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研究了微腔中单模光场与一个三能级量子点相互作用系统.利用系统主方程作数值模拟计算微腔中单量子点的净受激辐射率随量子点和腔模耦合强度的变化,同时研究激光能级间衰减率γ23对净受激辐射率的影响.发现净受激辐射率随泵浦强度增大而呈现较快趋于饱和的曲线,这些饱和曲线随着耦合强度的增加又较快地趋于一个极值.而激光能级间衰减率γ23的增大使该激光的净受激辐射率的曲线组表现出相反的规律.  相似文献   

刘妮 《物理学报》2013,62(1):13402-013402
Dicke模型中的量子相变在三十多年前已被预言,该模型描述的是N个二能级原子与单模腔场集体耦合的系统.在标准Dicke模型的基础上加入原子光的非线性相互作用和含时外场驱动,使用含时幺正变换和Holstein-Primafoff变换方法从理论上推导出基态能量表达式.并且给出了丰富的相图,而且这些性质最近已有文献从实验上验证.本文主要呈现了非线性相互作用和外场驱动对量子相变的影响.  相似文献   

光晶格中玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的自旋和磁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张卫平 《物理》2003,32(2):76-79
近年应用光晶格(optical lattice)控制原子玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体(BEC)的研究取得了突破性的进展。德国Munich研究小组首次在三维光晶格中观察到了超冷原子从BEC超流状态向Mott insulator状态的量子相变。这样的量子相变现象不仅具有重大的理论研究价值,而且为BEC的实际应用提供了新的途径。文章介绍了作者近来在光晶格中BEC的自旋和磁特性方面的一些研究进展,并探讨了它们在磁传感器及量子计算中的可能应用。  相似文献   

陈翔  米贤武 《物理学报》2011,60(4):44202-044202
从量子点和腔相互作用的哈密顿量出发,利用包括非相干抽运,退相干项主方程,并结合量子回归定理,考虑相关初始条件,理论推导和数值计算相结合得出量子点多光子发射光谱精确数值结果.分析多光子发射光谱(费米子统计)和相应单光子情况(玻色子统计)时,得到依据费米子统计,退相干和热浴模型的多光子发射光谱同最近文献[22]量子点——微柱腔实验结果符合得非常好.结合理论和当前实验,显示了量子点腔系统中抽运诱导受激辐射和非谐振腔量子电动力学. 关键词: 量子点 微腔 受激辐射 发射光谱  相似文献   

本文采用Bogliubov方法分析了光格子中玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体的能谱,得到超流-Mott相变条件,指出光格子中BEC是一种典型的超流态,最后给出了超流速度.  相似文献   

原子与光腔相互作用的动力学特性的研究一直是量子光学研究的热点,本文利用自旋相干态变换和基态变分法从理论上求解光腔中冷原子系统的基态能量表达式,并且给出丰富的基态相图。在正常相时给出基态能量稳定值的解析解;而超辐射相时,我们可以利用迭代的方法近似得到原子布居数、平均光子数和基态能量随原子-场耦合强度的变化。本文主要呈现出原子-原子相互作用强度改变正常相到超辐射相的量子相变点,且是一阶相变,但未出现新的量子相和量子相变。  相似文献   

 经激光辐照和高温退火后能够在硅基上生成氧化多孔硅结构。用514 nm的激光泵浦,观测到该多孔硅的受激辐射。当激励强度超过阈值时,在650~750 nm区域有很强的受激发光峰。这些受激发光峰的半高宽小于0.5 nm。激光辐照和高温退火后,在样品上能形成某些特殊的氧化结构。在傅里叶红外光谱分析中,显示有硅氧双键或硅氧桥键在硅表面形成。计算结果表明:当硅氧双键或硅氧桥键形成时,电子的陷阱态出现在纳晶硅的带隙中。价带顶和陷阱态之间的粒子数反转是解释这种受激辐射的关键。  相似文献   

经激光辐照和高温退火后能够在硅基上生成氧化多孔硅结构。用514 nm的激光泵浦,观测到该多孔硅的受激辐射。当激励强度超过阈值时,在650~750 nm区域有很强的受激发光峰。这些受激发光峰的半高宽小于0.5 nm。激光辐照和高温退火后,在样品上能形成某些特殊的氧化结构。在傅里叶红外光谱分析中,显示有硅氧双键或硅氧桥键在硅表面形成。计算结果表明:当硅氧双键或硅氧桥键形成时,电子的陷阱态出现在纳晶硅的带隙中。价带顶和陷阱态之间的粒子数反转是解释这种受激辐射的关键。  相似文献   

王文静  孟瑞璇  李元  高琨 《物理学报》2014,63(19):197901-197901
基于扩展的一维SSH紧束缚模型结合非绝热的分子动力学方法,理论研究了共轭聚合物分子(PPV)在光脉冲作用下受激吸收和受激辐射的量子动力学过程.首先,设定分子初始处于基态,讨论了受激吸收过程中不同的电子受激跃迁模式与光激发脉冲的关系.通过对终态的分析,发现分子受激后只能产生电子-空穴的束缚态,包括:激子、双激子和高能激子.计算了各种激发态的产率,特别是,给出了各种激发态产率与光激发能量的定量关系.此外,基于实验,分别讨论了光激发强度对高能激子和双激子产率的影响,并与实验结果进行了比较.最后,设定分子初始分别处于激子和双激子态,研究了分子内定域能级之间的受激辐射过程,并简单讨论了激子和双激子受激辐射与光激发能量及强度的关系.  相似文献   

钾原子中多种受激辐射参与的混频过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王勇  贾锁堂 《光学学报》1994,14(9):36-939
当双原子共振激发钾原子于6S能级时,由光泵受激辐射和电离复合受激辐射参与的六波或四波混频,产生了位于紫外和紫区的诸多相干辐射、文中对多种混频机制进行了分析和讨论,并对所测得的相干辐射线进行了标识.  相似文献   

谭小东  金柏琪  高微 《中国物理 B》2013,22(2):20308-020308
We use the quantum renormalization-group(QRG) method to study the entanglement and quantum phase transition(QPT) in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising model [Lieb E,Schultz T and Mattis D 1961 Ann.Phys.(N.Y.) 16 407].We find the quantum phase boundary of this model by investigating the evolution of concurrence in terms of QRG iterations.We also investigate the scaling behavior of the system close to the quantum critical point,which shows that the minimum value of the first derivative of concurrence and the position of the minimum scale with an exponent of the system size.Also,the first derivative of concurrence between two blocks diverges at the quantum critical point,which is directly associated with the divergence of the correlation length.  相似文献   

We study the relationship between the behavior of global quantum correlations and quantum phase transitions in XY model. We find that the two kinds of phase transitions in the studied model can be characterized by the features of global quantum discord (GQD) and the corresponding quantum correlations. We demonstrate that the maximum of the sum of all the nearest neighbor bipartite GQDs is effective and accurate for signaling the Ising quantum phase transition, in contrast, the sudden change of GQD is very suitable for characterizing another phase transition in the XY model. This may shed lights on the study of properties of quantum correlations in different quantum phases.  相似文献   

单传家 《物理学报》2012,61(22):51-55
本文首先对具有三体相互作用的一维自旋链系统的哈密顿量进行了对角化.然后通过一个旋转操作求解了系统基态的几何相位,通过数值计算几何相位及其导数随外界参数的变化,考虑三体相互作用对几何相位以及量子相变的影响,结果表明几何相位可以很好的用来表征该系统中的量子相变,并且发现三体相互作用不但引起相变点平移,而且可以产生新的临界点.  相似文献   

A new simplified formula is presented to characterize genuine tripartite entanglement of (2 2 n)-dimensional quantum pure states. The formula turns out equivalent to that given in (Quant. Inf. Comp. 7(7) 584 (2007)), hence it also shows that the genuine tripartite entanglement can be described only on the basis of the local (2 2)-dimensional reduced density matrix. In particular, the two exactly solvable models of spin system studied by Yang (Phys. Rev. A 71 030302(R) (2005)) are reconsidered by employing the formula. The results show that a discontinuity in the first derivative of the formula or in the formula itself of the ground state just corresponds to the existence of quantum phase transition, which is obviously different from the concurrence.  相似文献   

A hybrid quantum architecture was proposed to engineer a localization-delocalization phase transition of light in a two-dimension square lattices of superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators, which are interconnected by current-biased Josephson junction phase qubits. We find that the competition between the on-site repulsion and the nonlocal photonic hopping leads to the Mott insulator-superfluid transition. By using the mean-field approach and the quantum master equation, the phase boundary between these two different phases could be obtained when the dissipative effects of superconducting resonators and phase qubit are considered. The good tunability of the effective on-site repulsion and photon-hopping strengths enable quantum simulation on condensed matter physics and many-body models using such a superconducting resonator lattice system. The experimental feasibility is discussed using the currently available technology in the circuit QED.  相似文献   

宋旭东  董世海  张宇 《中国物理 B》2016,25(5):50302-050302
Calculations of the quantum information entropy have been extended to a non-analytically solvable situation. Specifically, we have investigated the information entropy for a one-dimensional system with a schematic "Landau" potential in a numerical way. Particularly, it is found that the phase transitional behavior of the system can be well expressed by the evolution of quantum information entropy. The calculated results also indicate that the position entropy S_x and the momentum entropy S_p at the critical point of phase transition may vary with the mass parameter M but their sum remains as a constant independent of M for a given excited state. In addition, the entropy uncertainty relation is proven to be robust during the whole process of the phase transition.  相似文献   

We develop a mean-field model describing the Hamiltonian interaction of ultracold atoms and the optical field in a cavity. The Bose-Einstein condensate is properly defined by means of a grand-canonical approach. The model is efficient because only the relevant excitation modes are taken into account. However, the model goes beyond the two-mode subspace necessary to describe the self-organization quantum phase transition observed recently. We calculate all the second-order correlations of the coupled atom field and radiation field hybrid bosonic system, including the entanglement between the two types of fields.  相似文献   

We present a large-scale Monte Carlo calculation of the deconfining phase transition temperature in lattice quantum chromodynamics without fermions. Using the Wilson action, the transition temperature as a function of the lattice couplingg is consistent with scaling behavior dictated by the perturbativeα function for 6/g2>6.15. Speaker at the conference; on leave from CRIP, Budapest.  相似文献   

陈子栋 《中国物理 B》2008,17(3):1084-1087
The weak classical light excitations in many semiconductor quantum dots have been chosen as important solid- state quantum systems for processing quantum information and implementing quantum computing. For strong classical light we predict theoretically a novel phase transition as a function of magnitude of this classical light from the deformed to the normal phases in resonance ease, and the essential features of criticality such as the scaling behaviour, critical exponent and universality are also present in this paper.  相似文献   

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