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In order to evaluate and develop mission concepts for a search for Terrestrial Exoplanets, we have prepared a list of potential target systems. In this paper we present and discuss the criteria for selecting potential target stars, suitable for the search for Earth-like planets, with a special emphasis on the aspects of the habitable zone for these stellar systems. Planets found within these zones would be potentially able to host complex life forms. We derive a final target star sample of potential target stars, the Darwin All Sky Star Catalogue (DASSC). The DASSC contains a sample of 2303 identified objects of which 284 are F-, 464 G-, 883 K- and 615 M-type stars and 57 stars without B-V index. Of these objects 949 objects are flagged in the DASSC as multiple systems, resulting in 1229 single main sequence stars of which 107 are F, 235 are G, 536 are K, and 351 are M type. We derive configuration dependent sub-catalogues from the DASSC for two technical designs, the initial baseline design and the advanced Emma design as well as a catalogue using an inner working angle cutoff. We discuss the selection criteria, derived parameters and completeness of sample for different classes of stars.  相似文献   

It is shown that the pervasive cosmic-ray protons in the vicinity of the Earth would produce infrared photons by erenkov radiation in the material walls, and mirrors, of an orbiting infrared interferometer designed to search for non-solar planets. The flux of such photons is at least comparable to the zodiacal infrared background radiation. It is found that for the worst possible conditions a minimum time of about six weeks is indicated for planetary detection using a fourth-harmonic noise analysis. It is suggested that direct laboratory measurement of a simulated cosmic-ray-induced erenkov flux be undertaken to settle the question of the background contaminant produced by this effect.  相似文献   

The World Space Observatory UltraViolet (WSO–UV) is an international space mission devoted to UV spectroscopy and imaging. The observatory includes a 170 cm aperture telescope capable of high-resolution and long slit low-resolution spectroscopy, and deep UV and optical imaging. The observatory is designed for observations in the ultraviolet domain where most of astrophysical processes can be efficiently studied with unprecedented capability.  相似文献   

The Sun, driving a supersonic solar wind, cuts out of the local interstellar medium a giant plasma bubble, the heliosphere. ESA, jointly with NASA, has had an important role in the development of our current understanding of the Suns immediate neighborhood. Ulysses is the only spacecraft exploring the third, out-of-ecliptic dimension, while SOHO has allowed us to better understand the influence of the Sun and to image the glow of interstellar matter in the heliosphere. Voyager 1 has recently encountered the innermost boundary of this plasma bubble, the termination shock, and is returning exciting yet puzzling data of this remote region. The next logical step is to leave the heliosphere and to thereby map out in unprecedented detail the structure of the outer heliosphere and its boundaries, the termination shock, the heliosheath, the heliopause, and, after leaving the heliosphere, to discover the true nature of the hydrogen wall, the bow shock, and the local interstellar medium beyond. This will greatly advance our understanding of the heliosphere that is the best-known example for astrospheres as found around other stars. Thus, IHP/HEX will allow us to discover, explore, and understand fundamental astrophysical processes in the largest accessible plasma laboratory, the heliosphere.  相似文献   

The discovery of ubiquitous habitable extrasolar planets,combined with revolutionary advances in instrumentation and observational capabilities,has ushered in a renaissance in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence(SETI).Large scale SETI activities are now underway at numerous international facilities.The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)is the largest single-aperture radio telescope in the world,and is well positioned to conduct sensitive searches for radio emission indicative of exo-intelligence.SETI is one of the five key science goals specified in the original FAST project plan.A collaboration with the Breakthrough Listen Initiative was initiated in 2016 with a joint statement signed both by Dr.Jun Yan,the then director of National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC),and Dr.Peter Worden,Chairman of the Breakthrough Prize Foundation.In this paper,we highlight some of the unique features of FAST that will allow for novel SETI observations.We identify and describe three different signal types indicative of a technological source,namely,narrow band,wide-band artificially dispersed and modulated signals.Here,we propose observations with FAST to achieve sensitivities never before explored.For nearby exoplanets,such as TESS targets,FAST will be sensitive to an EIRP of 1.9×1011 W,well within the reach of current human technology.For the Andromeda Galaxy,FAST will be able to detect any Kardashev type II or more advanced civilization there.  相似文献   

As one of the three payloads for the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission,the Lyman-alpha(Lyα) Solar Telescope(LST) is composed of three instruments: a Solar Corona Imager(SCI), a Lyα Solar Disk Imager(SDI) and a full-disk White-light Solar Telescope(WST). When working in-orbit, LST will simultaneously perform high-resolution imaging observations of all regions from the solar disk to the inner corona up to 2.5 R_⊙(R_⊙ stands for the mean solar radius) with a spatial resolution of 4.8′′and 1.2′′for coronal and disk observations, respectively, and a temporal resolution of 30 – 120 s and 1 – 120 s for coronal and disk observations, respectively. The maximum exposure time can be up to20 s due to precise pointing and image stabilization function. Among the three telescopes of LST, SCI is a dual-waveband coronagraph simultaneously and independently observing the inner corona in the HI Lyα(121.6±10 nm) line and white light(WL)(700±40 nm) wavebands by using a narrowband Lyα beam splitter and has a field of view(FOV) from 1.1 to 2.5 R_⊙. The stray-light suppression level can attain10~(-6) B_⊙(B_⊙ is the mean brightness of the solar disk) at 1.1 R_⊙ and ≤5×10~(-8) B_⊙ at 2.5 R_⊙. SDI and WST are solar disk imagers working in the Lyα line and 360.0 nm wavebands, respectively, which adopt an off-axis two-mirror reflective structure with an FOV up to 1.2 R_⊙, covering the inner coronal edge area and relating to coronal imaging. We present the up-to-date design for the LST payload.  相似文献   

We show that the surface of a planet growing by planetesimal impact is heated over the melting temperature of the surface materials due to the blanketing effect of an impact induced H2O atmosphere with the present H2O abundance of the Earth even when the accretion time is as long as 108 years. Hence, a magma ocean covering the entire surface was formed on the Earth and Moon and other terrestrial planets during their formations.  相似文献   

《Experimental Astronomy》2009,23(3):849-892
The exploration of the Jovian System and its fascinating satellite Europa is one of the priorities presented in ESA’s “Cosmic Vision” strategic document. The Jovian System indeed displays many facets. It is a small planetary system in its own right, built-up out of the mixture of gas and icy material that was present in the external region of the solar nebula. Through a complex history of accretion, internal differentiation and dynamic interaction, a very unique satellite system formed, in which three of the four Galilean satellites are locked in the so-called Laplace resonance. The energy and angular momentum they exchange among themselves and with Jupiter contribute to various degrees to the internal heating sources of the satellites. Unique among these satellites, Europa is believed to shelter an ocean between its geodynamically active icy crust and its silicate mantle, one where the main conditions for habitability may be fulfilled. For this very reason, Europa is one of the best candidates for the search for life in our Solar System. So, is Europa really habitable, representing a “habitable zone” in the Jupiter system? To answer this specific question, we need a dedicated mission to Europa. But to understand in a more generic way the habitability conditions around giant planets, we need to go beyond Europa itself and address two more general questions at the scale of the Jupiter system: to what extent is its possible habitability related to the initial conditions and formation scenario of the Jovian satellites? To what extent is it due to the way the Jupiter system works? ESA’s Cosmic Vision programme offers an ideal and timely framework to address these three key questions. Building on the in-depth reconnaissance of the Jupiter System by Galileo (and the Voyager, Ulysses, Cassini and New Horizons fly-by’s) and on the anticipated accomplishments of NASA’s JUNO mission, it is now time to design and fly a new mission which will focus on these three major questions. LAPLACE, as we propose to call it, will deploy in the Jovian system a triad of orbiting platforms to perform coordinated observations of its main components: Europa, our priority target, the Jovian satellites, Jupiter’s magnetosphere and its atmosphere and interior. LAPLACE will consolidate Europe’s role and visibility in the exploration of the Solar System and will foster the development of technologies for the exploration of deep space in Europe. Its multi-platform and multi-target architecture, combined with its broadly multidisciplinary scientific dimension, will provide an outstanding opportunity to build a broad international collaboration with all interested nations and space agencies. Team members: full list available at . Full list of LAPLACE proposal members at .  相似文献   

As one of the payloads for the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission, the Lyman-alpha(Lyα) Solar Telescope(LST) is aimed at imaging the Sun and the inner corona up to 2.5 R_⊙(mean solar radius) in both the Lyα(121.6 nm) and visible wavebands with high temporo-spatial resolution,mainly targeting solar flares, coronal mass ejections(CMEs) and filaments/prominences. LST observations allow us to trace solar eruptive phenomena from the disk center to the inner corona, to study the relationships between eruptive prominences/filaments, solar flares and CMEs, to explore the dynamical processes and evolution of solar eruptions, to diagnose solar winds, and to derive physical parameters of the solar atmosphere. LST is actually an instrument suite, which consists of a Solar Disk Imager(SDI), a Solar Corona Imager(SCI), a White-light Solar Telescope(WST) and two Guide Telescopes(GTs). This is the first paper in a series of LST-related papers. In this paper, we introduce the scientific objectives, present an overview of the LST payload and describe the planned observations. The detailed design and data along with potential diagnostics are described in the second(Paper II) and third(Paper III) papers, respectively, appearing in this issue.  相似文献   

The Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope(LST) is one of the three payloads onboard the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S) mission. It aims at imaging the Sun from the disk center up to 2.5 R_⊙ targeting solar eruptions, particularly coronal mass ejections(CMEs), solar flares, prominences/filaments and related phenomena, as well as the fast and slow solar wind. The most prominent speciality of LST is the simultaneous observation of the solar atmosphere in both Lyα and white light(WL)with high temporospatial resolution both on the solar disk and the inner corona. New observations in the Lyα line together with traditional WL observations will provide us with many new insights into solar eruptions and solar wind. LST consists of a Solar Corona Imager(SCI) with a field of view(FOV) of 1.1 –2.5 R_⊙, a Solar Disk Imager(SDI) and a full-disk White-light Solar Telescope(WST) with an identical FOV up to 1.2 R_⊙. SCI has a dual waveband in Lyα(121.6 ± 10 nm) and in WL(700 ± 40 nm), while SDI works in the Lyα waveband of 121.6 ± 7.5 nm and WST works in the violet narrow-band continuum of 360 ± 2.0 nm. To produce high quality science data, careful ground and in-flight calibrations are required.We present our methods for different calibrations including dark field correction, flat field correction, radiometry, instrumental polarization and optical geometry. Based on the data calibration, definitions of the data levels and processing procedures for the defined levels from raw data are described. Plasma physical diagnostics offer key ingredients to understand ejecta and plasma flows in the inner corona, as well as different features on the solar disk including flares, filaments, etc. Therefore, we are making efforts to develop various tools to detect the different features observed by LST, and then to derive their physical parameters,for example, the electron density and temperature of CMEs, the outflow velocity of the solar wind, and the hydrogen density and mass flows of prominences. Coordinated observations and data analyses with the coronagraphs onboard Solar Orbiter, PROBA-3, and Aditya are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

GETEMME (Gravity, Einstein??s Theory, and Exploration of the Martian Moons?? Environment), a mission which is being proposed in ESA??s Cosmic Vision program, shall be launched for Mars on a Soyuz Fregat in 2020. The spacecraft will initially rendezvous with Phobos and Deimos in order to carry out a comprehensive mapping and characterization of the two satellites and to deploy passive Laser retro-reflectors on their surfaces. In the second stage of the mission, the spacecraft will be transferred into a lower 1500-km Mars orbit, to carry out routine Laser range measurements to the reflectors on Phobos and Deimos. Also, asynchronous two-way Laser ranging measurements between the spacecraft and stations of the ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service) on Earth are foreseen. An onboard accelerometer will ensure a high accuracy for the spacecraft orbit determination. The inversion of all range and accelerometer data will allow us to determine or improve dramatically on a host of dynamic parameters of the Martian satellite system. From the complex motion and rotation of Phobos and Deimos we will obtain clues on internal structures and the origins of the satellites. Also, crucial data on the time-varying gravity field of Mars related to climate variation and internal structure will be obtained. Ranging measurements will also be essential to improve on several parameters in fundamental physics, such as the Post-Newtonian parameter ?? as well as time-rate changes of the gravitational constant and the Lense-Thirring effect. Measurements by GETEMME will firmly embed Mars and its satellites into the Solar System reference frame.  相似文献   

The motion of Hyperion is an almost perfect application of second kind and second genius orbit, according to Poincaré’s classification. In order to construct such an orbit, we suppose that Titan’s motion is an elliptical one and that the observed frequencies are such that 4n H−3n T+3n ω=0, where n H, n T are the mean motions of Hyperion and Titan, n ω is the rate of rotation of Hyperion’s pericenter. We admit that the observed motion of Hyperion is a periodic motion such as . Then, .N H, N T, kN +. With that hypothesis we show that Hyperion’s orbit tends to a particular periodic solution among the periodic solutions of the Keplerian problem, when Titan’s mass tends to zero. The condition of periodicity allows us to construct this orbit which represents the real motion with a very good approximation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present scientific program construction principles and a time allocation scheme developed for the World Space Observatory—Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) mission, which is an international space observatory for observation in UV spectral range 100–300 nm. The WSO-UV consists of a 1.7 m aperture telescope with instrumentation designed to carry out high resolution spectroscopy, long-slit low resolution spectroscopy and direct sky imaging. The WSO-UV Ground Segment is under development by Spain and Russia. They will coordinate the Mission and Science Operations and provide the satellite tracking stations for the project.  相似文献   

The National Ignition Facility (NIF), a 192-beam Nd-glass laser facility capable of producing 1.8 MJ and 500 TW of ultraviolet light, is now operational at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As the world??s largest and most energetic laser system, NIF serves as the national center for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration to achieve thermonuclear burn in the laboratory and to explore the behavior of matter at extreme temperatures and energy densities. By concentrating the energy from all of its 192 extremely energetic laser beams into a mm3-sized target, NIF can reach the conditions required to initiate fusion reactions. NIF can also provide access to extreme scientific environments: temperatures about 100 million K, densities of 1,000 g/cm3, and pressures 100 billion times atmospheric pressure. These conditions have never been created before in a laboratory and exist naturally only in interiors of the planetary and stellar environments as well as in nuclear weapons. Since August 2009, the NIF team has been conducting experiments in support of the National Ignition Campaign (NIC)??a partnership among LLNL, Los Alamos National Laboratory, General Atomics, the University of Rochester, Sandia National Laboratories, as well as a number of universities and international collaborators. The results from these initial experiments show promise for the relatively near-term achievement of ignition. Capsule implosion experiments at energies up to 1.2 MJ have demonstrated laser energetics, radiation temperatures, and symmetry control that scale to ignition conditions. Of particular importance is the demonstration of peak hohlraum temperatures near 300 eV with overall backscatter less than 10%. Cryogenic target capability and additional diagnostics are being installed in preparation for layered target deuterium-tritium implosions to be conducted later in 2010. Important national security and basic science experiments have also been conducted on NIF. This paper describes the unprecedented experimental capabilities of NIF and the results achieved so far on the path toward ignition, for stockpile stewardship, and the beginning of frontier science experiments. The paper will also address our plans to transition NIF to a national user facility, providing access to NIF for researchers from the DOE laboratories, as well as the national and international academic and fusion energy communities.  相似文献   

The data acquired by the Vega and Giotto spacecraft, while investigating comet 1Р/Halley in 1986, are compared to the results of the first phase of exploration of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko performed with the Rosetta and Philae modules. The course of the Rosetta mission activity and the status of the modules after the Philae probe landing on the comet’s nucleus are overviewed. Since some elements of the touchdown equipment failed, a number of in-situ experiments on the comet’s nucleus were not carried out.  相似文献   

ASTROD I is a planned interplanetary space mission with multiple goals. The primary aims are: to test general relativity with an improvement in sensitivity of over three orders of magnitude, improving our understanding of gravity and aiding the development of a new quantum gravity theory; to measure key solar system parameters with increased accuracy, advancing solar physics and our knowledge of the solar system; and to measure the time rate of change of the gravitational constant with an order of magnitude improvement and the anomalous Pioneer acceleration, thereby probing dark matter and dark energy gravitationally. It is an international project, with major contributions from Europe and China and is envisaged as the first in a series of ASTROD missions. ASTROD I will consist of one spacecraft carrying a telescope, four lasers, two event timers and a clock. Two-way, two-wavelength laser pulse ranging will be used between the spacecraft in a solar orbit and deep space laser stations on Earth, to achieve the ASTROD I goals. A second mission, ASTROD (ASTROD II) is envisaged as a three-spacecraft mission which would test General Relativity to 1 ppb, enable detection of solar g-modes, measure the solar Lense–Thirring effect to 10 ppm, and probe gravitational waves at frequencies below the LISA bandwidth. In the third phase (ASTROD III or Super-ASTROD), larger orbits could be implemented to map the outer solar system and to probe primordial gravitational-waves at frequencies below the ASTROD II bandwidth.
Wei-Tou NiEmail:

As a result of an error by the authors,in the paper"The Lyman-alpha Solar Telescope(LST)for the ASO-S Mission.I.Scientific Objectives and Overview"by Hui Li et al.(RAA 2019 Vol.19,No.11,158,doi:10.1088/1674C4527/19/11/158),there is an error occurred in Table 2 about the image size of SCI UV in the'Event'mode:the image size 4608×4608 should be replaced by 2048×2048.This correction is indicated in bold face in the following table.  相似文献   

We investigate the interacting NADE model in non-flat universe. The effects of spatial curvature Ω k , interaction coefficient α and the main parameter of NADE, n, on EoS parameter w d and deceleration parameter q are studied. We obtain a minimum value for n in both early and present time, in order to that our DE model crosses the phantom divide. Also in a closed universe, changing the sign of q is strongly dependent on α. It has been shown that the quantities w d and q have a different treatment for various spatial curvature. At last, we calculate the statefinder diagnostic and ww analysis in non flat universe. In non flat universe, the statefinder trajectories are discriminated by both n and α.  相似文献   

ASTROD I is a planned interplanetary space mission with multiple goals. The primary aims are: to test General Relativity with an improvement in sensitivity of over 3 orders of magnitude, improving our understanding of gravity and aiding the development of a new quantum gravity theory; to measure key solar system parameters with increased accuracy, advancing solar physics and our knowledge of the solar system; and to measure the time rate of change of the gravitational constant with an order of magnitude improvement and the anomalous Pioneer acceleration, thereby probing dark matter and dark energy gravitationally. It is envisaged as the first in a series of ASTROD missions. ASTROD I will consist of one spacecraft carrying a telescope, four lasers, two event timers and a clock. Two-way, two-wavelength laser pulse ranging will be used between the spacecraft in a solar orbit and deep space laser stations on Earth, to achieve the ASTROD I goals.For this mission, accurate pulse timing with an ultra-stable clock, and a drag-free spacecraft with reliable inertial sensor are required. T2L2 has demonstrated the required accurate pulse timing; rubidium clock on board Galileo has mostly demonstrated the required clock stability; the accelerometer on board GOCE has paved the way for achieving the reliable inertial sensor; the demonstration of LISA Pathfinder will provide an excellent platform for the implementation of the ASTROD I drag-free spacecraft. These European activities comprise the pillars for building up the mission and make the technologies needed ready. A second mission, ASTROD or ASTROD-GW (depending on the results of ASTROD I), is envisaged as a three-spacecraft mission which, in the case of ASTROD, would test General Relativity to one part per billion, enable detection of solar g-modes, measure the solar Lense-Thirring effect to 10 parts per million, and probe gravitational waves at frequencies below the LISA bandwidth, or in the case of ASTROD-GW, would be dedicated to probe gravitational waves at frequencies below the LISA bandwidth to 100?nHz and to detect solar g-mode oscillations. In the third phase (Super-ASTROD), larger orbits could be implemented to map the outer solar system and to probe primordial gravitational-waves at frequencies below the ASTROD bandwidth. This paper on ASTROD I is based on our 2010 proposal submitted for the ESA call for class-M mission proposals, and is a sequel and an update to our previous paper (Appouchaux et al., Exp Astron 23:491?C527, 2009; designated as Paper I) which was based on our last proposal submitted for the 2007 ESA call. In this paper, we present our orbit selection with one Venus swing-by together with orbit simulation. In Paper I, our orbit choice is with two Venus swing-bys. The present choice takes shorter time (about 250?days) to reach the opposite side of the Sun. We also present a preliminary design of the optical bench, and elaborate on the solar physics goals with the radiation monitor payload. We discuss telescope size, trade-offs of drag-free sensitivities, thermal issues and present an outlook.  相似文献   

Q. Hao  C. Fang  P. F. Chen 《Solar physics》2013,286(2):385-404
We developed a method to automatically detect and trace solar filaments in Hα full-disk images. The program is able not only to recognize filaments and determine their properties, such as the position, the area, the spine, and other relevant parameters, but also to trace the daily evolution of the filaments. The program consists of three steps: First, preprocessing is applied to correct the original images; second, the Canny edge-detection method is used to detect filaments; third, filament properties are recognized through morphological operators. To test the algorithm, we successfully applied it to observations from the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (MLSO). We analyzed Hα images obtained by the MLSO from 1998 to 2009 and obtained a butterfly diagram of filaments. This shows that the latitudinal migration of solar filaments has three trends in Solar Cycle 23: The drift velocity was fast from 1998 to the solar maximum, after which it became relatively slow. After 2006, the migration became divergent, signifying the solar minimum. About 60 % of the filaments with latitudes higher than 50° migrate toward the polar regions with relatively high velocities, and the latitudinal migrating speeds in the northern and the southern hemispheres do not differ significantly in Solar Cycle 23.  相似文献   

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