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The aerodynamic behaviour of pressure transients in railway tunnels due to the passage of train are accompanied by the wave reflection between the entrance and exit of the tunnel as well as the tunnel wall and train surface. This study presents a numerical method using the Harten-Yee upwind TVD scheme to simulate compression wave transients and reflection in a railway tunnel. The strength of the compression wave generated by the entrance of a train into a tunnel emerged within the applied calculation procedure, without any special consideration of the boundary condition for the entrance or exit of the tunnel as well as the train nose and tail. Good agreements were obtained when the initial pressure rise at tunnel entrance and the process of pressure variations in a short tunnel, which were calculated by the presented numerical method, were compared with experimental data. The pressure wave reflection at the entrance and exit, the unsteady flow around the train and the transmitted wave at tunnel exit portal were simulated. The transmitted wave at the tunnel exit portal is also discussed. In addition a method to determine the non-reflective boundary condition for multi-dimensional Euler equation is given.  相似文献   


The aerodynamic behaviour of pressure transients in railway tunnels due to the passage of train are accompanied by the wave reflection between the entrance and exit of the tunnel as well as the tunnel wall and train surface. This study presents a numerical method using the Harten-Yee upwind TVD scheme to simulate compression wave transients and reflection in a railway tunnel. The strength of the compression wave generated by the entrance of a train into a tunnel emerged within the applied calculation procedure, without any special consideration of the boundary condition for the entrance or exit of the tunnel as well as the train nose and tail. Good agreements were obtained when the initial pressure rise at tunnel entrance and the process of pressure variations in a short tunnel, which were calculated by the presented numerical method, were compared with experimental data. The pressure wave reflection at the entrance and exit, the unsteady flow around the train and the transmitted wave at tunnel exit portal were simulated. The transmitted wave at the tunnel exit portal is also discussed. In addition a method to determine the non-reflective boundary condition for multi-dimensional Euler equation is given.


高速列车隧道内交会压力波变化剧烈,产生较大的气动载荷,可能带来乘客舒适性、车体及部件和洞内固定设备气动疲劳破坏问题,给列车安全运行带来隐患。基于CFD软件,采用三维可压缩非定常湍流流动的流动模型压力修正算法和任意滑移界面网格技术,本文对高速列车隧道内等速和不等速交会压力波进行数值模拟,分析了列车交会过程车体外部压力场变化过程,较为详细描述了头头交会、头尾交会及尾尾交会时列车头尾部部位压差的变化过程,分析了等速和不等速交会时车外及洞内压力波的变化特性,初步给出了交会时变速度列车的负压峰值绝对值与车速的拟合关系式。  相似文献   

为研究高速列车通过隧道时产生的受电弓空气动力学效应对弓网动力学性能的影响,分别建立了受电弓/高速列车空气动力学仿真模型和弓网耦合系统动力学模型。采用滑移网格技术实现了高速列车运动,通过有限体积法求解三维瞬态可压缩Navier-Stokes方程和 两方程湍流模型,计算了列车速度为350km/h通过隧道时受电弓的气动抬升力,对考虑和未考虑列车通过隧道产生的受电弓气动抬升力作用时的弓网动力学响应进行了对比分析。计算结果表明,受电弓气动抬升力在隧道入口和出口时出现峰值,隧道内的气动抬升力较明线上大;通过隧道时产生的受电弓气抬升力变化对弓网接触压力和接触线抬升位移具有显著影响,导致受流质量变差。  相似文献   

高速列车隧道压力波模拟系统仿真控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速列车在隧道中运行、交会时,车体表面将形成复杂的膨胀波和压缩波,引起车体变形,影响行车安全。车外压力波通过车体传入车内引起车内空气压力的波动,影响乘车舒适度。使用实测的隧道压力波为期望波形,采用AMESIM与Matlab构建联合仿真的模式来设计高速列车隧道压力波模拟控制系统。针对模拟系统大容量、大滞后及强非线性特点,采用迭代学习控制算法来实现隧道压力波的重建。仿真验证表明:迭代学习控制算法的控制误差比常规算法小,控制效果较理想。  相似文献   

Propagation of longitudinal waves in a liquid-filled layer between two thin coaxial shells is investigated. Both liquid viscosity and elasticity of the shells are accounted for. Dynamics of the shells is treated using the Kirchhoff–Love approximation. The elastic deformations of the shells in the sound wave are coupled with the liquid flow in the gap through appropriate dynamic and kinematic boundary conditions. Hydrodynamics of the liquid is described using the quasi-one-dimensional (hydraulic) approach. It is assumed that the external and internal shells are composed of different isotropic elastic materials and have different widths. The dispersion equation for harmonic waves in the system is obtained; it is valid in the low frequency range where the wave length is greater than the external shell radius. In the limiting case for an ideal liquid the dispersion equation yields water hammer speed in the system. The analysis of the dispersion equation has shown strong influence of viscous losses on dispersion and attenuation of pressure signals in the low frequency region. The wave speed and attenuation are highly dependent on the geometrical parameters of the system and elastic properties of the shells.  相似文献   

高速列车交会时的风致振动研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
摘 要:为了阐明高速列车交会过程中气动力对列车的系统动力学行为的影响,分别建立了CRH-2动车组的简化几何模型和50个自由度的车辆系统动力学模型。采用有限体积法对三维瞬态可压缩雷诺时均Navier-Stokes方程和k-e 两方程湍流模型进行求解,并通过滑移网格技术实现列车的运动,对考虑和不考虑气动力时的列车系统力学响应进行了数值模拟,并对两种情况下列车的安全性和舒适性进行了分析讨论。研究发现:气动力在列车交会过程中变化剧烈,对列车系统动力学行为的影响非常明显,交会时列车振动剧烈,头车和尾车的安全性和舒适性明显降低。  相似文献   

为得到CRH2型高速列车燃烧热释放速率、烟气运动等表征燃烧特性的数据曲线,基于ISO 5660-1——2002和ISO 1716——2002标准对车用主要材料进行燃烧实验,并建立Pyrosim高速列车4号车厢模型进行燃烧仿真,得出不同起火位置、不同通风条件下列车热释放速率曲线、温度、热流量和烟层高度的变化情况,并根据轰燃发生的热释放速率判据判断各个工况是否发生轰燃,分析CRH2型高速列车的防火性能。结果表明:座椅着火会使列车内部发生轰燃现象,轰燃发生之后通风会由于进入的空气对车内燃烧起助燃作用。  相似文献   

高速列车耦合大系统动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高速铁路结构和技术特点,把高速列车以及与之相关并影响其动力学性能的线路、气流、供电和接触网等耦合系统作为一个统一的大系统,通过建立高速列车、线路、弓网及供电等子系统动力学模型,以及轮轨、弓网、流固和机电等耦合关系模型,形成高速列车耦合大系统动力学模型。针对高速列车运行模拟要求,给出基于循环变量方法的列车动力学建模及计算方法、基于滑移模型的车线耦合计算方法、基于松弛因子的流固耦合计算方法,实现高速列车耦合大系统动力学仿真。  相似文献   

针对测试列车表面空气压力分布时用到带共模输出的小灵敏度气压传感器提出一种测试方案.首先消除信号共模输出,再进行信号放大,去除共模信号的影响;其次提升信号基准,保证测试信号的双向性;然后引入线路气压信号,消除线路气压趋势;最终测出列车表面相对气压分布情况.给出测试方案硬件设计思路及软件设计流程,并通过实车在线测试验证,取得较好效果.  相似文献   

Baljeet Singh 《Acta Mechanica》2010,211(3-4):337-344
Reflection of plane waves at a traction-free and electrically shorted/charge-free surface of a prestressed piezoelectric medium is studied. The reflection coefficients of qP and qSV waves are derived for electrically shorted and charge-free cases. The effect of initial stress on the reflection coefficients is discussed for a particular example of Lithium niobate.  相似文献   

Summary In a recent paper [1] the present authors (T.B.M. and J.B.H.) studied dispersive wave motions in a tethered, fluid-filled elastomer tube. There the radial inertia of the fluid was taken into account by employing an approximation similar to that proposed by Love [2] for analysis of wave propagation in bars and a simple bending theory of shells was employed for the tube wall. Here, by solving the fluid equations exactly we determine conditions under which the Love approximation is valid. We then extend our previous results to include the effect of shear deformation of the tube wall and analyze this extended theory to ascertain the relative importance of including shear in fluid-filled tube models designed for biological applications.
Wellenausbreitung in einem fluidgefüllten, elastischen Rohr
Zusammenfassung In einer vorangegangenen Arbeit [1] behandelten die beiden letztgenannten Autoren dispersive Wellenbewegungen in einem axial festgehaltenen, fluidgefüllten, elastomeren Rohr. Dort wurde die Radialträgheit des Fluids mitberücksichtigt durch Anwendung einer ähnlichen Näherung, wie sie von Love [2] für die Behandlung der Wellenausbreitung in Stäben vorgeschlagen wurde, wobei eine einfache Schalenbiegetheorie für die Rohrwand verwendet wurde. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden durch exaktes Lösen der Gleichungen für das Fluid Bedingungen bestimmt, unter welchen die Näherung von Love gültig ist. Es werden dann die vorhergehenden Ergebnisse erweitert um Einflüsse der Schubverformung der Rohrwand mit einzuschließen und diese erweiterte Theorie wird untersucht, um die relative Bedeutung der Berücksichtigung des Schubs in fluidgefüllten Rohrmodellen, wie sie für Anwendungen in der Biologie entworfen wurden, festzustellen.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

为及时调整高速列车车内温湿度环境动态变化,采用BP人工神经网络应用于人体感官评价的计算,实现对温湿度舒适性影响因素变化的实时反馈控制,为空调的动态智能控制提供理论方法和技术支持。  相似文献   

P. Pal Roy 《Acta Mechanica》1984,54(1-2):1-21
Summary The present paper is an attempt to provide an approximate treatment based on Biots theory of incremental deformation to study the wave propagation in two thinly layered laminated medium under initial stresses. The cross-sectional distortion which plays an important role in the coupling of adherent layers is taken into account. The theory is derived in the context of plane strain deformation and the frequency equation for phase velocity of waves propagated has been obtained. It has been shown that under certain conditions when wave length becomes small compared to thickness of each layer, the wave approaches to Rayleigh waves at the two outer surfaces with the possibility of Stoneley waves at the interface.

Notation and Nomenclature

For Medium—I M i, Li elastic coefficients - C i bending moment - h i thickness - P i initial stress - i fraction of the total thickness occupied by theith layer - b i couple-stress coefficient For the equivalent anisotropic continuum H total thickness - M, L elastic coefficients - P average initial stress - s 11 (1) ,s 22,s 12 (1) incremental stress components - u 1,v 1 displacement components alongx, y directions respectively - 1 density - e xx,e yy,e xy (1) strain components with respect to rotated axes - w 1 rotational component aboutz-axis - f 1 x, f 1 y components of incremental boundary forces per unit initial area For Medium-II N j,Q j elastic coefficients - D j bending moment - K j thickness - R j initial stress - j fraction of the total thickness occupied by thejth layer - g j couple-stress coefficients For the equivalent anisotropic continuum K total thickness - N, Q elastic coefficients - R average initial stress - s 11 (2) ,s 22,s 12 (2) incremental stress components - u 2,v 2 displacement components alongx, y directions respectively - 2 density - e xx, eyy,e xy (2) strain components with respect to rotated axes - w 2 rotational component aboutz-axis - f 2 x, f 2 y components of incremental boundary forces per unit initial area With 5 Figures  相似文献   

A three-dimensional time domain boundary element (BE) approach for the analysis of soil vibrations induced by high-speed moving loads is presented in this paper. An attenuation law is included in the formulation. By doing so, internal material damping can be taken into account. The characteristics of the BE model required for the study of travelling load problems are analysed. Thus, mesh size, type of elements, internal damping representation and the complete numerical approach are validated. Existing analytical solutions for some simple problems are used as a reference. Experimental results measured in a simple soil dynamic load problem are also accurately reproduced by the proposed model. The analysis of the type of BE mesh required for a good representation of high-speed train effects is carried out using different discretizations under the sleepers and the free field near the track. All these analyses allow to define a model very well suited for the study of soil vibration effects due to high-speed train passage. Vibrations produced by an Alstom (Thalys-AVE) train travelling at 256 and 300 km/h speed are evaluated at different locations near the track. Results show that the proposed numerical procedure and attenuation law allow for a realistic representation of the effects of the different passing loads. The BE approach presented in this paper can be used for actual analyses of high-speed train-induced vibrations. Layered soils, ballast or coupled vibrations of nearby structure can be included in the model in a straightforward manner.  相似文献   

因动车组在高速交会时产生的瞬变交会压力波对车体侧壁变形、列车运行噪声及运行安全性都有不可忽视的影响,该文利用高速列车的实际测试数据,从3方面对高速列车在明线交汇和隧道交汇情况下的压力波进行深入分析:交会压力波的时-频特性,主要参数值及其与车速的关系,交会压力波对车体侧壁振动的激励作用。特别对压力波所产生的冲击响应谱进行深入分析,得到不同阻尼比下的频率响应。该文分析结果为进一步研究瞬变交会压力波对车体侧壁变形的影响、对列车运行噪声的贡献等提供新的参考依据。  相似文献   

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