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Intertwined in the history of substance abuse in the United States is the history of addiction in the nursing profession. This historical research explores the context of addiction in the nursing profession with reference to social, medical, political, and legal events from 1850 until the American Nurses' Association officially acknowledged addiction in the nursing profession in 1982 with guidelines for the impaired nurse. Prior to these guidelines colleagues looked the other way hoping the nurse would solve the problem by herself or if not, just leave. If caught, punitive action was taken. Nurses lost their licenses, their source of income (meaning no resources for rehabilitation treatment), and often went to jail.  相似文献   

Nursing students have been targeted by the American Nurses' Association (ANA) for efforts focused on the prevention of substance abuse. This study surveyed 241 nursing students enrolled in their first year of nursing courses at seven faith-based colleges and universities. The purposes were to investigate the prevalence of current substance use and the number of early risk indicators for substance abuse and dependence among nursing students, and to examine the relationships among religiousness, current substance use, and early risk indicators for substance abuse. Efinger's Alcohol Risk Survey, the CAGE Questionnaire, and the Intrinsic/Extrinsic-Revised Scale were used to collect data. Twenty-four percent of respondents reported current substance use, 15% scored in the probable abuse/dependence category: those who were more religious tended to have lower prevalence rates of substance use as well as fewer numbers of early risk indicators.  相似文献   

目的系统评价在中国护生中开展实习前职业防护教育预防针刺伤的效果。方法计算机检索PubMed、CNKI、WanFangData和VIP,收集开展职业防护教育和不开展职业防护教育比较预防针刺伤的对照试验,检索时限均为2002.10—2012.10,由两名评价者按照纳入与排除标准选择试验、提取资料和评价质量后,采用RevMan5.0软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入10个研究。2197名护生。10个研究结果表明,实施职业防护教育可降低33%的针刺伤发生率;3个研究结果表明,实施职业防护教育可提高52%的防护知识知晓率;4个研究结果表明,实施职业防护教育可提高61%的伤后正确处理率。结论实习前开展职业防护教育能有效预防实习护生针刺伤。但由于本研究的局限性,希望开展更多高质量的试验,为其预防效果的有效性提供进一步的佐证.并为预防措施的制定提供针对性的意见。  相似文献   

赵碧琼  任敏 《当代护士》2014,(11):144-146
目的通过对护生不同阶段操作技能需求的调查与分析,了解带教中的不足,以提高本科临床教学质量。方法采用自行设计的问卷对2009年8月~2013年8月在本科实习的430名护生进行问卷调查,分析其在不同阶段的操作技能需求。结果护生在不同阶段对吸氧、雾化、换药、注射等9项操作技能的需求存在差异(P〈0.05);随着实习时间延长,护生所需操作技能由简单逐渐变复杂。结论应针对护生不同阶段操作的技能需求,采取积极有效的带教方式对护生进行带教。  相似文献   

目的 了解 PICC 专科护士对《静脉治疗护理技术操作规范》(以下称《操作规范》)的依从性。 方法 采用随机抽样的方法,从 PICC 培训网络中随机抽取湖南、湖北、广西、广东、福建、重庆、云南、上海 8 个省份或直辖市,共抽取470 名护士进行依从性问卷调查,了解其对《操作规范》的依从性及影响因素。 结果 调查对象依从性得分为 77.43±9.67 ,其中 80 分以上的占 52.35% 。 在各维度依从性中,排在前 3 位的分别是“ PICC 穿刺”“输液(血)器及输液附加装置 的更换”“操作基本原则”;依从性较差的是“冲管及封管”“操作前评估”“静脉治疗相关并发症处理”。 结论 PICC 专科护士对《操作规范》的总体依从性较好。 但各医疗机构要针对《操作规范》的重点和难点,采取针对性的措施来提高护士的依从性。  相似文献   

强化护生创优意识推进优质护理服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年全国启动了"优质护理服务示范工程"活动,通过对全体护生进行思想动员,根本转变观念;加强护生法制观念,增强自我保护意识,保证了护理工作安全;强化护理礼仪,塑造良好形象,提高了护生的整体素质和文化修养;加强护生人文素质的培养,更深入地为患者提供了人性化护理服务;老师带领护生开展床边工作制,指导护生积极参与管床,实行责任包干制度,强化了护生的创优意识,推进了优质护理服务.  相似文献   

目的 调查实习早期大专护生心理健康状况,以提高护生临床教学质量,使护生顺利完成实习,进而提高护理质量。方法 采用症状自评量表(ZCL-90)对复旦大学护理学院2001级实习早期的大专护生进行评定。结果与相同年龄段(18岁-29岁)的正常人比较,除躯体症状因子分外,实习早期大专护生的相应因子分和阳性项目数均较低(JP<0.05);与18岁-60岁的正常人群比较,护生组躯体症状、人际关系、抑郁、恐怖和精神病性因子分得分较低(P<0.05),但在强迫、焦虑、敌对性、偏执症状方面和阳性项目数差异无显著性。结论 实习早期大专护生总体心理健康状况良好。  相似文献   

目的调查基层医院护士对使用麻醉性镇痛药发生成瘾可能性的认识现状。方法采用McCaffery设计的护士对麻醉性镇痛药治疗疼痛发生成瘾可能性的认识状况问卷,对浙江省临安市四家二级医院355名护士进行问卷调查。结果四家医院护士对使用麻醉性镇痛药存在过度担心成瘾问题。结论基层医院护士对使用麻醉性镇痛药发生成瘾可能性的认识不足,必须加强相关知识的教育。  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to prepare nurses to provide brief interventions for clients with alcohol or other drug (AOD) dependency in order to reduce hospitalization, morbidity, and mortality. The project was a collaborative process between a major medical center and a school of nursing. Nurses were surveyed for understanding of alcohol and other drug assessment, and a day long training was provided to teach techniques of brief interventions. The short-term results included increased knowledge of nurses about AOD assessment. Long-term results indicated that 95% of patients referred to the AOD team were confirmed to have AOD problems (Dunn & Ries, 1997). This project documents the need for nurses to have more knowledge about AOD problems and brief intervention techniques.  相似文献   

Defined by researchers as “a silent epidemic” the gambling phenomenon is a social problem that is having negative impact on individuals, families and communities. Among these effects are seen a dismantling of community networks, weakening of family and social ties, psychiatric co-morbidity, suicides and lately more homelessness. Youth, women, elderly, deprived citizens and native communities constitute the social groups that seem to suffer more from gambling accessibility when compared to others. Without pretending to cover all these aspects, we intend, from a social critical perspective, to highlight some of the major psychosocial stakes of the gambling phenomenon. After a brief historical overview underlining the social construction of gambling as a pathology, we will address issues such as the social and ethical contradictions of governments when managing gambling and the heated debate around the disease model of addiction versus a multifactorial approach to this phenomenon. Finally, we propose markers for empowerment while comparing the disease model and the harm reduction one. We hope that these markers can contribute to transfer some power to individuals and their social networks, activate the therapeutic processes and advance the debate on the complex issues that gambling represents in our society.  相似文献   

Several international and national reports have identified the need for nurses, including primary health care workers and staff in the prison health system, to receive adequate training in substance abuse education. The reports highlight the need for a systematic approach to education and training on substance abuse and the principles that underpin quality education and training. However, education about drugs and alcohol and their impact on health still find insufficient space within the nursing curriculum. The purpose of the study was to examine the previous orientation of alcohol and drug education and explore the personal and professional experiences of undergraduate nursing students. A sample of 110 undergraduate nursing students completed a questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of the participants did not receive any instruction on alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol seemed to be the major health problem, compared to other drug problems, encountered by the students in their personal life. The results of this study are congruent with previous findings of the lack of adequate educational preparation of undergraduate nursing students in alcohol and other drugs.  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市金山区12岁学生恒牙龋病的患病情况及其影响因素。方法:2010年对金山区27所中学的4 052例12岁学生进行全口恒牙牙冠龋病情况检查,并进行问卷调查。问卷内容包括人口统计学资料、口腔卫生习惯和饮食习惯等。结果:上海市金山区12岁学生恒牙患龋率、龋均、龋齿充填率分别为30.16%、0.46和43.55%,显著性龋均指数(significantcaries index,SiC)为1.61。女性学生、日刷牙频率小于2次、喜欢吃甜食、睡前吃零食者患龋率较高。结论:上海市金山区12岁学生恒牙龋患呈两级化分布,应进一步完善高危人群的龋病预防保健措施。  相似文献   

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