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土壤蓄热与土壤源热泵集成系统的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗苏瑜 《节能》2007,26(6):12-15
结合土壤源热泵技术推广中存在的问题和地下蓄能技术的优点,提出了土壤蓄热与土壤源热泵集成系统及其地下管群换热器的布置方式。并在能量平衡的基础上建立了地下管群换热器蓄热、释热和停止运行的数学模型。通过数值模拟,分析了埋管间距对蓄热与释热的运行特性的影响。  相似文献   

土壤蓄热特性与模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在能量平衡和导热方程基础上,建立埋地换热器周围土壤内蓄热、释热过程的准三维非稳态模型,并通过数值求解得到计算结果;针对单埋管蓄热模型,得到土壤温度随运行时间、径向距离的变化情况,针对管群跨季节蓄热、取热模型,得到一个周期内不同运行工况结束时的土壤温度场分布;通过模拟计算对不同土壤类型的蓄热特性进行研究,并比较了3种典型土壤的蓄热能力大小.  相似文献   

刘鹏  刘卫  朱超群  张德瑜  徐博荣 《节能》2022,(10):40-45
为了研究不同因素对单/双U形地埋管换热器传热特性的影响,建立单U形和双U形地埋管换热器传热物理数学模型,分析流体进口流速、流体进口温度、回填材料和土壤竖向温度梯度对地埋管周围土壤温度分布规律和单位管长换热量的影响。结果表明:地埋管周围土壤温度随流速的增加而增加且双U形大于单U形,对径向距离大于1 m的土壤基本无影响;双U形地埋管换热器的单位管长换热量大于单U形,双U形地埋管换热器的热短路现象更严重;增加流体进口温度时,土壤温度、单位管长换热量均增加,但热作用范围基本不受影响;回填材料为砾砂时的土壤温度增加幅度大于黏土,单位管长换热量大于黏土,但增加比例小于回填材料为黏土时的情况;土壤竖向温度梯度越大,土壤温度和单位管长换热量波动幅度越剧烈,且双U形的波动幅度大于单U形;钻井深度和土壤竖向温度梯度较大时,地埋管不宜采用U形管作为换热器。研究结果对单/双U形地埋管换热器的设计及地源热泵系统的运行提供参考。  相似文献   

太阳能-土壤源热泵相变蓄热供暖系统运行模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了太阳能-土壤源热泵相变蓄热供暖系统;详细阐述了系统的各个运行模式;确定了模式间的转换条件.选取了供暖期间具有代表性的数据,分析了系统在不同供暖时期、典型天气的运行模式及运行效果.系统采用了太阳能和土壤热能的复合热源,增加了运行的灵活性,提高了运行性能系数.  相似文献   

建立了一维土壤高温蓄热热湿传递模型,采用控制容积法对模型进行离散处理,利用Matlab软件编程求解,计算分析了热源温度和土壤初始含水率对土壤温湿度场分布的影响,探讨了地下土壤热湿传递特性及水分迁移规律。  相似文献   

利用FLUENT对太阳能融雪系统路面冰雪融化过程进行数值模拟,得出路面融雪的温度场及相界面移动规律.对系统参数的选择进行分析,得出融雪所需时间与影响太阳能融雪系统工作特性的一些参数(外界环境条件、管径、埋管深度、管间距)的关系.所得结论对太阳能-土壤蓄热融雪系统路面部分的设计以及优化有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

随着能源的日益消耗,对新能源的需求日益增大,因此新能源的利用成为研究的重点。热化学蓄热通过化学反应将太阳能或者工业废热等能量储存起来在需要时使用。文中使用Comsol软件来模拟热化学蓄热系统中的反应器,通过研究加热流体不同进口温度对反应器中温度及浓度的影响来研究加热流体温度对热化学蓄热的影响。  相似文献   

地下水渗流条件下埋地换热器传热性能的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建立了根据地温分布确定地下水流动特性的简化数学模型。针对一个实际工程钻孔进行了地温分布测量,并测试了局部地下水渗流条件下埋地换热器的传热性能。结果表明,上述理论模型具有较好的预测精度。在该文实验条件下,地下水渗流对埋地换热器的传热性能具有明显的强化作用,埋地换热器的换热量平均提高11.35%。  相似文献   

建立了管内流体流动及周围土壤热渗耦合传热的垂直U型地埋管换热数理模型,采用数值方法对有渗流和无渗流工况下的土壤温度场分布、埋管出口温度、不同渗流速度下的单位井深换热量进行了模拟计算分析。结果表明,地下水渗流作用能减小埋管出口升温幅度,在埋管入口平均温度为33℃时,有渗流工况下的埋管出口平均温度为29.91℃,无渗流工况下的埋管出口平均温度为30.85℃。单位井深换热量随渗流速度的增大而增加,当地下水渗流速度为10 m/a和400 m/a时,与无渗流工况相比,单位井深换热量分别增大了约6.33%和71.33%。  相似文献   

文章设计了一种以石蜡为相变材料的圆柱形等距螺旋盘管式相变蓄热装置,并通过实验分析了该装置的传热特性,以及传热流体入口温度、入口流量对石蜡的融化特性、相变蓄热装置的蓄热量及相变蓄热系统总传热系数的影响。分析结果表明:融化后期,石蜡的融化速率会明显加快;当传热流体入口温度一定时,随着入口流量逐渐增大,蓄热装置的最终显热蓄热量略微升高;与传热流体入口流量相比,传热流体入口温度对石蜡融化速率影响较大;相变阶段,石蜡的传热性能较强,传热流体入口温度越高,石蜡的传热性能越不稳定。  相似文献   

针对土壤耦合热泵地下U型换热埋管,建立了管内流体以及换热器周围土壤热渗耦合物理数学模型。所建模型考虑了U型管的实际形状,土壤考虑为饱和多孔介质,管内湍流流动采用R ea lizab le k-ε模型。采用F luen t软件对模型进行模拟计算,得到了管内流体以及周围土壤温度分布。分析了土壤中水的渗流对传热过程的影响,并对考虑渗流作用时不同土壤物性对单根U型垂直埋管换热器周围土壤温度场进行了模拟计算与分析。  相似文献   

Being environmental friendly and with the potential of energy-efficiency, more and more ground-source heat pump (GSHP) systems are being widely used. However, the influence of groundwater advection on the performance of the geothermal heat exchanger (GHE) in a GSHP is not still clearly known. In this paper, the configuration of a vertical dual-function GHE used in an integrated soil cold storage and ground-source heat pump (ISCS&GSHP) system, which charged cold energy to soil at night and produced chilled water in daytime in summer, and hot water for heating in winter, is firstly presented. This is then followed by a report on a mathematical model for the GHE considering the impact of the coupled heat conduction and groundwater advection on the heat transfer between the GHE and its surrounding soil. The GHE model developed was then integrated into a previously developed simulation program for an ISCS&GSHP system, and the operating performances of the GHE in an ISCS&GSHP system having a vertical dual-function GHE have been studied by simulation and reported. These simulation results, firstly seen in open literature, are much helpful to the design of a GHE buried in soil and widely used in GSHP systems or ISCS&GSHP systems.  相似文献   

Groundwater flows at approximately 1–3 m under the ground surface in a given region. If groundwater flow is present, the performance of a horizontal ground heat exchanger (HGHE), buried in a shallow trench, is enhanced. Nevertheless, owing to the general depth at which groundwater is present, research regarding the heat transfer of a ground heat exchanger (GHE) under conditions with groundwater flow has mainly focused on vertical GHE systems. To the authors’ knowledge, no such studies have addressed HGHEs. From a system design perspective, a prediction tool is needed to consider the groundwater flow, optimize the size of the horizontal heat exchanger, minimize the initial cost and maximize the operational efficiency. Therefore, in this study, a moving ring source model was established and solved analytically to describe the temperature response of a spiral heat exchanger with groundwater flow. In addition, experiments were carried out to study the soil temperature variation during the operation of a spiral heater with different water velocities. The validity of the proposed model was proven by the good agreement between the experimental and calculated results. The average virtual tube surface temperature variations of single ring sources in two different configurations are discussed. Furthermore, the average virtual tube surface temperatures of multiple ring sources extending from single arrangements were computed and approximation algorithms were introduced to reduce the calculation time. The approximation approach has been proven to run thousands of times faster than the initial method, and the calculation results are in 97% agreement with those of the initial method. In summary, this study provides a useful tool for the design of spiral heat exchangers.  相似文献   

地源热泵地中换热器的非稳态传热数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
竖直U型管经常被用做地源热泵的地下换热器.文章建立了三维数值模型模拟U型管内的流动和地下耦合非稳态传热.使用商业软件GAMBIT和FLUENT构造数值模型并进行数值模拟.为了验证模型的有效性,将U型管出口水温的模拟结果与实测数据进行了比较:运行中出口水温模拟值稍大于实验值,随着运行时间的增加,两者相差越来越小.该结果显示,对于长时间运行的热泵系统,此模型的模拟数据更加真实可靠.  相似文献   

竖直埋管周围土壤温度场数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗园  富立鹏 《节能》2006,25(10):32-33
建立了应用于地源热泵系统的竖直埋管的传热数学模型,并采用ANSYS软件模拟了埋深为23 m的竖直埋管在夏季运行工况下周围土壤的温度场变化,为竖直埋管换热器的埋设提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了确定地源热泵工程中地埋管换热器管群的最优排列方法和管间距,建立了热渗耦合下的地埋管换热器管群三维传热模型。利用Fluent软件通过数值方法模拟了不同排列方法、不同管间距下的换热器出水口温度,着重研究了存在地下水渗流时管群排列方法对换热能力的影响,并且提出了管群单位面积换热量这一评价指标。研究结果表明,叉排管群的换热能力要高于顺排管群,地下水的渗流作用使之更加明显。无论是叉排还是顺排,管群的换热能力都和地下水渗流方向密切相关。  相似文献   

设计了一种矩形微槽群换热器,分别对单个槽和整个换热器传热过程进行了数值模拟。对不同流量以及不同热流下的流场和温度场进行模拟,并与理论分析结果比较,两者相吻合。分析结果表明,微换热器的热阻随着流量的增大而变小,温度变低。当流量为200 mg/s时,微换热器最高温升为47 K,表明当达到一定流量的时候,微换热器温升能控制在有效地范围内,能很好地保证微器件的工作状态。  相似文献   

During a thermal response test (TRT) or during operation of a borehole heat exchanger (BHE) system, a temperature gradient in and around the borehole is achieved. This causes convective flow in the groundwater due to density differences. In groundwater filled BHE the convective heat flow influences the heat transport in the borehole system. The size of the influence depends on the injection rate used, which changes during the year for normal BHE systems. Multi-injection rate TRT (MIR TRT) may be used as a method to detect the convective heat influence and to examine the effect on the BHE thermal transport parameters. It was shown that MIR TRT constitutes a valuable method to detect fractured bedrock and to examine the effect of different heat injection rates. For boreholes located in solid bedrock only the borehole thermal resistance was influenced by the convective flow. An increase in heat injection rate resulted in a decrease in resistance. It was shown that the length of the collector did not affect the result. For the fractured bedrock the effective bedrock conductivity was also affected, an increase in heat injection rate resulted in a higher effective bedrock thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

基于流体计算软件FLUENT,针对水冷板式换热器构建了三维的物理模型,选择标准k-ε湍流模型,模拟了实际换热过程,并与实验结果进行比较,两者结果基本吻合。对换热器内部结构参数进行了优化研究,发现在压降允许的范围内,通过适当减小槽道截面的水力直径可以提高换热效率和热源面的温度均匀性。  相似文献   

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