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Routing protocols for Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have been studied extensively in the past decade. Routing protocols for MANETs can be broadly classified as reactive (on-demand), proactive, hybrid and position-based. Reactive routing protocols are attractive because a route between a source and a destination is established only when it is needed. Such protocols, unlike proactive protocols, do not have high overhead for route maintenance and are especially suitable for networks in which not all nodes communicate frequently. One problem with existing reactive routing protocols is the propagation of redundant route request messages during route discovery. In this paper, we present a low-overhead reactive routing protocol which reduces propagation of redundant route request messages. We also compare its performance with the well-known reactive routing protocol AODV.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a high performance routing protocol and a long lifetime routing protocol by considering the fact that the bandwidth between two mobile nodes should be different when distances are different. In the high performance routing protocol, to reduce the number of rerouting times, we take the bandwidth issue into account to choose the path with the capability to transmit the maximum amount of data with the help of the GPS. With exchanging the moving vectors and the coordinates of two adjacent mobile nodes, the possible link lifetime of two adjacent mobile nodes can be predicted. Subsequently, a path with the maximal amount of data transmission can be found. With regard to our proposed long lifetime routing protocol, to maximize the overall network lifetime, we find a path with the maximal remaining power after data transmission. With the link bandwidth and the desired amount of data transmitted, the consumption power is computed to obtain the remaining power of a mobile node. Accordingly, we can choose the path with the maximal predicted remaining power to maximize the overall network lifetime. In the simulation, we compare our high performance routing protocol with the AODV and LAWS in terms of throughput, rerouting (path breakage), and route lifetime. With respect to power consumption, we compare our proposed power-aware routing protocol with the POAD and PAMP in terms of the overall network lifetime and the ration of survival nodes to the all nodes.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(2):327-350
Since the physical topology of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is generally unstable, an appealing approach is the construction of a stable and robust virtual topology or backbone. A virtual backbone can play important roles related to routing and connectivity management. In this paper, the problem of providing such a virtual backbone with low overhead is investigated. In particular, we propose an approach, called virtual grid architecture (VGA), that can be applied to both homogeneous and heterogeneous MANETs. We study the performance tradeoffs between the VGA clustering approach and an optimal clustering based on an integer linear program (ILP) formulation. Many properties of the VGA clustering approach, e.g., VGA size, route length over VGA, and clustering overhead are also studied and quantified. Analytical as well as simulation results show that average route length over VGA and VGA cardinality tend to be close to optimal. The results also show that the overhead of creating and maintaining VGA is greatly reduced, and thus the routing performance is improved significantly. To illustrate, two hierarchical routing techniques that operate on top of VGA are presented and evaluated. Performance evaluation shows that VGA clustering approach, albeit simple, is able to provide more stable (long lifetime) routes, deliver more packets, and accept more calls.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(1):130-154
In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), the mobility of the nodes is a complicating factor that significantly affects the effectiveness and performance of the routing protocols. Our work builds upon recent results on the effect of node mobility on the performance of available routing strategies (i.e., path-based, using support) and proposes a protocol framework that exploits the usually different mobility rates of the nodes by adapting the routing strategy during execution. We introduce a metric for the relative mobility of the nodes, according to which the nodes are classified into mobility classes. These mobility classes determine, for any pair of origin and destination, the routing technique that best corresponds to their mobility properties. Moreover, special care is taken for nodes remaining almost stationary or moving with high (relative) speeds. Our key design goal is to limit the necessary implementation changes required to incorporate existing routing protocols into our framework. We provide extensive evaluation of the proposed framework, using a well-known simulator (NS2). Our first findings demonstrate that the proposed framework improves, in certain cases, the performance of existing routing protocols.  相似文献   

《Computer Communications》2007,30(1):202-206
A gathering-based routing protocol (GRP) for mobile ad hoc networks is presented. The idea is to rapidly collect network information at a source node at an expense of a small amount of control overheads. The source node can equip promising routes on the basis of the collected information, thereby continuously transmitting data packets even if the current route is disconnected. It results in achieving fast (packet) transfer delay without unduly compromising on (control) overhead performance.  相似文献   

Networks composed of dynamically repositioning mobile hosts require location awareness to provide new geographic services and to maximize routing efficiency and quality of service. Because wireless networks can operate in a 3D physical environment, exploiting mobile hosts' location information is both natural and inevitable. Emerging geographic services based on mobile ad-hoc networks (manets) must confront several challenges, including how to increase positioning accuracy and how to establish a connection from location information to the vast body of Web data, as in a tour-guide system for example  相似文献   

Artificial immune systems (AIS) are used for solving complex optimization problems and can be applied to the detection of misbehaviors, such as a fault tolerant. We present novel techniques for the routing optimization from the perspective of the artificial immunology theory. We discussed the bioinspired protocol AntOR and analyze its new enhancements. This ACO protocol based on swarm intelligence takes into account the behavior of the ants at the time of obtaining the food. In the simulation results we compare it with the reactive protocol AODV observing how our proposal improves it according to Jitter, the delivered data packet ratio, throughput and overhead in number of packets metrics.  相似文献   

Ad hoc networks are self-organizing wireless systems conformed by cooperating neighboring nodes that conform networks with variable topology. Analyzing these networks is a complex task due to their dynamic and irregular nature. Cellular Automata (CA), a very popular technique to study self-organizing systems, can be used to model and simulate ad hoc networks, as the modeling technique resembles the system being modeled. Cell-DEVS was proposed as an extension to CA in which each cell in the system is considered as a DEVS model. The approach permits defining models with asynchronous behavior, and to execute them with high efficiency. We show how these techniques can be used to model mobile wireless ad hoc networks, making easy model definition, analysis and visualization of the results. The use of Cell-DEVS permitted us to easily develop new experiments, which allowed us to extend routing techniques for inter-networking and multicast routing, while permitting seamless integration with traditional networking models.  相似文献   

Deying  Qin  Xiaodong  Xiaohua   《Computer Communications》2007,30(18):3746-3756
In this paper, we discuss the energy efficient multicast problem in ad hoc wireless networks. Each node in the network is assumed to have a fixed level of transmission power. The problem of our concern is: given an ad hoc wireless network and a multicast request, how to find a multicast tree such that the total energy cost of the multicast tree is minimized. We first prove this problem is NP-hard and it is unlikely to have an approximation algorithm with a constant performance ratio of the number of nodes in the network. We then propose an algorithm based on the directed Steiner tree method that has a theoretically guaranteed approximation performance ratio. We also propose two efficient heuristics, node-join-tree (NJT) and tree-join-tree (TJT) algorithms. The NJT algorithm can be easily implemented in a distributed fashion. Extensive simulations have been conducted to compare with other methods and the results have shown significant improvement on energy efficiency of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

无线自组网与传统的有线网不同,它由一些可移动的结点组成,这些结点的带宽、计算能力和能量都受到一定限制。针对这种网络,研究者们提出了按需路由协议,这些协议非常适合无线自组网这种拓扑结构,但是由于缺乏对全局拓扑和结点移动性的了解,可能达不到最优。因此提出了一种高效的路由协议ERNC,该协议基于已提出的SHORT路由协议[13],并对以前所提出的NAOR协议[14]进行了扩展,即利用网络编码技术来进一步提高路由协议的性能。最后,使用NS-2模拟器来评估ERNC的性能,结果显示ERNC在分组投递率和平均端到端时延等方面获得了比已有协议更好的性能。  相似文献   

Improving source routing reliability in mobile ad hoc networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we propose a novel on-demand routing protocol called backup source routing (BSR) to establish and maintain backup routes that can be utilized after the primary path breaks. The key advantage of BSR is the reduction of the frequency of route discovery flooding, which is recognized as a major overhead in on-demand protocols. We define a new routing metric, called the route reliability, and use it to provide the basis for the backup path selection. We use a heuristic cost function to develop an analytical model and an approximation method to measure this metric. Various algorithms for our BSR protocol in the route discovery phase and route maintenance phase have been designed based on this cost function. Extensive simulations demonstrated that our routing strategy has two interesting features: 1) in less stressful situations of lower mobility, BSR has similar performance to DSR, 2) in more challenging situations of high mobility, BSR can improve the performance significantly.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(12):3595-3616
As mobile ad hoc network (MANET) systems research has matured and several testbeds have been built to study MANETs, research has focused on developing new MANET applications such as collaborative games, collaborative computing, messaging systems, distributed security schemes, MANET middleware, peer-to-peer file sharing systems, voting systems, resource management and discovery, vehicular computing and collaborative education systems. The growing set of diverse applications developed for MANETs pose far more complex traffic patterns than the simple one-to-one traffic pattern, and hence the one-to-one traffic pattern widely used in previous protocol studies has become inadequate in reflecting the relative performance of these protocols when deployed to support these emerging applications.As a first step towards effectively supporting newly developed and future diverse MANET applications, this paper studies the performance impact of diverse traffic patterns on routing protocols in MANETs. Specifically, we propose a new communication model that extends the previous communication model to include a more general traffic pattern that varies the number of connections per source node. We study the performance impact of traffic patterns on various routing protocols via detailed simulations of an ad hoc network of 112 mobile nodes. Our simulation results show that many of the conclusions drawn in previous protocol comparison studies no longer hold under the new traffic patterns. These results motivate the need for performance evaluation of ad hoc networks to not only include rich and diverse mobility models as has been done in the past but also include diverse traffic patterns that stress a wide set of protocol design issues.  相似文献   

Frequent interactions among the group members of distributed wireless network environment may be facilitated with the help of Mobile Ad Hoc NETworks (MANETs). Some of the group-oriented applications include disaster management, battlefields, audio/video conferencing, e-commerce, e-education, etc. Group communication demands dynamic construction of efficient and reliable multicast routes under user mobility and varying channel conditions. Multicast routing mechanisms in MANETs have been consistently improved by researchers considering various performance measures such as energy efficient route establishment, packet delivery ratio, quicker and faster proactive route recovery, network life time, reliability, Quality of Service (QoS) based on bandwidth, delays, jitters, and security. The paper focuses on most recent reliable and QoS based multicast routing mechanisms that helps in multimedia communication over MANETs. The mechanisms are considered under different topological routing categories such as mesh, tree, zone and hybrid. We provide an overview of existing multicast routing mechanisms based on routing categories and point to directions for future research and development.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to make the routes quickly adapt to the changed network topology when nodes fail in a wireless ad hoc network. In this paper, we propose an adaptive routing protocol, which groups the network nodes into virtual nodes according to their data transfer capabilities and creates virtual-node-based routes. The protocol can accommodate the routes to node failures by adaptively pdating the virtual nodes and just-in-time using available nodes during data transmission. The simulations indicate that the proposed protocol can keep the routes failed-node-freewhen the available virtual node members cover the failed nodes scattering area.  相似文献   

It is a challenge to make the routes quickly adapt to the changed network topology when nodes fail in a wireless ad hoc network. In this paper, we propose an adaptive routing protocol, which groups the network nodes into virtual nodes according to their data transfer capabilities and creates virtual-node-based routes. The protocol can accommodate the routes to node failures by adaptively updating the virtual nodes and just-in-time using available nodes during data transmission. The simulations indicate that the proposed protocol can keep the routes failed-node-free when the available virtual node members cover the failed nodes scattering area.  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) follow a unique organizational and behavioral logic. MANETs’ characteristics such as their dynamic topology coupled with the characteristics of the wireless communication medium make Quality of Service provisioning a difficult challenge. This paper presents a new approach based on a mobile routing backbone for supporting Quality of Service (QoS) in MANETs. In real-life MANETs, nodes will possess different communication capabilities and processing characteristics. Hence, we aim to identify those nodes whose capabilities and characteristics will enable them to take part in the mobile routing backbone and efficiently participate in the routing process. Moreover, the route discovery mechanism we developed for the mobile routing backbone dynamically distributes traffic within the network according to current network traffic levels and nodes’ processing loads. Simulation results show that our solution improves network throughput and packet delivery ratio by directing traffic through lowly congested regions of the network that are rich in resources. Moreover, our protocol incurs lower communication overheads than AODV (ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol) when searching for routes in the network.  相似文献   

This survey investigates multipath routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The main objectives of multipath routing protocols are to provide reliable communication and to ensure load balancing as well as to improve quality of service (QoS) of MANETs. These multipath protocols are broadly classified into five categories based on their major goals. The goals are to improve delay, provide reliability, reduce overhead, maximize network life and support hybrid routing. Multipath routing protocols address issues such as multiple paths discovery and maintaining these paths. Issues, objectives, performances, advantages and disadvantages of these protocols are investigated and summarized. A checklist is provided as a guideline so that a network designer can choose an appropriate multipath routing protocol to meet the network's application objectives.  相似文献   

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), which provide data networking without infrastructure, represent one kind of wireless networks. A MANET is a self-organizating and adaptive wireless network formed by the dynamic gathering of mobile nodes. Due to the mobility of mobile nodes, the topology of a MANET frequently changes and thus results in the disability of originally on-the-fly data transmission routes. The dynamic properties of MANETs are therefore challenging to protocol design. To cope with the intrinsic properties of MANETs, Dynamic Backup Routes Routing Protocol (DBR2P), a backup node mechanism for quick reconnection during link failures, is proposed in this paper. DBR2P is an on-demand routing protocol and it can set up many routes to reach a destination node in a given period. Even when a link fails, those routes from the source node to the destination node can be analyzed to obtain backup routes to sustain quick reconnection. The information of backup routes can be saved in a specific on-the-route node and enables backup routes to be found immediately in situation regarding disconnection. As a result, DBR2P could more thoroughly improve the quality of routing protocol than those proposed in the past.  相似文献   

讨论了层状移动AdHoc网络的一个信息传播路由算法和基于半马尔可夫过程的节点移动跟踪模型,通过该路由算法可以有效地解决层状子网络间的通信和信息交换。通过路由算法得到的中继节点的移动跟踪模型和计算机仿真,分析了层状移动AdHoc网络的传播性能和路由开销,并得出:当 0≤ρ≤ 1时,层状AdHoc网络的传播性能显著地受到移动呼叫率ρ的影响,当ρ>1时,层状AdHoc网络的传播性能主要取决于移动网络的节点总数、节点移动速度和加速度的结论。  相似文献   

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