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A hydrodynamic-oyster population dynamics model was developed to assess the effect of a change in ship channel configuration under different freshwater inflow regimes and different future hydrologies on oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in Galveston Bay, Texas. The population dynamics model includes the effects of environmental conditions, predators, and the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus on oyster populations. The hydrodynamic model includes the effects of wind stress, river runoff, tides, and oceanic exchange on the circulation of the Bay. Simulations were run for low, mean, and high freshwater inflow conditions under the present (1993) hydrology and predicted hydrologies for 2024 and 2049 that include anticipated water diversion projects to satisfy the freshwater demands of population growth in metropolitan Houston, Texas. Simulation results show that oyster biomass was predicted to increase after enlargement of the ship channel. Oyster biomass is expected to increase on about 53% of total reef acreage when averaged over a 50-yr time span. Oyster reef acreage characterized by increased biomass after channel enlargement increases moderately under the present hydrology and the 2049 hydrology, but decreases slightly in 2024. Lower biomass in 2024 is due to reduced freshwater inflow and increased saltwater intrusion that pushes the optimal areas for oyster growth somewhat farther upbay than in 2049. Declines in oyster biomass, noted in most simulations in downbay reaches, were more than balanced by increased oyster biomass upbay. The differential between upbay and downbay reefs can be explained by an increase in mortality from Perkinsus marinus downbay and saltwater intrusion upbay that expands the area characterized by moderate salinities. The 20th century history of Galveston Bay is one of expansion of isohaline structure and increased oyster production as a result of anthropogenic modification of bay physiography. The salinity gradient of the 1990s, however, is not in equilibrium with the distribution of hard substrate required for oyster growth, that reflects an earlier equilibrium with the pre-1900s hydrodynamics. Increased saltwater intrusion is normally disadvantageous to oyster populations; but, in this case, channel enlargement further expands the salinity gradient upbay and outward (east and west) from the channel. As a result, in most years, oyster biomass is increased because moderate salinities cover more of the pre-1900s reef tracts where hard substrate is plentiful.  相似文献   

In Lake Geneva, Switzerland, the most Hg-contaminated sediments have been found in the Vidy Bay where high Hg contents largely exceeds the background levels of Lake Geneva sediments. This contamination has been attributed to the discharge of a waste water treatment plant (WWTP). Total Hg (THg) and monomethylmercury (MMHg) were determined in bulk sediment and in three different grain size fractions (i: clay and silt, ii: fine-coarse sand, iii: and very coarse sand and gravel) collected close to the outlet pipe of a WWTP in order to verify whether the standardized procedures of sediment treatment is adequate for this setting and, by extension, for similar contaminated sites. THg was homogeneously distributed in the different grain size fractions and was correlated to organic matter content (R(2) = 0.6). MMHg was homogeneously distributed in the two finer grain fractions (Φ < 0.063 mm; 0.063 mm < Φ <1 mm). The results of this study suggested that the analysis of the bulk sediment seems to be more appropriate for the assessment of the content and spatial distribution of Hg in freshwater sediments contaminated by WWTPs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this studywas to determine status and long-term trends of dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, U.S.A. A 20-year record of randomized stations was used to determine the trend of surface water DO, salinity, and temperature over space and time. A 13-year record of two fixed stations was used to determine the temporal nutrient trends. A 10-year record of fixed stations in the southeastern region of Corpus Christi Bay was used to determine the status of disturbance caused by low DO in bottom waters. From 1982 to 2002, there was a significant decrease in surface water DO at a rate of 0.06 mg L−1 yr−1 and a significant increase in surface water temperature at a rate of 0.07°C yr−1. The southeastern region of Corpus Christi Bay had the lowest average DO, and during July and August, DO are steadily declining at a rate of 0.09 mg L−1 yr−1. It is not likely that eutrophication is causing hypoxia, because freshwater inflow rates have significantly decreased since 1941 and nutrient levels have not changed from 1987 to 2000. Even though long-term trends indicate that average surface DO is decreasing, disturbance by hypoxia appears to be stable, but this may be due to just eight years of data. In fact, if the current trend continues, surface water DO will not meet exceptional aquatic life standards (≤5 mgL−1) in 2032.  相似文献   

Jobos Bay, located on the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico, contains a variety of habitats including mangroves, seagrass meadows, and coral reefs. The watershed surrounding the bay includes a number of towns, agricultural areas, and the Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). Jobos Bay and the surrounding watershed are part of a Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP), involving the Jobos Bay NERR, the US Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to assess the benefits of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) on the terrestrial and marine environments. As part of the Jobos Bay CEAP, NOAA collected sediment samples in May 2008 to characterize over 130 organic chemical contaminants. This paper presents the results of the organic contaminant analysis. The organic contaminants detected in the sediments included polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls, and the pesticide DDT. PAHs at one site in the inner bay near a boat yard were significantly elevated; however, all organic contaminant classes measured were below NOAA sediment quality guidelines that would have indicated that impacts were likely. The results of this work provide an important baseline assessment of the marine environment that will assist in understanding the benefits of implementing BMPs on water quality in Jobos Bay.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物样品中有机碳和元素碳的测定   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
采用元素分析仪测定大气颗粒物样品中有机碳、元素碳。应用商业化仪器元素分析仪 ,在燃烧炉温度为 4 50°C时 ,一步测出样品中有机碳的含量 ;再运用加酸的方法除去样品中的碳酸盐 ,然后在燃烧炉温度为 950°C时测出样品中有机碳、元素碳含量之和。通过差减计算 ,得出元素碳的值。有机碳、元素碳测量的标准偏差平均值分别为 0 2 5%、0 50 %。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to determine the effects of Izmir Big Channel Waste Water Treatment Project on the sediment quality of Izmir Bay. Wastewater treatment improves the water quality. However, sediment does not respond to this treatment as fast as water column. Monitoring of bottom water and sediment quality is necessary for identification of the recovery of the whole ecosystem. For this purpose, bottom water and sediment samples were collected from three stations which are located in the middle and inner parts of the Izmir Bay on a monthly basis between January 2003 and December 2003. Values measured at stations ranged between; 0.54-12.82 microg/L for chlorophyll-a, 0.09-9.32 microg/L for phaeopigment, 0.05-1.91 mg/L for particulate organic carbon in bottom waters, 11.88-100.29 microg/g for chlorophyll degradation products and 1.12-5.39% for organic carbon in sediment samples. In conclusion, it was found that grazing activity explained carbon variations in sediment at station 2, but at station 1 and station 3 carbon variations in sediment were not related to autochthonous biological processes.  相似文献   

北京大气颗粒物中有机碳和元素碳的浓度水平和季节变化   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
分析了北京市两个采样点十三陵站(清洁对照点)和天坛站(居民生活区)的110个大气颗粒物样品有机碳和元素碳的测定数据,结果表明两站点具有明显的季节变化特征.一号站OC质量浓度年均值为22.0μg/m3,EC为3.6μg/m3,五号站OC质量浓度年均值为41.5μg/m3,EC为7.8μg/m3.OC百分含量秋季高,反映出活跃的大气化学反应和严峻的污染形势,春季低表现了风沙气候的影响.城区的EC百分含量冬季增高则是燃煤贡献所致.对1998年1月份和9、10月份的数据进行了实例分析.结果表明稳定的天气条件和北京特殊的地貌容易导致空气污染事件.有机物污染是1998年北京秋季空气污染的一个特征.  相似文献   

Total suspended particulate (TSP) samples were collected weekly over a period of one year at four European sites during 1995/6. Two sites were in London-a Central London site (CL, St Paul's Cathedral) and a suburban North London site (NL, Bounds Green); the other two sites were in Porto, Portugal and Vienna, Austria. TSP was collected using a low volume sampler. Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations were measured using a thermal-optical carbon analyser. Parallel samplers collected TSP for subsequent GC-MS analysis of thirty-nine combustion-associated organic compounds; 16 polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 23 n-alkanes. OC and EC correlate well at all sites (r2 = 0.39-0.65), although the London inter-site correlations were low, suggesting that local sources of OC and EC have a significant influence on local concentrations. Concentrations do not vary widely across the four urban sites, despite the significant differences in urban characteristics. Seasonal patterns of OC:EC ratios were similar at the London and Vienna sites, with highest ratios in autumn and winter, and annual mean OC:EC ratios were identical at these sites. The Carbon Preference Index (CPI) indicated vehicle emissions to have a stronger influence over particulate concentrations at the Vienna and central London sites; there was a stronger biogenic signature in north London and Porto. In addition, two PAH compounds (pyrene and fluoranthene) previously associated with diesel exhaust, were correlated with OC and EC concentrations at the London and Vienna sites.  相似文献   

Japanese stingfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus) and Bambooleaf wrasse (Pseudolabrus japonicas) are monitored annually for mercury pollution in Minamata Bay, Japan. The average total mercury concentration in the muscle of these two species in Minamata Bay was 0.36 mg?kg?1 wet weight and 0.20 kg?1 wet weigh, respectively, between 2008 and 2010. This is higher than levels elsewhere in Japan (0.125 mg?kg?1 wet weight and 0.038 mg?kg?1 wet weight, respectively). The FDA (2001) and EPA (2004) suggested that a proportion of mercury accumulated in fish is derived from seawater. We reared young red sea bream (Pagrus major) over a 2-year period in Minamata Bay and Nagashima (control) to evaluate the uptake of mercury from seawater and dietary sources. Fish were fed a synthesized diet that did not contain mercury. There was no difference in mercury accumulation in the muscle of red sea bream between Minamata Bay and Nagashima. Thus, our results suggest that the majority of mercury accumulated in fish muscle is not from seawater.  相似文献   

Historical records of total organic carbon (TOC), black carbon (BC), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were reconstructed in dated sediment cores from four nearby lakes in central Switzerland. In the sub-Alpine Lake Thun, located at 558 m a.s.l., the proximity to anthropogenic emission sources is reflected in higher input of BC and PAHs into sediments with fluxes only slightly decreasing during the last decades. PAH/BC ratios are relatively high and correlation between levels of total PAHs and BC is almost inexistent in Lake Thun, probably due to the presence of less condensed forms of the BC spectrum (char BC) that is underestimated with the chemothermal oxidation method applied in this study. The sediment profiles of TOC, BC, and PAHs are noticeably different in the mountain lakes located around 2000 m a.s.l. In Lake Engstlen, the PAH/BC ratios, as well as the correlation between PAHs and BC, point towards appreciable amounts of predominantly light soot particles. Light soot particles have higher mobility and can, therefore, be efficiently transported to this remote site. The proglacial Lake Oberaar is shown to be a receptor of BC and PAHs released by the fast melting adjacent glacier acting as a secondary source for these conservative species temporarily stored in the glacier ice. Finally, Lake Stein is in strong contrast to all other lakes. High flux of BC into Lake Stein, combined with constant temporal evolutions of BC and PAHs, and in particular BC/TOC ratios approaching 100% are all strong indications for a geogenic presence of graphite in its catchment area.  相似文献   

Dissolved aluminium concentrations ([Al]) in the <0.45 μm filtered fraction are described for 54 UK river sites covering rural, acidic/acid sensitive, agricultural and urban typologies, and wide pH range (4 to 11). High [Al] occurred under acidic conditions and for acid runoff neutralised by bicarbonate rich groundwater. Thermodynamic analysis indicates Al hydroxide/hydroxy-silicate oversaturation at circumneutral pH across the rivers, but undersaturation at lower/higher pH. The oversaturation reflects in part the presence of Al bearing colloids as indicated by (1) [Al] being correlated with components associated with both lithogenic (Fe, Ti and lanthanides) colloids and organic carbon, (2) baseflow studies using cross-flow ultrafiltration and (3) comparison of our data with Acid Waters Monitoring Network (AWMN) information on labile and non-labile Al. Tree harvesting and emission reductions of SO(x) in acidic and acid sensitive catchments in mid-Wales led to acidification reversal, lower [Al] and changing [H(+)] - [Al] relationships. The [Al] decline was confined to acidic conditions while [Al] increased during the later part of the monitoring period with a peak around 2002 for moorland and forested systems. Colloidal production across the flow range was indicated late in the record by comparison of our data with information collected by the AWMN for a site in mid-Wales. This production seems interlinked with organic carbon and with dissolved CO(2) changes. In order for further understanding of Al hydrogeochemistry in river systems there is a need to integrate research that moves from equilibrium to kinetic and colloidal consideration including the critical issues of organic and inorganic controls within the context of bioavailability and aquatic stress. The colloidal Al may well be of low environmental concern to fish and other factors such as habitat may well be critical.  相似文献   

The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) strongly impacts drinking water treatment, water quality, and water behavior during distribution. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were determined daily over a 22 month period in river water before and after conventional drinking water treatment using an on-line total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer. Quantitative and qualitative variations in organic matter were related to precipitation and runoff, seasons and operating conditions. Following a rainfall event, DOC levels could increase by 3.5 fold over baseflow concentrations, while color, UV absorbance values and turbidity increased by a factor of 8, 12 and 300, respectively. Treated water DOC levels were closely related to the source water quality, with an average organic matter removal of 42% after treatment.  相似文献   

The elemental mercury evasion from non-impacted natural areas is of significant importance in the global Hg cycle due to their large spatial coverage. Intertidal areas represent a dynamic environment promoting the transformations of Hg species and their subsequent redistribution. A major challenge remains in providing reliable data on Hg species variability and fluxes under typical transient tidal conditions found in such environment. Field experiments were thus carried out to allow the assessment and comparison of the magnitude of the gaseous Hg fluxes at the three interfaces, sediment-water, sediment-atmosphere and water-atmosphere of a mesotidal temperate lagoon (Arcachon Bay, Aquitaine, France) over three distinct seasonal conditions. The fluxes between the sediment-water and the sediment-atmosphere interfaces were directly evaluated with field flux chambers, respectively static or dynamic. Water-atmosphere fluxes were evaluated from ambient concentrations using a gas exchange model. The fluxes at the sediment-water interface ranged from -5.0 to 5.1 ng m(-2) h(-1) and appeared mainly controlled by diffusion. The occurrence of macrophytic covers (i.e.Zostera noltii sp.) enhanced the fluxes under light radiations. The first direct measurements of sediment-atmosphere fluxes are reported here. The exchanges were more intense and variable than the two other interfaces, ranging between -78 and 40 ng m(-2) h(-1) and were mostly driven by the overlying atmospheric Hg concentrations and superficial sediment temperature. The exchanges between the water column and the atmosphere, computed as a function of wind speed and gaseous mercury saturation ranged from 0.4 to 14.5 ng m(-2) h(-1). The flux intensities recorded over the intertidal sediments periodically exposed to the atmosphere were roughly 2 to 3 times higher than the fluxes of the other interfaces. The evasion of elemental mercury from emerged intertidal sediments is probably a significant pathway for Hg evasion in such tidal environments exhibiting background contamination level.  相似文献   

The study on the spatial distribution of forest soil organic carbon (SOC) is of great significance for accurate assessment of carbon storage in forest ecosystems. In the present study, by taking eight kinds of forest soils of Mountain Lushan in the subtropical area as the research object, we studied the spatial distribution characteristics of SOC in this mountainous area. The results showed that the SOC content and SOC density (SOCD) of main forest types in the Mountain Lushan were lower than the national and the world average. The soil layer of Lushan forest was thinner, and the SOC and active SOC (ASOC) contents of different forest types and SOCDs are the highest in the surface soil. SOCD of the topsoil accounts for 32.64–54.03% of the total SOCD in the whole soil profile. Surface litter is an important source of SOC, and the different vegetation types are the important reason for the different spatial distribution of SOC in this area. Soil SOC contents in the high-altitude forest (bamboo forest, deciduous broadleaf forest, Pinus taiwanensis forest, evergreen-deciduous forest, and coniferous-broadleaved mixed forest) were higher than those in the low-altitude forest (evergreen broadleaf forest, shrub, and Pinus massoniana forest). However, the difference in SOC content exhibited at the altitude gradient is significantly lower than that in SOC in the soil profile. This indicates that both soil depth and elevation are the important factors that affected SOC distribution. However, the influence of soil depth on spatial distribution of SOC may be more complex than that of altitude. Vegetation types and soil properties are the main reasons for the large differences of reduction rate in the contents of SOC and ASOC.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the degree of potential temperature and precipitation change as predicted by the HadCM3 (Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3) climate model for Louisiana, and to investigate the effects of potential climate change on surface soil organic carbon (SOC) across Louisiana using the Rothamsted Carbon Model (RothC) and GIS techniques at the watershed scale. Climate data sets at a grid cell of 0.5°?×?0.5° for the entire state of Louisiana were collected from the HadCM3 model output for three climate change scenarios: B2, A2, and A1F1, that represent low, higher, and even higher greenhouse gas emissions, respectively. Geo-referenced datasets including USDA-NRCS Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO), USGS Land Cover Dataset (NLCD), and the Louisiana watershed boundary data were gathered for SOC calculation at the watershed scale. A soil carbon turnover model, RothC, was used to simulate monthly changes in SOC from 2001 to 2100 under the projected temperature and precipitation changes. The simulated SOC changes in 253 watersheds from three time periods, 2001–2010, 2041–2050, and 2091–2100, were tested for the influence of the land covers and emissions scenarios using SAS PROC GLIMMIX and PDMIX800 macro to separate Tukey-Kramer (p?p?p?p?相似文献   

总有机碳的测定及其在染料废水监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总有机碳能够完全反映水中有机污染程度,已被许多国家所采用,我国也将它列入“污水综合排放标准”中。文章采用德国耶那仪器有限公司的Multi N/C TOC分析仪,用燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法分别测定直接染料、活性染料、分散染料、还原染料废水的TOC,并测定相关废水的COD值。实践证明在同类特定染料废水中,TOC与COD之间具有较好的相关性,因此可用TOC监测染料废水污染程度,该方法快速、简便、准确度高。  相似文献   

大气总悬浮颗粒中有机碳的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出一种新的高灵敏度测定总悬浮颗粒中有机碳的方法一元素分析法。该方法是在氧化炉最佳温度为600℃时,一步测定出样品中有机碳的含量,并成功地对齐齐哈尔市大气总悬浮颗粒中的有机碳进行了连续的监测。结果表明,总悬浮颗粒中有机碳的含量有较明显的变化规律。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted during July 2013 (early phase of monsoon or EM) and September 2013 (later phase of monsoon or LM) to ascertain the intra-monsoonal variation on zooplankton, by selecting 15 study stations in the river Saptamukhi, one of the main estuaries in the Sundarbans Estuarine System (SES). In 2013, SES experienced an unusually high monsoonal rainfall also exacerbated by cloud burst event at Himalayan region (upper stretches of SES) which tremendously increased the river runoff. The present work was aimed to decipher the effect of this unusual precipitation during the monsoon season on zooplankton assemblages along with different hydrological parameters. The abundance of zooplankton was recorded as lower during EM compared to LM. Altogether, 56 zooplankton taxa were identified with copepods forming the predominant population. Thirty-three copepod species were reported with 25 calanoid species forming the bulk of the biomass followed by 5 and 3 species of cyclopoids and harpacticoid, respectively. A combination of multivariate cluster analysis, biotic indices, and canonical correspondence analysis revealed noticeable alterations in the zooplankton community structure across the spatio-temporal scale. Furthermore, significant intra-monsoonal changes in zooplankton population correlated with several hydrological parameters were clearly noticed. Paracalanus parvus, Bestiolina similis and Oithona similis were observed to be the most dominant copepod species in both sampling periods. The result of the present study provides new insight on estuarine zooplankton community after unusual rainfall during monsoon season, and provides further evidence to support the conservation and management of the SES ecosystem.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter not only affects sustainability of agricultural ecosystems, but also extremely important in maintaining overall quality of environment as soil contains a significant part of global carbon stock. Hence, we attempted to assess the influence of different tillage and nutrient management practices on various stabilized and active soil organic carbon pools, and their contribution to the extractable nitrogen phosphorus and sulfur. Our study confined to the assessment of impact of agricultural management practices on the soil organic carbon pools and extractable nutrients under three important cropping systems, viz. soybean–wheat, maize–wheat, and rice–wheat. Results indicated that there was marginal improvement in Walkley and Black content in soil under integrated and organic nutrient management treatments in soybean–wheat, maize–wheat, and rice–wheat after completion of four cropping cycles. Improvement in stabilized pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) was not proportional to the applied amount of organic manures. While, labile pools of SOC were increased with the increase in amount of added manures. Apparently, green manure (Sesbania) was more effective in enhancing the lability of SOC as compared to farmyard manure and crop residues. The KMnO4-oxidizable SOC proved to be more sensitive and consistent as an index of labile pool of SOC compared to microbial biomass carbon. Under different cropping sequences, labile fractions of soil organic carbon exerted consistent positive effect on the extractable nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur in soil.  相似文献   

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