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Although lead isotope ratios have been used to identify lead ammunition (lead shotshell pellets and bullets) as a source of exposure for First Nations people of Canada, the actual source of lead exposure needs to be further clarified. Whole blood samples for First Nations people of Ontario, Canada, were collected from participants prior to the traditional spring harvest of water birds, as well as post-harvest. Blood-lead levels and stable lead isotope ratios prior to, and after the harvest were determined by ICP-MS. Data were analyzed by paired t-tests and Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks tests. All participants consumed water birds harvested with lead shotshell during the period of study. For the group excluding six males who were potentially exposed to other sources of lead (as revealed through a questionnaire), paired t-tests and Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks tests showed consistent results: significant (p<0.05) increases in blood-lead concentrations and blood levels of (206)Pb/(204)Pb and (206)Pb/(207)Pb towards the mean values we previously reported for lead shotshell pellets; and a significant decrease in (208)Pb/(206)Pb values towards the mean for lead shotshell pellets. However, when we categorized the group further into a group that did not use firearms and did not eat any other traditional foods harvested with lead ammunition other than waterfowl, our predictions for (206)Pb/(204)Pb, (206)Pb/(207)Pb and (208)Pb/(206)Pb hold true, but there was not a significant increase in blood-lead level after the hunt. It appears that the activity of hunting (i.e., use of a shotgun) was also an important route of lead exposure. The banning of lead shotshell for all game hunting would eliminate a source of environmental lead for all people who use firearms and/or eat wild game.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of lead was determined in samples collected between 1966 and 1987, mainly from the Helsinki area, in emission sources (gasoline, incinerator and lead smelter emissions, coal), air, in samples representing long-term deposition (lichen, soil, lake sediments), and in human tissue. Isotope ratios were determined by thermal ionization mass spectrometry after chemical separation of lead by anion exchange and cathodic electrodeposition. The origin of lead in man and the environment in the Helsinki area was evaluated by using the differences in the measured isotope ratios as an indicator. The mean of the ratio in gasoline (206Pb/207Pb 1.124 +/- 0.026) and the ratios in other emission sources in Helsinki (1.149-1.226) were significantly different. However, the wide range of isotope ratios in gasoline (1.063-1.173) reduced the accuracy when assessing the contribution of the different sources. Lead in air samples from Helsinki (1.123 +/- 0.013) could be attributed to gasoline, as could lead in soil near a highway (1.136 +/- 0.003). By contrast, isotope ratios measured in lichen (1.148 +/- 0.006) indicated considerable amounts of lead from sources with higher 206Pb abundances, evidently industrial sources. The isotope ratios in human liver, lung, and bone from individuals dying between 1976-79 (206Pb/207Pb ratio 1.142 +/- 0.015, 1.151 +/- 0.011, and 1.156 +/- 0.013, respectively) reflect the large lead emissions from the incinerators and lead smelters in the Helsinki area in the 1960s and 1970s. In lake sediment cores a correlation was found between the isotope ratios, lead concentration, and depth. The nonanthropogenic lead of high isotope ratios from bedrock was the major component at depths dated older than 100 years. At the surface of the sediment atmospheric lead prevailed, with ratios similar to those of gasoline, air samples and lichen. In the post-1900 layers, anthropogenic lead made up about 40-95% of the total sedimentary lead.  相似文献   

Traffic a source of lead exposure in childhood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experimental and observational data has long implicated automobile exhaust from leaded petrol as a major source of human lead exposure. The present study evaluates the association of individual traffic exposure with individual lead absorption. A case-referent study was carried out on 1302 out of 2412 children in the municipality of Aarhus - Denmark. Shed deciduous teeth were matched for sex and socioeconomic status. Individual lead sources were assessed by an interview. Information on former addresses and the data of address change was obtained as was information on the daily number of cars driving on all roads of the city. A traffic index was constructed describing the traffic density at the home. An association between high lead and high traffic density was found in the children at the age of 6 months to 2 years. This relationship was of a dose-response nature. The association was not account for by other possible major sources.  相似文献   

Lead isotope ratios are widely used to identify original sources of Pb in the environment. Such source apportionment depends on the ability to distinguish potential sources on the basis of their isotopic composition. However, almost all terrestrial Pb is co-linear in some of the plots i.e. 206Pb/208Pb versus 206Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/207Pb commonly presented in the literature. These diagrams are unable to distinguish more than two sources of environmental Pb. Linear trends in such plots are an inevitable consequence of the co-linearity of terrestrial leads and should not be taken necessarily to indicate simple binary mixing of sources. A more reliable test for multiple source mixing can be obtained from plots involving 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb and therefore requires measurements of the minor 204Pb isotope.  相似文献   

Until recently, the most important source of environmental lead pollution in cities was thought to come from the combustion of leaded petrol. A simple way to monitor the extent of this phenomenon, used in a number of studies in the past, has been to measure lead levels in street dust. Nowadays, it would be expected that lead concentrations in urban dust would have decreased from earlier values, following the progressive reduction of lead in petrol over the past few years, and this hypothesis has recently been confirmed in Manchester, UK. The object of the present work is to determine levels of lead pollution in cities in Greece on 1997 and, if possible, to discover whether similar reductions in lead concentrations have occurred there also. Surveys have been conducted in Thessaloniki, Athens and Piraeus. Samples of roadside dust were collected from streets (categorised by traffic density), national gardens and school playgrounds, and lead was extracted by digestion with concentrated nitric acid. Lead concentrations were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and lead isotope ratios measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Results for Thessaloniki showed that mean lead concentrations in all categories of location are similar to present levels in Manchester. Further, lead concentrations in dust in the busiest streets in Thessaloniki have fallen by about 55% since a previous study 17 years ago. In Athens and Piraeus, the lead levels in street dust are much higher and significant differences were observed between the various types of street. In particular, it was observed that lead levels in school playgrounds in these two cities were much higher than in similar locations in Thessaloniki and Manchester, with a possible hazard to children. Isotope ratio measurements showed that Thessaloniki's lead is isotopically distinct from that found in Athens and Piraeus, which presumably reflects differences in sources of supply.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the impact of highway lead on the quality of water resources are discussed, and the available information on each factor critically evaluated. Hence, the sources of lead input to the highway environment are described and the subsequent airborne and waterborne dispersal to the receiving waters discussed in detail. It appears that the impact on surface waters is confined to the lead contained in surface runoff, as the lead dispersed to roadside soils is effectively immobilized in the top 10 cm of soil. The concentration of lead in highway runoff can reach levels far in excess of those normally encountered in surface waters. However, when evaluating the impact on the receiving waters, the importance of considering both the lead mass discharge from the highway and the subsequent dilution by the receiving water is stressed. Finally, the present inadequate understanding of the physiochemical forms of lead in polluted and natural waters is highlighted.  相似文献   

To investigate the capability of the lead isotope signature technique to support a source apportionment study at a Continental scale, atmospheric particulate matter was collected at Cap Gris-Nez (Eastern Channel, northern France), over one year (1995-1996). Four days retrospective trajectories of air masses were available during each sampling experiment. Twenty-eight samples, for which the origin of aerosols was unambiguously determined, were selected for isotopic measurements. Considering the Enrichment Factors, EF(Crust) of lead and its size distribution, we show that lead is mostly from anthropogenic origin and mainly associated with [0.4 < diameter < 0.9 microm] particles. The extent to which various Continental sources influence the lead abundance in aerosols is exhibited by considering both the lead concentration and the origin of air masses. Lead concentration is higher by a factor of approximately seven, when air masses are derived from Continental Europe, by comparison with marine air masses. Taking into account these concentrations and the vertical movements of air masses, we compare the different isotopic compositions using a statistical non-parametric test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov). We produce evidence that, for most of the cases, air masses originating from Continental Europe exhibit a more radiogenic composition (1.134 < 206Pb/207Pb < 1.172) than air masses coming from the United Kingdom (1.106 < 206Pb/207Pb < 1.124). Generally, lead isotopic compositions in aerosols are clearly distinct from the gasoline signatures in European countries, strongly suggesting that automotive lead is no longer the major component of this metal in the air. Gasoline and industrial isotopic signatures could explain the origin of lead in our aerosol samples. A source apportionment based upon 206Pb/207Pb ratios, suggests that the difference between British (206Pb/207Pb = 1.122 +/- 0.038) and Continental (206Pb/207Pb = 1.155 +/- 0.022) signatures may be largely explained by differences in the petrol lead content of aerosols (23-62% in Great Britain vs. 10-36% in Continental Europe).  相似文献   

Lead remains one of the most hazardous toxins in our environment. Because the toxic effects of lead are most prominent during early development, it is important to develop a suitable biomarker for lead exposure during the pre- and neonatal periods. In the present study, the spatial distribution of lead was measured in the enamel and dentine of ten human primary teeth using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The neonatal line, visualized using confocal laser scanning microscopy, was used to demarcate the pre- and postnatal regions of the sample teeth. Lead levels in pre- and postnatally formed enamel and dentine were compared to blood-lead levels measured at birth and one year of age for four of these participants. Mean dentine-lead levels ranged from 0.17+/-0.02 to 5.60+/-1.79 microg/g, and mean enamel-lead levels ranged from 0.04+/-0.01 to 1.47+/-0.20 microg/g. The results of this preliminary study showed that the spatial distribution of lead in dentine reflected the blood-lead levels. The present study demonstrates a methodology where the spatial distribution of lead in the dentine of human primary teeth may be used to obtain temporal information of environmental lead exposure during the pre- and neonatal periods.  相似文献   

In a total of 395 subjects with varying fish consumption habits, mercury levels in whole blood (B-Hg), and selenium levels in plasma (P-Se) were studied. Also, in subcohorts, mercury levels in blood cells (Ery-Hg; n = 79), plasma (P-Hg; n = 158) and urine (U-Hg; n = 125) were analysed. There were statistically significant associations between fish intake on the one hand, and B-Hg, Ery-Hg and P-Hg, on the other, but not so with U-Hg. In subjects who never had fish, the average B-Hg was 1.8 ng/g, in subjects who had at least two fish meals each week, 6.7 ng/g. Ery-Hg, and to a less extent P-Hg, were associated with levels of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in serum phosphatidylcholine. P-Hg and U-Hg were associated with numbers of teeth with amalgam fillings. P-Se also correlated with fish intake. In subjects who never had fish, P-Se averaged 80 micrograms/l, in subjects who had at least two fish meals per week, 91 micrograms/l. There was an association between PUFA and P-Se. Further, there were statistically significant associations between P-Se on the one hand, and B-Hg, Ery-Hg and P-Hg on the other. The data clearly demonstrate the importance of fish for the exposure to methylmercury and selenium in the Swedish diet, and the impact of amalgam as a source of exposure to inorganic mercury.  相似文献   

Boshoff G  Duncan J  Rose PD 《Water research》2004,38(11):2659-2666
An upflow anaerobic digestor was fed dried algal biomass as a carbon source to establish the feasibility of using micro-algal biomass as the sole carbon source for biological sulphate reduction. The effect of the COD:SO4 ratio on substrate consumption and sulphate removal efficiencies were assessed by varying the organic carbon content of the media. Similar COD removal efficiencies were obtained irrespective of the influent COD:SO4 ratios, which were 8.1, 11.2 and 15.0. However, the rates of COD removal did differ with influent COD:SO4 ratios. The percentage sulphate removed decreased as the ratio of COD:SO4 increased. Not all of the COD was used for sulphate reduction, with only 31% being accounted for.  相似文献   

First Nation (Indigenous) on-reserve housing in Canada is in crisis due to severe shortages, high reported instances of mould contamination, overcrowding and structural deficiencies. The Kitamaat reserve of the Haisla First Nation provides one example. The intent of the study reported here was to engage with the Haisla to develop a culturally appropriate, environmentally responsive and energy-efficient housing type that the Haisla could implement in the future. This work was undertaken by Marceau-Evans-Johnson Architects in collaboration with researchers at the University of Victoria. In this article, the circumstances leading to the present housing crisis are reviewed, the consultative design process with the Haisla and its outcomes are described, and the concept design solution which was co-developed for future housing is presented.  相似文献   

There is a considerable body of evidence to support the contention that the atmospheric Pb burden is now considerably greater than it was in the remote past. However, as there are a diversity of potential environmental pathways leading to Pb ingestion, it is not clear how atmospheric Pb levels relate to human exposure. It is necessary to establish a baseline for human exposure to Pb from natural sources in the pre-metallurgical past, with which contemporary exposure can be compared. This paper addresses this issue by comparing the Pb content of human dental enamel--an established proxy for Pb exposure--from modern and archaeological, pre-metallurgical individuals using thermal and plasma ionisation mass spectrometry. It is shown that mean Neolithic enamel Pb contents are approximately 0.31 +/- 0.04 ppm. These values are only one order of magnitude lower than previously reported data for the same tissues for modern juveniles, despite an established 400-fold increase in the atmospheric Pb burden. The results suggest that 'natural' exposure to Pb in food and water may have been higher than previously thought, and that the link between atmospheric Pb and human exposure warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The validity of the use of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) tree-rings for the reconstruction of atmospheric lead pollution histories was investigated. Tree cores spanning 1892-2003 were collected from several sycamores from the eastern shore of Loch Lomond, Scotland, an area with no local point sources of lead emission. The lead concentration and 206Pb/207Pb profiles of the Loch Lomond region cores were compared with corresponding data for the 210Pb-dated loch sediment, and also with data for moss of known age from a Scottish herbarium collection. Two of the seven sycamore cores showed the same lead concentration trend as the lead flux to the loch, the rest having no similarity to either each other or the loch sediment record. Two further sycamore cores showed some similarity in their temporal 206Pb/207Pb trends to those seen in the sediment and moss records, but only in part of their profiles, whilst the 206Pb/207Pb ratios of the other sycamore cores remained relatively unchanged for the majority of the time covered, or exhibited an opposite trend. The 206Pb/207Pb ratios of the tree cores were also mostly higher than those of the previously established records for any given time period. Tree cores covering 1878-2002 were also collected along transects from Wanlockhead and Tyndrum, two areas of former lead mining and smelting associated with distinct 206Pb/207Pb ratios of 1.170 and 1.144, respectively. The Wanlockhead tree cores exhibited a generally decreasing trend in lead concentration with both time and distance from the lead mine. The characteristic 206Pb/207Pb ratio of 1.170 was observed in samples close to the mine but a decrease in the influence of the mine-derived lead was observed in more distant samples. The tree sampled at Tyndrum showed elevated lead concentrations, which decreased with time, and a fairly constant 206Pb/207Pb ratio of 1.15 reflecting input from the mine, features not observed in any other trees along the transect. Overall the data suggest that sycamore tree-ring analysis is an unsuitable method for obtaining records of historical lead deposition in areas with no large local lead input, although it can reveal some information about the temporal and spatial influence of point source emitters. The unsuitability probably arises from the number of active annual rings in a single year, the post-uptake radial translocation of elements, the relative importance of the different routes of uptake, and the soil depth(s) from which trees draw nutrients.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3) contamination of surface- and groundwater is an environmental problem in many regions of the world with intensive agriculture and high population densities. Knowledge of the sources of NO3 contamination in water is important for better management of water quality. Stable nitrogen (δ15N) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope data of NO3 have been frequently used to identify NO3 sources in water. This review summarizes typical δ15N- and δ18O-NO3 ranges of known NO3 sources, interprets constraints and future outlooks to quantify NO3 sources, and describes three analytical techniques (“ion-exchange method”, “bacterial denitrification method”, and “cadmium reduction method”) for δ15N- and δ18O-NO3 determination. Isotopic data can provide evidence for the presence of dominant NO3 sources. However, quantification, including uncertainty assessment, is lacking when multiple NO3 sources are present. Moreover, fractionation processes are often ignored, but may largely constrain the accuracy of NO3 source identification. These problems can be overcome if (1) NO3 isotopic data are combined with co-migrating discriminators of NO3 sources (e.g. 11B), which are not affected by transformation processes, (2) contributions of different NO3 sources can be quantified via linear mixing models (e.g. SIAR), and (3) precise, accurate and high throughput isotope analytical techniques become available.  相似文献   

ICP-MS analysis of the bark pockets and annual rings of two beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees collected from Longshaw, Derbyshire and Swinton, South Yorkshire in the UK recorded differences in the (206)Pb/(207)Pb isotope ratio. In the Longshaw sample, the (206)Pb/(207)Pb isotope ratio of the bark pockets ( approximately 1914-1998, 78-260 microg g(-1) Pb) declined from approximately 1.16 to 1.12, whilst the annual rings (1899-1998, 0.2-2.5 microg g(-1) Pb) had a (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratio of approximately 1.18. In the Swinton sample, the bark pockets (approximately 1919-1998, 7-78 microg g(-1) Pb) declined from 1.15 to 1.11 and the annual rings (1899-1998, 0.2-0.5 microg g(-1) Pb) from 1.18 to 1.15. The data implied that the bark pockets accumulated lead directly from the atmosphere through wet and dry deposition, whilst the annual rings accumulated lead from the soil via the roots. The bark pockets recorded a relative decline in the accumulation of lead from indigenous sources, such as lead smelting and coal combustion (1.17-1.19), and increase in imported sources such as the smelting of Australian ores (1.04) and leaded petrol usage (1.06-1.09). In contrast, the annual rings at Longshaw recorded ratios typical of indigenous lead, whilst the annual rings in Swinton recorded a relatively small decrease in (206)Pb/(207)Pb reflecting leaded petrol usage. The decline in (206)Pb/(207)Pb of the bark pockets was consistent with the historical decline in (206)Pb/(207)Pb of atmospheric lead recorded in peat, lake sediments and archival herbage at other UK locations.  相似文献   

The ratio of Pb concentrations (μg g−1) to excess 210Pb (210Pbexc) activities (dpm g−1) in the surface (0–1 cm) sediments of lake cores, together with a knowledge of atmospheric 210Pb fluxes, were used to estimate the atmospheric deposition of stable Pb in south-central Ontario, Canada. Between three and five cores were collected from each of 10 lakes, while in one lake (Red Chalk - Main Basin) a total of 25 cores were obtained.The average atmospheric 210Pbexc flux to the main basin of Red Chalk Lake was calculated to be 1.1 dpm cm−2 year−1, a value which compares favourably with literature estimates of 210Pb deposition for Ontario. The surface Pb/210Pbexc ratios for 61 cores ranged between 1.26 and 3.44 μg dpm−1(average 2.15 ± 0.45 μg dpm−1). Therefore, the predicted atmospheric Pb deposition was 14–38 mg m−2 year−1 (average 24 ± 5.0 mg m−2 year−1). This estimate of stable Pb fallout is similar to those measured by alternate methods and indicates that elemental ratios in lake sediments might be useful for predicting the behaviour of other contaminants in lakes.  相似文献   

As part of the assessment of a site in northern France polluted by metals from two smelters (in particular, lead, cadmium and mercury), a cross-sectional study was carried out which intended to estimate the levels of the lead burden of the adult population living on the site and the factors associated with these levels. The exposed zone included 10 municipalities in the Nord-Pas de Calais region, located in the vicinity of two non-ferrous metal smelters. The soils in these municipalities contained between 100 and 1700 ppm of lead. The non-polluted zone contained 20 municipalities from the same region, drawn randomly from those in the region of comparable size but free from any industrial lead exposure. The adult study population (301 men and 300 women) was stratified according to age, sex, employment status and exposure level. The inclusion criteria required subjects who were aged between 20 and 50 years and had been living in the exposed zone for at least 8 years; the exclusion criteria were pregnancy, cancer, kidney disease and diabetes. No more than 10% of the subjects participating could work at one of the two smelters. Data collection took place at home; visiting nurses interviewed subjects to complete a questionnaire and also took blood samples. The lead assay was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry. The geometric mean of the blood-lead levels was 74 microg/l, 95% CI = 69-80 among men and 49 microg/l, 95% CI = 46-53 among women. Blood-lead levels exceeding 100 microg/l were found among 30% of men and 12% of women. Several factors were associated with variation of the mean blood-lead level: the blood-lead level was significantly higher among the men for subjects living less than 1 km from the smelters (geometric mean x 1.3, 95% CI = 1.1-1.6), for those who drink alcoholic beverages (x 1.1, 95% CI = 1.0-1.2 for consumption of 30 g/day), those who smoke (x 1.2, 95% CI = 1.0-1.3 for 20 cigarettes/day), and for subjects with occupational exposure; among the women, for subjects living less than 1 km from the smelters (geometric mean x 1.5, 95% CI = 1.2-1.7), for those who drink alcohol (x 1.1, 95% CI = 1.1-1.2 for a daily consumption of 10 g), and for women living in a building constructed before 1948 (x 1.2, 95% CI = 1.0-1.4).  相似文献   

Tree bark pockets were collected at four sites in the Czech Republic with differing levels of lead (Pb) pollution. The samples, spanning 1923-2005, were separated from beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies). Elevated Pb content (0.1-42.4 microg g(-1)) reflected air pollution in the city of Prague. The lowest Pb content (0.3-2.6 microg g(-1)) was found at the Kosetice EMEP "background pollution" site. Changes in (206)Pb/(207)Pb and (208)Pb/(206)Pb isotope ratios were in agreement with operation times of the Czech main anthropogenic Pb sources. Shortly after the Second World War, the (206)Pb/(207)Pb isotope ratio in bark pockets decreased from 1.17 to 1.14 and the (208)Pb/(206)Pb isotope ratio increased from 2.12 to 2.16. Two dominant emission sources responsible for these changes, lignite and leaded petrol combustion, contributed to the shifts in Pb isotope ratios. Low-radiogenic petrol Pb ((206)Pb/(207)Pb of 1.11) lead to lower (206)Pb/(207)Pb in bark pockets over time. High-radiogenic lignite-derived Pb ((206)Pb/(207)Pb of 1.18 to 1.19) was detected in areas affected by coal combustion rather than by traffic.  相似文献   

沃溪AuSbW矿床是湖南湘西前寒武纪地层中最具有代表性的金矿床之一,位于扬子准地台江南地轴南缘的雪峰弧形构造隆起带的中段。矿石以石英-金-硫化物型为主,与金共存的矿石矿物为辉锑矿、黑钨矿、白钨矿、黄铁矿等。文章对沃溪矿床深部矿段中辉锑矿和黄铁矿的硫同位素地球化学进行了研究,结果表明:黄铁矿的δ~(34)S变化范围-4. 05‰~0.42‰,极差4. 47‰,平均值-1. 54‰;辉锑矿的δ~(34)S变化范围-4. 99‰~-1. 52‰,极差3. 47‰,平均值-2. 87‰。δ~(34)S变化范围小,说明其来源的均一性,同时与赋矿的马底驿组富硫围岩的δ~(34)S很相近,表明硫来源于赋矿地层。同时,δ~(34)S具有从浅部向深部增大的趋势。  相似文献   

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