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据Gartner研究公司称,亚洲的芯片制造行业2004年正在强劲复苏,在经历了三年的疲软期之后,电子产品销售红火,半导体制造商也在加大外包生产力度。Gartner预计,全球芯片制造市场今年将增长41%,明年还将增长37%。该公司首席分析师James Hines表示:“芯片制造市场已经进入了一个新的增长期,我们的确注意到这一市场在升温。”  相似文献   

本文着重阐述了我国芯片制造业的发展现状及其将来的美好前景。  相似文献   

根据国家统计局标准,芯片制造业被纳入专利密集型产业。我国的芯片制造业在欧美巨头的围追堵截下,奋起直追,已取得显著成绩。文章选取国内芯片制造业专利数量前5名进行研究。通过统计分析,了解芯片制造业专利现状,为芯片制造业的科技创新提供参考。  相似文献   

天蔚 《半导体技术》2004,29(7):93-93
正当世界范围内都在关注二次世界大战诺曼底登陆60周年纪念之际,另一场抢滩登陆事件正在世界东方——中国上演,这就是世界芯片制造商争先恐后的登陆中国大陆。仅从6月以来的有关消息就不难体会到一派喧嚣与嘶鸣。台第二大内存厂茂德科技将投9亿美元在内地建厂,该公司计划投资9亿美元在中国内地建芯片生产厂,以满足近一段时间以来市场对于芯片产品的强劲需求。据悉,茂德科技计划将该公司8吋晶圆厂的生产设备全部转移到内地,而其台湾的工厂将继续生产12吋晶圆产品执氲继遄钪找?.2亿美元出售非内存部门,有消息称现代半导体此次获得的资金…  相似文献   

6月20日消息,三星电子公司董事会已经批准对其一个生产DRAM和闪存片的下一代研发生产线投资3912亿韩元。  相似文献   

几十年来,消费电子制造商一直依赖半导体产业一句古老的格言而生存——每平方英寸集成电路上晶体管的数量将每18个月翻一番,以更低的成本产出更强大的计算能力。这就是由英特尔公司共同创始人GordonMoore于1965年提出的摩尔定律的基本内容。  相似文献   

中国半导体产业首次突破2000亿,今年中国芯片消费市场需求将增长34.9%。  相似文献   

著名图形芯片生产商Nvidia公司即将推出一款将能够被嵌入到主板上的图形芯片。作为它与英特尔公司在整合图形芯片市场上的正面交锋的开始。  相似文献   


The application of the design for manufacture (DFM) approach to the design of printed circuit boards is discussed. A system of design rules is used to ensure that designs meet manufacturing-related needs. The rules capture the requirements of factory processes, so that the needs of manufacturing are considered automatically in the design process. Further, they are flexible, and can be easily adapted to the requirements of different products, factories, and manufacturing processes. Bare-board testing and in-circuit test audits are run to ensure that the board will be testable after fabrication and assembly  相似文献   

Chip shots     
《Spectrum, IEEE》2004,41(10):48-53
Electrical engineers are teaming up with gene jockeys and drug developers to invent new drug-delivery systems that marry electronics and semiconductors to biotechnology. Experts agree that new drugs need a degree of intelligence to get where they must go and to arrive on time, and that's where semiconductors come in.  相似文献   

Chip designers     
《IEE Review》2003,49(10):30-33
Chip making companies are belatedly preparing themselves for the widespread use of database-driven tools. A central database would do little to reduce the amount of data needed to describe a chip, but would dispense with the need to read all the data in and write it all back out again whenever a change needs to be made. The database management system takes care of the accesses, fetching only the relevant data.  相似文献   

Various IC training methods that have not been adequately covered in the literature (energy cycling, pulse electrical burn-in, and electrical burn-in in lead frames) are considered. Ways for determining training periods and conditions for the transition from burn-in to thermal training are suggested.  相似文献   

半导体制造在传统上划分为设计、制造、封装、测试四个工序,从技术含量和成本来看,前端工序的设计和制造的比重最高,后端工序的封装和测试的比重相对较低.半导体器件供应商在1990年代开始将封装和测试委托第三方外包加工,后来随着集成度的提高,使制造设备的资本支出猛增,半导体器件供应商再将前端工序的晶圆制造也委托外包或离岸外包,只保留设计工序在手,以达到降低生产成本,又抓紧核心技术的目的.进入2000年后,半导体市场先扬后挫,研发投入随着销售收益的下降而减少,位于半导体生产链最前端的设计工序也陆续委托外包,可用业界高层人士的一句话来表达,"设计外包正如物理定律那样符合规律".这里引用EETimes媒体在2004年8月发表的设计外包的调查结果,调查对象是北美洲的半导体供应商,他们的平均年销售额达到23亿美元,其中约1/4是50亿美元的大户,约1/4是5千万美元的小户.他们对设计外包调查的回答归纳如下:  相似文献   

Strategy Analytics concludes that Motorola, Infineon and STMicroelectronics continue as the top three IC vendors in the automotive market collectively holding 28% of a global market that grew by 6% to $11.5bn in 2002. Motorola SPS gained No.1 status with a 13.4% market share, followed by Infineon (8.2%) and STM (6.6%). All three companies grew their automotive revenues in 2002, preserving their relative market rankings and each making modest market share gains. In 2003, the market researcher believe that Renesas Technology, formed in April 2003 from combining the semiconductor business units of Hitachi and Mitsubishi, could be chasing ST for the No.3 place. The 6% automotive dollar value revenue growth compares with around 2% for the total semiconductor market that was rebounding from a fall of 32% in 2001. The automotive semiconductor market declined by less than 2% in 2001.This is a short news story only. Visit www.three-fives.com for the latest advanced semiconductor industry news.  相似文献   

介绍了lonworks技术中Neuron芯片的一种I/O应用模式和A/D芯片TLC2543的串行接口特性。给出了采用Neuron芯片与A/D芯片TLC2543建构的多通道12位模拟数据采集系统的接口硬件实现方法和相关的软件程序。  相似文献   

X5045芯片在单片机系统中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周向红 《现代电子技术》2006,29(5):111-112,116
在控制系统中,尤其是处于无人职守状态的控制仪器、仪表中,“看门狗”电路是必不可少的。介绍了Xicor公司推出的带E2PROM的“看门狗”芯片,X5045是一种集上电复位、看门狗、电压监控和串行E2PROM四种功能于一身的可编程芯片,并说明以51内核单片机为微处理器系统的硬件接口电路、相应的软件编程及在温控系统中的应用。  相似文献   

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