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Stand structure and regeneration in a Kamchatka mixed boreal forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A 1‐ha plot was established in a Betula platyphylla‐Picea ajanensis mixed boreal forest in the central Kamchatka peninsula in Russia to investigate stand structure and regeneration. This forest was relatively sparse; total density and stand basal area were 1071/ha and 25.8 m2/ha, respectively, for trees > 2.0 cm in trunk diameter at breast height (DBH). 25% of Betula regenerated by sprouting, and its frequency distribution of DBH had a reverse J‐shaped pattern. In contrast, Picea had a bimodal distribution. The growth rates of both species were high, reaching 20 m in ca. 120 yr. The two species had clumped distributions, especially for saplings. Betula saplings were not distributed in canopy gaps. Small Picea saplings were distributed irrespective of the presence/absence of gaps, while larger saplings aggregated in gaps. At the examined spatial scales (6.25–400 m2) the spatial distribution of Betula saplings was positively correlated with living Betula canopy trees and negatively with dead Picea canopy trees. This suggests that Betula saplings regenerated under the crowns of Betula canopy trees and did not invade the gaps created by Picea canopy trees. The spatial distribution of Picea saplings was negatively correlated with living and dead Betula canopy trees and positively with dead Picea canopy trees. Most small Picea seedlings were distributed under the crowns of Picea trees but not under the crowns of Betula trees or in gaps. This suggests that Picea seedlings establish under the crowns of Picea canopy trees and can grow to large sizes after the death of overhead Picea canopy trees. Evidence of competitive exclusion between the two species was not found. At a 20 m × 20 m scale both skewness and the coefficient of variation of DBH frequency distribution of Picea decreased with an increase in total basal area of Picea while those of Betula were unchanged irrespective of the increase in total basal area of Betula. This indicates that the size structure of Picea is more variable with stand development than that of Betula on a small scale. This study suggests that Betula regenerates continuously by sprouting and Picea regenerates discontinuously after gap formation and that the species do not exclude each other.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of growth light intensity on the photosynthetic apparatus of pea (Pisum sativum) thylakoid membranes. Plants were grown either in a growth chamber at light intensities that ranged from 8 to 1050 microeinsteins per square meter per second, or outside under natural sunlight. In thylakoid membranes we determined: the amounts of active and inactive photosystem II, photosystem I, cytochrome b/f, and high potential cytochrome b559, the rate of uncoupled electron transport, and the ratio of chlorophyll a to b. In leaves we determined: the amounts of the photosynthetic components per leaf area, the fresh weight per leaf area, the rate of electron transport, and the light compensation point. To minimize factors other than growth light intensity that may alter the photosynthetic apparatus, we focused on peas grown above the light compensation point (20-40 microeinsteins per square meter per second), and harvested only the unshaded leaves at the top of the plant. The maximum difference in the concentrations of the photosynthetic components was about 30% in thylakoids isolated from plants grown over a 10-fold range in light intensity, 100 to 1050 microeinsteins per square meter per second. Plants grown under natural sunlight were virtually indistinguishable from plants grown in growth chambers at the higher light intensities. On a leaf area basis, over the same growth light regime, the maximum difference in the concentration of the photosynthetic components was also about 30%. For peas grown at 1050 microeinsteins per square meter per second we found the concentrations of active photosystem II, photosystem I, and cytochrome b/f were about 2.1 millimoles per mol chlorophyll. There were an additional 20 to 33% of photosystem II complexes that were inactive. Over 90% of the heme-containing cytochrome f detected in the thylakoid membranes was active in linear electron transport. Based on these data, we do not find convincing evidence that the stoichiometries of the electron transport components in the thylakoid membrane, the size of the light-harvesting system serving the reaction centers, or the concentration of the photosynthetic components per leaf area, are regulated in response to different growth light intensities. The concept that emerges from this work is of a relatively fixed photosynthetic apparatus in thylakoid membranes of peas grown above the light compensation point.  相似文献   

Abstract. The percentage of above-canopy Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (%PPFD) was measured at 0, 50 and 100 cm above the forest floor and above the main understory vegetation in stands of (1) pure Betula papyrifera (White birch), (2) pure Populus tremuloides (Trembling aspen), (3) mixed broad-leaf-conifer, (4) shade-tolerant conifer and (5) pure Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) occurring on both clay and till soil types. %PPFD was measured instantaneously under overcast sky conditions (nine locations within each of 29 stands) and continuously for a full day under clear sky conditions (five locations within each of eight stands). The percentage cover of the understory layer was estimated at the same locations as light measurements. Mean %PPFD varied from 2% at the forest floor under Populus forests to 15% above the understory vegetation cover under Betula forests. Percent PPFD above the understory vegetation cover was significantly higher under shade intolerant tree species such as Populus, Betula and Pinus than under shade tolerant conifers. No significant differences were found in %PPFD above the understory vegetation cover under similar tree species between clay and till soil types. The coefficient of variation in %PPFD measured in the nine locations within each stand was significantly lower under deciduous dominated forests (mean of 19%) than under coniferous dominated forests (mean of 40%). %PPFD measured at the forest floor was positively correlated with %PPFD measured above the understory vegetation and negatively correlated with cumulative total percent cover of the understory vegetation (R2 = 0.852). The proportion of sunflecks above 250 and 500 mmol m–2 s–1 was much lower and %PPFD in shade much higher under Populus and Betula forests than under the other forests. Differences in the mean, variability and nature of the light environment found among forest and soil types are discussed in relation to their possible influences on tree succession.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a major role in angiogenesis, which is essential for both healing of injured tissue and proliferation of carcinoma cells. In this study we elucidated the expression and role of VEGF in rat liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. VEGF expression was mainly detected in periportal hepatocytes and reached a maximal level 48-72 hr after partial hepatectomy by both immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Similarly, immunohistochemistry for Ki-67 showed that the proliferative activity of sinusoidal endothelial cells was highest in the periportal area and reached a maximal level 72 hr after partial hepatectomy. Moreover, neutralization of VEGF significantly inhibited proliferative activity of hepatocytes (p<0. 0001), as well as sinusoidal endothelial cells (p<0.001), at 48 and 96 hr after partial hepatectomy. Conversely, injection of VEGF significantly promoted proliferative activity of hepatocytes (p<0. 0001) as well as sinusoidal endothelial cells (p<0.0005) at 48 hr after partial hepatectomy. These results suggest that VEGF promotes proliferation of hepatocytes through reconstruction of liver sinusoids by proliferation of sinusoidal endothelial cells. Furthermore, these data point to a new therapeutic strategy, the use of VEGF and other hepatocyte growth factors in fulminant or severe acute hepatitis.  相似文献   

The ability of a plant to dynamically acclimate to different light environments is, in general, genetically determined. Phalaenopsis amabilis is a CAM orchid with heavy self-shading. The aim of this study was to find out how the photosynthetic capacity of its mature lower leaves acclimates to the low light environment, and whether it possessed a potential for reacclimation following transfer of lower leaves to higher irradiance. We found that the photosynthetic performance of the leaves of Phalaenopsis was flexibly and reversibly adjusted to growth irradiance, making it possible to improve the light environment of the plant by increasing light exposure of lower leaves and bring about a higher photosynthetic production. We have tested the effectiveness of a simple setup using mirrors to augment light from the side and thus enhanced the irradiance in the shaded area of the plant. Both photosynthesis and starch contents of leaves as well as the number of flowers per plant increased greatly.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the short-term effects of restoration treatments, including fire and/or partial cutting with dead wood creation, on seedling density and distribution among microsites, and do they differ between upland and paludified biotopes? Location: Mature managed Picea abies-dominated stands in southern Finland. Methods: The restoration treatments consisted of four levels of cutting, with and without fire: uncut, low-CWD (partial cutting leaving 50 m3 ha−1 of standing retention trees and 5 m3 ha−1 of down retention trees, DRT), intermediate-CWD (as previous but with 30 m3 ha−1 of DRT), and high-CWD (as previous but with 60 m3 ha−1 of DRT). Results: The cutting treatment alone did not affect seedling density. Fire had an immediate effect, both by itself in upland biotopes (decreasing effect on P. abies density) and in combination with cutting in paludified biotopes (increasing effect on Betula spp. density). The density of other deciduous species (Sorbus aucuparia, Populus tremula, and Salix spp.) was not affected. Before treatments, seedlings grew predominantly on level ground and mounds. After treatments, more Betula, but fewer P. abies and other deciduous species, grew on these microsites. More Betula and other deciduous species grew next to CWD and under a fallen crown; more P. abies grew under a fallen crown in unburned stands. Conclusion: The post-treatment tree seedling density and distribution among microsites can be affected by restoration treatments. However, knowledge of local site characteristics and their interaction with different restoration treatments is needed to achieve the goals set for restoration at the stand and landscape levels.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), which is a most potent growth factor for primary cultured hepatocytes, may act as a trigger for liver regeneration. After 70% of the rat liver was removed, HGF activity in the remnant liver began to increase within 24 h. In parallel with the activity, the HGF mRNA level in the remnant liver increased at 12 h after the operation and reached a maximum at 24 h. Increases in HGF activity and in the mRNA level were much lower and later than those in the liver of rats with hepatitis induced with CCl4. However, the first increase in HGF activity in the plasma of hepatectomized rats was noted 3 h after the resection, that is much earlier than the initial DNA synthesis in the remnant liver. Thus, while HGF production was induced in the remnant liver during regeneration after partial hepatectomy, the initial trigger may not be the liver-derived HGF, rather, it may be HGF derived from extrahepatic organs, via blood circulation.  相似文献   

北方针叶树CO2 的刺激和响应机制随光强而变化 黑云杉(Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.)和白云杉(Picea glauca [Moench] Voss.)是同属物种,两者都是适度耐阴,并且在北美北方针叶林中广泛分布。为了了解光照对CO2 浓度升高的生理生态反应的影响,在三种光照条件下(温室中光照设置为100%、50%和30%)将一年生的两种幼苗暴露在360和720 µmol mol–1 浓度的CO2环境中,测定了其中后期叶面气体交换量。研究结果表明,CO2的浓度升高提高了净光合速率 (Pn)和光合水分利用效率,但降低了气孔导度和蒸腾作用。CO2对光合作用的刺激在50%光照下最大, 在100%光照下最小。光合作用、最大羧化速率(Vcmax)和光饱和电子传递速率(Jmax)均随光照强度的 降低而降低。升高的CO2在所有光照处理中显著降低了Vcmax,在生长季节中期,两种云杉的Vcmax均显著 降低,但在生长季节后期,当光照达到30%时,这一影响变得不明显,而且黑云杉的响应大于白云杉。CO2 浓度升高也降低了白云杉的Jmax,但在生长季后期30%光照时,这种影响变得不显著。但CO2 浓度升高对 黑云杉的影响随时间而变化。在所有光照处理中,CO2 浓度升高降低了黑云杉生长中期的Jmax,且在生长后 期30%光照时影响不显著,但在100%和50%光照时,Jmax升高。这些研究结果表明,两个树种植物都受益于CO2 浓度的升高,但它们的响应机制随着光照的增加而变化:即在100%和50%光照下,它们的响应主要是生理上的,而在30%光照下,它们的响应主要是形态上的。  相似文献   

The recovery of a Cistus shrubland after experimental treatments (cutting, burning and ploughing) was studied to determine qualitative and quantitative differences in the secondary succession. The study was carried out in three experimental plots of 100 m2 each, in which five 1 m2 sampling units were fixed and surveyed for five years, estimating cover percentage of each plant species. The data were analysed by means of affinity indexes (Sorensen and Steinhaus Indexes). The results indicated that the cover of the woody species increased progressively, but the degree of recovery depended on the treatment, as well as on the time afterwards. The number of these species remained almost constant throughout the whole period. The herbaceous species diversity was higher in the two first years in all treatments. When treatments were compared, the greatest diversity occurred after cutting. The regeneration of the community occurred by autosuccession in which the diversity decreased when the dominance of Cistus increased, unlike the general trend of the classical theories. The recovery was very quick after all three treatments, which can be interpreted as a great resilience of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

以辽宁省抚顺市清源县蒙古栎天然次生林为对象,在2018年对6块面积为0.1 hm2的蒙古栎样地进行疏伐,并于2020年调查样地内植被的生长情况,研究疏伐后形成的600(低密度)、720(中密度)、900株·hm-2(高密度)3种密度对林木生长、林下实生苗更新与林下植被多样性的影响。结果表明: 由于疏伐后间隔年份较短,不同密度下树高、胸径无显著差异。但低密度下林冠对称指数显著高于高密度,表明树冠生长对于林分密度的响应比树干生长更迅速。中密度下实生更新苗数量最多,且相同苗高的实生苗地径显著高于其他两个密度,中密度下实生苗更新与幼苗生长都好于高、低密度。林中共有植物70种,隶属于41科67属,其中木本植物蒙古栎、胡枝子与草本植物山罗花、三叶委陵菜占优势地位。灌木层与草本层的优势度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数在中密度下表现最佳,表明该立地条件下林分密度保持在720株·hm-2时更有助于辽东山区蒙古栎次生林的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is commonly grown in the Mediterranean area, where it is adapted to resist periods characterized by severe drought and high irradiance levels. Photosynthetic efficiency (in terms of Fv/Fm and ΦPSII), photochemical (qP) and nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) were determined in two-year-old olive plants (cultivars Coratina and Biancolilla) grown under two different light levels (exposed plants, EP, and shaded plants, SP) during a 21-day controlled water deficit. After reaching the maximum level of drought stress, plants were rewatered for 23 days. During the experimental period, measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence were carried out to study the photosynthetic performance of olive plants. The synergical effect of drought stress and high irradiance levels caused a reduction of gas exchange and photosynthetic efficiency and these decreases were more marked in EP. EP showed a higher degree of photoinhibition, a higher NPQ and a lower qP if compared to SP. Coratina was more sensitive to high light and drought stress but also showed a slower recovery during rewatering, whereas Biancolilla showed a less marked photosynthesis depression during drought and a considerable resilience during rewatering. The results confirm that photoinhibition due to high light intensity and water deficit can be an important factor that affects photosynthetic productivity in this species.  相似文献   

To address the central question of how climate change influences tree growth within the context of global warming, we used dendroclimatological analysis to understand the reactions of four major boreal tree species –Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera, Picea mariana, and Pinus banksiana– to climatic variations along a broad latitudinal gradient from 46 to 54°N in the eastern Canadian boreal forest. Tree‐ring chronologies from 34 forested stands distributed at a 1° interval were built, transformed into principal components (PCs), and analyzed through bootstrapped correlation analysis over the period 1950–2003 to identify climate factors limiting the radial growth and the detailed radial growth–climate association along the gradient. All species taken together, previous summer temperature (negative influences), and current January and March–April temperatures (positive influences) showed the most consistent relationships with radial growth across the gradient. Combined with the identified species/site‐specific climate factors, our study suggested that moisture conditions during the year before radial growth played a dominant role in positively regulating P. tremuloides growth, whereas January temperature and growing season moisture conditions positively impacted growth of B. papyrifera. Both P. mariana and P. banksiana were positively affected by the current‐year winter and spring or whole growing season temperatures over the entire range of our corridor. Owing to the impacts of different climate factors on growth, these boreal species showed inconsistent responsiveness to recent warming at the transition zone, where B. papyrifera, P. mariana, and P. banksiana would be the most responsive species, whereas P. tremuloides might be the least. Under continued warming, B. papyrifera stands located north of 49°N, P. tremuloides at northern latitudes, and P. mariana and P. banksiana stands located north of 47°N might benefit from warming winter and spring temperatures to enhance their radial growth in the coming decades, whereas other southern stands might be decreasing in radial growth.  相似文献   

Sun Y  Deng X  Li W  Yan Y  Wei H  Jiang Y  He F 《Proteomics》2007,7(23):4398-4407
The extraordinary ability of the liver to regenerate after resection continues to be an important fascination to mammalian liver researchers. However, at present, there are still several central questions regarding the process of liver regeneration that are not clear. In our study, we try to clarify how the liver is able to maintain its functions as well as to initiate liver regeneration after a significant loss of two-thirds. Here differentially expressed proteins in rat livers at 1 h after partial hepatectomy (PHx) and sham operation were analyzed using 2-DE combined with MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. After the analysis, 24 significantly changed spots (ratio> or =2, p<0.05) were identified. Those proteins are involved in important liver functions such as metabolism, detoxification, and inflammation. Based on the changes in the protein levels found in our data, we identified two aspects of remnant liver immediately after PHx, which focused on the hepatic adaptation and the inflammatory response associated with the initiation of liver regeneration after PHx. For the first time, the differential expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHX), paraoxonase 1 (PON1), thyroid hormone receptor beta, GAP43 (where GAP stands for growth-associated protein), and interleukin-2 (IL2), after PHx, were validated by Western blot.  相似文献   

To determine the role of TNF-driven inflammation in self-regulation of cell growth and differentiation, mouse liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy was examined for TNF-driven inflammation. Hepatectomy provoked priming state for TNF production in both whole body and liver on day 3 when the peak mitotic response occurred. Histochemical studies of liver also showed an inflammatory symptom; hepatocellular necrotic foci appeared by 6 hours after hepatectomy. TNF itself was secreted spontaneously in liver transiently on day 1 to 2 after hepatectomy just before the proliferation of hepatocytes. Dexamethasone reduced both TNF secretion and hepatocyte proliferation after hepatectomy. Recombinant murine TNF stimulated the in vitro proliferation of hepatocytes. These findings indicate that hepatectomy induces short-term secretion of TNF in liver and TNF-driven inflammation has an important role in liver regeneration, at least in part by the direct stimulation of hepatocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study into the potential of plants to acclimate to light environments that fluctuate over time periods between 15 min and 3 h. Plants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., Digitalis purpurea L. and Silene dioica (L.) Clairv. were grown at an irradiance 100 mol m-2 s-1. After 4–6 weeks, they were transferred to light regimes that fluctuated between 100 and either 475 or 810 mol m-2 s-1, in a regular cycle, for 7 days. Plants were shown, in most cases, to be able to undergo photosynthetic acclimation under such conditions, increasing maximum photosynthetic rate. The extent of acclimation varied between species. A more detailed study with S. dioica showed that this acclimation involved changes in both Rubisco protein and cytochrome f content, with only marginal changes in pigment content and composition. Acclimation to fluctuating light, at the protein level, did not fully reflect the acclimation to continuous high light - Rubisco protein increased more than would be expected from the mean irradiance, but less than expected from the high irradiance; cytochrome f increased when neither the mean nor the high irradiance would be expected to induce an increase.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We studied fine roots and ectomycorrhizas in relation to aboveground tree and stand characteristics in five mixed Betula pendula Roth, Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., and Pinus sylvestris L. stands in Southern Finland. The stands formed gradients of developmental stage (15-, 30-, and 50-year-old stands) in the stands of medium fertility, and of site fertility in the young stands (30-year-old fertile, medium fertile, and least fertile stands). The biomass of the external hyphae of ectomycorrhizas (ECM) was the highest, and the diversity of the fungal community the lowest, in the most fertile stand. The vertical distributions of fine roots of the three tree species were mostly overlapping, indicating high inter-specific belowground competition in the stands. We did not find any clear trends in the fine root biomass (FRB) or length across the stand developmental stages. The FRB of the conifers varied with site fertility, whereas in B. pendula it was almost constant. In contrast to the conifers, the specific root length (SRL) of B. pendula clearly increased from the most fertile to the least fertile stand. This indicates differences in the primary nutrient acquisition strategy between conifers and B. pendula.  相似文献   

不同基因型辣椒光合及生长特性对弱光的响应   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过遮光使光照强度降低65%~70%,以研究弱光条件对不同基因型辣椒光合特性、同化物分配、产量形成和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:弱光下辣椒净光合速率(Pn)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)、夜间呼吸速率(Rn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)、光补偿点(LCP)、CO2补偿点(CCP)和羧化效率(CE)下降,表观量子效率(AQY)上升.弱光下辣椒成株期光合作用的限制因素是非气孔因素.弱光处理使辣椒幼苗高/粗比和比叶面积增加,根/冠比、全株干样质量及壮苗指数显著下降.弱光显著抑制了辣椒生物产量与经济产量的形成,使植株同化物向茎叶的分配比例增加,向果实的分配比例减少.辣椒(果实味辣)在弱光下具有较低的光补偿点,以及较高的相对壮苗指数、相对单株产量和相对坐果率,耐弱光性普遍强于甜椒(果实味甜).  相似文献   

Abstract. Stands of Fraxinus nigra (black ash) near Lake Duparquet (Abitibi region, NW Québec) are affected each year by spring or early summer flooding. The relationship between environmental factors and radial growth was studied in 50 100-m2 quadrats laid out in five Fraxinus-dominated stands. Response function coefficients showed that the weather in the year before growth, i.e. in the time of bud formation, had a strong influence on radial increment. Temperatures in April of the year before (year i-1) and May (i- 1) were positively correlated with growth, while precipitation in April (i-1), May (i-1) and June (i-1) were negatively correlated. Climatic factors positively associated with growth during the year of bud expansion were April (i) temperature and June (i) precipitation. Redundancy analysis showed that radial growth in Fraxinus nigra responded to variation in elevation and geomorphological landform. These differences in stand location and elevation were also related to different responses to climate. The sites most exposed to flooding responded much more to the negative impact of spring precipitation, while the more elevated sites were more responsive to summer precipitation. This study showed that black ash could be used for long term reconstruction of climatic and hydrological fluctuations.  相似文献   

Elevated dissolved carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations are frequently observed in surface water soon after clear-cutting of boreal coniferous forests. It has been suggested that they originate from the fine logging residues whose decomposition may be accelerated as a result of changes in soil temperature and moisture conditions. In the present study, the decomposition rate and release of C, N, and P from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karsten) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) logging residues (fine roots 2 mm, branches 10 mm and foliage) were investigated during three years with the litterbag method in a clear-cut area and in an adjacent Norway spruce dominated, mixed boreal forest in eastern Finland (63°51 N, 28°58 E, 220 m asl). The mass loss of the logging residues decreased in the order: foliage > roots > branches. Birch leaves were the only fraction that showed significantly higher losses of mass and C at the clear-cut plot than at the forest plot; otherwise there was no tendency for accelerated decomposition or mineralization at the clear-cut plot. After three years the initial C pool in the logging residues had declined by 33% and that of P by 49% but there was no net release of N as more N accumulated in roots and branches than was released from foliage. The results indicate that 1) logging residues release relatively large and rapid fluxes of CO2 to the atmosphere 2) are potential source of elevated P in surface waters soon after clear-cutting 3) are not a net source of N immediately after clear-cutting.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is expected to experience the greatest warming of all forest biomes. The extent of the boreal forest, the large amount of carbon contained in the soil, and the expected climate warming, make the boreal forest a key biome to understand and represent correctly in global carbon models. It has been suggested that an increase in temperature could stimulate the release of CO2 caused by an increased decomposition rate, more than biomass production, which could convert current carbon sinks into carbon sources. Most boreal forests are currently carbon sinks, but it is unclear for how long in the future the carbon sink capacity of the boreal forest is likely to be maintained. The impact of soil warming on stem volume growth was studied during 6 years, in irrigated (I) and irrigated‐fertilized (IL) stands of 40‐year‐old Norway spruce in Northern Sweden. From May to October heating cables were used to maintain the soil temperature on heated‐irrigated plots (Ih and ILh) 5 °C above that on unheated control plots (Ic and ILc). After six seasons' warming, stem volume production (m3 ha?1 a?1) was 115% higher on Ih than on unheated (Ic) plots, and on heated and irrigated‐fertilized plots (ILh) it was 57% higher than on unheated plots (ILc). The results indicate that in a future warmer climate, an increased availability of nitrogen, combined with a longer growing season, may increase biomass production substantially, on both low‐ and high‐fertility sites. It is, however, too early to decide whether the observed responses are transitory or long lasting. It is therefore crucial to gain a better understanding of the responses of boreal forest ecosystems to climate change, and to provide data to test and validate models used in predicting the impact of climate change.  相似文献   

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