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Godwin C  Batterman S 《Indoor air》2007,17(2):109-121
Indoor air quality (IAQ) parameters in 64 elementary and middle school classrooms in Michigan were examined for the purposes of assessing ventilation rates, levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bioaerosols, air quality differences within and between schools, and emission sources. In each classroom, bioaerosols, VOCs, CO(2), relative humidity, and temperature were monitored over one workweek, and a comprehensive walkthough survey was completed. Ventilation rates were derived from CO(2) and occupancy data. Ventilation was poor in many of the tested classrooms, e.g., CO(2) concentrations often exceeded 1000 ppm and sometimes 3000 ppm. Most VOCs had low concentrations (mean of individual species <4.5 microg/m(3)); bioaerosol concentrations were moderate (<6500 count per m(3) indoors, <41,000 count per m(3) outdoors). The variability of CO(2), VOC, and bioaerosol concentrations within schools exceeded the variability between schools. These findings suggest that none of the sampled rooms were contaminated and that no building-wide contamination sources were present. However, localized IAQ problems might remain in spaces where contaminant sources are concentrated and that are poorly ventilated. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a continuing concern for students, parents, teachers, and school staff, leading to many complaints regarding poor IAQ. Investigations of these complaints often include air sampling, which must be carefully conducted if representative data are to be collected. To better understand sampling results, investigators need to account for the variability of contaminants both within and between schools.  相似文献   

Indoor air quality (IAQ) parameters in 73 primary classrooms in Porto were examined for the purpose of assessing levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), aldehydes, particulate matter, ventilation rates and bioaerosols within and between schools, and potential sources. Levels of VOCs, aldehydes, PM2.5, PM10, bacteria and fungi, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide, temperature and relative humidity were measured indoors and outdoors and a walkthrough survey was performed concurrently. Ventilation rates were derived from CO2 and occupancy data. Concentrations of CO2 exceeding 1000 ppm were often encountered, indicating poor ventilation. Most VOCs had low concentrations (median of individual species <5 μg/m3) and were below the respective WHO guidelines. Concentrations of particulate matter and culturable bacteria were frequently higher than guidelines/reference values. The variability of VOCs, aldehydes, bioaerosol concentrations, and CO2 levels between schools exceeded the variability within schools. These findings indicate that IAQ problems may persist in classrooms where pollutant sources exist and classrooms are poorly ventilated; source control strategies (related to building location, occupant behavior, maintenance/cleaning activities) are deemed to be the most reliable for the prevention of adverse health consequences in children in schools.  相似文献   

Rural areas of developing countries are particularly reliant on biomass for cooking and heating. Women and children in these areas are often exposed to high levels of pollutants from biomass combustion that is associated with a range of respiratory symptoms. Domestic exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) and respirable particles (RSPs) in association with respiratory symptoms among women and children in Zimbabwe was investigated in 48 households. Health status and household characteristics were also recorded. In this study, indoor levels of CO and RSPs exceeded World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines in over 95% of kitchens. The level of indoor air pollutants was associated with the area of kitchen windows and the length of cooking time combined with the level of fire combustion. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms was 94% for women and 77% for children. In addition, women reporting respiratory symptoms were exposed to higher levels of RSPs when compared with those reporting no respiratory symptoms. The study results indicated that levels of indoor air pollutants in rural Zimbabwe may contribute to respiratory symptoms in both women and children. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Levels of respirable particles and carbon monoxide in kitchens in rural Zimbabwe are unacceptably high and measures to reduce levels should be undertaken. Based on the study findings, recommendations for increasing the area of kitchen windows may be considered as a practical method of reducing indoor air pollutants in rural Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

The indoor air quality of 27 primary schools located in the city centre and suburbs of Antwerp, Belgium, was assessed. The primary aim was to obtain correlations between the various pollutant levels. Indoor:outdoor ratios and the building and classroom characteristics of each school were investigated. This paper presents results on indoor and local outdoor PM2.5 mass concentrations, its elemental composition in terms of K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, Pb, Al, Si, S, and Cl, and its black smoke content. In addition, indoor and local outdoor levels of the gases NO2, SO2, O3, and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene isomers) were determined. Black smoke, NO2, SO2 and O3, occurred at indoor:outdoor ratios below unity, indicating their significant outdoor sources. No linear correlation was established between indoor and outdoor levels for PM2.5 mass concentrations and BTEX; their indoor:outdoor ratios exceeded unity except for benzene. Classroom PM2.5 occurred with a different elemental composition than local outdoor PM2.5. The re-suspension of dust because of room occupation is probably the main contributor for the I/O ratios higher than 1 reported for elements typically constituting dust particles. Finally, increased benzene concentrations were reported for classrooms located at the lower levels. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The elevated indoor PM2.5, and BTEX concentrations in primary school classrooms, exceeding the ambient concentrations, raise concerns about possible adverse health effects on susceptible children. This is aggravated by the presence of carpets and in the case of classrooms at lower levels. Analysis of PM2.5's elemental composition indicated a considerable contribution of soil dust to indoor PM2.5 mass. In order to set adequate threshold values and guidelines, detailed information on the health impact of specific PM2.5 composites is needed. The results suggest that local outdoor air concentrations measurements do not provide an accurate estimation of children's personal exposures to the identified air pollutants inside classrooms.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that classrooms are often inadequately ventilated, with the resultant increased risk of negative impacts on the pupils. This paper describes a series of field measurements that investigated the indoor air quality, thermal comfort and acoustic performance of nine recently built secondary schools in England. The most significant conclusion is that the complex interaction between ventilation, thermal comfort and acoustics presents considerable challenges for designers. The study showed that while the acoustic standards are demanding it was possible to achieve natural ventilation designs that met the criteria for indoor ambient noise levels when external noise levels were not excessive. Most classrooms in the sample met the requirement of limiting the daily average CO2 concentration to below 1500 ppm but just a few met the need to readily provide 8 l/s per person of fresh air under the easy control of the occupants. It would seem that the basic requirement of 1500 ppm of CO2 is achieved as a consequence of the window areas being just sufficient to provide the minimum of 3 l/s per person at low and intermittent occupancy. Thermal comfort in the monitored classrooms was mostly acceptable but temperatures tended to be much higher in practice than the design assumed.  相似文献   

To describe children symptoms before and after an indoor fungal problem was publicized. Children attending one of two elementary schools (one with indoor fungal problems and one without) were included in this study. The study included an analysis of symptoms reported by the nurses before and after the indoor fungal problem was publicized and a questionnaire responded to by the parents. Several symptoms related to exposure to mold were found to be statistically significant in the school with an indoor fungal problem before the problem was detected: the symptoms included coughing/wheezing, headaches and joint pains. After the problem was publicized the perception of symptoms increased.  相似文献   

Indoor air concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and dust particles were measured for 49 biomass and 46 fossil fuel users in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The health impacts of these pollutants were assessed on 65 and 51 children under five years old from families who use biomass and fossil fuel as main source of energy, respectively. Mean concentrations of CO were found to be significantly higher in biomass fuel users (P = 0.010), while geometric mean concentrations of benzene, xylene, toluene, hexane, total VOCs, and NO2 were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the fossil fuel users. Symptoms such as redness of eyes, itching of skin, nasal discharge, cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, or whistling chest were found to be associated with the choice of biomass fuel, with the odds ratio ranging from 4.0 to 6.3. No significant association of use of biomass fuel with respiratory diseases, eczema, diarrhea, or viral fever was observed after adjustment for potential confounders. These results suggest a significant association between the biomass fuel-using population and respiratory symptoms. These symptoms may not be due to the pollutants only, as some other underlying causes may be present. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The health of children under five years old in Bangladesh, especially those living in poor socioeconomic conditions, is considered to be worsening because of indoor air pollution. It is commonly suggested that biomass fuel should be replaced by fossil fuel, as pollution levels are believed to be higher with biomass fuel. Our findings, however, suggest that pollution can be higher with fossil fuels, and indicate that a switch in fuel from biomass to fossil does not necessarily improve the children's health. Awareness programs should therefore be undertaken to avoid the unnecessary use of gas. Clean fuels and clean stoves should also be ensured to reduce emissions of indoor air pollutants.  相似文献   

Indoor exposure to microbial agents is known to influence respiratory health. Besides home exposure, exposure in schools can affect respiratory health. In this study, we measured endotoxin in settled dust in primary schools in three European countries from three different geographical regions with different climates. Our aim was to characterize endotoxin levels in primary schools and evaluate associations with potential determinants. Endotoxin levels were repeatedly assessed in 23 schools in Spain (= 7), the Netherlands (= 10), and Finland (= 6) using electrostatic dustfall collectors. In total, 645 measurements were taken in 237 classrooms. Endotoxin levels differed significantly between countries; Dutch schools had the highest levels, while Finnish schools showed the lowest levels. In each country, differences in endotoxin levels were observed between schools and over the sampling periods. Estimates improved after adjustment for sampling period. Factors affecting endotoxin levels in a school differed per country. In general, endotoxin levels were higher in lower grades and in classrooms with higher occupancy. School endotoxin levels may contribute significantly to total endotoxin exposure in children and teachers. As the correlation between the repeated measurements is reasonable, single endotoxin measurements form a reasonable basis for estimating annual endotoxin levels in schools.  相似文献   

The lack of an effective indoor air quality (IAQ) metric causes communication concerns among building tenants (the public), building managers (decision-makers), and IAQ investigators (engineers). The Indoor Air Pollution Index (IAPI) is developed for office buildings to bridge this communication discord. The index, simple and easily understood, employs the range of pollutant concentrations and concentrations in the subject building to estimate a unitless single number, the IAPI, between 0 (lowest pollution level and best IAQ) and ten (highest pollution level and worst IAQ). The index provides a relative measure of indoor air pollution for office buildings and ranks office indoor air pollution relative to the index distribution of the US office building population. Furthermore, the index associates well with occupant symptoms, percentage of occupants with persistent symptoms. A tree-structured method is utilized in conjunction with the arithmetic mean as the aggregation function. The hierarchical structure of the method renders not only one index value, but also several sub-index values that are critical in the study of an office air environment. The use of the IAPI for IAQ management is illustrated with an example. The decomposition of the index leads to the ranking of sampled pollutants by their relative contribution to the index and the identification of dominant pollutant(s). This information can be applied to design an effective strategy for reducing in-office air pollution.  相似文献   

Mendell MJ 《Indoor air》2007,17(4):259-277
Most research into effects of residential exposures on respiratory health has focused on allergens, moisture/mold, endotoxin, or combustion products. A growing body of research from outside the US; however, has associated chemical emissions from common indoor materials with risk of asthma, allergies, and pulmonary infections. This review summarizes 21 studies in the epidemiologic literature on associations between indoor residential chemical emissions, or emission-related materials or activities, and respiratory health or allergy in infants or children. Associations, some strong, were reported between many risk factors and respiratory or allergic effects. Risk factors identified most frequently included formaldehyde or particleboard, phthalates or plastic materials, and recent painting. Findings for other risk factors, such as aromatic and aliphatic chemical compounds, were limited but suggestive. Elevated risks were also reported for renovation and cleaning activities, new furniture, and carpets or textile wallpaper. Reviewed studies were entirely observational, limited in size, and variable in quality, and specific risk factors identified may only be indicators for correlated, truly causal exposures. Nevertheless, overall evidence suggests a new class of residential risk factors for adverse respiratory effects, ubiquitous in modern residences, and distinct from those currently recognized. It is important to confirm and quantify any risks, to motivate and guide necessary preventive actions. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Composite wood materials that emit formaldehyde, flexible plastics that emit plasticizers, and new paint have all been associated with increased risks of respiratory and allergic health effects in children. Although causal links have not been documented, and other correlated indoor-related exposures may ultimately be implicated, these findings nevertheless point to a new class of little recognized indoor risk factors for allergic and respiratory disease, distinct from the current set of indoor risk factors. The available evidence thus raises initial questions about many common residential practices: for instance, using pressed wood furnishings in children's bedrooms, repainting infant nurseries, and encasing mattresses and pillows with vinyl for asthmatic children. The findings summarized here suggest a need for substantially increased research to replicate these findings, identify causal factors, and validate preventive strategies.  相似文献   

Demand control is particularly energy efficient and reliable when combined with displacement ventilation (DCDV). In order to investigate how much DCDV in practice reduce the ventilation air volumes and the energy demand, two Norwegian schools with CO2-sensor based demand controlled displacement ventilation (DCDV-CO2), Jaer School and Mediå School, are analysed and compared with traditional constant air volume (CAV) mixing ventilation. During daytime operation with normal school activity, DCDV-CO2 reduces the ventilation air volume by 65–75% in both schools compared to CAV. For Mediå School, both the airflow rates and the energy performance were analysed through measurements and use of a detailed, calibrated simulation model. The analysis period was 11–17 November, 2002. It was found that during this week, DCDV-CO2 daytime operation weekdays reduce the total heating energy demand by 21%, the amount of unrecovered heat in the exhaust ventilation air by 54%, and the average airflow rate by 50%. Presuming constant fan efficiency it was also found that DCDV-CO2 daytime operation weekdays reduce the fan energy consumption by 87% the analysed week.  相似文献   

There are various emission sources of chemical contaminants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone and particulate matter. This report is a study into the indoor air of a room containing either a laser printer/ink-jet printer, and the air contaminations were monitored for VOCs, ozone and ultrafine particle. The result confirmed an increase in the concentration of ozone and ultrafine particle numbers in the printing processes of the printer. The emission of VOCs and ozone were measured by the use of a test chamber. The chamber concentrations of styrene, xylenes and ozone were increased in printing process of the laser printer, and pentanol was detected from the ink-jet printer. The results suggest that an office or residential printer may be a source of indoor air contamination. It is necessary for emission from printers to monitor not only VOCs and particle but also ultrafine particles and other contaminants in indoor air.  相似文献   

Zuraimi MS  Tham KW  Chew FT  Ooi PL 《Indoor air》2007,17(4):317-327
This paper reports the effects of ventilation strategies on indoor air quality (IAQ) and respiratory health of children within 104 child care centers (CCCs) in a hot and humid climate. The CCCs were categorized by ventilation strategies: natural (NV), air-conditioned and mechanically ventilated (ACMV), air-conditioned using split units (AC), and hybrid (NV and AC operated intermittently). The concentration levels of IAQ parameters in NV CCCs are characterized by the influence of the outdoors and good dilution of indoor pollutants. The lower ventilation rates in air-conditioned CCCs result in higher concentrations of occupant-related pollutants but lower outdoor pollutant ingress. This study also revealed lower prevalence for most asthma and allergy, and respiratory symptoms in children attending NV CCCs. In multivariate analyses controlled for the effects of confounders, the risk of current rhinitis among children is significantly higher if they attend mechanically ventilated CCCs compared to NV CCCs. Air-conditioned CCCs were also associated with higher adjusted prevalence ratio of severe phlegm and cough symptoms and lower respiratory illness. Finally, children attending CCCs with hybrid ventilation are at high risk for almost all the respiratory symptoms studied. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This large field study indicates that different ventilation strategies employed by child care centers can cause significant variations in the indoor air quality and prevalence of asthma, allergies and respiratory symptoms of attending children. The higher prevalence rates of allergic and respiratory symptoms among young children, whose immune system is still under-developed, in child care centers, whether fully or partially air-conditioned, suggest that ventilation and plausible growth and propagation mechanisms of allergens and infectious agents be further investigated.  相似文献   

To study the indoor climate, the psychosocial work environment and occupants' symptoms in offices a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was made in 11 naturally and 11 mechanically ventilated office buildings. Nine of the buildings had mainly cellular offices; five of the buildings had mainly open-plan offices, whereas eight buildings had a mixture of cellular, multi-person and open-plan offices. A total of 2301 occupants, corresponding to a response rate of 72%, completed a retrospective questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised questions concerning environmental perceptions, mucous membrane irritation, skin irritation, central nervous system (CNS) symptoms and psychosocial factors. Occupants in open-plan offices are more likely to perceive thermal discomfort, poor air quality and noise and they more frequently complain about CNS and mucous membrane symptoms than occupants in multi-person and cellular offices. The association between psychosocial factors and office size was weak. Open-plan offices may not be suited for all job types. PRACTICAL IMPLICATION: Open-plan offices may be a risk factor for adverse environmental perceptions and symptoms.  相似文献   

室内有机化学污染防治研究现状及存在问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了室内有机化学污染防治的重要性,分析了近年来国内外关于室内有机化学污染防治的研究现状,根据其中存在的问题,针对污染防治的三种方式(源头治理、改善空间传输和空气净化)提出了一些近期值得讨论和研究的问题,旨在引起相关领域研究者的共同关注,加大这些方面的研究力度,以提供解决我国室内化学污染问题的有力技术支持。  相似文献   

Chan P 《Indoor air》1999,9(4):290-296
With the greater use of air-conditioned offices in Singapore, achieving good indoor air quality has become an important issue. The laws that impose duties upon designers and contractors with respect to the design and construction of air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) systems are set out in the Building Control Regulations and the Singapore Standard Code of Practice for Mechanical Ventilation and Air-conditioning in Buildings (hereinafter "SS CP 13:1980"). ACMV maintenance is governed by the Environmental Public Health Act, the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act, and the Land Titles (Strata) Act, as well as by lease or tenancy agreements. Designers, contractors, developers, building owners and management corporations may also be liable to the workers, occupants and other premises users for indoor air quality (IAQ)-related injuries under the general principles of contract and tort. Recently, the Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises was issued by the Ministry of Environment to complement SS CP 13:1980 toward improving the indoor air quality of air-conditioned office premises. Although the Guidelines have no statutory effect, they may be adopted as contractual requirements in construction, lease and maintenance contracts. They may also be used to determine the relevant standard of duty of care required to discharge tortious liability. This paper looks at the existing laws and rules affecting the design, construction and maintenance of air-conditioned offices in light of Part III of the Ministry's Guidelines.  相似文献   

This paper describes the coupling of a model for heat and moisture transport in porous materials to a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package. The combination of CFD and the material model makes it possible to assess the risk of moisture related damage in valuable objects for cases with large temperature or humidity gradients in the air. To couple both models the choice was made to integrate the porous material model into the CFD package. This requires the heat and moisture transport equations in the air and the porous material to be written down in function of the same transported variables. Validation with benchmark experiments proved the good functionality of the coupled model. A simulation study of a microclimate vitrine for paintings shows that phenomena observed in these vitrines are well predicted by the model and that data generated by the model provides additional insights in the physical mechanisms behind these phenomena.  相似文献   

Poor air quality in schools has been associated with adverse health effects. Indoor air quality can be improved by increasing ventilation. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of different interventions to improve ventilation behavior in primary schools. We used indoor CO(2) concentrations as an indicator. In 81 classes of 20 Dutch primary schools, we applied three different interventions: (i) a class-specific ventilation advice; (ii) the advice combined with a CO(2) warning device and (iii) the advice combined with a teaching package. The effectiveness of the interventions was tested directly after intervention and 6 weeks after intervention by measuring the CO(2) concentrations and comparison with a control group (iv). Before intervention, the CO(2) concentration exceeded 1000 ppm for 64% of the school day. The class-specific ventilation advice without further support appeared an ineffective tool to improve ventilation behavior. The advice in combination with a CO(2) warning device or the teaching package proved effective tools and resulted in lower indoor CO(2) concentrations when compared with the control group. Ventilation was significantly improved, but CO(2) concentrations still exceeded 1000 ppm for more than 40% of the school day. Hence, until ventilation facilities are upgraded, the CO(2) warning device and the teaching package are useful low-cost tools. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: To improve ventilation behavior and indoor air quality in schools, CO(2) warning device and teaching package combined with a class-specific ventilation advice, are effective tools, while giving the ventilation advice solely, is not effective. Although ventilation is significantly improved through behavioral change, the ventilation rate is still insufficient to maintain good air quality during the full school day. Therefore, the improvement of the ventilation facilities is recommended. Hence, until ventilation facilities in schools are upgraded, the CO(2) warning device and the teaching package are useful low-cost tools to improve current indoor air quality.  相似文献   

We report here a comparison of long duration air samples in 110 homes where the material collected on open faced filter cassettes was analyzed for beta 1,3-d glucan, ergosterol, cholesterol and endotoxin. These data were then compared to careful estimates of visible mold and Air-O-Cell data. All the values found except cholesterol were of a similar magnitude to values reported in the limited number of studies available. Glucan was measured with a factor G based assay of the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate followed by size exclusion chromatography. This showed that the majority of airborne glucan found in these houses was fungal in origin arising from both yeasts and intact spores, as well as hyphal and spore fragments. Hyphal and spore fragments together represented 16% of the intact spore counts but over a broad range. Correlations between airborne glucan were strong for ergosterol and visible mold. However, airborne ergosterol was more highly correlated to visible mold than glucan. Endotoxin and Air-O-Cell measurements were poorly or not related to the other measures in the study. This study provides confidence that long duration air samples of the toxin glucan and ergosterol are related to building damage. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Some studies of damp buildings have shown a relationship between extent of water/mold damage and symptoms. This study compared long duration air samples for glucan and ergosterol to extent of visible mold in houses measuring also the nature of the glucans present. Both measures were highly correlated to extent of visible mold damage in the houses; ergosterol was somewhat superior. Spore counts or prevalence of Asp/Pen in Air-O-Cell samples was not related to extent of visible mold damage but the observation of hyphal fragments was more likely when mold damage was present. This indicates that rigorous assessment of mold damage is a useful measure.  相似文献   

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