl ester, myristic acid methyl ester, stearic acid methyl ester and undecanoic acid methyl ester. This strain because of its highly saturated fatty acids content can be an ideal candidate for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

Development of suitable photobioreactor for algae production - A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microalgal species are recently in the spotlight for biofuels production like biodiesel, bioethanol and biohydrogen. Algae are also used as a biofertiliser, source of nutrient and for controlling pollution. Algae being a photosynthetic organism are produced in the photo bioreactors. Hence the design and development of photobioreactors for maximum production of algae is very important. Apart from maximum production, other factors such as design, cost effectiveness of the bioreactor, purity of the algae produced, user friendly, low maintenance and space convenience need to be optimized. The bioreactors which are used for the purpose of growing algae are bubble column photobioreactor, airlift photo bioreactor, flat panel bioreactor, horizontal tubular photobioreactor, stirred tank photobioreactor etc. These bioreactors have their own advantages and disadvantages. Work is on for developing hybrid type of bioreactors which may overcome the limitations of the developed photobioreactors. This paper covers the salient features, limitations of developed photobioreactors and recent developments in the field of photobioreactors.  相似文献   

The introduction of a practical solar cell by Bell Laboratory, which had an efficiency of approximately 6%, signified photovoltaic technology as a potentially viable energy source. Continuous efforts have been made to increase power conversion efficiency (PCE). In the present review, the advances made in solar cells (SCs) are summarized. Material and device engineering are described for achieving enhanced light absorption, electrical properties, stability and higher PCE in SCs. The strategies in materials and coating techniques for large area deposition are further elaborated, which is expected to be helpful for realizing high-efficiency SCs. The methods of light-harvesting in SCs via anti-reflecting coatings, surface texturing, patterned growth of nanostructure, and plasmonics are discussed. Moreover, progress in mechanical methods that are used for sun tracking are elaborated. The assistance of the above two protocols in maximizing the power output of SCs are discussed in detail. Finally, further research efforts needed to overcome roadblocks in commercialization were highlighted and perspectives on the future development of this rapidly advancing field are offered.  相似文献   

Algal bloom biomass, sourced from a freshwater lake in Chongqing, was pre-treated by hydrothermal pre-treatments with or without acid/alkali catalysts, and subsequently used as a substrate for sustainable biohythane production via fermentation. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analyses suggested hydrothermal acid/alkali pre-treatments significantly changed peak intensities of chemical compositions in algal bloom biomass. Derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) analyses showed more macromolecular substances hydrolysed after hydrothermal acid/alkali pre-treatments. When bloom algae were pre-treated with 1% HCl at 140 °C for 10 min, an optimal specific hydrogen yield (SHY) of 39.4 mL/g volatile solid (VS) was obtained, which is 38.2% higher than raw biomass. However, a 34.4% decrease in SHY occurred under hydrothermal pre-treatment with 1% NaOH due to the enhancement of Maillard reaction. When using the effluents in methane fermentation, specific methane yields (SMYs) were 177.1–276.8 mL/g VS. Two-stage process effectively reduced the total fermentation time by 22.7% compared with single-stage fermentation.  相似文献   

 Population increase has resulted in an increase in the worldwide demand for alternative fuels due to depleting resources. There is a periodic increase in concern about the engine performance, pollutant emissions, and their predictions, from an engine using biodiesels. The use of intelligent algorithms in modeling and forecasting alternative fuels characteristics and their performance in engines are critically reviewed in this study. The paper aims at demonstrating with artificial intelligence methodologies the main conclusions of the recent research done for the above topic from 2012 to 2020. This article attempted to demonstrate an exploratory examination of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) soft computing technique used for the exact measurement and analysis of engine performance, emissions of exhaust engines when biodiesel is used as an alternative fuel. Additionally, the yield of biodiesel and their different characteristics predicted using ANFIS are also reviewed. Integration of particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), and response surface methodology (RSM), either for comparison or optimization with ANFIS is presented. The summary of all studies is provided in tabular form. For the demonstration purpose, the ANFIS studies predicting different biodiesel and engine characters are provided with illustrative figures. The ANFIS prediction related to biodiesel used engine and biodiesel self-characteristics is found to be excellent. The ANFIS accuracy reported is better than the artificial neural network (ANN) accuracy. A minimum of 0.9 R2 value is generally obtained which is around 5% greater than the ANN modeling results reported. However, the ANFIS predictions are much more fitter than the RSM predictions. The integration of ANFIS-PSO and ANFIS-GA provided much more optimized results.  相似文献   

A mathematical model to make a transient thermal analysis and to estimate the incident solar energy for two designs of tubular photobioreactor installed outdoors is presented here. In the first photobioreactor design the tubes were arranged in one plane, whereas in the second the tubes were arranged in two planes. The model was validated by comparing the experimental data and predicted values of culture temperature. Both the input solar energy and culture temperature in a tubular photobioreactor may be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy by employing the model. The performance of the two photobioreactors for mass culture of Spirulina was also studied in relation to their design and culture temperature. The average biomass yield obtained in one-plane and two-plane photobioreactors were (dry weight) 23.7 g m?2 day?1 and 27.8 g m?2 day?1 respectively. Such biomass yields corresponded to a volumetric productivity of (dry weight) 0.466 g litre?1 day?1 in the one-plane reactor and 1.5 g litre?1 day?1 in the two-plane reactor. We further observed that biomass yield could be increased by about 21% when the culture temperature was maintained at the optimal value of 35°C compared to another culture in which temperature changed according to the ambient temperature from 20 to 39°C during the day.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to decrease emissions in diesel engines fueled with diesel and algae biodiesel blends and also addition of BiO nanoparticles. Azolla algae can be used to produce biodiesel, because of high oil content. The biodiesel was prepared by using Azolla algae non-edible oil through transesterification process. In the present study, the BaO nano additives into the algae oil-based methyl ester blend and its diesel blends are analyzed the emission characteristic at different load. Addition of BaO nanoparticle was a strategy to reduce emission (CO, HC, and O2) of the biodiesel.  相似文献   

Ultrasound‐assisted biodiesel production is an emerging technology that features high energy density, high conversion efficiency, and environment friendliness. This review evaluates the influence of process parameters, including ultrasonic power, ultrasonic frequency, catalyst dosage, alcohol/oil ratio, reaction temperature, reaction time, and alcohol type, on the yield of ultrasonic‐assisted production of biodiesel. Limitations associated with ultrasonic‐assisted production of biodiesel are also analyzed. Further development of this technology is explored. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 2008, the UK launched the first regulatory sustainability reporting scheme for biofuels. The development of the scheme, managed by the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership for the Department for Transport, involved extensive stakeholder engagement. The scheme has significantly increased understanding by policy-makers, the biofuels industry and its supply chains on how to monitor and manage the sustainability risks of biofuels and increase their greenhouse-gas benefits. It is providing a practical model for similar developments globally. To receive certificates in order to meet volume obligations under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO), suppliers must provide a monthly carbon and sustainability report on individual batches of renewable fuels they supply into the UK. The Renewable Fuels Agency produces aggregate monthly reports of overall performance and quarterly updates of individual supplier performance. This scheme is an important first step to assist the biofuels industry to demonstrate its environmental credentials and justify the subsidies received. The paper provides a case study of the development of the scheme, its initial outcomes and outstanding challenges.  相似文献   

To explore the effects of waste heat (50–170°C) from steel plant flue gas on the column photobioreactor algal liquid temperature for microalgal production, a flue gas-microalgal liquid heat transfer model was developed that simulated the microalgal growth environment for flue-gas carbon dioxide (CO2) fixation. The simulation results showed that the influence of high-temperature flue gas weakened with the increasing microalgal liquid temperature due to enhanced evaporation and heat dissipation. Increasing the flue gas temperature and aeration rate resulted in a higher microalgal liquid temperature up to a maximum increase of 4.16°C at an ambient temperature of 25°C, an aeration rate of 2 L/min, and a flue gas temperature of 170°C. In an experiment on the effect of incubation temperature on the growth rate of microalgae, at an optimal temperature of 35°C, the Chlorella sp. PY-ZU1 growth rate exhibited a remarkable increase of 104.7% compared to that at 42.5°C. Therefore, modulating the flue gas conditions can significantly increase the microalgal growth rate for CO2 fixation, making it a promising approach to increase biomass production for efficient carbon utilization.  相似文献   

This work investigates the effect of using Bi2O3 nanoparticles at a different proportion of Azolla algae methyl ester in a four-stroke single cylinder diesel engine. Azolla algae can be used to produce biodiesel, because of high oil content. Biodiesel is developed by the transesterification of oil. In the present study, the Bi2O3 nano additives into the oil-based methyl ester blend and its diesel blends are analyzed the emission characteristic at different load. Addition of Bi2O3 nanoparticle is a strategy to reduce emission (CO, HC and smoke) of the biodiesel.  相似文献   

Microalgae biodiesel has been considered ?as a clean renewable fuel for diesel marine engines. This is due to its optimistic characterizations such as ?rapid growth rate, high productivity, and its ability to convert CO2 into fuel. In this study, the use of microalgae biodiesel, obtained from Botryococcus braunii, as an alternative fuel for diesel marine engines has been investigated. The diesel engine is verified experimentally using Ni-Doped ZnO nano additive blends with algae biodiesel and neat diesel fuel. The results showed that doped nano additive blends? produce less emission compared to B20.  相似文献   

Community views toward the risks and benefits of emerging renewable energy technologies are important factors in facility siting decisions and their eventual success. While the actual socioeconomic and biophysical impacts of proposed industrial developments are fraught with uncertainty, understanding public perceptions is critical in managing costs and benefits to local citizens. Here, we explore the social acceptability of forest-based biorefineries in Maine using random utility modeling to identify how project attributes and citizen characteristics interact to affect level of support. Using a statewide sample (Statewide) and a subsample of mill towns (Mill Towns), we found that: (1) in both samples, individual characteristics had similar coefficients and significance levels except for pro-environment attitudes; (2) the coefficients related to the industry’s negative attributes were notably different between the two samples, while positive attributes were not; (3) in both samples, positive industry attributes such as “producing products from a sustainable resource” and “increased economic development” were the most influential variables in determining the level of support for a new biorefinery in an individual’s community; and (4) in general, Mill Town respondents were more accepting of potential negative attributes such as increased levels of truck traffic, odor, noise, and air and water pollution.  相似文献   

采用经60Co-γ射线核辐射诱变和15%CO2驯化后的雨生红球藻突变藻株为对象,研究15%CO2对雨生红球藻制备生物柴油潜力的影响。结果表明:随着高光照和15%CO2协同胁迫时间的延长,油脂合成相关乙酰辅酶a羧化酶、β-酮酰基-ACP缩合酶Ⅲ和二酰基甘油酰基转移酶相对表达量分别提高至初始水平的1.2、1.4和1.3倍。15%CO2胁迫下雨生红球藻饱和油脂含量由2%CO2条件下的33.0%升至35.2%。15%CO2胁迫下雨生红球藻细胞孔径增大15%,孔面积增加2.3倍。萃取虾青素后的雨生红球藻渣亲水性指数为4.98,高于未处理生物质的亲水性指数。差示扫描量热分析(DSC)结果表明,藻渣制备的生物柴油的结晶度和熔点分别为-1.3℃和6.1℃。  相似文献   

The depletion of unsustainable conventional energy sources and global warming issues create world demand for green energy sources. The microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology with the capability to convert environmental waste to energy can be improved with cheap ceramic material. The ceramic is structurally porous, thus allow a direct exchange of cation. The ceramic material also enhances stability thermally and chemically, non-ion selective characteristic, high mechanical strength, and easily washable. Commercially produced ceramic structures have been proven to reduce Chemical Oxygen Demand up to 92% and allow high power output. It is also comparatively durable in the long-term operation of MFC, compared to the commercially available membrane. The novelty of using tubular design is the efficient use of space, which leads to the possibility of scaling up. As a conclusion, a combination of both ceramic material and tubular design could be an excellent alternative separator for MFC.  相似文献   

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