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Two adult bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were individually housed in aboveground pools over a 10-day period and exposed to decreasing water temperatures to determine whether cold stress activated the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. To serve as controls, two additional adult dolphins were similarly housed for the same duration but at ambient water temperatures (16.8-19.6 degrees C). Across all subjects, water temperatures ranged from 4.2 to 19.6 degrees C. Voluntary blood draws were made from each dolphin every 2-3 days, and serum was analyzed via radioimmunoassay for cortisol and aldosterone. Dolphins exposed to cold water showed an increase in serum cortisol and aldosterone as temperature declined; at the coldest water exposure, cortisol was more than three times and aldosterone more than two times the levels measured at ambient temperature. Elevations occurred before the water temperature declined below the individual animal's lower critical temperature, the point at which the metabolic rate increases to compensate for the loss of body heat. Variations in corticosteroids were unrelated to the 10-day isolation period, suggesting that the response was related to the cold stress and not impacted by the isolation. Elevations in cortisol and aldosterone were lower than those observed in force captured and stranded dolphins. Although potentially related to the general adaptive stress response, elevations in cortisol and aldosterone may have other adaptive functions related to mitigating impacts resulting from cold environmental temperatures.  相似文献   

The functions of polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) are the important non-specific defense mechanisms in the immune system. Especially marine mammals are protected by these mechanisms from the aquatic environment with a large variety of microorganisms. Therefore, we examined the PMN functions of bottlenose dolphins in order to obtain the normal ranges and to standardize the techniques. PMNs were isolated by using lymphocyte isolate solution whose density was 1.077; superoxide production was assessed by nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test (NBT) and phagocytosis was tested by using polystyrene latex beads. We showed that the optimal incubation time was 30 min in NBT assay and 12 hr in phagocytosis assay for dolphin PMNs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the correlation between plasma iron concentrations and gastric pH in a population of captive Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). ANIMALS: 6 adult female dolphins that ranged from 16 to 30 years of age. PROCEDURES: Blood and gastric samples were collected from each dolphin to allow measurement of plasma iron concentrations and gastric pH, respectively. Samples were collected each month for 12 months. RESULTS: Within each dolphin, plasma iron concentrations and gastric pH did not differ significantly over time. There was a strong negative correlation (r = -0.85) between plasma iron concentration and gastric pH, which suggested that dolphins with a lower gastric pH had a higher plasma iron concentration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Analysis of results reported here suggested that gastric pH may play an important role in iron absorption in dolphins.  相似文献   

Two bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) aborted fetuses that died as a result of Brucella infection. Brucella placentitis occurred in both cases. Infected placenta and vaginal/uterine fluids may transmit Brucella species to other cetaceans. In a third case, an identical organism was cultured from lung necropsy tissue of an adult female T. truncatus. Microbiology, specific polymerase chain reaction, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis results supported the designation of an additional genomic group(s), Brucella delphini, for isolates adapted to T. truncatus. Current serologic diagnostic tests reliable for known Brucella species are unreliable in detecting dolphin brucellosis. Our findings, together with previous reports, suggest that dolphin brucellosis is a naturally occurring disease that can adversely impact reproduction in cetaceans. The zoonotic significance of cetacean brucellosis is unknown, although the disease has not been reported in people who have frequent contact with dolphins. Further studies on the zoonotic aspects, distribution, prevalence, virulence, and impact of this disease in cetaceans and other marine mammal species are needed.  相似文献   

Two Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were given 0.11 mg/kg dexamethasone p.o., and complete blood count and serum chemistry analyses, including insulin, thyroxine (T4) adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), and cortisol level determinations, were performed at 0 hr, 24 hr, 36 hr, 48 hr, 7 days, and 17 days. Significant changes included neutrophilia, eosinopenia, lymphopenia, elevated insulin, and depressed ACTH and cortisol levels within 24 hr of dexamethasone administration. These effects were rapid, and values returned to normal within 48 hr.  相似文献   

The acoustic mode is the most reasonable means for social animals such as dolphins to maintain contact in the underwater habitat, and has been developed since they moved to the sea. This study investigates variations in dolphin vocalizations under the following conditions in a captive environment: 1) before feeding (Pre-feeding), 2) during feeding (Feeding), 3) during free time without the presence of people (Free), 4) during interaction with people located upon a float (Float), 5) during interaction with people in the water (Water). During the experiments, a total of 2642 whistles were extracted from sonogram data using a spectrogram. About 44% of the total whistles were observed during Pre-feeding (1171/2642), and the number recorded during Free, when people were absent, was the smallest. The acoustic contours of dolphin whistles differed in different situations: convex, wave, and trill whistles were made repeatedly during Pre-feeding, thereby being more common at this time than at other times. The situation of Feeding saw an increased number of Upsweeps, which might be related to the use of echolocation. The lower frequencies were recorded during Pre-feeding, reflecting the emotion related to the dolphin's hunger. The results of this study indicate that dolphins increase their vocalization during interaction with people, suggesting that interactions with dolphins provide an effective treatment for human health problems, which is discussed with a reference article in this study. Vocal data obtained during contact with humans might serve as an important index for the dolphin-assisted therapy.  相似文献   

We applied previously published PCR primer pairs to amplify alleles at three polymorphic microsatellite loci to determine the genetic relationship of 6 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that were living together in a Japanese aquarium. The three microsatellite loci were sufficient to determine the haplotype relationships of the six dolphins, which represented three different generations. It was confirmed that this genotyping method is simple and economical for assessing, establishing and maintaining genetic diversity in captive populations and will become a very effective technique for ex situ conservation in aquariums and zoos.  相似文献   

Although there has been extensive research on plasma amino acid profiles of mammals, there is currently a lack of information on seasonal differences in the concentrations of plasma amino acids specifically in cetaceans. The present study examined the response of the plasma amino acids to seasonal changes in the culture environment after controlling for the effect of sex and age. Significant seasonal changes in plasma carnosine (P=0.012), cystine (P=0.0014), isoleucine (P=0.0042), methionine (P=0.002), ornithine (P=0.0096), and taurine (P=0.032) were observed. These amino acids were mainly related to capacity for exercise, ammonia detoxification, thermoregulation, and osmoregulation. We proposed that optimizing plasma amino acids levels by supplementation of amino acids should be of considerable benefit for aquarium-maintained bottlenose dolphins. This study constitutes a first step towards improving our understanding of the metabolism of aquarium-maintained bottlenose dolphins. We also revealed that the ratio of tryptophan to large neutral amino acids significantly declined (P=0.0076), suggesting reduction in serotonin synthesis in winter and autumn. Although further studies are needed, this finding implied that bottlenose dolphins could produce behavioral changes seasonally by the alteration of serotonin activity. To better understand the metabolic machinery for amino acids that facilitate the adaptation of marine mammals to their environments, it is essential to continue monitoring of and further investigations into relationships between plasma amino acids and specific environmental factors.  相似文献   

Progesterone production is essential for growth and development of the conceptus during pregnancy. Abnormal development of the corpus luteum (CL) after conception can result in early embryonic loss or fetal abortion. Routine monitoring of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) pregnancy after artificial insemination or natural conception with ultrasonography and serum progesterone determination has allowed for the establishment of expected fetal growth rates and hormone concentrations. Using these monitoring techniques, we revealed four pregnant dolphins (12-24 yr old) with abnormally low progesterone production indicative of luteal insufficiency. Once diagnosed, animals were placed on altrenogest (0.044-0.088 mg/kg once daily) alone or with oral progesterone (50-200 mg twice daily). Doses of hormone were increased or decreased in each animal based on how fetal skull biparietal and thoracic growth rates compared with published normal values. Hormones were withdrawn starting from day 358 of gestation in animals 1 and 2, with labor occurring 6 and 7 days after withdrawal and at 376 and 373 days of gestation, respectively. Both deliveries were dystocic, with each calf requiring manual extraction and fetotomy for calf 1. The fetuses in animals 3 and 4 died at 348 and 390 days of gestation, respectively. Induction of labor was attempted in both animals, after fetal death, by using a combination of rapid progesterone withdrawal and steroid and prostaglandin F2alpha administration. The calf of animal 4 had to be removed with manual cervical dilation and fetotomy All adult females survived the procedures. These data provide the first in vivo evidence that the CL is the primary source of progesterone throughout pregnancy in the bottlenose dolphin. Until further characterization of hormones required during pregnancy and at parturition has been accomplished, the exogenous progestagen supplementation protocol described here cannot be recommended for treatment of progesterone insufficiency in bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

Reports of diseases in marine mammals are increasing worldwide, however our understanding of the microorganisms associated with marine mammals is still limited. In this study, we cultured bacteria and fungi isolated from the upper respiratory tract (blowhole), gastric fluid and anus of 180 wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from two estuarine locations along the southeastern Atlantic Coast of the United States. A total of 339 and 491 isolates from Charleston, SC (CHS) and Indian River Lagoon, FL (IRL) dolphins, respectively, were cultured from gastric (70 CHS/82 IRL), fecal (141 CHS/184 IRL), and blowhole (128 CHS/225 IRL) swabs on selective media used for routine clinical microorganisms of human concern. The most frequently cultured Gram-negative bacteria from all sample and study types were Plesiomonas shigelloides, Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Among the Gram-positive bacteria, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus sp., and Staphylococcus Coag. Neg were the predominant organisms. For fungi, the most abundant species were Candida glabrata, budding yeasts, and Candida tropicalis. Of concern, the MRSA strain of Staphylococcus aureus was detected in the blowhole and gastric swabs from CHS dolphins. In general, a greater prevalence of bacteria and fungi (four-fold increase) were cultured from IRL than CHS animals. Together, these culture-dependent studies, coupled to on-going culture-independent approaches, should help establish a baseline of microorganisms associated with bottlenose dolphins and aid in the identification of organisms responsible for infectious diseases(s) in these animals.  相似文献   

Diffuse hyperplastic goiter was diagnosed by histopathology in 11 perinatal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that died at four separate zoos and aquaria. Thyroid morphology of these animals was compared with the histologically normal thyroids of two stranded wild bottlenose dolphin calves, a neonate and a 2-mo-old calf. Histologic changes included reduced follicular luminal diameter, markedly reduced or absent luminal colloid, hypertrophy of follicular epithelium, and follicular dysplasia. The etiology of the thyroid gland lesion was not identified. Cause of death was not determined for most of these animals, but they were presumed to have died from metabolic derangements associated with the thyroid lesion, drowning, or dystocia.  相似文献   

Eight adult bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus (six male, two female) were employed in a single-dose study of orally administered enrofloxacin dosed at 5 mg/kg body weight. Blood samples were obtained from all animals at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h following administration of the dose in the animals morning ration of fish. Serum antimicrobial activity concentrations (SAAC) were determined using bioassay. The mean elimination half-life (t1/2) of enrofloxacin and its major metabolites was 6.4+/-2.0 h with a range of 3-9.4 h. The time of maximal serum concentration (tmax) occurred at approximately 4 h with a range of 2-8 h following a single oral dose of 5 mg/kg. This variation in tmax most likely resulted from individual differences in absorption because of variations in the storage and digestion of the fish ration containing the drug dose within the compartmentalized cetacean stomach.  相似文献   

The feeding and growth of a captive-born bottlenose dolphin Tursiops trunÄtus calf were studied for 30 months post partum. Changes in the behaviours associated with suckling were monitored and suggested that the mammary glands need tactile stimulation before the calf can feed. The calf exhibited no teat preference and mean duration of each suckling bout (4 s) remained constant throughout the suckling period. Suckling frequency declined rapidly during the first two months and continued decreasing steadily for the remainder of the study. A reduced growth rate from seven months suggests that nutrition obtained only from milk is insufficient; however, growth rate increased from 11 months, after the calf started feeding on fish. Solid food intake increased rapidly until completion of the study, by which time the calf was eating 16 kg of fish daily. Short-term reductions in food intake after weaning resulted in corresponding reductions in weight, but appeared to have no effect on linear growth.  相似文献   

A 22-yr-old captive-born Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presented with a nonhealing sublingual mucosal ulcer that was diagnosed histologically as a squamous cell carcinoma, the first such report in a dolphin. The lesion was excised completely and has not recurred.  相似文献   

Safe and effective echocardiography would represent a valuable tool for marine mammal veterinarians and physiologists evaluating the dolphin heart. Unfortunately, conventional ultrasound technology (transthoracic echocardiography) has been limited by logistic, anatomic, and behavioral challenges. Five mature male Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were trained for echocardiographic imaging (four for both transthoracic and transesophageal imaging, and one for only transthoracic imaging). It was noted that transesophageal image quality transiently improved when the dolphins spontaneously exhaled. Subsequently, dolphins were conditioned to hold their breath following forced exhalation, and imaging proceeded during such behavioral breath holds. Over 25 transthoracic and 100 transesophageal echocardiographic studies were performed, including both two-dimensional imaging and color flow mapping. Transthoracic imaging yielded poor-quality images of only small portions of the heart. In contrast, transesophageal imaging, which improved dramatically with behavioral breath holding following exhalation, yielded consistently high-quality images of the entire heart (mitral, tricuspid, aortic, and pulmonary valves, atrial and ventricular septa, left and right atria, left and right ventricles, and ascending aorta and main pulmonary artery). Color flow mapping demonstrated mild tricuspid regurgitation in all dolphins, and mild aortic regurgitation in one dolphin found to have a pedunculated mass arising from the sinutubular junction just above the aortic valve. There were no complications in nonsedated dolphins. The heart of the bottlenose dolphin can be safely, effectively, and reproducibly evaluated with the use of transesophageal echocardiography in conjunction with behavioral breath holding following forced exhalation. This approach, and the normative echocardiographic data generated from this work, lays the foundation for future echocardiographic studies of cetaceans.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against species-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) have a broad range of applications in serologic and immunologic research and in the development of clinical assays. Validated anti-IgG antibodies for marine mammal species are in short supply. The objective of this study was to produce and validate antibodies with specificity for IgG of the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Bottlenose dolphin IgG was purified using protein G. Two mouse monoclonal antibodies and a rabbit polyclonal antibody were developed from mice and rabbits immunized with bottlenose dolphin IgG. The specificity of the monoclonal antibodies and the polyclonal antibody for bottlenose dolphin IgG was first verified by Western blot analysis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For further validation, both monoclonal antibodies and the polyclonal antibody were incorporated in an indirect ELISA for the detection of the immune response of bottlenose dolphins to a vaccine antigen. Three bottlenose dolphins were immunized with a commercial Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae vaccine, and serial blood samples were collected from all dolphins for measurement of levels of circulating antibodies. Seroconversion was observed in all 3 dolphins by use of both monoclonal antibodies and the polyclonal antibody. Circulating antibodies were detectable as early as 6 days after immunization in 1 dolphin. Peak antibody levels were detected 14 days after the immunization. The ability to detect seroconversion in all 3 immunized bottlenose dolphins firmly establishes the specificity of the monoclonal antibodies and the polyclonal antibody for IgG of the common bottlenose dolphin.  相似文献   

Eight bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that stranded in Cornwall, south-west England, between June 2004 and December 2007 were examined using standardised postmortem examination and bacteriological methods. Evidence of Brucella species infection was found in four of these dolphins on culture. In addition, of the eight dolphins, four were positive and two were weakly positive for antibodies to Brucella species on serological analyses of pericardial and other fluids using a competitive ELISA and two indirect ELISAs. High or very high levels of the sum of 25 individual chlorobiphenyl congeners (∑25CBs) were also determined in blubber samples from two of the dolphins (45.5 and 446.6 mg/kg lipid weight).  相似文献   

Phagocytic and respiratory burst activity was simultaneously measured by flow cytometry in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and monocytes in whole blood from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Blood was collected from 16 adult dolphins, 12 males (6-34 years of age) and 4 females (11-30 years) and subsequently incubated with a bacteria-to-leukocyte ratio of 25:1 and 10 μl of 500 μM 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate for 70 min at 37°C. PMN (44.5 ± 3.2%) and monocytes (33.5 ± 3.0%) were positive for propidium iodide-labeled Staphylococcus aureus, indicating phagocytosis. Respiratory burst activity after 70 min as measured by the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was 68.0 ± 14.4 in PMN and 47.0 ± 10.3 in monocytes. There were no significant differences in MFI or percentage of phagocytizing PMN (p > 0.094) or monocytes (p > 0.275) after storage at 4°C for 24h when compared to activity measured in fresh blood. Nor was there an effect of storage on respiratory burst activity (MFI or percentage) in PMN (p > 0.420) or monocytes (p > 0.301). This assay may be particularly useful to assess the ability of dolphins to effectively combat bacterial pathogen challenges with minimal amounts of blood.  相似文献   

The bottlenose dolphin interleukin (IL)-8 cDNA was molecularly cloned. The dolphin IL-8 has an open reading frame of 303-bp encoding 101 amino acids. The homology of the amino acid sequence with that of other species was: sheep, 89.1%; cattle, 88.1%; pig, 85.1%; dog, 85.1%; horse, 79.2%; human, 74.5%; and macaque, 72.3%. The amino acid sequence suggested that dolphin IL-8 was a CXC chemokine. The recombinant dolphin IL-8 protein was recognized with anti-ovine IL-8 monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

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