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The rapid increase of Poa pratensis L. (Kentucky bluegrass) on North Dakota grasslands during the past 30 yr has negatively impacted ecological services. Kentucky bluegrass grows earlier in the spring than many native grasses, which provides an opportunity to use targeted grazing to reduce Kentucky bluegrass and increase native grasses. A 5 year replicated study used 10 cow-calf pairs or pregnant cows to graze 3-ha paddocks in early to mid-May, early spring, (EARLY) until 30% of the native species were grazed. After 1 June, late spring−early summer, five cow-calf pairs were grazed on 3-ha paddocks (LATE) for twice as long as the EARLY treatment. Biomass was clipped inside and outside of cages after each grazing event and outside cages in the fall. In each paddock, a hundred 10-point frames were taken to determine percent native grass, Kentucky bluegrass, Bromus inermis Leyss. (smooth bromegrass), native forbs, and introduced forbs. After 5 yr, native grass abundance in the EARLY paddocks was 26% greater than in the LATE paddocks. Kentucky bluegrass abundance only differed the second year of the study when the EARLY paddocks had 32% less Kentucky bluegrass than the LATE paddocks. Total biomass was greater in the EARLY paddocks than LATE paddocks in year 2 of the study (886 ± 74 g m−2 vs. 608 ± 28 g m−2 for EARLY and LATE, respectively). Targeted grazing by cattle in early spring can increase native grass abundance and, depending on the year, decrease abundance of Kentucky bluegrass. Early spring targeted grazing should be used as a tool in adaptive management programs focusing on reduction of Kentucky bluegrass.  相似文献   

Native plant communities invaded by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) are at risk of unnatural high intensity fires and conversion to cheatgrass monocultures. Management strategies that reduce cheatgrass abundance may potentially allow native species to expand and minimize further cheatgrass invasion. We tested whether the selective herbicide imazapic is effective in reducing cheatgrass and “releasing” native species in a semiarid grassland and shrub steppe in north-central Oregon. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with two treatments (sprayed with 70 g ai · ha?1 of imazapic and unsprayed) and three replicates of each treatment applied to either 2.5 or 4 ha plots. We repeated this experiment in three different sites dominated by the following native species: 1) bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh] A. Löve ssp. spicata) and needle and thread (Hesperostipa comata [Trin. & Rupr.] Barkworth), 2) needle and thread and Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda J. Presl), and 3) big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt.). Nested frequency of all plant species in 1-m2 quadrats was collected for 1  yr pretreatment and 4  yr posttreatment. In all three sites, cheatgrass frequencies were significantly lower in sprayed plots than unsprayed plots for 3–4  yr posttreatment (P < 0.1). Other annual plant species were also impacted by imazapic, but the effects were highly variable by species and site. Only two native perennial species, hoary tansyaster (Machaeranthera canescens [Pursh] Gray) and big sagebrush, increased in sprayed plots, and increases occurred only at two sites. These results suggest that a short-term reduction in cheatgrass alone is not an effective strategy for increasing the abundance of most native perennial plant species.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of endocrine disruption can be regarded as part of the disciplines of toxicology and environmental toxicology. These two disciplines have generated guideline protocols on how various effects of chemicals should be tested as a basis for regulatory decisions. These protocols almost exclusively involve laboratory rodents and the data obtained are then used for human risk assessment. Would it be justifiable, then, to introduce or promote the use of other species in these test protocols? There are, at any rate rationales for studying effects in species other than laboratory rodents: (1) other species may better mimic the human system; (2) they may in some cases be more useful for studying a certain mechanism or phenomenon; (3) they may highlight the diversity of effects or sensitivity between species. However, there are at least two basic criteria that must be met for a species before it can be introduced in this context: (a) we must have a good understanding of the physiological system to be studied; and (b) we must have a number of tools to study effects on this system. When it comes to the reproductive system – regarding which most endocrine disruption has been reported – farm animals are second only, or in some respects superior, to laboratory rodents with respect to these criteria. This review gives examples of how farm animals can be of use in the study of endocrine disruption with a focus on the author's own data from studies in the pig.  相似文献   

Over the past few years the general public's perception of animals has changed in the Netherlands. Animals are increasingly thought of as 'noble animals" and not merely as beasts to serve humankind. This changed sentiment can best be exemplified by the fact that the Party for Animals won two seats in the recent parliamentary elections. To see whether this change is also mirrored in the development of Veterinary Disciplinary Law, the rulings of the Veterinary Disciplinary Board between 1992 and 2005 were retrieved and studied (first aim of the study). The Board, which is an independent court of justice, was set up in The Hague 1992 in accordance with the Veterinary Practice Act to improve the quality of veterinary practice. Any animal owner can submit a complaint about a veterinary practitioner, a veterinary nurse, an animal physiotherapist, or a lay obstetrician. A second aim of the study was to investigate why owners submit complaints, because these procedures are time-consuming and unpleasant for both parties. If the underlying causes of complaints can be identified, it may be possible to reduce the number of complaints. In total, 1023 rulings passed by the Veterinary Disciplinary Board between October 1992 and December 2005 were evaluated, using a standardized questionnaire. The results showed that in this period the rulings did not reflect the increased public interest in the position of animals: the case load did not change (on average 78 cases/year; varying between 58-103 cases/year), the proportion of complaints that were upheld did not change, and more severe penalties were not imposed. However; findings revealed that the underlying cause of the complaint was often (partly) 'emotional'. Different standards and values, treatment that does not meet the owner's expectations, a lack of empathy on the part of the veterinary practitioner, and communication problems all played an important role. Insight into these underlying problems may reduce the number of the complaints submitted to the Veterinary Disciplinary Board.  相似文献   

Grazing livestock freely select landscape resources, unless they are herded or constrained by fences. Automated animal control (AAC) systems offer an alternative to physical fences by using animal-positioning technology and aversive stimuli to deter animals from staying in sensitive environments and so limit their impact. This paper reports on a replicated field experiment completed to test whether occasional stimuli (audio cue followed by a mild electric stimulus), delivered by discontinuously activated AAC collars, could suffice to modify the grazing behavior of groups of cattle. Four groups of eight steers were confined in 8-ha rectangular paddocks that had an ad libitum supplement feeder located in one end to attract cattle. The steers' positional information was recorded continuously for 3 d using a GPS receiver encased in a collar fitted around their neck. These data were used to characterize their use of the paddocks without intervention. Subsequently a restriction zone was activated on the collars. This zone contained the supplement feeders and represented approximately 10% of the paddock area. Cattle movement was again monitored during a second 3-d period, in which the steers were subjected to discontinuous aversive stimuli (5 min of stimulation followed by a random 0–30 min interval without stimulation) if they were located inside or moved into the restriction zone. Cattle visits to the restriction zone were shorter and the return interval longer when steers were subjected to discontinuous stimulation. Overall, there was a 97% reduction in the use of the restriction zone between the first and second deployments. These results suggest that grazing impact can be drastically reduced by making a zone less desirable through discontinuous aversive stimulation. Such a discontinuous (25% of the time on) AAC system can reduce power consumption in collars and so help overcome energy supply limitations that hinder commercial AAC applications.  相似文献   

The prevalence of bovine mastitis has been reduced over the past 25 years due to the implementation of a five-point control plan aimed at reducing exposure, duration and transmission of intramammary infections by bacteria. This has markedly reduced the incidence of bovine mastitis caused by bacteria which show a contagious route of transmission, but has had little effect on the incidence of mastitis due to bacteria which infect the gland from an environmental reservoir. Streptococcus uberis is one such bacterium which is responsible for a significant proportion of clinical mastitis worldwide.The inadequacies of the current methods of mastitis control have led to the search for additional measures, particularly vaccines to prevent intramammary infection by this bacterium. Such an approach requires detailed knowledge of the pathogenesis of intramammary infection. Our understanding of this area has grown in recent years but a lack of information still hampers disease control. Both live vaccines and, recently, crude sub-unit vaccines have shown promise against bovine mastitis due to S. uberis. Vaccines against mastitis must, however, be able to control infection without the participation of a marked inflammatory response. This review provides an overview of the recent advances which have been made in our understanding of host-pathogen interactions which promote infection and disease and highlights areas for strategic research aimed at controlling this bacterial infection.  相似文献   

The general role of veterinary epidemiology and economics to national animal-disease control throughout the world is considered for the four main groupings of animal diseases: zoonotic, food-borne, endemic and epidemic diseases. This is done by considering how veterinary epidemiology and economics has contributed to priority setting (which diseases come first?), decision-making (for a given disease, which strategy is best?), and disease control implementation (how can optimal delivery and adoption of selected interventions best be achieved?). Within each of these categories, progress made and future opportunities are discussed. In addition, a review is made of how veterinary epidemiology and economics has been institutionalised. We conclude that veterinary epidemiology and economics holds a unique role in the development of national policies and strategies for improved animal health world-wide. However, we consider that we must capitalise more on the unique comparative advantage of the partnership between veterinarians and agricultural economists. We believe that much remains to be done to improve the "institutionalisation" of veterinary epidemiology and economics, and the adoption and impact of the products of our unique partnership, particularly in countries of the developing world.  相似文献   

The possibility of stomach impaction resulting in large colon volvulus is raised by authors reporting the findings of both lesions in 7 horses. Although this combination of lesions has not been reported before, it is interesting to consider the effect of a gastric impaction compressing the colon as the stomach increases in size with firm ingesta. Anatomically, the stomach is dorsal to the colon, and might therefore compress the colon. As to how this might result in volvulus, it is interesting to speculate on the possible roles of gas accumulation or other changes in the intracolonic environment, such as composition in microbiota. The report of 7 horses also highlights the need to thoroughly explore any horse taken to surgery because of intractable colic in case there is more than one lesion.  相似文献   

Testicular tissue maintenance is performed by the testicular artery, and the hemodynamics of this artery can be evaluated using Doppler ultrasonography. The aim of this study was to characterize the peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV), pulsatility index (PI) and resistivity index (RI) of five regions of the testicular artery in dogs, including two proposed regions and three that have been previously described. Twenty‐two dogs were used, and the PSV, EDV, PI and RI of the testicular artery were measured in five regions: proximal, medial and distal supratesticular; marginal; and intratesticular. The median values for PSV (cm/s), EDV (cm/s), PI and RI in the five regions were as follows: proximal supratesticular (23.1, 3.7, 2.1 and 0.8); medial supratesticular (17.2, 4.5, 1.5, and 0.7); distal supratesticular (12.2, 5.7, 0.8, and 0.5); marginal (11.3, 6.5, 0.5, and 0.4); and intratesticular (5.7, 3.5, 0.5, and 0.4). There was a difference between the PSV of the medial and distal supratesticular regions. There were differences in the PSV, EDV, PI and RI among the distal supratesticular, marginal and intratesticular regions. Measurements of PSV, EDV, PI and RI of the testicular artery in dogs at the proposed regions showed different results due to the hemodynamic and morphological differences of the artery during its course in the spermatic cord and to the testicles. It is necessary to identify the region in testicular artery Doppler velocimetric evaluations of dogs, given that there is a difference according to the region measured.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible role of dog fleas in the transmission of trypanosomatids, ectoparasites were removed from 59 dogs testing positive for canine zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis according to the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Of the fleas collected, 4/207 (1.9%) showed the presence of promastigotes in smears stained by Giemsa, whilst 43/144 (29.9%) exhibited positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification assays for Leishmania DNA. Fleas (409) from 9 Leishmania chagasi-infected dogs, each hosting more than 20 fleas per animal, were macerated and administered by peritoneal injection or orally to 36 hamsters. After 6 months, the 30 surviving hamsters were sacrificed and liver and spleen fragments were removed for PCA assay and to produce imprint smears, whilst blood samples were subjected to IFAT assay. Sixteen hamsters tested positive for Leishmania infection, 14 on the basis of PCR amplification and four by IFAT assay (two animals testing positive in both assays). Of the infected hamsters, 11/16 (68.7%) had been infected peritoneally and 5/16 (31.2%) orally. The imprint smears for all animals were, however, negative. Since both PCR and IFAT could present cross-reactivity for Leishmania and Leptomonas, the possibility of oral transmission of L. chagasi by fleas cannot be proven unambiguously even though the hamsters developed infection.  相似文献   

It has recently been proposed that the cost of rehabilitating medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae [L.] Nevski)–invaded rangelands may be reduced by concurrently seeding desired vegetation and applying the preemergent herbicide imazapic. However, the efficacy of this “single-entry” approach has been inconsistent, and it has not been compared to the multiple-entry approach where seeding is delayed 1 yr to decrease herbicide damage to nontarget seeded species. We evaluated single- and multiple-entry approaches in medusahead-invaded rangelands in southeastern Oregon with seeding for both approaches occurring in October 2011. Before seeding and applying herbicide, all plots were burned to improve medusahead control with imazapic and prepare the seedbed for drill seeding–introduced perennial bunchgrasses. Both approaches effectively controlled medusahead during the 2 yr postseeding. However, almost no seeded bunchgrasses established with the single-entry treatment (< 0.5 individals · m-2), probably as a result of nontarget herbicide mortality. Perennial grass cover and density in the single-entry treatment did not differ from the untreated control. In contrast, the multiple-entry treatment had on average 6.5 seeded bunchgrasses · m-2 in the second year postseeding. Perennial grass (seeded and nonseed species) cover was eight times greater in the multiple-entry compared to the single-entry treatment by the second year postseeding. These results suggest that the multiple-entry approach has altered the community from annual-dominated to perennial grass–dominated, but the single-entry approach will likely be reinvaded and dominated medusahead without additional treatments because of a lack of perennial vegetation.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to evaluate and compare the risk distribution of human cases of West Nile virus (WNV) disease in Ontario in 2005 to 2012. The objectives were to: map the risk distribution of WNV in 2005 and 2012, identify clusters of human WNV disease and determine whether the clusters are significantly different between the years 2005 and 2012. West Nile virus surveillance data were used to calculate empirical Bayesian smoothed estimates of disease incidence in southern Ontario for 2005 and 2012. Choropleth maps were generated to visualize the spatial risk distribution, and the spatial scan test was performed to identify clusters of disease. Following identification of clusters for 2005 and 2012, a Poisson model was applied to the 2012 human WNV incidence adjusted for the smoothed human WNV incidence rate from 2005 and the scan test was repeated. Two significant clusters were identified in both the year 2005 and 2012. In 2005, the primary cluster was located in the Windsor‐Essex and Chatham‐Kent public health units (PHUs). For 2012, the primary cluster was identified in the Golden Horseshoe area. A cluster analysis for 2012 adjusted for those identified in 2005 resulted in one significant cluster in the Windsor‐Essex PHU. In 2012, the Windsor‐Essex PHU remained as a high‐risk area for human WNV disease when compared with the rest of southern Ontario. Although overall risk may change from year to year, public health programming should be employed to decrease the relative risk of WNV in this area.  相似文献   

In many developing countries where rangelands are a dominant land type and critically important in livelihoods of a significant portion of the population, severe rangeland degradation and/or conflicts over rangeland use can create significant social, economic, and environmental problems. In this paper, we review rangeland degradation in the developing world, its impacts and causes, discuss problems in applying rangeland science to improve rangeland conditions, discuss the role of rangeland scientists, and discuss our approach for enhancing rangeland science in international development. We suggest range scientists can provide valuable input and direction on issues of rangeland degradation (including state changes and impacts on ecosystem goods and services), provide guidance in methods and realistic opportunities for rangeland improvement to local users, government, and development organizations, and work to provide pastoralists with adaptive management in variable ecosystems. Conflict and poverty can create situations where a long-term goal of sustainable rangeland use is overwhelmed by short-term needs of safety and food security; however, providing science and training on sustainable management can make a difference where conflicts are not too severe and can help promote societal stability. Negative perceptions about aid are widespread, but the needs for improved conditions associated with multiple values of rangelands, and the needs of people utilizing these areas, are great. Conducting planning and projects with transparency and accountability will help promote more inclusive participation and successful projects. To be effective, a project needs to consider the needs of the people utilizing the project area but also provide to these communities information on values of the rangelands to other stakeholders (ecosystem services). Sustainable projects will require accountability and enhance self-reliance to allow community empowerment and adaptability to changes.  相似文献   

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