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The human leukemia cell line HL60 which resembles promyelocytes can be induced to differentiate to cells displaying features of the mature myeloid phenotype by a variety of agents including retinoic acid (RA) and agents that elevate intracellular adenosine 3:5 cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) levels, e.g., 8-bromo-cyclic adenosine 3:5 monophosphate (8-Br-cyclic AMP), cholera toxin. Since most, if not all the effects of cyclic AMP, are mediated by adenosine 3:5 cyclic monophosphate-dependent protein kinase (cyclic AMP-dPK), we investigated the role of cyclic AMP-dPK and adenosine 3:5 cyclic monophosphate-independent protein kinase (cyclic AMP-iPK) in the induced differentiation of HL60 cells. Marked stimulation of cyclic AMP-dPK and cyclic AMP-iPK appears to be intimately involved with and specific for HL60 myeloid differentiation as evidenced by: (1) Stimulation of cyclic AMP-dPK and cyclic AMP-iPK early during HL60 myeloid differentiation and prior to phenotypic changes. (2) RA and dimethylformamide (DMF), agents that induce differentiation along the myeloid pathway, cause a marked increase in the type I cytosolic cyclic AMP-dPK and cyclic AMP-iPK (protamine kinase) while no such increases are noted in cells treated with 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) which induces differentiation along the monocyte/macrophage pathway. (3) Both native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as well as photoaffinity labeling with 8-azido-cyclic AMP demonstrate marked increases in type I cyclic AMP-dPK in the cytosols of cells exposed to agents that induce myeloid differentiation but no increase in TPA-differentiated cells. (4) The appearance and disappearance of specific cyclic AMP-dependent and -independent protein phosphorylations are associated with the induced myeloid differentiated state.  相似文献   

Z Kiss  E Deli    J F Kuo 《The Biochemical journal》1987,248(3):649-656
Treatment of human promyelocytic leukaemia HL60 cells in conditioned medium with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) for 4 h resulted in 25-30% inhibition of labelling of phosphatidylserine (PS) with [U-14C]serine. PS labelling was 40% lower, and no inhibitory TPA effect was observed when the experiments were performed in fresh medium. Cycloheximide or puromycin also inhibited PS labelling by 38-44%; their inhibitory effects were non-additive with that of TPA and occurred only in conditioned medium. Catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), both free-radical scavengers, and H7, a protein kinase C inhibitor, reversed to various extents the inhibitory effect of TPA on PS synthesis. On the other hand, chlorobenzoic acid, a free-radical-generating agent, also inhibited PS synthesis by 22% after 4 h treatment when conditioned medium was used. When ethanolamine was added to cells in conditioned medium to quench PS formation through the exchange of free serine with the ethanolamine moiety of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), PS labelling was decreased by 33% and the inhibitory TPA effect was significantly decreased. On the other hand, ethanolamine had marginal quenching effect on PS labelling when added to cells in fresh medium. TPA increased the phosphorylation of various proteins in the cells, including protein lb (Mr 80,000; pI 5.5) shown to be localized mainly in the nuclear fraction. Chlorobenzoic acid selectively stimulated the phosphorylation of protein lb, whereas CAT and SOD specifically attenuated the TPA-stimulated phosphorylation of this protein. All these agents affected phosphorylation of protein lb only if conditioned medium was used. The findings suggested that net synthesis of PS through the base-exchange mechanism was stimulated in HL60 cells by cell products present in the conditioned medium. TPA inhibited this stimulated PS synthesis by a mechanism which appeared to involve active oxygen species and protein synthesis and might be related to the phosphorylation of protein lb.  相似文献   

E Deli  Z Kiss  J F Kuo 《FEBS letters》1988,231(2):407-412
Interactions of protein kinase C (PKC) and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) systems were investigated in HL60 cells. It was found that the differentiating effects of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) were potentiated by dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) or prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). In addition, dbcAMP or PGE2 inhibited TPA-induced binding of PKC to plasma membrane, leading to decreased protein phosphorylation, and promoted subsequent redistribution of enzyme to the nuclear membrane region. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that PKC and PKA systems regulate cooperatively the phenotypical differentiation of leukemic cells.  相似文献   

The tumor-promoting 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) stimulated phosphorylation of several proteins in block I (including protein Ia) and protein 3 in HL60 cells. The antileukemic agent alkyllysophospholipid (ALP) inhibited the TPA-stimulated phosphorylation of these proteins and the TPA-induced differentiation of the cells. In comparison, TPA only stimulated phosphorylation of protein 3 in K562 cells which, in contrast, were not induced to differentiate by TPA and lacked protein Ia and had a very high basal phosphorylation of protein B. ALP inhibited phosphorylation of protein 3 as well as protein B in K562 cells. The data suggest that the presence of distinct phosphoproteins and regulation of their phosphorylation may be related to the selective susceptibility of the two leukemia cell lines to the maturating effect of TPA and cytotoxicity of ALP.  相似文献   

The effects of protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor polymyxin B (PMB) and PKC activators 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and bryostatin on intact HL60 cells were examined. It was found that each of the three agents exhibited similar effects on phosphorylation of certain endogenous proteins, PKC translocation from cytoplasm to plasma membrane and formation of CDP-choline. TPA, however, was the only agent that stimulated phosphatidylcholine formation. Differentiation of HL60 cells was potently induced by TPA; in comparison bryostatin was a relatively weaker inducer and PMB was without effect. The data indicated that the effects of the PKC inhibitor PMB on intact cells could not be predicted by its in vitro activity, and that certain TPA-dependent but PKC-independent reactions might be crucial in HL60 cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Highly specific insulin receptors have been identified on human promyelocytic leukemia cells HL60. Insulin binding increased progressively with time to reach a maximum at 2 h at 22° and was proportional to the number of cells in the incubation mixture. Insulin degradation as assessed by TCA precipitation and reincubation studies was negligible. Scatchard analysis of the binding data was curvilinear and the total number of insulin receptor sites per cell was around 45,000. The average affinity profile gave an “unoccupied site” affinity constant of 3.5 × 108 M?1. The promyelocytic cells HL60, thus, have specific binding sites and binding characteristics similar to more mature human myeloid cells.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway has been implicated in the development of several leukemia and lymphoma. In order to investigate the relationship between Notch signaling and acute myeloid leukemia (AML), in this study, we expressed a recombinant Notch ligand protein, the DSL domain of the human Jagged1 fused with GST (GST-Jag1). GST-Jag1 could activate Notch signaling in the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL60, as shown by a reporter assay and the induced expression of Notch effector gene Hes1 and Hes5. However, GST-Jag1 had no effect on the proliferation and survival of HL60 cells. HL60 cells expressed both Notch ligands and receptors, and had a potential of reciprocal stimulation of Notch signaling between cells. We, therefore, blocked Notch signaling in cultured HL60 cells using a γ-secretase inhibitor (GSI). We found that GSI inhibited the proliferation of HL60 cells significantly by blocking the cell-cycle progression in the G1 phase. Furthermore, GSI induced remarkably apoptosis of HL60 cells. These changes in GSI-treated HL60 cells correlated with the down-regulation of c-Myc and Bcl2, and the low phosphorylation of the Rb protein. These results suggested that reciprocal Notch signaling might be necessary for the proliferation and survival of AML cells, possibly through the maintenance of the expression of c-Myc and Bcl2, as well as the phosphorylation of the Rb protein.  相似文献   

The release of the reactive oxygen species that accompanies the oxidative burst was studied in HL60 cells differentiated with either dimethylsulphoxide, butyrate or phorbol myristate acetate in order to establish the extent to which differentiated cells are phenotypically similar to human neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages. When phorbol myristate acetate was used as a stimulus, the rates of superoxide production by dimethylsulphoxide and butyrate differentiated HL60 cells was not significantly different from those observed in neutrophils and monocytes isolated from normal peripheral blood. Similar results were obtained when luminol-dependent chemiluminescence was measured in the presence of horseradish peroxidase using phorbol myristate acetate as the stimulus. However, in the absence of horseradish peroxidase, the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence in the dimethylsulphoxide and butyrate-differentiated HL60 cells was significantly lower than that of the control cells isolated from human blood, reflecting the absence of myeloperoxidase in the differentiated cells. In contrast, HL60 cells differentiated by phorbol myristate acetate failed to show any increased generation of superoxide or luminol-dependent chemiluminescence upon stimulation. Impaired release of lysosomal enzymes by the chemically differentiated cells suggests impairments in the extent of differentiation resulting in cells with defective azurophilic degranulation processes. It is concluded that HL60 cells differentiated by the above agents are somewhat controversial models of promyelocyte differentiation into typical neutrophilic, monocytic and macrophage-like cells.  相似文献   

We have begun to characterize the development of the excitation-response coupling sequence in the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL60. Using the recently developed fluorescent calcium probe quin-2, it was found that DMSO induced myeloid differentiation of the HL60 cells is accompanied by the development of a calcium response to the addition of the chemotactic factors fMet-Leu-Phe and leukotriene B4. The characteristics (time course, concentration dependence, stereospecificity, and metabolic dependence) of the calcium response are extremely similar to those previously described in human neutrophils. These results imply that functional receptors for leukotriene B4 appear in HL60 cells upon the induction of differentiation and also lend strong support to the use of these HL60 cells as a model of human myeloid differentiation. We have also characterized the emergence of a secretory response to fMet-Leu-Phe and leukotriene B4 in cytochalasin B treated HL60 cells. In addition, it is found that differentiation was required for the calcium ionophore A23187 to express its secretory activity toward the HL60 cells. This last set of results implies that differentiation is accompanied by the coordinated appearance of surface receptors and cytoplasmic factors required for the expression of cellular responsiveness.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of protein phosphatases 1/2A (okadaic acid and calyculin A) exhibited differential cytotoxicity toward three human leukemia cell lines, in an increasing order of resistance, HL60 less than HL60/ADR less than K562 cells. Cytotoxicity of the toxins was associated with marked mitotic arrest of the cells, characterized by chromatid scattering/overcondensation and abnormal mitotic spindles. In all cases, calyculin A was more potent than okadaic acid. Protein phosphorylation experiments in intact cells revealed that HL60/ADR, the adriamycin-resistant variant, showed a higher overall phosphorylation of nuclear proteins than the drug-sensitive parental HL60, and that phorbol ester (protein kinase C activator) and calyculin A appeared to more specifically stimulate phosphorylation of p66 and p60, respectively. It was suggested that the toxins might be useful in delineating mechanisms underlying certain properties of cancer cells (such as multidrug resistance, mitosis and differentiation) related to protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation reactions.  相似文献   

Many components that are derived from medicinal or dietary plants possess potential chemopreventive properties. Curcumin, a yellow coloring agent from turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn, Zingiberaceae), possesses strong antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities. In this study, we have found that curcumin inhibits the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced nuclear factor kB (NF-kappaB) activation by preventing the degradation of the inhibitory protein IkBalpa; and the subsequent translocation of the p65 subunit in cultured human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells. Alternatively, curcumin repressed the TPA-induced activation of NF-kappaB through direct interruption of the binding of NF-kappaB to its consensus DNA sequences. Likewise, the TPA-induced DNA binding of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) was inhibited by curcumin pretreatment.  相似文献   

The promyelocytic leukemia (HL60) cell line differentiates into monocyte-like cells after treatment with phorbol dibutyrate (PBt2). In contrast, bryostatin 1 (bryo), a structurally distinct protein kinase C (PKC) activator, does not induce differentiation and blocks the cytostatic effect of PBt2. The divergent responses to these agents correlate with activation of a PKC-like activity at the nucleus in response to bryo but not PBt2 (Fields, A. P., Pettit, G. R., and May, W.S. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8253-8260). In the present study, this nuclear PKC-like activity (termed PKCn) was isolated from HL60 cells and shown to phosphorylate its known nuclear substrate, lamin B. PKCn-mediated phosphorylation of nuclear envelope-associated lamin B in vitro is calcium-dependent and is stimulated by bryo and 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (DiC8), but not PBt2. In contrast, PKCn-mediated phosphorylation of histone IIIS is stimulated equally by all three activators. PKCn mediates calcium- and phosphatidylserine-dependent phosphorylation of both histone IIIS and partially purified lamin B. PKCn activity can be inhibited by an anti-PKC monoclonal antibody which specifically inhibits PKC. Isotype-specific PKC antibodies identify PKCn as beta II-PKC. Immunoblot analysis indicates that HL60 cells express both alpha- and beta II-PKC but no beta I- or gamma-PKC. Treatment of intact cells with bryo for 30 min leads to complete translocation of both alpha- and beta II-PKC from the cytosol to the membrane fractions. Approximately 8-10% of the total beta II-PKC (and less than 0.3% of the alpha-PKC) is found associated with the nuclear membrane of bryo-treated cells. In contrast, PBt2 treatment leads to complete translocation of alpha-PKC, but only partial translocation of beta II-PKC to the plasma membrane fraction. Neither PKC isotype is found associated with the nuclear membrane of PBt2-treated cells. These data demonstrate that alpha- and beta II-PKC differ with respect to activator responsiveness, intracellular distribution, and substrate specificity and indicate that their selective activation at distinct intracellular sites, including the nucleus, can have a dramatic effect on resulting cellular responses.  相似文献   

Combinations of retinoic acid (RA) and cAMP mediate many biological responses in a large variety of cell types. While the basis for the apparent synergistic effects of RA and cAMP are not clearly defined, it is likely that activation of PKA by cAMP is involved. However, literature reports concerning the identity of PKA isoforms in HL60 and MCF-7 cells are conflicting. The purpose of the present investigation is to identify PKA isoforms in HL60 and MCF-7 cells. Utilization of high-performance anion-exchange liquid chromatography, immunoblotting, and 8-azido-cAMP photoaffinity binding resulted in the finding that HL60 cells contain PKA types I alpha and II alpha, while MCF-7 cells contain PKA types I alpha, II alpha, and II beta. PKA type I alpha in both HL60 and MCF-7 cells eluted from columns as two well-separated peaks. One peak eluted at a low salt concentration in agreement with previous reports. The second HL60 PKA type I alpha peak eluted at a salt concentration intermediate between that eluting the first peak and that eluting PKA type II alpha and contained approximately 62% of the total RI alpha protein. However, the second MCF-7 PKA type I alpha peak contained approximately 66% of the total RI alpha protein and co-eluted with PKA types II alpha and II beta. This "contamination" of PKA type II fractions with PKA type I has led, in some cases, to interpretations that may need reevaluation.  相似文献   

The nuclear sugar-binding components (i.e., lectin-like molecules) were analyzed using isolated and membrane-depleted nuclei after incubation in the presence of fluorescein-labeled neoglycoproteins. This analysis was performed before and during the in vitro differentiation of HL60 cells into monocytes by PMA treatment and into granulocytes by DMSO treatment. The nucleoli of undifferentiated and differentiated HL60 cells were not labeled, unlike the nucleoli of other mammalian cells studied so far. This peculiarity allowed us to quantitatively analyze by flow cytometry the changes in the lectin activity associated with the extranucleolar territories enriched in ribonucleoprotein complexes. The neoglycoprotein binding was found to be significantly lower in differentiated than in undifferentiated cells. The decrease in neoglycoprotein binding was observed within the first 24 h of DMSO or PMA treatment, just before the arrest of DNA synthesis. Taking into account that the granulocytic differentiation required 72 h of chemical treatment, the extra-nucleolar lectins might be involved in modulation of the DNA synthesis rather than in phenotypic differentiation. These data are discussed in an attempt to reconcile the association of lectins with RNP complexes and their possible involvement in modulation of HL60 cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The ability of tumor promoting 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) to redistribute protein kinase C in human promyelocytic leukemic HL60 cells was investigated. It was found that TPA caused a rapid translocation (within 10 min) of protein kinase C from the cytosolic (soluble) fraction to the particulate (membrane) fraction, as determined indirectly by assaying for the enzyme activity or by immunoblotting of the enzyme protein in the isolated subcellular fractions. Immunocytochemical localization of the enzyme demonstrated directly that the TPA caused an enzyme translocation t the plasma membrane. These findings suggest that translocation to the plasma membrane of the enzyme may represent initial events related to the TPA effect on terminal differentiation of HL60 cells to monocytes/macrophages.  相似文献   

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