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Time series of adult recruitment for natural runs of coho salmon from the Oregon coastal region (1970–94) and marine survival of hatchery-reared coho salmon from California to Washington (1960–94) are significantly correlated with a suite of meteorological and oceanographic variables related to the biological productivity of the local coastal region. These variables include strong upwelling, cool sea surface temperature (SST), strong wind mixing, a deep and weakly stratified mixed layer, and low coastal sea level, indicating strong transport of the California Current. Principal component analysis indicates that these variables work in concert to define the dominant modes of physical variability, which appear to regulate nutrient availability and biological productivity. Multiple regression analysis suggests that coho marine survival is significantly and independently related to the dominant modes acting over this region in the periods when the coho first enter the ocean and during the overwintering/spring period prior to their spawning migration. Linear relationships provided good fits to the data and were robust, capable of predicting randomly removed portions of the data set.  相似文献   

To better understand and predict Oregon coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) marine survival, we developed a conceptual model of processes occurring during four sequential periods: (1) winter climate prior to smolt migration from freshwater to ocean, (2) spring transition from winter downwelling to spring/summer upwelling, (3) the spring upwelling season and (4) winter ocean conditions near the end of the maturing coho's first year at sea. We then parameterized a General Additive Model (GAM) with Oregon Production Index (OPI) coho smolt‐to‐adult survival estimates from 1970 to 2001 and environmental data representing processes occurring during each period (presmolt winter SST, spring transition date, spring sea level, and post‐smolt winter SST). The model explained a high and significant proportion of the variation in coho survival (R2 = 0.75). The model forecast of 2002 adult survival rate ranged from 4 to 8%. Our forecast was higher than predictions based on the return of precocious males (‘jacks’), and it won't be known until fall 2002 which forecast is most accurate. An advantage to our environmentally based predictive model is the potential for linkages with predictive climate models, which might allow for forecasts more than 1 year in advance. Relationships between the environmental variables in the GAM and others (such as the North Pacific Index and water column stratification) provided insight into the processes driving production in the Pacific Northwest coastal ocean. Thus, coho may be a bellwether for the coastal environment and models such as ours may apply to populations of other species in this habitat.  相似文献   

The downstream movement of coho salmon fry and parr in the fall, as distinct from the spring migration of smolts, has been well documented across the range of the species. In many cases, these fish overwinter in freshwater, but they sometimes enter marine waters. It has long been assumed that these latter fish did not survive to return as adults and were ‘surplus’ to the stream's carrying capacity. From 2004 to 2010, we passive integrated transponder tagged 25,981 juvenile coho salmon in three streams in Washington State to determine their movement, survival and the contribution of various juvenile life histories to the adult escapement. We detected 86 returning adults, of which 32 originated from fall/winter migrants. Half of these fall/winter migrants spent ~1 year in the marine environment, while the other half spent ~2 years. In addition, the median return date for fall/winter migrants was 16 days later than spring migrants. Our results indicated that traditional methods of spring‐only smolt enumeration may underestimate juvenile survival and total smolt production, and also overestimate spring smolt‐to‐adult return (SAR). These are important considerations for coho salmon life cycle models that assume juvenile coho salmon have a fixed life history or use traditional parr‐to‐smolt and SAR rates.  相似文献   

Little is known about the food habits of juvenile Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) salmon in marine environments of Alaska, or whether their diets may have contributed to extremely high marine survival rates for coho salmon from Southeast Alaska and much more modest survival rates for Southeast Alaskan Chinook salmon. To address these issues, we documented the spatial and temporal variability of diets of both species collected from marine waters of Southeast Alaska during summers of 1997–2000. Food habits were similar: major prey items of both species included fishes, crab larvae, hyperiid amphipods, insects, and euphausiids. Multivariate analyses of diet composition indicated that the most distinct groups were formed at the smallest spatial and temporal scales (the haul), although groups also formed at larger scales, such as by month or habitat type. Our expectations for how food habits would influence survival were only partially supported. As predicted, Southeast Alaskan coho salmon had more prey in their stomachs overall [1.8% of body weight (BW)] and proportionally far fewer empty stomachs (0.7%) than either Alaskan Chinook (1.4% BW, 5.1% empty) or coho salmon from other regions. However, contrary to our expectations, coho salmon diets contained surprisingly few fish (49% by weight). Apparently, Alaskan coho salmon achieved extremely high marine survival rates despite a diet consisting largely of small, less energetically‐efficient crustacean prey. Our results suggest that diet quantity (how much is eaten) rather than diet quality (what is eaten) is important to marine survival.  相似文献   

银鲑(oncorhynchus kisutch)形态性状测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对银鲑的形性状测量 ,初步进行了银鲑的种质研究。结果表明银鲑的形态性状如下 :全长 /体长为 1 1 2± 0 0 2 ,头长 /眼径为 4 46± 0 45 ,体长 /体高为 4 49± 0 32 ,尾柄长 /尾柄高为 2 2 9± 0 30 ,体长 /头长为 4 0 4± 0 2 1 ,体长 /叉长为 0 94± 0 0 3 ,头长/头高为 1 2 8± 0 0 8,体长 /尾柄长为 5 2 3± 0 30 ,头长 /吻长为 3 33± 0 2 7,头长 /眼间距为 2 68± 0 2 0 ,背鳍 1 0~ 1 3 ,腹鳍 1 0~ 1 1 ,胸鳍 1 3~ 1 6 ,臀鳍 1 2~ 1 7,侧线鳞 1 2 1~1 4 4 ,幽门盲囊 45~ 83 ,鳃耙 1 9~ 2 3,脊椎骨 58~ 66。  相似文献   

Activity of the thyroid gland of the coho salmon,Oncorhynchus kisutch, was assessed by physiological, histological and ultrastructural criteria after treatment with graded doses of bovine thyrotropin (bTSH) in January and March. Average plasma thyroxine (T4) levels increased from about 0.8 ng/ml in saline-injected controls to about 15 ng/ml in fish treated with four intraperitoneal injections of 0.8 lU bTSH. Light-microscope observations of one m-thick sections stained with methylene blue and azure II, showed that bTSH treatment increased epithelial height in both presmolts and smolts. Ultrastructural manifestations of increased activity owing to bTSH treatment were also seen, along with evidence of follicle proliferation. Cytoplasmic organelles and secretory granules increased in numbers with increased dosage of bTSH.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate whether aromatization to estrogen could be the cause for the paradoxical feminization of gonads of sexually-undifferentiated fish after treatment with androgen at either high doses or for long periods. The aromatizable androgen 17-methyltestosterone (MT) and the nonaromatizable androgen 17-methyldihydrotestosterone (MDHT) were administered to groups of newly hatched coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in a single 2h immersion at concentrations ranging from 6.25 to 6,400µg/l. The effects of treatment were evaluated by determining the resultant proportion of males in each experimental group. The effects of steroid administration on the final mean weight, length and condition factor were also determined. An increase in all these three variables was observed in the groups treated with the higher doses of MT. Regarding the resultant sexual phenotype, the response to both androgens was similar at the majority of doses tested. However, at the highest dose, the proportion of females increased with respect to that of males for MT, but not for MDHT. Since the major difference between the two androgens tested is their capacity to be aromatized, it seems that aromatization to estrogen, rather than inhibition of the biosynthesis of endogenous androgen, may explain the paradoxical feminization encountered.  相似文献   

Abstract The survival of small-sized (<50.8 cm) chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), and coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kitsutch (Walbaum), caught by sport fishing was determined to assess the potential for increasing the size limit for these fish. Fishermen were recently catching smaller salmon than in the 1970s, but salmon growth rates had not changed. To be an effective management option, the survival rate of hooked and returned fish must be high. The overall survival rates were high: 76% for chinook salmon and 70% for coho salmon. There was no significant difference in survival of the coho salmon with size of hook used ( P = 0.31). Any mortality among fish was generally acute; fish hooked deep in the mouth or gills generally bled and died shortly after capture. Fish hooked in the gills had a significantly greater mortality ( P = 0.0002). The overall high survival rate for these species was the result of a small proportion of fish being hooked in the gills or deep in the mouth. Since the survival rate of the salmon was high, the size limit could be increased to allow smaller fish to grow to sizes preferred by sport fishermen.  相似文献   

Heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for length and weight of two brood years (BY 1977 and BY 1978) of coho salmon [Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum)] during the marine net-pen phase of rearing. The estimates were calculated from length and weight measurements on progeny resulting from a nested mating design and measurements at approximately 4 and 7 months after entering sea water. Point estimate for heritabilities based on the sire component for BY 1977 were low to moderate (0.02–0.19) and did not differ significantly from zero. On the other hand, BY 1978 estimates ranged from 0.31 to 0.62 and, with two exceptions, were significantly different from zero. The latter estimates may have been inflated by inclusion of variances from non-additive sources, but still indicated that differences in the genetic potential for increased growth between the two year classes may be substantial. Genetic correlations between length and weight within sampling periods were consistently high (0.95–1.00), indicating that pleiotropic gene action or close linkage among genes affects length and weight. Genetic correlations between body size traits (length and weight) between sampling periods varied considerably but suggested a potential for indirect selection gains. Genetic correlation approximations derived using family means or ranks appeared to provide reliable estimates and may be useful when environmental influences cause a significant deviation from normality.  相似文献   

Anadromous fishes are frequently restricted by artificial barriers to movement such as dams and culverts, so measuring dispersal helps identify sites where improved connectivity could promote range expansion and population viability. We used a combination of DNA‐based parentage analysis and mark–recapture techniques to evaluate dispersal by juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in a population in the initial stages of colonisation following installation of fish passage structures at a previously impassable dam on the Cedar River, WA, USA. The spatial distribution of individuals within maternal families revealed that dispersal was common. Among the offspring of radio‐tagged mothers, 28% were collected outside the spawning reach and dispersed up to 6.3 km (median = 1.5 km). Most juveniles captured in a tributary (Rock Creek, where few adults spawned) had immigrated from the Cedar River and represented many different families. Juvenile dispersal therefore provided a secondary phase of spatial expansion following initial colonisation by adults. Consistent with the condition‐dependent dispersal hypothesis, juveniles that dispersed farther upstream in the tributary were larger than fish collected near the tributary mouth. Overall, the results demonstrated widespread dispersal in a system with low coho salmon densities, and this might increase the rate of population growth if it reduces the effects of local density dependence. By implication, juveniles can take advantage of rearing habitats reconnected through barrier removal, even when such areas are located several kilometres from adult breeding grounds.  相似文献   

The planned removal of four dams on the Klamath River (anticipated 2024) will be the largest river restoration effort ever undertaken on the planet. Dam removal will restore access to >50 km of the Klamath River mainstem for coho salmon, but mainstem habitat may not be suitable for rearing juvenile coho salmon. Instead, small tributaries may provide most rearing habitat for reestablishing coho salmon. We used four approaches to evaluate six Klamath River tributaries above existing dams to assess their potential to support juvenile coho salmon: (1) We measured summer temperature regimes and evaluated thermal suitability. (2) We applied an Intrinsic Potential (IP) model to evaluate large-scale geomorphological constraints on coho salmon habitat. (3) We used the Habitat Limiting Factors Model (HLFM) to estimate rearing capacity for juveniles given current habitat conditions. (4) We developed an occupancy model using data from reference tributaries to predict coho salmon rearing distribution. All six streams had summer temperatures cooler than the mainstem Klamath River. However, five of the streams have barriers that will restrict coho salmon to within 5 km of the confluence with the Klamath River and two were disconnected mid-summer. Despite these constraints, the tributaries will likely produce coho salmon. Most streams had high IP in their lower reaches, the HLFM model estimated a total capacity of 105,000 juvenile coho salmon, and the occupancy model predicted juvenile coho salmon will rear throughout the accessible reaches. Protection and habitat enhancement for these tributaries will be important for coho salmon reestablishment post-dam removal.  相似文献   

In the last 9 years, epizootics of an icterus condition has affected coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), reared in seawater cages in southern regions of Chile. At necropsy, fish from field cases exhibited signs of jaundice accompanied by pale light-brown livers and dark spleens. Histopathological and haematological results indicated that these fish presented haemolytic anaemia. After microbiological examination no bacterial or viral agents could be identified as aetiological agents of this disease. In an infectivity trial, coho salmon, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were inoculated intraperitoneally with a filtrate of an organ homogenate (0.45 microm) from a diseased coho salmon and held for 60 days in tanks supplied with fresh water. The disease was only reproduced in coho salmon in which mortalities, beginning at day 23 post-inoculation (p.i.), reached a cumulative value of 24% at day 27 p.i. This condition was transmitted to non-inoculated cohabiting coho salmon suggesting that it is a waterborne disease. Thus, this icteric condition is caused by an infectious form of haemolytic anaemia, probably of viral aetiology, and coho salmon are more susceptible than either Atlantic salmon or rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Downstream passage for juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) and steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) through the fish weir at Foster Dam, Oregon, was evaluated to assess the weir's efficacy as a long-term passage solution. Radio telemetry was used to estimate survival, passage and effectiveness for the fish weir, spillway and turbines. Survival of Chinook salmon through the fish weir varied by season and reservoir elevation (66%–87%), and passage proportions were low (8%–20%). Fish weir effectiveness was low to moderate (0.39–2.09). Steelhead survival was lower (57%–77%) but passed the fish weir in higher proportions (77%), and weir effectiveness was consistently high (2.96–5.49). The results indicate the existing fish weir will not be a suitable long-term passage solution for all species. However, because of the high passage proportions and effectiveness observed for steelhead, further development of the surface-flow concept appears to be promising for safely passing downstream-migrating fishes.  相似文献   

We determined the habitat usage and habitat connectivity of juvenile Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) salmon in continental shelf waters off Washington and Oregon, based on samples collected every June for 9 yr (1998–2006). Habitat usage and connectivity were evaluated using SeaWiFS satellite‐derived chlorophyll a data and water depth. Logistic regression models were developed for both species, and habitats were first classified using a threshold value estimated from a receiver operating characteristic curve. A Bernoulli random process using catch probabilities from observed data, i.e. the frequency of occurrence of a fish divided by the number of times a station was surveyed, was applied to reclassify stations. Zero‐catch probabilities of yearling Chinook and yearling coho salmon decreased with increases in chlorophyll a concentration, and with decreases in water depth. From 1998 to 2006, ~ 47% of stations surveyed were classified as unfavorable habitat for yearling Chinook salmon and ~ 53% for yearling coho salmon. Potentially favorable habitat varied among years and ranged from 9 856 to 15 120 km2 (Chinook) and from 14 800 to 16 736 km2 (coho). For both species, the smallest habitat area occurred in 1998, an El Niño year. Favorable habitats for yearling Chinook salmon were more isolated in 1998 and 2005 than in other years. Both species had larger and more continuous favorable habitat areas along the Washington coast than along the Oregon coast. The favorable habitats were also larger and more continuous nearshore than offshore for both species. Further investigations on large‐scale transport, mesoscale physical features, and prey and predator availability in the study area are necessary to explain the spatial arrangement of juvenile salmon habitats in continental shelf waters.  相似文献   

Yearling juvenile coho and Chinook salmon were sampled on 28 cruises in June and September 1981–85 and 1998–07 in continental shelf and oceanic waters off the Pacific Northwest. Oceanographic variables measured included temperature, salinity, water depth, and chlorophyll concentration (all cruises) and copepod biomass during the cruises from 1998–07. Juvenile salmonids were found almost exclusively in continental shelf waters, and showed a patchy distribution: half were collected in ~5% of the collections and none were collected in ~40% of the collections. Variance‐to‐mean ratios of the catches were high, also indicating patchy spatial distributions for both species. The salmon were most abundant in the vicinity of the Columbia River and the Washington coast in June; by September, both were less abundant, although still found mainly off Washington. In June, the geographic center‐of‐mass of the distribution for each species was located off Grays Harbor, WA, near the northern end of our sampling grid, but in September, it shifted southward and inshore. Coho salmon ranged further offshore than Chinook salmon: in June, the average median depth where they were caught was 85.6 and 55.0 m, respectively, and in September it was 65.5 and 43.7 m, respectively. Abundances of both species were significantly correlated with water depth (negatively), chlorophyll (positively) and copepod biomass (positively). Abundances of yearling Chinook salmon, but not of yearling coho salmon, were correlated with temperature (negatively). We discuss the potential role of coastal upwelling, submarine canyons and krill in determining the spatial distributions of the salmon.  相似文献   

Developmental profiles of thyroxin (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and radioactive iodide uptake were established for eggs and T4 and T3 profiles were established for larvae (whole-body, yolk-only and body-only) of coho and chinook salmon. T4 and T3 were consistently present in all samples. In eggs, hormone levels remained fairly constant in all cohorst for at least the first three weeks of incubation, but then fluctuated in both directions in some sample groups. Large increases in T4 (from 9 ng/g to 245 ng/g) were seen in 1985 chinook eggs 28 days after fertilization. Radioactive iodide uptake (which was used as a possible indicator of thyroxinogenesis) increased at least 10-fold in both 1986 coho and chinook eggs from 23–30 days after fertilization. T4 (62 ng/g) and T3 (393 ng/g) were found in the bodies of 28-day-old 1986 chinook embryos. In whole larvae, hormone levels varied depending upon the cohort studied. In general, initial body-only concentrations of both T4 and T3 decreased as body weight increased, but before yolksac resorption was completed, both thyroid hormone content and concentration increased (except for chinook T3). T4 and T3 content in larval yolk stayed constant as yolksac size decreased, resulting in increased thyroid hormone concentration in the yolksac. All of these data suggest that the initial source of thyroid hormones in coho and chinook salmon eggs is maternal, but that by approximately 3–4 weeks after fertilization, the developing embryos begin to produce their own thyroid hormones. After hatching, increases in tissue T4 and T3 concentration coupled with constant T4 and T3 content in diminishing yolksacs suggest that larvae also produce their own thyroid hormones; yolksac content then may reflect both the original maternal hormones and the larva-producted hormones.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To examine whether or not sex-specific growth occurs in fry of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou , 90 half-sibling fry chosen from three different classes of egg size (small, medium and large) and emergence time (period from fertilisation to first feeding; early, middle and late) were raised in a tank for 60 days. In all four replications, male fry grew faster than females. The difference in growth between sexes was greater among siblings hatched from larger eggs. Fast-growing, young male masu salmon show a precocious form that tends to mature without migrating to sea. Slower growing males tend to show the anadromous form, which is only shown in females. Sex-specific life histories may influence the sex-specific growth patterns during early life history.  相似文献   

Six extruded dry diets formulated to contain one of two levels of digestible protein (37% or 44%) and one of three levels of digestible lipid (16%, 23% or 30%) on a dry weight basis and a seventh diet (commercial control) were used to feed triplicate groups of post‐juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch in sea water. Fish were fed to satiation twice daily for 168 days. Growth performances were monitored every 28 days. On day 168, samples were taken from each replicate group per dietary treatment for determinations of whole‐body and muscle proximate compositions. Fatty acid compositions and astaxanthin concentration in both the experimental diets and fish flesh were assessed by gas chromatography (GC) and high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) respectively. Coho salmon fed diets containing the higher lipid levels (23–30%) exhibited improved feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, percentage protein deposition and percentage gross energy utilization. Higher protein content diets supported better growth than those that had lower protein content, but the former led to lowered protein efficiency ratio, percentage protein deposition and gross energy utilization. Fish fed the diets with high lipid levels (23% or 30%) also had higher astaxanthin content in raw flesh.  相似文献   

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