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无线传感器网络   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
随着传感器、计算机和通信技术的发展,由于其广泛的应用前景,集成了这三种技术的无线传感器网络引起广大研究人员的关注。该文简单地介绍了无线传感器网络的体系结构和特点,并着重从设计传感器网络的基本原则出发,分析了无线传感器网络研究的一些关键问题。最后,文章探讨了无线传感器网络的应用前景,并给出了结论。  相似文献   

Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs)have found more and more applications in a variety of pervasive computing environments.However,how to support the development,maintenance,deployment and execution of applications over WSNs remains to be a nontrivial and challenging task,mainly because of the gap between the high level requirements from pervasive computing applications and the underlying operation of WSNs.Middleware for WSN can help bridge the gap and remove impediments.In recent years,research has been carri...  相似文献   

无线传感器网络研究综述   总被引:39,自引:17,他引:39  
无线传感器网络作为计算、通信和传感器三项技术相结合的产物,是一种全新的信息获取和处理技术。在简要介绍无线传感器网络体系结构的基础上,分析和展望了一些有价值的应用领域。结合已有研究,从数据采集、数据计算和路由协议三方面介绍无线传感器网络的研究现状,并着重介绍了目前无线传感器网络采用的路由技术,最后指出了下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络是一种全新的计算模式,是继因特网之后将对21世纪人类生活方式产生重大影响的IT热点技术。本文介绍了无线传感器网络的通信体系、中间件和应用系统三大层次的概念和特点,并概述了无线传感器网络及其媒介访问控制协议、路由协议、传输层协议等通信体系的热点问题研究现状及展望。  相似文献   

MAC协议是无线传感器网络协议的重要组成部分,网络的性能(如吞吐量、容量、时延及功耗等)依赖于所采用的MAC协议,也是无线传感器网络设计研究的主要技术难点之一。该文指出了无线传感器网络MAC协议设计的主要问题.对几种典型的MAC协议进行了分析和研究,并分析研究了无线传感器网络MAC协议的研究与应用方向。  相似文献   

MAC协议是无线传感器网络协议的重要组成部分,网络的性能(如吞吐量、容量、时延及功耗等)依赖于所采用的MAC协议,也是无线传感器网络设计研究的主要技术难点之一。该文指出了无线传感器网络MAC协议设计的主要问题,对几种典型的MAC协议进行了分析和研究,并分析研究了无线传感器网络MAC协议的研究与应用方向。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无线传感器网络作为微机电系统、网络和传感器三项技术相结合的产物,是一种全新的信息获取和处理技术,可以广泛运用于各个领域,有着极大的运用前景,烧结保温空心砌块就是其中一例.首先对无线传感器网络的基本概念、体系结构做了概括性介绍,然后分析了无线传感器网络研究中的热点问题,并展望了无线传感器网络的前景.  相似文献   

数据融合技术是无线传感器网络的关键技术之一,它通过合并相似数据、预测未来数据等方式减少节点间数据的传输量,对冗余数据进行精简,从而明显提高网络生命周期以及数据准确性。本文对近年来数据融合算法的研究现状进行了全面深入分析,同时从融合过程中采用的融合算法与融合规则出发,将现有的无线传感器网络数据融合技术分为了基于统计学、基于人工智能、基于信息论与基于拓扑学的四大类,对这四类技术从原理上进行了综述,对其中涉及到的不同融合算法从性能、时延、复杂度以及能耗方面进行了详细分析与比较。最后介绍了自动融合、融合评估等未来数据融合的研究重点。  相似文献   

A Survey of Fault Management in Wireless Sensor Networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wireless sensor networks are resource-constrained self-organizing systems that are often deployed in inaccessible and inhospitable environments in order to collect data about some outside world phenomenon. For most sensor network applications, point-to-point reliability is not the main objective; instead, reliable event-of-interest delivery to the server needs to be guaranteed (possibly with a certain probability). The nature of communication in sensor networks is unpredictable and failure-prone, even more so than in regular wireless ad hoc networks. Therefore, it is essential to provide fault tolerant techniques for distributed sensor applications. Many recent studies in this area take drastically different approaches to addressing the fault tolerance issue in routing, transport and/or application layers. In this paper, we summarize and compare existing fault tolerant techniques to support sensor applications. We also discuss several interesting open research directions. Lilia Paradis is currently a graduate student in the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines. She is also part of the Toilers Ad Hoc Networking research group. She is interested in distributed communication protocols for wireless sensor networks. Qi Han received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of California, Irvine in 2005. She is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Colorado School of Mines. Her research interests include distributed systems, middleware, mobile and pervasive computing, systems support for sensor applications, and dynamic data management. She is specifically interested in developing adaptive middleware techniques for next generation distributed systems. She is a member of the IEEE and the ACM.  相似文献   

敬海霞  胡向东 《微机发展》2007,17(10):150-154
无线传感器网络(WSNs)是计算机、通信和传感器3项技术相结合的产物,因其巨大的应用前景受到了越来越广泛的关注。介绍了WSNs的一些特点,指出传统路由协议不能有效应用于WSNs的路由协议;然后分类阐述了当前较为典型的路由协议,分析了它们的优缺点;对比分析了这些协议的特点;总结了路由协议设计应满足的要求、存在的挑战以及可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的路由协议研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
无线传感器网络(WSNs)是计算机、通信和传感器3项技术相结合的产物,因其巨大的应用前景受到了越来越广泛的关注。介绍了WSNs的一些特点,指出传统路由协议不能有效应用于WSNs的路由协议;然后分类阐述了当前较为典型的路由协议.分析了它们的优缺点;对比分析了这些协议的特点;总结了路由协议设计应满足的要求、存在的挑战以及可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络安全研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线传感器网络(WSN)在军事、民用等领域的广泛应用,迫切需要有效的安全机制来解决其所面临的安全问题.由于WSN节点处于不确定的非可信环境,使得WSN面临着不同于传统计算机网络的挑战性安全问题.分析了WSN对安全的需求;给出了影响WSN安全问题的主要自身特点;综述了WSN安全的若干挑战性问题;总结了WSN安全面临的主要威胁;详细分析了WSN的若干尚待解决的关键安全技术问题.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的拥塞控制技术   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
无线传感器网络的多对一通信方式、无线链路的相互干扰、网络的动态变化和资源受限等特性,使得无线传感器网络容易出现拥塞,严重影响网络的QoS传输性能和生存周期,因此拥塞控制成为无线传感器网络服务质量保障机制的关键技术之一.在分析无线传感器网络特点的基础上,说明了拥塞检测和拥塞避免的策略,重点介绍和分析了基于速率控制、流量调度和传输调度等典型的拥塞解除算法,最后对拥塞控制技术的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been applied in a variety of application areas. Most WSN systems, once deployed, are intended to operate unattended for a long period. During the lifetime, it is necessary to fix bugs, reconfigure system parameters, and upgrade the software in order to achieve reliable system performance. However, manually collecting all nodes back and reconfiguring through serial connections with computer is infeasible since it is labor-intensive and inconvenient due to the harsh deploying environments. Hence, data dissemination over multi-hop is desired to facilitate such tasks. This survey discusses the requirements and challenges of data dissemination in WSNs, reviews existing work, introduces some relevant techniques, presents the metrics of the performance and comparisons of the state-of-the-art work, and finally suggests the possible future directions in data dissemination studies. This survey elaborates and compares existing approaches of two categories: structure-less schemes and structure-based schemes, classified by whether or not the network structure information is used during the disseminating process. In existing literatures, different categories have definite boundary and limited analysis on the trade-off between different categories. Besides, there is no survey that discusses the emerging techniques such as Constructive Interference (CI) while these techniques have the chance to change the framework of data dissemination. In a word, even though many efforts have been made, data dissemination in WSNs still needs some more work to embrace the new techniques and improve the efficiency and practicability further.  相似文献   

黄美根  黄一才  郁滨  周伟伟 《软件学报》2018,29(9):2733-2752
研究了分布式无线传感器网络在异构互连和资源管理等方面存在的问题,深入分析了软件定义网络与无线传感器网络结合的必要性,在总结大量软件定义无线传感器网络架构后,给出了通用架构,并对应用面、控制面和数据面进行了详细阐述.进一步,从异构互连、资源管理、可靠控制、网络安全这4个方面梳理出当前存在的挑战及相应关键技术,在此基础上,通过案例比较说明了软件定义无线传感器网络的优势和前景,并对未来研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络分簇算法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分簇算法是无线传感器网络领域中一种典型的算法,并在其中扮演着重要的角色。从能量均衡和网络生命周期的角度出发,根据是否仅由一个中心控制节点负责整个网络的簇划分,将分簇算法分为3类,系统地叙述了目前经典的分簇算法以及近年来最新的研究成果,并分析了这些算法的特点和适用情况。最后结合该领域当前研究现状,提出了WSN研究中需要关注的问题,展望了这一研究方向在未来的发展趋势和前景。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络覆盖控制技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无线传感器网络具有广泛的应用背景,目前已经发展成为一个重要的计算平台。但是,由于无线传感器网络自身的特点,使其也面临许多问题,如何有效地进行覆盖控制,在保证网络覆盖质量的前提下,减少能量消耗,延长网络寿命是其中最重要的问题之一。覆盖控制可以使无线传感器网络的资源得到优化分配,更好地完成环境监测、信息获取和数据传输等任务。本文总结了近年来提出的各种覆盖控制问题的、具有代表性的研究成果,并对相关覆盖控制协议与算法进行了分析比较,最后指出了目前覆盖控制技术存在的问题,对全文进行总结。  相似文献   

The availability of tools to diagnose Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) failures is a key success factor for this type of networks as already demonstrated by several long-running deployments. By nature, WSNs are resource-constrained, fragile, complex to analyse, and failure-prone. Naturally, with the growing number of installations, it is becoming fundamental to efficiently diagnose failures as soon as possible, in order to deal with the underlying causes. In accordance with this, from 2005 onwards, the offer of diagnostic tools has been increasing, as the other base technologies (e.g. networking, operating system, localisation, synchronisation) become reasonably stable. The purpose of this survey is to provide an overview of existing post-deployment WSN diagnostic tools, by briefly presenting their functionality, architecture and constraints, in order to enable a basic understating of each tool. The survey also includes a multi-dimensional comparative analysis of the various tools, based on a proposed classification scheme and evaluation criteria, as well as an identification of the main open research issues. Although the number of diagnostic tools is high and considerable work has been done in this area, we conclude that there are still several challenges concerning post-deployment WSN diagnostic tools, regarding scope, flexibility, generality, mobility and security. Moreover, there is a need for mature, native diagnostic-oriented functionality in WSN platforms and operating systems.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络时间同步综述   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
时间同步是无线传感器网络技术研究的一个新热点,很多无线传感器网络应用都要求传感器节点的时钟保持同步;由于无线传感器网络自身的特点,它在同步范围、能量消耗以及同步精度上都有特殊的要求,这使传统的时间同步方法并不适合无线传感器网络,对目前典型的无线传感器网络时间同步算法进行了论述,并指出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络密钥管理研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过分析无线传感器网络安全现状和密钥管理所面临的问题,对现存的密钥管理方案进行了分析和评估,并讨论了该方向上尚未解决的问题和发展趋势.  相似文献   

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