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针对过程数据存在异常值的问题,为了监控过程均值的偏移,采用中位数统计量(X)代替传统均值(X)统计量,提出了一种单边合格品链长X(Sided Sensitive Conforming Run Length X, SCRL & X)控制图。采用马尔科夫链方法研究了SCRL & X控制图的性能,首先推导出其一步状态转移矩阵,进一步根据马尔科夫链的性质得到其平均链长(Average Run Length, ARL)。为了获得控制图的最优设计参数和性能指标值,保证其处于过程受控状态下的性能,并使其处于过程失控状态下的平均链长最小。研究结果表明,提出的SCRL & X控制图的统计性能优于传统的双边合格品链长X(Conforming Run Length, CRL & X)控制图,尤其针对过程均值产生较小偏移的情形,其优势较为明显。  相似文献   

研究了两种带警戒限的合格品链长控制图,一种是一个链长控制图,另一种是两个链长控制图.首先,给出了这两种控制图的制定方法;其次,利用概率流图方法得到了这两种控制图的平均链长(ARL)的计算公式;最后,推导了它们效率的度量指标ANI(发信号之前的平均检验的样品数)的计算公式.  相似文献   

随着质量改进活动的不断开展,现代制造过程中的不合格项在逐渐降低。在这种情况下,常规的休哈特型计数控制图往往是失效的。为了监控高质量的过程运行,一种方法是采用累计合格品计数(CCC)图;另一种方法是采用几何Q图,本文首先分析了这两种控制图的基本原理;进而以平均链长(ARL)和探测过程发生漂移的概率为准则,系统分析和比较了这两种控制图的性能,仿真结果表明,在大多数情况下,这两种控制图具有相似的性能;最后,通过实例说明了这两种控制图的应用,并给出了若干建议。  相似文献   

可变抽样区间的单边控制图   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用质量控制图监督生产过程时 ,通常每隔固定时间从过程抽取固定容量的样本。本文在前文[1] 的基础上设计具有可变抽样区间的单边标准差 (S)图、极差 (R)图和不合格品数 (np)图。计算了这三个图发信号前的平均样本数和平均时间 ,并同固定抽样区间的常规控制图作比较。所设计的控制图能缩短过程失控时间从而减少不合格品数。  相似文献   

针对事件间隔时间(Time Between Events,TBE)服从威布尔分布的高质量过程,设计WMedian-EWMA控制图监控过程的小偏移.首先,给出WMedian-EWMA控制图的设计方法及控制限参数的估计方法;其次,通过平均运行链长的均值AARL (Average of Average Run Length)和平均运行链长的标准差SDARL(Standard Deviation of Average Run Length)分析了参数估计对所设计的控制图性能的影响,结果表明当形状参数β≥1时,所设计的控制图受参数估计的影响小,对过程偏移有较好的探测能力;最后,通过算例说明所设计的控制图在实际中的使用.  相似文献   

在订单式生产人工作业系统(MTO/MOS)中,产品的质量和工人技能水平、工作态度、工作状态及激励、惩罚机制等密切相关.当遇到紧急插单、设备故障、工人流失等扰动时,产品的质量易受影响,使得产品合格率变动程度较大.为了满足订单需求,控制成本,须对不合格品进行返工.由于生产系统人员或设备的随机扰动性,使得返工有效率也有一定的变动范围.考虑当合格品率服从连续随机分布及返工有效率服从离散随机分布时,如何进行计划投产量建模及优化决策.应用上述模型于企业实践,验证了该模型的有效性,通过数据分析,得出了具有应用价值的有关规律,并对有关参数的变化进行敏感性分析.结论表明,为了使成本损失尽可能小,须加强有关成本控制,尽可能减少生产过程和返工过程的随机扰动性,提高合格品率及返工有效率.  相似文献   

多数控制图设计均基于过程服从正态分布,且受控过程参数已知的假定,然而实际中,过程真实分布常常偏态,且过程参数也经常未知。本文首先设计了等尾和平均链长无偏(无偏)EWMA图用于偏态Maxwell分布的监控,接着从条件视角出发推导出了条件平均链长的精确分布,讨论了参数估计对所提控制图的影响,并基于超越概率准则给出为将参数估计所引致的伪警报率降低到合理水平所需的第I阶段最小样本数。为弥补实际应用中第I阶段样本数据的不足,提出精确修正方法设计具有理想条件表现的等尾和无偏EWMA图用于早期过程的监控。结果表明,相较于未修正图,修正图发现过程失控的能力略有下降。另外,修正无偏图整体上优于等尾图。最后通过实例说明所设计控制图的实际执行。  相似文献   

常规指数加权移动平均(EWMA)控制图的假设前提是观测数据相互独立,但在实际生产过程中,数据相关违背假设条件。本文首先讨论了序列自相关对常规EWMA控制图的影响,结果表明其检测效能降低。因此,重新估计了平稳过程的σz并在此基础上建立了改进型EWMA控制图。然后运用平均链长比较了改进型EWMA控制图与休哈特图和残差控制图,模拟研究说明当过程非强相关且过程均值发生中小偏移条件下。改进型EWMA控制图的检测效果要优于其他两种控制图。最后,通过一个实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

自相关对常规控制图影响的模拟研究与案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常规统计控制图的基本假设前提是观测值独立同分布,而在实际生产过程中,质量指标值常表现出自相关现象,违背独立性假定。本文运用平均链长(ARL)研究自相关过程为AR(1)时对常规控制图的影响,并比较了常规控制图和残差控制图对序列相关过程的控制效果。模拟结果和实例分析表明:当过程序列相关时,使用常规作图法估计出的标准差是有偏的,致使控制限设置错误和常规控制图检测能力降低。因此,在一些统计过程控制中,须考虑自相关现象并采用适当的控制图方法。  相似文献   

A 题组新编第 1题图1 .右图实线是函数 y= f ( x)  ( 0≤ x≤ 2 a)的图像 ,它关于点 A( a,a)对称 .( 1 )如果它是一条总体密度曲线 ,则正数 a =(   ) ;( 2 )如果它是一条累积分布曲线 ,则正数 a =(   ) .( A) 12    ( B) 1   ( C) 2   ( D) 2( E) 22 ( F)不存在2 .一批试验产品有 4件合格品和 3件不合格品 ,从这 7件产品中逐次取出一件不放回 .( 1 )若直到取出一件合格品为止 ,则取出次数ξ的期望 Eξ =;( 2 )若直到合格品和不合格品都刚好不缺为止 ,则取出次数η的期望 Eη =.3.已知一个数列 {an}的各项是 1或 3,首项为 1 …  相似文献   

The procedure of on-line process control by attributes, known as Taguchi’s on-line process control, consists of inspecting the mth item (a single item) at every m produced items and deciding, at each inspection, whether the fraction of conforming items was reduced or not. If the inspected item is non-conforming, the production is stopped for adjustment. As the inspection system can be subject to diagnosis errors, one develops a probabilistic model that classifies repeatedly the examined item until a conforming or b non-conforming classification is observed. The first event that occurs (a conforming classifications or b non-conforming classifications) determines the final classification of the examined item. Proprieties of an ergodic Markov chain were used to get the expression of average cost of the system of control, which can be optimized by three parameters: the sampling interval of the inspections (m); the number of repeated conforming classifications (a); and the number of repeated non-conforming classifications (b). The optimum design is compared with two alternative approaches: the first one consists of a simple preventive policy. The production system is adjusted at every n produced items (no inspection is performed). The second classifies the examined item repeatedly r (fixed) times and considers it conforming if most classification results are conforming. Results indicate that the current proposal performs better than the procedure that fixes the number of repeated classifications and classifies the examined item as conforming if most classifications were conforming. On the other hand, the preventive policy can be averagely the most economical alternative rather than those ones that require inspection depending on the degree of errors and costs. A numerical example illustrates the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

非参数质量控制图——中位值图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量控制图在制造工业中有广泛的应用 .传统的控制图是在正态总体的基础上制定的 . Janacek和Meikle(1 997)利用参考样本的观念制定的中位值控制图可应用于任何总体分布 .他们制定的中位值图保持传统控制图的形式 ,且有适度的功效 ,应用方便 .本文首先介绍这种控制图的制定方法 ,然后研究它的统计效率 ,并同传统的平均值图作比较  相似文献   

Distribution‐free (nonparametric) control charts are helpful in applications where we do not have enough information about the underlying distribution. The Shewhart precedence charts is a class of Phase I nonparametric charts for location. One of these charts, called the median precedence chart (Med chart hereafter), uses the median of the test sample as the charting statistic, whereas another chart, called the minimum precedence chart (Min chart hereafter), uses the minimum. In this paper, we first study the comparative performance of the Min and the Med charts, respectively, in terms of their in‐control and out‐of‐control run‐length properties in an extensive simulation study. It is seen that neither chart is best as each has its strength in certain situations. Next, we consider enhancing their performance by adding some supplementary runs‐rules. It is seen that the new charts present very attractive run‐length properties, that is, they outperform their competitors in many situations. A summary and some concluding remarks are given. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well known that statistical control charts such as Shewhart, CUSUM and EWMA charts have widespread applications in improving the quality for manufacturing and service systems. The average run length is a traditional measurement of a control chart’s performance. Usually, finding the run length distribution and the average run length is a difficult and tedious task. In this article, we develop a general and unified approach based on the use of discretization and the finite Markov chain imbedding technique to investigate the run length properties for various control charts when the process observations are autocorrelated. Numerical results are presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

In the present article, we propose a new control chart for monitoring high quality processes. More specifically, we suggest declaring the monitored process out of control, by exploiting a compound rule couching on the number of conforming units observed between the (i − 1)th and the ith nonconforming item and the number of conforming items observed between the (i − 2)th and the ith nonconforming item. Our numerical experimentation demonstrates that the proposed control chart, in most of the cases, exhibits a better (or at least equivalent) performance than its competitors.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的组合控制图 ,介绍了它的用法 ,导出了控制限常数 ,并将它和传统的 X图与 X-EWMA 图作了比较。模拟研究表明 ,新图更有效  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the basic principles and recent advances in the area of statistical process control charting with the aid of runs rules. More specifically, we review the well known Shewhart type control charts supplemented with additional rules based on the theory of runs and scans. The motivation for this article stems from the fact that during the last decades, the performance improvement of the Shewhart charts by exploiting runs rules has attracted continuous research interest. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the Markov chain approach which is the most popular technique for studying the run length distribution of run based control charts.   相似文献   

薛丽 《运筹与管理》2016,25(6):224-229
为了提高控制图的监控效率,本文研究非正态分布下,EWMA控制图的可变样本容量设计问题。首先利用Burr分布近似各种非正态分布,构造可变样本容量的非正态EWMA控制图;其次运用马尓科夫链法计算可变样本容量非正态EWMA控制图的平均运行长度;然后与传统的非正态EWMA控制图进行比较得出:当过程中出现小波动时,可变样本容量的非正态EWMA控制图能够更快地发现过程中的异常波动,具有较小的平均运行长度,其监控效率明显优于传统的非正态EWMA控制图。  相似文献   

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