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随着软件测试技术的飞速发展,很多自动生成和执行测试用例的方法的技术已经发展起来。对于自动生成测试用例的约束的形式化定义也有很多方法,其中,对象约束语言(OCL)就是其中最具代表性的。OCL能够弥补UML模型的不足,精确地定义约束条件。本文将着重介绍一种从OCL文法解析到约束条件分离的方法的研究结果,通过与OCL文法比较,解析输入的OCL文本,提取OCL表达式,构建约束条件树,实现约束条件分离,最终实现测试用例集的自动生成。  相似文献   

随着软件测试技术的飞速发展,很多自动生成和执行测试用例的方法的技术已经发展起来。对于自动生成测试用例的约束的形式化定义也有很多方法,其中,对象约束语言(OCL)就是其中最具代表性的。OCL能够弥补UML模型的不足,精确地定义约束条件。本文将着重介绍一种从OCL文法解析到约束条件分离的方法的研究结果,通过与OCL文法比较,解析输入的OCL文本,提取OCL表达式,构建约束条件树,实现约束条件分离,最终实现测试用例集的自动生成。  相似文献   

We show that the pointwise version of the logic MTL is strictly less expressive than the continuous version, over finitewords. The proof is constructive in that we exhibit a timed language, which is definable in the continuous semantics but is not definable in the pointwise semantics.  相似文献   

A type inference system and a big-step operational semantics for expressions of the Object Constraint Language (OCL), the declarative and navigational constraint language for the Unified Modeling Language (UML), are provided; the account is mainly based on OCL 1.4/5, but also includes the main features of OCL 2.0. The formal systems are parameterised in terms of UML static structures and UML object models, which are treated abstractly. It is proved that the operational semantics satisfies a subject reduction property with respect to the type inference system. Proceeding from the operational semantics and providing a denotational semantics, pure OCL 2.0 expressions are shown to exactly represent the primitive recursive functions, whereas pure OCL 1.4/5 expressions are Turing complete.  相似文献   

介绍一个搜索引擎系统的开发。运用UML用例图做系统的需求分析,运用UML类图、状态图、包图进行系统设计。以OCL表达式丰富状态图。使用C#语言和ASP.NET编程,SQL Server存储信息,系统运行在微软.NET环境上。遵循面向对象方法,如逐步求精和模块化,建立UML/OCL模型、组织程序,将系统逐层分解成具有特定功能的模块。系统由收集器、索引器、检索器三大部分组成,分别负责数据收集、数据分析和索引构建、用户检索接口。论文报告系统分析、设计和实现的思想和过程。  相似文献   

曾一  丁娜  邹明 《计算机工程》2012,38(10):34-37
研究UML活动图多态性测试用例的生成方法。形式化定义活动图,结合由类图、OCL约束和Liskov替换原则确定的多态性方法类集,扩展活动图中含多态信息的节点,得到多态扩展活动图。利用测试路径构造方法和覆盖准则,对多态扩展活动图进行遍历,生成测试用例。实验结果表明,该方法能生成含多态性信息的测试用例,提高测试覆盖度。  相似文献   

统一建模语言(UML)无法精确描述系统模型,只能从某一层面描述系统信息,从而导致基于UML模型的多态测试不完备。为此,提出一种带OCL约束的多态路径测试线索生成方法。通过在类图中加入OCL约束信息,考虑类图中多态性对测试的影响,结合UML类图、状态图及协作图,设计并构造OCL约束下包含多态和状态信息的消息间受限控制流图(MRCFG),应用唯一MRCFG路径覆盖准则生成测试线索。通过建立原型工具自动生成包含多态信息的测试线索,从而证明该方法提高了测试的自动化程度,并且生成的多态测试线索更完备。  相似文献   

带OCL约束条件的类图到Object-Z规格说明的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何提高软件的可靠性是目前软件研究领域的一个热点。将形式化方法和主流的软件开发方法相结合是一个可行的方法。本文研究UML语言和Object-Z语言相结合的方法,为主流的软件开发人员所使用的图形化规格说明技术与形式方法提供的精确的分析和验证技术架起了一座桥梁。本文定义如何将带0CL约束条件的类图转换到Object-Z规格说明的方法。这样不仅可以通过支持Object-Z语言的工具采对UML语言描述的系统性质进行验证和确认,而且能够帮助规格说明人员方便地构造Object-Z规格说明。  相似文献   

研究了UML模型到B形式化规约的转换。提出了一套从OCL数据类型及定义在这些数据类型上的操作到BAMN的转换规则。OCL的Boolean类型和Integer类型分别对应于B中的BOOL类型和Z类型;OCL中的String类型需用B抽象机器重新定义新的数据类型Char_TYPE和String_TYPE来进行规约;OCL中的REAL类型采用B中的记录表达式进行近似模拟;OCL中的Collection类型(包括Set,Orderedset,Bag,Sequence)用B语言中的set,sequence,tree等进行近似模拟。  相似文献   

在传统的UML Statechart图中加入了数据流对象后,因为UML Statechart图缺乏精确的数据流语义,所以不适合应用UML Statechart图对工作流中的数据流进行建模并验证其正确性。为了解决这一问题,选择标记转换系统(LTS)作为语义域,并用结构化操作语义(SOS)分两步定义了UML Statechart图的数据流语义,为工作流中的数据流正确性验证奠定了基础。在此基础上,使用时序逻辑公式表示数据流所需满足的性质,在验证数据流的正确性之前,给出了将它的UML Statechart图模型转化为可达状态迁移图的算法,最后通过模型检测算法验证数据流的正确性。  相似文献   

企业实施管理信息化是企业核心竞争能力的主要组成部分,也是企业实现可持续发展的重要保证。人是企业中最重要的资源,对于企业人力资源信息模型的研究具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。本文在对企业人力资源信息进行本体论建模的基础上引入OCL约束,一方面消除了单纯使用本体描述语言时存在的不足,弥补了本体论建模时可能存在的属性不一致或是不相容的现象,而且通过扩充OCL约束集,采用一阶二元谓词的描述转换,实现了对企业人力资源领域状态的动态转移的描述,最终形成了对企业人力资源信息的静态和动态的形式化描述。  相似文献   

Validation of protocols with temporal constraints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reachability analysis is the most popular and most used method in protocol validation. It consists in constructing a graph called a reachability graph, describing communication of machines exchanging messages through FIFO channels. The states and structure of this graph are then analysed according to given properties to validate the related communication protocol. In this paper, we deal with a generalization of reachability analysis to take into account quantitative temporal constraints in protocol validation. A temporal reachability graph is designed, and we show how it can be used to analyse new general properties of communication protocols submitted to temporal constraints.  相似文献   

Assessment of the correctness of software models is a key issue to ensure the quality of the final application. To this end, this paper presents an automatic method for the verification of UML class diagrams extended with OCL constraints. Our method checks compliance of the diagram with respect to several correctness properties including weak and strong satisfiability or absence of constraint redundancies among others. The method works by translating the UML/OCL model into a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) that is evaluated using state-of-the-art constraint solvers to determine the correctness of the initial model. Our approach is particularly relevant to current MDA and MDD methods where software models are the primary artifacts of the development process and the basis for the (semi-)automatic code-generation of the final application.  相似文献   

UML statecharts are used for describing dynamic aspects of system behavior. The work presented here extends a general Petri net-based methodology to support formal modeling of UML statecharts. The approach focuses on the specific task of generating explicit transition models associated with the hierarchical structure of statechart. We introduce a state-transition notation to serve as an intermediate model for conversion of UML statecharts, and in particular, the complexity of composite states, to other target specifications. By defining a process for deriving, from UML statecharts, a state-transition notation that can serve as an intermediate state machine model, we seek to deepen understanding of modeling practices and help bridge the gap between model development and model analysis. This work covers all of the primary issues associated with the hierarchical structure of composite states, including entry and exit transitions, transition priorities, history states, and event dispatching. Thus, the results provide an important step forward toward the goal of modeling increasingly complex semantics of UML statecharts. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under grant number DAAD19-01-1-1-0672, and the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant number CCR-9988168.  相似文献   

The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is widely used to express static constraints on models and object-oriented systems. However, the notion of dynamic constraints, controlling the system behavior over time, has not been natively supported. Such dynamic constraints are necessary to handle temporal and real-time properties of systems.In this paper, we first add a temporal layer to the OCL language, based syntactically on Dwyer et al.'s specification patterns. We enrich it with formal scenario-based semantics and integrate it into the current Eclipse OCL plug-in. Second, we translate, with a compositional approach, OCL temporal properties into finite-state automata and we connect our framework to automatic test generators. This way, we create a bridge linking model driven engineering and usual formal methods.  相似文献   

In this article we present a method for describing the language of UML statecharts. Statecharts are syntactically defined as attributed graphs, with well-formedness rules specified by a set of first-order predicates over the abstract syntax of the graphs. The dynamic semantics of statecharts is defined by Abstract State Machines parameterized with syntactically-correct attributed graphs. The presented approach covers many important constructs of UML statecharts, including internal, completion, interlevel and compound transitions as well as history pseudostates. It also contains strategies to handle state entry/exit actions, state activities, synch states and choice pseudostates.  相似文献   

基于UML的适应调度知识系统开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对复杂制造系统进行有效的适应调度,构建性能优良的知识系统是基础和核心。采用统一建模语言对适应调度知识系统的分析、设计和实现进行描述,建立了反映知识系统静态结构和动态行为的各种视图,使用对象约束语言对在系统设计中出现的类对象进行精确语义约束。使用这种建模技术减小了对领域知识专家的严重依赖,提高了知识系统开发的质量和效率。最后给出了应用实例验证该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper the Web Ontology Language (OWL) is examined to instantiate expert system knowledge bases intended for semantic Web applications. In particular, OWL is analyzed for expressing Unified Modeling Language (UML) representations that have been augmented with propositional logic asserted as inter‐link constraints. The motivation is ultimately to provide declarative propositional logic constraints that can be represented in UML and declaratively implemented using OWL and other constructs to realize semantic Web knowledge base repositories and databases to facilitate expert system applications. The results of this paper show that OWL is sufficient for capturing most inter‐link constraints asserted on generalization/specialization instances; however, OWL alone is inadequate for representing some inter‐link constraints asserted on associations. We propose enhancements to OWL via RDF extensions for the reification of associations into classes. These extensions mitigate all concerns that were identified in OWL as part of this study. The result is increased support of declarative constraint representations, which can be expressed in knowledge bases in the context of the semantic Web.  相似文献   

UML类图的形式化及分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
统一建模语言(UML)是一种通用的图形化建模语言,在面向对象系统的分析和设计中,它已成为事实上的工业标准。但是UML不是形式化的建模语言,缺乏精确的语义描述,因此会导致一些问题。Z是一种广泛使用的形式化规约语言,Z适合用来精确地表示模型的语法和语义。文章采用Z符号来表示UML类图的组成元素的语法和语义及其映射关系,最后对UML类图的一些性质进行分析和验证。  相似文献   

武器系统效能评估是武器系统设计过程中的重要环节,效能评估指标体系作为效能评估的前提和基础,其描述的精确性将直接影响武器系统效能评估的结果.针对武器系统的设计过程,提出了一种效能评估指标体系的描述方法,即元模型描述方法;引入统一建模语言(UML)规范的一部分对象约束语言(OCL)对其进行精确描述.最后,通过实验验证了OCL描述的正确性,为武器系统设计过程中的效能评估提供依据.  相似文献   

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