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肾移植术后并发奴卡氏菌感染三例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
3例患者肾移植术后并发奴卡氏菌感染。一例发生于移植术后半个月,另一例发生在急性排斥时,还有一例发生在慢性排斥移植肾失功后。3例患者均死亡。经病理解剖评实,1例为肺部奴卡氏菌感染,2例为全身播散性奴卡氏菌感染。认为肾移植术后并发奴卡氏菌感染的病例虽少,但其预后不佳,值得重视。  相似文献   

目的:研究和比较他克莫司(FK506)以及环孢素A(CsA)对肾移植术后患者肝功能的影响。方法:将肾移植术后患者随机分为FK506组和CsA组,FK506组8例,CsA组26例。CsA组中出现肝功能异常的6例患者用FK506进行替换治疗。两组均联合应用霉酚酸酯(MMF)和泼尼松(Pred)。结果:观察6个月,FK506组和CsA组中急性排斥的发生率差异 不显著;FK506组中未发现肝功能异常患者,CsA组中有6例患者肝功能异常;肝功能异常的6例患者用FK506替换CsA后,总胆红素(TBIL)、直接胆红素(DBIL)、丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)相继转为正常。结论:FK506免疫抑制剂效果与CsA相似,但对肝功能影响甚微,适合应用于术前有肝功损害或术后应用CsA后出现肝功能异常倾向的患者。  相似文献   

肾移植术后肾功能延迟恢复的原因及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨肾移植术后肾功能延迟恢复(DGF)的原因及处理方法。方法:报告我院发生的33例肾移植术后DGF患者的临床资料,发生DGF的原因是急性排斥15例,急性肾小管坏死(ATN)13例,动脉吻合口狭窄2例。输尿管梗阻2例,环孢素中毒1例。经血液透析治疗31例,ATG/ALG或OKT3治疗28例,经皮移植肾动脉吻合口球囊扩张2例,外科手术2例。结果:29例肾移植术后10~93d(平均24.8d)肾功能恢复正常,2例肌酐在200~300μmol/L之间,1例恢复血透,1例于肾功能恢复正常1月后死于肺部感染。结论:急性排斥反应是引起肾移植术后DGF的主要因素,术前严格配型、合理治疗和耐心等待是成功的关键。  相似文献   



Androgen-replacement therapy (ART) is a widely accepted form of treatment worldwide for aging men with late-onset hypogonadism syndrome. Urologists have been concerned about the possibility of ART causing prostate growth.


To assess the relationship between ART and prostate growth.

Evidence acquisition

A literature review was performed to identify all published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of androgen treatment for hypogonadism. The search included the Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Controlled Trials Register databases. The reference lists of the retrieved studies were also investigated. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted.

Evidence synthesis

Results of 16 RCTs involving a total of 1030 patients were analyzed. Seven RCTs were short-term (<12 mo) and nine were long-term (12–36 mo) comparisons of ART with a placebo; ART was administered transdermally, orally, or by injection. Respective p values for injection, transdermal administration, and oral administration of short-term ART were as follows: PSA level: 0.07, 0.01, and 0.95; prostate volume: 0.70, 0.79, and 0.32; IPSS: 0.78, 0.98, and no oral; Qmax: 0.92, no transdermal, and 0.10. Respective p values for injection, transdermal administration, and oral administration of long-term ART were as follows: PSA level: 0.42, 0.51, and 0.57; prostate volume: 0.35, 0.59, and 0.47; IPSS: 0.34, 0.32, and 0.97; Qmax: 0.11, 0.63, and no oral. Neither short-term nor long-term ART showed significant changes in the four determinants of prostate growth investigated compared with placebo.


This meta-analysis shows that regardless of the administration method, neither short-term nor long-term ART increases the risk of prostate growth. Further high-quality, prospective studies are required to confirm this observation.  相似文献   

There have been concerns regarding long-term adverse effects of cyclosporine A (CSA) on renal allograft function. In a retrospective study, we compared long-term allograft function up to 70 months after renal transplantation in pediatric recipients treated with and without CSA, using iothalamate clearance to assess glomerular filtration rate. Patients received CSA, prednisone, and azathioprine (CSA group,n=16) or prednisone and azathioprine alone (Pred/AZA,n=11). At 48 months post transplant, the iothalamate clearances (mean±SD) were 57.9±26.8 ml/min per 1.73 m2 in the CSA group and 68.5±20.2 in the Pred/AZA group (P>0.05). The mean of the slopes of individual iothalamate clearances versus time during the first 70 months following transplantation were –0.156 in the CSA group and –0.095 in the Pred/AZA group. Neither slope was statistically different from zero. These data suggest that allograft function is not significantly depressed by CSA at 48 months post transplantation and that there is no greater rate of decline in allograft function up to 70 months post transplantation in patients receiving CSA when compared with the AZA/Pred group.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾移植受者BK病毒(BKV)的感染特点。 方法 于我院门诊选取肾移植术后48个月内的患者共243例作为试验组,同时选取门诊健康体检者82例作为对照组。采集上述2组的血、尿标本,行BKV尿沉渣细胞学计数与实时荧光定量PCR检测。 结果 试验组受者的尿Decoy细胞、BKV尿症与BKV血症的阳性率分别为35.4 %、36.6%和16.9%;对照组分别为4.9%、20.7%和2.9%。试验组受者的尿Decoy 细胞阳性者Decoy细胞中位数水平为6个/10 HPF,BKV DNA阳性者尿液和外周血BKV中位数水平分别为1.50×104拷贝/ml和6.87×103拷贝/ml;对照组分别为2个/10 HPF,1.10×104拷贝/ ml和2.24×103拷贝/ml。与健康者相比,肾移植术后试验组BKV DNA阳性率及水平明显升高(P < 0.01)。肾移植受者的尿液Decoy 细胞计数与尿液BKV含量呈正相关(r = 0.636,P < 0.01);尿Decoy大量组(>10个/10 HPF)的血BKV DNA阳性率及水平显著高于少量组(1~5个/10 HPF)(P < 0.05)。 结论 肾移植受者较健康人群易发生BKV再活化。定量尿沉渣细胞学检测简单、易行、敏感,可以作为BKV活化的指标,预测病毒尿症及病毒血症。此外,也可检测血、尿BKV DNA,以了解病毒活化情况和筛查BKV相关的移植肾肾病。  相似文献   

目的观察移植肾临界改变的转归及对肾功能的影响,探讨合适的治疗方案。方法2001年1月至2004年3月移植肾穿刺提示临界改变的受者110例,年龄14~65岁,平均39岁。其中44例为程序活检提示临界改变者(A组),未予抗排斥治疗;66例为术后6个月内肾功能异常行诊断性穿刺提示临界改变者(B组)行抗排斥治疗。另取102例程序活检提示移植肾状态者为对照组(C组)。比较随访期内的急性排斥发生率和术后6个月肾功能,并用免疫组化法观察间质炎性细胞的浸润情况。结果A、C组术后6个月内急性排斥发生率分别为6.8%(3/44)和4.9%(5/102)(P>0.05)。B组接受抗排斥治疗后,62例(93.9%)患者肾功能完全逆转。术后6个月,A、B、C组平均血肌酐水平分别为(109.00±20.75)、(122.67±27.28)、(109.23±18.28)μmol/L,B组与A、C组比较差异均有统计学意义,P值分别为0.009,0.003。B组间质浸润的CD8、CD68阳性细胞显著多于A组(P值分别为0.041,0.022)。结论对于病理表现为临界改变的肾移植受者,应密切结合临床,对于肾功能稳定者可不予抗排斥治疗,肾功能异常者应积极抗排斥治疗,CD8、CD68免疫组化染色有助于指导治疗。  相似文献   

目的对国内外报道的肾移植术后BK病毒(BKV)激活的危险因素进行荟萃分析,为临床BKV肾病的防治提供参考。 方法通过系统检索PubMed数据库、中国知网、万方数据库以及中国生物医学数据库从建库至2019年7月公开发表的关于肾移植术后BKV激活危险因素的相关研究论文,并通过其参考文献进行手工补充搜索。采用纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表对纳入文献进行质量评价,运用RevMan 5.3软件进行荟萃分析。 结果最终纳入22篇文献,其中英文15篇、中文7篇。结果显示血液中检测到BKV的危险因素为排斥反应(OR=1.91,95%CI:1.30~2.80)、移植肾功能延迟恢复(OR=1.51,95%CI:0.99~2.31)、服用他克莫司(OR=1.50,95%CI:1.22~1.84)、使用抗胸腺细胞球蛋白(ATG)诱导(OR=1.75,95%CI:1.02~2.98)、使用输尿管支架(OR=1.98,95%CI:1.19~3.30)和合并CMV感染(OR=2.23,95%CI:1.61~3.09);而尿液中检测到BKV的危险因素为持续服用糖皮质激素(OR=1.49,95%CI:1.09~2.04)。 结论肾移植术后服用他克莫司、合并CMV感染、使用输尿管支架和ATG诱导的受者发生BKV血症的风险更高,长期服用糖皮质激素的肾移植受者发生BKV尿症的风险更高。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肾移植患者术后肺外结核的发病及诊治特点. 方法 1991年1月至2007年4月行肾移植手术2333例,术后发现结核病37例,经病理学和(或)影像学检查确诊肺外结核者19例(51%).其中累及移植肾5例、脑膜4例、胸膜4例、淋巴结3例、软组织2例,喉、肝、胸椎、肠道各1例,同时有2个肺外部位受累者3例.发病高峰期为术后1年(53%).治疗方案主要采用异烟肼、利福平、乙胺丁醇和吡嗪酰胺组合,疗程6~25个月. 结果 14例经抗结核治疗痊愈,随访1~161个月,患者均存活且无复发;5例患者治疗无效,继发多脏器功能衰竭死亡(26%).抗结核治疗中发生急性排斥反应8例(42%),肝功能损害4例(21%). 结论肾移植患者术后肺外结核发生率、病死率较高,应引起临床足够重视,使用抗结核药物时应注意兼顾抗结核与抗排斥反应2方面.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the impact of live unrelated kidney donor (LURD) source on the outcome of renal transplantation is not adequately studied. We aimed to compare the long-term outcome of kidney transplantation from LURDs to that from living related donors (LRDs) among a pediatric recipient population. This study comprised 235 pediatric recipients who received their kidney grafts between 1976 and 2005 at our center. These patients were further subdivided into two groups according to donor source (211 with LRDs) and (24 with LURDs). All patients’ data were assessed with special emphasis on graft and patient survival as well as posttransplant medical complications. Both groups were comparable regarding graft and patient survival at 1, 5, and 10 years. Despite higher incidence of acute vascular rejection among recipients with LURD (12%) vs. LRD (2.8%) (P = 0.03), there was no difference in the incidence of chronic allograft nephropathy. Moreover, the overall incidence of posttransplant complications was comparable among the two groups. In our series, kidney survival was poorer in LURDs compared with LRDs. However, the number of patients with LURD was small, and the difference in results was also small and justifies LURD in exceptional cases when LRD is not possible.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction is of vital importance, as it may cause ischemia and dysfunction in various organs. Despite, this problem has been well documented in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), there is not enough data considering this issue following renal transplantation. One of the potential causes of endothelial dysfunction in renal transplant recipients may be administration of calcineurin inhibitors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of two different calcineurin inhibitors [cyclosporin A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK506)] on endothelial function in renal transplant patients. Forty-four renal transplant recipients [22 on FK506 (group I) and 22 on CsA (group II)] were studied. Endothelial functions of the brachial artery were evaluated by using high resolution vascular ultrasound. Endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilations were assessed by establishing reactive hyperemia and using sublingual nitroglycerine (NTG), respectively. Results are presented as percentage change from baseline values. Significant endothelial dysfunction was noted in renal transplant patients treated with CsA. While endothelium-dependent vasodilation was 12.1 +/- 5.1% in group I and it was 6.5 +/- 3.7% in group II (p < 0.001). The increase in brachial artery diameter after sublingual NTG was 20.1 +/- 6.3 and 12.7 +/- 5.6% in groups I and II, respectively. This indicates that the endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilation of the patients on FK506 is better preserved than the patients on CsA therapy. Besides, blood flow volume (BFV) increase was 51.2 +/- 39.4 and 43.9 +/- 24.3%, in groups I and II, respectively, in reactive hyperemia period (p > 0.05). Post-transplant course of renal transplant recipients is complicated by endothelial dysfunction. This problem is more prominent in patients on CsA therapy, which can predispose these patients to more frequent cardiac complications.  相似文献   

肾移植存活十年以上病例的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对32例肾移植后带肾存活10年以上患者的资料进行分析总结。供肾热缺血时间8分钟,温缺血时间1小时8分钟,冷缺血时间32小时,淋巴细胞毒性试验均<0.10。术中均较为顺利,术后应用硫唑嘌呤及松进行免疫抑制。术后1个月内有15例发生急性排斥反应,均经治疗逆转。认为供肾质量、供受体的HLA配型、术后免疫抑制的合理应用以及术后患者的监护及随访对移植肾的长期存活非常重要。  相似文献   

肾小管泌氢功能试验在肾移植监测中的价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对36例肾移植患者肾移植前与术后8周内的肾小管泌氢功能,包括尿pH、可滴定酸(TA)、NH4+、酸净排出量(NAC)及HCO3-浓度进行动态监测,以探讨该试验在术后监测中的价值。结果发现,移植前pH及HCO3-明显高于正常,TA、NH4+及NAC明显低于正常。移植后肾功能稳定恢复组的五个参数均逐渐恢复,其中完全恢复正常者占62.5%;排斥组出现排斥反应时TA、NH4+及NAC合量下降,随排斥逆转而有所恢复,完全达正常者占37.5%;肾失功组患者TA、NH4+及NAC始终波动于低水平,而pH与HCO3-增高。结果表明,肾移植术活动态监测肾小管泌氢功能对了解移植肾功能状态、预测排斥反应的发生以及判断疗效和预后具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect and feasibility of morning bright light therapy (BLT) on sleep, circadian rhythms, subjective feelings, depressive symptomatology and cognition in renal transplant recipients (RTx) diagnosed with sleep–wake disturbances (SWD). This pilot randomized multicentre wait‐list controlled trial included 30 home‐dwelling RTx randomly assigned 1:1 to either 3 weeks of BLT or a wait‐list control group. Morning BLT (10 000 lux) was individually scheduled for 30 min daily for 3 weeks. Wrist actimetry (measuring sleep and circadian rhythms), validated instruments (subjective feelings and cognition) and melatonin assay (circadian timing) were used. Data were analysed via a random‐intercept regression model. Of 30 RTx recipients (aged 58 ± 15, transplanted 15 ± 6 years ago), 26 completed the study. While BLT had no significant effect on circadian and sleep measures, sleep timing improved significantly. The intervention group showed a significant get‐up time phase advance from baseline to intervention (+24 min) [(standardized estimates (SE): ?0.23 (?0.42; ?0.03)] and a small (+14 min) but significant bedtime phase advance from intervention to follow‐up (SE: ?0.25 (?0.41; ?0.09). Improvement in subjective feelings and depressive symptomatology was observed but was not statistically significant. Bright light therapy showed preliminary indications of a beneficial effect in RTx with sleep–wake disturbances. (ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT01256983)  相似文献   

Anemia in pediatric renal transplant recipients   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of anemia in stable pediatric renal transplant recipients and to examine the association of anemia with renal function, immunosuppressants, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, and growth, as well as iron, vitamin B12, and folate stores. This is a cross-sectional study of the 50 renal transplant recipients currently followed at our center. Patient data were collected regarding hematological parameters, growth, medications, renal function, underlying renal disease, delayed graft function, episodes of rejection, and iron or erythropoietin therapy post transplantation. The mean hemoglobin level (Hb) was 110 g/l and the overall prevalence of anemia was 60%, including 30% who were severely anemic (Hb<100 g/l). There was a high rate of iron deficiency (34%) and serum iron was the parameter of iron metabolism most closely associated with anemia. Hb in patients with low serum iron was 90.7 g/l versus 114.4 g/l in those with normal serum iron (P<0.01). Both univariate and multiple linear regression determined tacrolimus dose and creatinine clearance to be significant factors associated with anemia. Tacrolimus dose correlated with a 10 g/l reduction in Hb for every increase of tacrolimus dose of 0.054 mg/kg per day (P=0.001). The dose of mycophenolate was positively correlated with Hb, but this was likely to be confounded by our practice of dose reduction in the setting of anemia. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor use was not associated with anemia. Severely anemic patients tended to be shorter, with a mean Z-score for height of –1.8 compared with –0.9 for those with normal Hb (P=0.02). Anemia is a significant and common problem in pediatric renal transplant patients. Deteriorating renal function is an important cause, but other factors like iron deficiency and immunosuppression are involved. Definition of iron deficiency is difficult and serum iron may be a valuable indicator. Medication doses, nutritional status, need for erythropoietin and iron, as well as poor graft function and growth require systematic scrutiny in the care of the anemic renal transplant recipient.  相似文献   

We used ganciclovir to treat 11 renal transplant recipients with symptomatic cytomegalovirus infection (seven primary), including one severe, five mild and five moderate cases. Two patients exhibited a non-mechanically ventilated pneumonitis and two others a gastrointestinal involvement. Ganciclovir was used intravenously according to a schedule which took into account renal function, for a median time of 14 days. All patients survived. Cytomegalovirus infection was cured in all patients but two: in the first an early clinical relapse required a second successful ganciclovir course; in the other graftectomy was needed to control infection. Graft was lost in an additional cured patient. Ganciclovir was well tolerated, especially with regard to haematological status. At the current follow-up of at least one month after the end of ganciclovir therapy, no further clinical relapse was observed; however, in one clinically cured patient cytomegalovirus was isolated from blood one week after ganciclovir cessation. These encouraging preliminary data suggest that ganciclovir therapy should be started as soon as cytomegalovirus infection is suspected, especially in cytomegalovirus seronegative recipients receiving a seropositive graft.  相似文献   

目的 探讨在常规免疫抑制方案下和正常血药浓度范围内肾移植受者发生他克莫司(Tac)肾毒性的影响因素及其对个体化治疗的指导意义。方法 回顾分析132例肾移植术后2年内按照Tac常规剂量(0.15~0.3 mg·kg-1·d-1)和血Tac浓度维持在8~11 μg/L,并坚持随访的首次肾移植受者的资料。Tac肾毒性经移植肾活检和临床实验室检测结果诊断。根据是否发生Tac肾毒性,分为肾毒性组和对照组。对可能的影响因素,包括受者的年龄、性别、是否发生过移植肾功能延迟恢复、药物暴露量、用药时间、肝功能异常、血清白蛋白水平、红细胞比容以及多药耐药基因(MDR1)和细胞色素P450酶3A5(CYP3A5)基因等共10项指标进行多因素回归分析。结果 在常规免疫抑制剂方案下和正常血药浓度范围内,Tac肾毒性发生率为18.9%(25/132)。经单因素和多因素分析,肝功能异常(RR=3.05,95%可信区间为0.879~11.533,P=0.024)、血清白蛋白水平(RR=0.966,95%可信区间为0.994~1.006,P=0.018)、红细胞比容(RR=0.999,95%可信区间为0.998~1.000,P= 0.032)、CYP3A5基因多态性(RR= 0.777,95%可信区间为0.023~6.798,P=0.032)及MDR1基因多态性(RR=0.654,95%可信区间为0.053~7.109,P=0.017)是导致Tac肾毒性的独立危险因素。结论 肾移植后在常规免疫抑制方案下及正常血药浓度内,肝功能异常是导致Tac肾毒性最主要的危险因素,白蛋白水平低下、红细胞比容降低也是导致Tac肾毒性的影响因素,此外还应考虑受者CYP3A5及MDR1的基因多态性,以实现个体化免疫抑制治疗。  相似文献   

肾移植术后恶性肿瘤12例分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
目的 探讨肾移植后肿瘤的发病情况和防治措施。方法 回顾性分析 931例 10 15次肾移植的临床资料。结果 共发生恶性肿瘤 12例 ,发生率 1.2 8% ,于移植术后 (45 .9± 36 .8)个月 (12~ 12 4个月 )得到明确诊断 ,其中泌尿系统肿瘤 5例 ,硬脑膜小细胞癌、胰头癌、胃腺癌、肝癌、肺门鳞癌及滤泡状淋巴瘤各l例 ,另有 1例原发瘤不明的转移性肝癌。 6例获手术治疗 ,存活 (11.0± 8.8)个月 ,现仍存活 ;5例于诊断后 (4.4± 2 .7)个月死亡。结论 肾移植患者的肿瘤发生率明显增高 ,以泌尿系统的肿瘤多见 ,治疗上应尽早采取以手术为中心的综合治疗  相似文献   

Romano G, Simonella R, Falleti E, Bortolotti N, Deiuri E, Antonutto G, De Vita S, Ferraccioli GF, Montanaro D. Physical training effects in renal transplant recipients.
Clin Transplant 2010: 24: 510–514.
© 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: Introduction: Several studies demonstrated the benefits of rehabilitation in uraemic patients. This study evaluates physical and psychosocial effects of exercise on renal transplant recipients (RTRs). Patients and methods: Eight RTRs were evaluated before and after an exercise training consisting of thirty 40‐minute sessions, three times a week, performed with the interval training technique. Results: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) significantly decreased (p < 0.04 and <0.008, respectively). Quality of life mean scores (SF‐36 test) significantly increased (p < 0.000). No differences were recorded for muscle and fat mass, maximal explosive power of the lower limbs, alkaline and acid phosphatase, parathormone (PTH), myoglobin, lipoprotein‐A, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), at rest heart rate, and cardiac troponin. IL‐6 decreased from 2.8 ± 0.6 to 1.7 ± 0.5 pg/mL (p < 0.01). Resting MAP fell from 112 ± 4 to 99 ± 3 mmHg (p < 0.02). The metabolic threshold rose from 33 ± 4 to 43 ± 5% (p < 0.033). The blood lactate level at peak exercise increased from 5.2 ± 0.9 to 6.2 ± 0.7 mmol/L (p < 0.012). The maximum oxygen uptake increased from 1200 ± 210 to 1359 ± 202 mL/min (p < 0.05), iso‐load oxygen uptake decreased from 1110 ± 190 to 1007 ± 187 mL/min (p < 0.034). The maximum working capacity increased from 90 ± 14 to 115 ± 15 watts (p < 0.000). Conclusion: This study suggests that an appropriate dose of physical training is a useful, safe and non‐pharmacologic contribution to RTR treatment.  相似文献   

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