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油中的腐蚀性硫化物会侵蚀变压器绝缘绕组,导致油纸绝缘性能下降,给变压器的运行带来安全隐患,工程上常通过加入金属钝化剂来抑制腐蚀性硫化物与铜离子的结合,进而延缓硫腐蚀过程的发生。研究了油中常用金属钝化剂苯并三氮唑(BTA)对铜硫化物形成的抑制效果,并研究了钝化剂在长期运行过程中对变压器绝缘油性能的影响。结果表明,在含有腐蚀性硫的绝缘油中加入BTA可以有效缓解变压器硫腐蚀,但高浓度的BTA会促使油中铜离子含量增加,而油中铜离子能通过传递分解过氧化氢产生过氧化自由基,加速油品劣化,导致油纸绝缘老化加速。  相似文献   

综述了变压器油中腐蚀性硫的研究进展;结合研究现状,对贵州电网220kV及以上电压等级主变压器(含高抗)油进行腐蚀性硫的检测;对含腐蚀性硫的变压器油进行了添加钝化剂的处理,添加钝化剂前后的试验数据对比证实了这种处理方法的有效性,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate corrosive sulfur in insulating oil quantitatively, wave length dispersive X-ray (WDX) technique has been reported (1) . Using this technique, antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol (DBPC) was found to be effective to suppress corrosion caused by dibenzyl disulfide (DBDS). The effect of corrosion prevention continues for a long term when a certain amount of DBPC is added to oil. The durability of DBPC was also evaluated by HPLC. It is possible to add relatively a good deal of DBPC to oil because DBPC has higher solubility than passivator and little effect on dielectric strength. Furthermore, DBPC was used with passivator simultaneously, and corrosion control time was far extended by their synergy effect. Copyright © 2009 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

矿物绝缘油中腐蚀活性较强的硫化物已被证实会诱发油浸式电力设备绝缘故障,在绝缘油精炼过程中会被去除。部分非活性硫因其高效抗氧化性保留于矿物绝缘油中以提高油品的氧化安定性。然而,非活性硫在油浸式电力设备运行条件下的活化问题及其对绝缘性能造成的影响并未得到关注。本文针对矿物绝缘油中的典型非活性硫噻吩类硫化物,聚焦油纸绝缘中非活性硫诱发绕组腐蚀的反应机理。采用材料物相分析方法探究噻吩类硫化物的热裂解产物,结合热解动力学分析方法,分析噻吩类硫化物在不同升温速率下的活化能变化规律,并开展非活性硫噻吩类硫化物在油纸绝缘热场作用下的试验研究。热裂解解气相色谱、质谱以及热解傅里叶红外光谱结果表明,噻吩类硫化物(噻吩、苯并噻吩、二苯并噻吩)在热解过程中的主要活化产物为具有极强腐蚀性与挥发性的H2S。不同热解升温速率下,噻吩类硫化物的热重和微分热重曲线形状基本一致,其中噻吩最容易发生热解、其次是苯并噻吩、最后为二苯并噻吩。在油纸绝缘低温过热条件下,由于体系能量的不断积累,导致非活性硫噻吩类硫化物会发生活化进而生成低分子强腐蚀性硫化物,加剧了油品腐蚀性,最终导致油纸绝缘发生硫腐蚀。  相似文献   

变压器在制造、运行和维修等过程中,其内部绝缘油难免会引入金属颗粒,为探究金属颗粒对油纸绝缘性能的影响,文中搭建并调试了油纸绝缘雷电冲击放电试验平台等,开展了金属颗粒对绝缘油流注发展特性影响试验研究,研究了不同浓度金属颗粒对绝缘油流注起始电压与发展过程中形态的影响,并通过COMSOL仿真平台进行验证。结果表明,金属颗粒会促进油中流注的起始与发展过程,流注停止长度和发展速度与颗粒浓度呈正相关,而绝缘油流注起始电压与击穿电压与颗粒浓度呈负相关,金属颗粒的引入会使得流注形态更加发散。分析认为油中金属颗粒与流注的相互作用是降低流注起始电压,加速流注发展,进而降低绝缘油击穿电压的主要原因。  相似文献   

The influence of various compounds on the increase of the electrostatic charging tendency (ECT) in insulating oil was investigated. Sulfide compounds, which are contained in new mineral oil, are identified for the first time as the original materials involved in the increase of the ECT. This is verified by heating tests of alkylbenzene with the addition of various compounds. Coexistence with copper and injection of oxygen enhance the increase of the ECT. Some sulfide and sulfoxide compounds increase the ECT markedly. On the other hand, the influence of sulfones, which are oxidation products of sulfoxides, is negligible. Although sulfonic acids, which are oxidation products of sulfones, markedly increase the ECT, the polarity is reverse. Thus, the ECT is influenced by the kinds and the molecular structures of additive sulfur compounds. The influence of nitrogen compounds and that of oxygen compounds are confirmed to be smaller than that of sulfur compounds. Since the amounts of nitrogen compounds and oxygen compounds are much smaller than those of sulfur compounds in mineral insulating oils, the influence of these compounds is considered negligible. Since the ECT of oils with the addition of sulfides or sulfoxides increases after heating, the other compounds should be created from these compounds that increase the ECT directly. Thus, the increase of the ECT is mostly caused by the oxidation of sulfides, which creates sulfoxides. Then certain compounds, which directly increase the ECT, are created from sulfoxides. If sulfones or sulfonic acids are created by the oxidation of sulfoxides, the ECT decreases because of the influence of these compounds on the ECT. It is most likely that some process other than oxidation occurs in the creation of the compounds that increase the ECT directly. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(3): 29–36, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21112  相似文献   

Problems due to discharge by charged metal particles in insulating oil under flow state are examined in this study. The motion characteristics of a charged metal particle in a horizontal transformer oil tract are investigated, and a mechanical model of a charged metal particle under flowing oil and an AC field is proposed. The particle's equations of motion are numerically solved using the fourth‐order Runge–Kutta computational algorithm. The trajectory of a spherical iron particle in typical motion state under flowing oil and AC field is simulated. The influence on the motion characteristics of a charged metal particle in terms of the oil flow rate, electric field strength of the oil tract, particle scale, initial state, and particle rotation is analyzed. Results reveal that when a charged metal particle is moving fast along the direction of oil tract flow, reciprocating oscillation simultaneously occurs in the vertical direction. Its trajectory is significantly affected by the oil flow rate, the electric field strength of the oil tract, particle scale, initial state, and particle rotation. Moreover, the degree of oscillation of the charged metal particle may be the main cause of degradation of the insulating oil under flow state. © 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the increase in the electrostatic charging tendency (ECT) of insulating oil and causative compounds were investigated by accelerated deterioration tests with the addition of various compounds. Although the ECT of the insulating oil was almost constant when only sulfoxide compounds were added, a marked increase was observed when either hydrochloric acid or moisture, which was considered to be generated by the aging of insulating oil, was also added to oil containing sulfoxide compounds. It is assumed that the sulfonium ion, which is generated by the reaction between sulfoxide compounds and hydrogen ion, is the compound that directly contributes to the increase in the ECT. Hydrogen ions can be supplied from organic acids generated by the oxidation of hydrocarbons in aging insulating oil. It is considered that the increase in the ECT of insulating oil is caused by the generation of sulfoxides by the oxidation of sulfide, which are present in fresh oil (originating compounds), and the generation of sulfonium ions by a reaction between sulfoxide and hydrogen ions, which are formed during aging. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(4): 26–33, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21113  相似文献   

针对电网大型变压器在运行中发现的硫腐蚀问题,初步分析了产生硫腐蚀的原因及对设备安全运行的危害;在此基础上开展了防护对策的研究,提出了向运行设备绝缘油中添加钝化剂以避免硫腐蚀发生的解决方法,介绍了钝化剂技术在华东电网500kV变压器上的具体应用情况.  相似文献   

变压器油中腐蚀性硫的分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对腐蚀性硫造成变压器线圈腐蚀的问题,对故障变压器绝缘油中腐蚀硫的来源进行了分析,阐述了腐蚀性硫的危害,介绍了一种测定变压器油中腐蚀性硫的方法,并应用该方法对运行油进行了添加钝化荆前后的对比试验,提出了解决变压器油硫腐蚀的方法。  相似文献   

何冰 《广东电力》2005,18(6):28-31
结合具体实例.分析了在反映绝缘油油质方面.绝缘油的体积电阻率试验和介质损耗因数试验的相同和差异之处,阐述了同时开展体积电阻率试验和介质损耗因数试验的必要性.指出不应简单地以等同的概念去理解和实施这两项试验。  相似文献   

影响环境温度与六氟化硫气体水分含量的关系的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究环境温度与六氟化硫气体水分含量的关系,进而判断环境温度较高时的六氟化硫气体水分含量是否超标,对影响环境温度与六氟化硫气体水分含量的关系的因素进行了研究。以西北电网运行的330kV罐式断路器为模拟对象,进行了模拟实验。分别研究了六氟化硫气体压力、模拟实验的罐体大小、环境温度为20℃时六氟化硫气体的水分含量和断路器罐体内固体材料四个因素对环境温度与六氟化硫气体水分含量的关系的影响。试验结果表明,前两个因素对环境温度与六氟化硫气体水分含量的关系几乎没有影响,而后两个因素影响较为显著。  相似文献   

潘湛荣 《广东电力》2005,18(12):52-55
SF6气体湿度的高低对电气设备的灭弧性能、绝缘强度以及电气设备的寿命影响很大,因而SF6气体湿度检测结果的准确性尤为重要。为此,对环境温度影响SF6气体湿度的检测准确性的原因进行了分析。通过实验,找出了SF6气体湿度检测结果遵循随温度升高而加大的变化规律,建立了SF6气体湿度受运行环境温度影响的变化曲线簇图形,解决了由于测试温度与标准温度(20℃)差异而引起的测试值与标准值无法比较这一难题。同时指出,当环境湿度较大或当采用露点仪检测的SF6气体中存在烃类杂质的蒸气时,也会影响到湿度检测结果的准确性。  相似文献   

This paper presents quantitative evaluation method of corrosive sulfur in insulating oil. The level of corrosion on copper strip which was aged in insulating oil is expressed numerically by the amount of sulfur on it. Since X‐ray strength by wave length dispersive X‐ray (WDX) and measurement value of sulfur on copper strip by titration show good correlation, the amount of sulfur can be obtained rapidly only by WDX. The performance of passivator such as BTA or Irgamet39 was quantitatively evaluated by WDX. The evaluation of life of passivator was also achieved. Copyright © 2008 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

油纸界面的局部放电是油浸式变压器中油纸绝缘失效的主要原因之一。本文在多分支流注放电数值模型基础上通过进一步考虑油纸界面的电荷输运特性,构建了油纸绝缘系统中的多分支流注放电模型,并利用有限元法分别对天然酯绝缘油/纸介电常数配比、针电极与纸板的间距影响下的沿面放电特性进行了研究。结果表明,针电极与纸板的间距及油/纸介电常数配比均会显著影响流注分支;针电极与纸板的间距越小,油纸界面处的流注分支间的抑制越明显,油纸界面的流注对z-轴流注的影响更显著;当绝缘油介电常数相比纸板大时,流注在油中的发展和分支更为显著,反之则流注更易沿纸板表面发展及在油纸界面聚集电荷。  相似文献   

The stock of aged power equipment is increasing and it is important to clarify the characteristics of deteriorated insulating oil. This paper describes a basic study of molecular behavior in the oxidation of insulating oil by terahertz spectroscopy. The oxidation of insulating oil was modeled by using various compositions of dodecane and 2‐octanol. The terahertz measurements indicated that signi?cant absorption related to hydroxyl groups (‐OH) occurred between 6 and 7 THz. The absorption band was also observed in accelerated aging alkylbenzene, which is used in power equipment as insulating oil and is sensitive to hydrogen bonds. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 183(1): 9–15, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.22335  相似文献   

何志满  王剑飞 《中国电力》2017,50(3):124-127
为研究变压器油中添加抗氧化剂二苄基二硫醚(DBDS)后的腐蚀特性,以及金属减活剂抑制腐蚀的特性,在实验室以2种油(简称油A和油B)为主要研究对象,进行了相关加速热老化试验。首先根据ASTM D1275B法进行相关加速热老化试验,检测腐蚀性硫化物;然后对添加一定量金属减活剂(Irgament 39)的油B进行90 ℃下的加速热老化试验,分析油中溶解气体含量变化。研究发现:DBDS为腐蚀性硫化物,而金属减活剂不是;金属减活剂能有效防止硫腐蚀的发生,但其本身随热老化快速消耗;添加金属减活剂之后,油中溶解气体H2、CO、CO2等含量明显增加,需关注这些溶解气体的分析结果及其对油色谱测定结果的影响,特别是对变压器故障进行判断时,需考虑这一因素,以防误判。  相似文献   

近年来,因变压器油中的腐蚀性硫与铜绕组反应生成硫化亚铜而导致多起高压设备发生故障,如何应对该问题已成为当前电力部门主要关注的热点之一.笔者详细介绍了目前国内外关于变压器油中腐蚀性硫已有的检测标准,总结了已被报道的对变压器油中腐蚀性硫可进行定量分析的不同测量方法,并对上述检测标准及测量方法进行了综合比较及相关验证,主要得...  相似文献   

陈刚  苏伟  邱富学 《广东电力》2000,13(4):8-10,29
应用电化学分析方法(即库仑法)测定重油中硫的含量,将其结果与经典的弹筒法、先进的荧光法与红外法测定的结果比较,没有显著性差异,偏差都在GB/T 214-1996标准允许误差之内。为了推广应用,在茂名热电厂、湖北省电力试验研究所做了协同对比试验,结果一致性较好。库仑法能准确、快速地测定重油中硫的含量,方法简便快速,可减轻劳动强度,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

对直流系统常用的几种接地电阻测试方法进行了比较分析,指出了它们在使用中的缺点。研制了一种新的直流系统接地电阻检测仪,集检测、显示、记录于一体。该仪器以MCS-51单片机为控制核心,以CPLD为辅助控制单元,采用乒乓式变电桥测量法,实现了接地电阻的准确在线测量。着重介绍了仪器的工作原理以及软硬件设计。该仪器具有测量精度高、抗干扰能力强、人机界面友好以及成本低等优点。  相似文献   

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