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山顶洞101号头骨化石是东亚地区保存最为完整的化石之一,是探讨东亚地区现代人起源的重要研究材料。本文依据数据集中现生人的面部软组织平均分布,提出了计算机三维颅面复原方法,实现了101号头骨生前面貌的预测复原。主要包括三个步骤:首先使用CT完成了101号男性头骨和下颌骨仿制模型的三维重建。然后,利用计算机技术将现生人的面部软组织分布作为101号头骨的面部软组织分布,实现了颅面虚拟复原,并采用手工绘画技巧再现了复原面貌的形态特征。最后,提出了一种基于面部软组织分布和面貌统计形状模型的形态分析方法,实现了颅面复原结果的评估。山顶洞101号头骨的复原面貌具有头部较长、额头前倾、眉弓粗壮等特征,与101号头骨的几何形态基本一致。该技术再现了更新世晚期人类的脑颅及面部的形态特征,为古人类颅面复原的研究提供了技术支持和参考资料。  相似文献   

欧亚非三洲古代居民的人类学图集是苏联历史-人类学家、历史科学博士米哈依尔·格拉西莫夫編纂的,他以根据头骨复原人类面相方面的工作而聞名于世。根据他所用的方法——其基础是人类面部軟部組織发育的程度取决于头骨的形状和骨面凹凸情况的規律性,作者已經制作了200多个复原古代人类面貌的雕象。他作的复原象陈列在苏联的許多博物館中。  相似文献   

软组织厚度作为颅骨面貌复原的基础, 具有重要的应用价值。本文借助计算机技术对西安地区132例成年人颅面数据样本开展软组织测量、分析及应用研究, 结果表明, 1)通过分析特征点处软组织厚度和面部软组织分布图, 发现面部软组织分布具有一定的规律, 额头区域软组织厚度薄且样本间差异小, 脸颊区域软组织厚且样本间差异大; 2)通过比较不同年龄段男性软组织厚度的均值, 发现20-30岁阶段软组织厚度均值最小, 50-60岁阶段软组织厚度均值其次, 30-40岁阶段软组织厚度均值最大, 但30-40岁和40-50岁两个年龄段的软组织厚度近似; 通过比较不同年龄段女性软组织厚度的均值, 发现20-30岁阶段软组织厚度均值最小, 30-40岁阶段软组织厚度均值其次, 40-50岁阶段的软组织厚度均值最大; 3)特征点处软组织厚度标准差可以反映面貌体态的差异, 因此根据10个脸颊特征点的软组织厚度均值和标准差实现面貌体态分类; 4)根据不同性别、年龄、体态对应的软组织平均厚度, 应用计算机技术实现给定颅骨的三维面貌复原, 复原结果相比于传统手工复原的结果更加科学。  相似文献   

2011年安徽白鹭洲发现战国时期保存完整的楚国贵族墓葬,因墓主人头发和发簪保存完好、墓主身份显赫而备受关注。该头骨保存完整,具有亚洲蒙古人种的特征,根据骨骼的形态推测其为女性,年龄为35-39岁。为展现该地区战国贵族妇女的容貌、丰富该地区考古多样性提供研究材料。本文首先使用高分辨率CT对该个体的头骨及下颌骨进行了扫描和重建,然后采用基于偏最小二乘回归的颅面复原方法实现生前容貌基本形态的复原。最后,结合考古资料,利用三维模型处理软件对面貌复原模型及其发饰进行了三维建模和纹理贴图等处理,提高了颅面复原模型的真实感,生动形象地再现战国贵族女性面部的形态特征。  相似文献   

张建军 《化石》2015,(2):66-69
<正>从事依据头颅骨复原古人类生前面貌的研究和技术性工作很有意义,好的作品会被安放到博物馆的展厅内长期陈列展出。该项工作属于边缘学科的冷门课题,从事者须具有美术雕塑的基础,掌握人体解剖学、体质人类学、考古学及博物馆学等方面的知识。因为与我们人类进化息息相关,在德国、美国、法国、俄国等科技强国,都有这方面的人才。中国古人类化石十分丰富,具备头骨复原面貌的地点也不少。相比之下,这  相似文献   

中国汉族成年女性与6个民族成年女性头面部软组织厚度的分析陈守榕,邓国顺(辽宁省铁岭市公安局213研究所法医研究室,铁岭市112000)当发现无名尸骨时,依据现场情况无法认定身源,可以用颅骨面貌复原的手段来初步恢复颅骨的本来面目,以达到缩小侦察范围的目...  相似文献   

牙齿人类学(Dental anthropology)是体质人类学的重要分支学科,主要通过对人类牙齿特征及其变异性(即牙齿齿冠与齿根的形态学和测量学特征)进行研究来探讨人类的起源和演化问题。此外,牙齿的生长发育、疾病、磨耗、使用模式、人工畸形和拔牙习俗等也是牙齿人类学家所关注和研究的内容。从牙齿的研究中所获得的重要信息,在推断个体的性别和死亡年龄、复原古人类的行为习惯和食物结构、探索人类的起源和迁移路线等问题上都起着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

正我们的祖先长什么样?印象中的形象似乎是这样:个子不高,面貌像黑猩猩(如脸黑、颌凸、前额低矮、眉脊粗壮),跑的比较快,手中拿着一块石头正投向前方的野兽!其实,古人类并不都长这个样!距今10万年左右的早期现代人,其体质特征已经同我们接近,有些古人类长得还比较帅气,身高和脑量甚至超过了我们!古人类的面貌什么样?古人类的遗骸形成化石后,因面部软组织已不存在,只能根据保存下来的头骨化石,参考现代人的颅面特征与软组  相似文献   

张群  张全超 《人类学学报》2018,37(1):157-158
法医人类学(Forensic anthropology)是运用体质人类学的理论、方法、技术,对法律情境下涉及人类遗骸个体特征分析鉴定的一门应用型学科,其研究对象包括骨骼、牙齿、尸体、毛发、肤纹、血型等。根据美国著名人类学家Warren(1978)与Krogman(1986)提出的框架,法医人类学研究和应用的范围主要涉及性别与年龄鉴定、遗骸现场记录、微观骨结构、骨病理学、人类化石学、战争死难者与集体灾祸、齿科学以及刑事诉讼科学等8个方面。法医人类学既是现代法医学的一个分科,也是体质人类学的一个分支,从研究方法上属于应用人类学,而在应用范畴上属于法证科学,在在刑事侦查和灾害调查等领域  相似文献   

颅骨厚度是重要的解剖学特征,也是常见的测量项目,在体质人类学研究中具有重要意义。目前关于颅骨厚度的研究主要集中在颅骨厚度的年龄与时代变化、人群间和性别间的差异、颅骨厚度的影响因素和与力学性能的关系等几个方面。颅骨厚度的相关研究有助于我们更为全面地了解人类颅骨的形态变异和进化情况。国内对颅骨厚度的关注相对较少,本文通过梳理和归纳已有关于颅骨厚度研究的相关文献数据与结论,对颅骨厚度相关研究进展及其测量方法进行了概述,并对国内颅骨厚度研究作了简要回顾和展望。  相似文献   

Primarily during the past 15 years a distinct new area within physical anthropology has emerged, biomedical anthropology. Physical anthropologists have become heavily involved in studying problems of relevance to the health and illness patterns of living humans. There has been a proportionate increase in biomedically focused papers published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, in biomedically focused papers presented at annual meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, and in physical anthropology doctoral dissertations oriented toward modern biomedical phenomena. Proportionately more physical anthropologists are now employed in medical schools and there has been recent growth in the proportion of physical anthropologists in anthropology departments who claim some aspect of biomedical anthropology as a research interest. Increasingly, physical anthropologists are focusing their research on cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in America. These distinct trends are partially a result of the nature of physical anthropology and its unique biocultural perspective. However the growth of applied anthropology, the present academic marketplace, and the availability of research funds are probably also contributing factors. The emergency of biomedical anthropology holds promise for the future of physical anthropology and for its current employment crisis. Careers with academic and nonacademic organizations engaged in biomedical research appear to be a viable alternative to careers in departments of anthropology, for biomedical anthropologists. This will entail some reorientation of graduate training for physical anthropologists. More emphasis will have to be placed on substantive biomedical subjects, research methods, and data management and analysis.  相似文献   

Over a 40-year period, 1940 through the present, human growth research has increased from a minimal to a major part of physical anthropology. Such research, originally conducted at the major American growth centers, has become more diverse and more specialized, extending to National Probability Samplings, nutritional surveys, studies of twins, investigations restricted to the craniofacial complex, and studies of the growth and development of various primate species. Besides extending knowledge of growth and development in general and control mechanisms in particular, there has been major feedback into physical anthropology affording far greater understanding of human variability, of taxonomic differences, and of changes previously believed to be phylogenetic in nature. To the larger extent, all physical anthropologists have some degree of growth awareness.  相似文献   

American anthropologists have repeatedly addressed questions about the nature of anthropology as a science and the relationship of anthropology to society. Complex interactions between anthropology and political events in American life have challenged definitions of science, including anthropologists as citizens, scientists, and professionals and the roles they appropriately play. A series of exchanges and events between the 1930s and 1970 are examined in order to shed light on some of the recurrent dilemmas of definition and practice in anthropology as anthropologists have grappled with them in different times and in relation to different contexts. [Keywords: U.S. anthropology, U.S. history, science]  相似文献   

Applications of multivariate analysis in physical anthropology have been mainly concerned with quantitative variables. We suggest that methods developed by psychometricians for the analysis of categorical (qualitative), possibly ordered, variables may be adopted with profit by anthropologists. PRINCIPALS, a form of principal components analysis using categorical variables, is briefly discussed and illustrated with an analysis of data on 164 skulls, each described by eleven qualitative variables (Age-group, Sex, Foramen Pharyngeum and left and right Frontal Grooves, Maxillary Torus, Foramen Supraorbitale and Foramen Zygomatico-orbitale). Similar generalisations exist for all other forms of quantitative multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT   Biological anthropologists inform a largely professional discourse on the evolutionary history of our species. In addition, aspects of our biology, the ways in which we vary, and certain patterns of behavior are the subjects of a more public and popular conversation. The social contexts in which we work not only define our times but also produce the anthropologists that in turn construct an emergent understanding of our species' (and our societies') inner workings. In this review of scholarly production, I focus on developments within a selection of "sub-subdisciplines" that were particularly influential in bending the arc of biological anthropology in 2008, namely: evolutionary medical anthropology, anthropological neuroscience, forensic anthropology, primatology, and paleoanthropology. Ultimately, this review demonstrates, yet again, anthropology's great contribution: the ability to incorporate new technologies and research methodologies into a synthetic and integrative interdisciplinary approach toward the elucidation of human behavior, evolution, and biocultural engagements with the environment. [Keywords: biological anthropology, year in review, 2008, science and society]  相似文献   

陈昭 《人类学学报》2013,32(3):264-273
随着人体组成学中文版的发行和人体组成测量培训班在中国的举行, 中国生物人类学家对人体组成测量方法在科研中的运用有了更大的兴趣。该文对人类学家,如Jindr?ich Matiegka和Stanley MarionGarn在人体组成学发展中的历史贡献做了基本的介绍。此外, 作者还以Garn博士的工作为例, 去激励中国生物人类学家开展人体组成学的研究工作。文章讨论了人体组成成分的测量方法在生物人类学中的用途, 并介绍了人体组成学的基本理论和概念及近年来人体组成学的变化: 如影像技术的发展, 影像技术作为"金标准"对评估其他人体组成测量方法的用途, 双能量x线吸收法的优势, 生物电阻分析法的广泛运用, 和多种人体组成测量方法相辅相成的现象。作者对常用的人体组成测量方法的优缺点做了比较, 并指出人体组成成分测量是人体测量方法的自然延续, 人体组成学和生物人类学的关系渊源已久; 因此中国人类学家应当更多地利用人体组成测量方法对人体差异做更深入的研究, 并注重人体差异同健康疾病和生物医学的关系, 以便让生物人类学更好地为当今社会服务。  相似文献   

Four predictions are made on the future of space age technologies in human and cultural ecology: first, remote sensing systems will generate a need for more fieldwork, not less; second, the services and skills of anthropologists will become essential to the interpretation of satellite data, especially as these relate to areas characterized by non-Western cultural practices; third, training in remote sensing and the use of geographic information systems will become a regular offering for anthropology students; and fourth, since these new systems and methods can be applied retrospectively to the re-analysis of earlier ethnographic works, space age technologies will be with us for some time to come.  相似文献   

基于三维激光扫描的颅骨测量方法具有无接触、成像快速、易便携操作等优势,近年来在体质人类学与古人类学等领域发挥着日趋重要的作用。而在该测量技术普及的同时,其可靠性以及与手工测量的一致性问题也受到关注。本研究分别以手工方法与激光扫描建立模型法对考古出土颅骨进行测量,期望以实验手段探讨两种测量结果是否一致。实验结果显示,上述两种测量方法分别标定的两套测点相互之间吻合情况较好。其中,有易识别解剖学形态特征的测点吻合程度最优。而在两种测量手段的标点操作方式有所不同时,其标点位置间距会略有放大。从最终测量结果来看,两种测量手段所获数据的绝对差值和相对差异程度均较小。个别测量项在配对样本t检验中表现出了差异显著性,这应由两种测量结果大小差异的统一偏向性所致。在实际操作中,此类差异仍在可接受范围内,适宜混合同时使用。就差异的来源而言,测量操作方式的不同以及测点间的吻合程度是导致最终测量结果不同的主要原因之一,而仪器、颅骨表面的激光反射特性、扫描所获三维画面拼合情况等主客观因素也同样不可忽视。  相似文献   

Some have argued that the major contribution of anthropology to science is the concept of culture. Until very recently, however, evolutionary anthropologists have largely ignored culture as a topic of study. This is perhaps because of the strange bedfellows they would have to maintain. Historically, anthropologists who claimed the focus of cultural anthropology tended to be anti‐science, anti‐biology, or both. Paradoxically, a segment of current mainstream cultural anthropology has more or less abandoned culture as a topic. It is particularly ironic that in spite of a growing awareness among evolutionary anthropologists that culture is critical for understanding the human condition, the topic of culture has fallen out of favor among many “cultural” anthropologists. 1,2  相似文献   

If forensic physical anthropology is the science of biological processes and related medico-legal investigations, then forensic social anthropology is the science of cultural processes and related socio-legal investigations. This article lays out the terms, definitions, and application of forensic specialization in social anthropology as it is practised in Australia. The objective of this exercise is to equip both physical and social anthropologists with a consilient model for the joint engagement of their parent discipline in legal proceedings where cultural processes are deemed relevant by a court or other legally empowered body. As demonstrated in Australia, the potential applications of forensic social anthropology range across a variety of matters involving both civil and criminal investigation. Such matters include systematic land expropriation, child removal, forced population movement, modern-day slavery, unlawful detention, and other important social phenomena. The questionable legality of these kinds of phenomena is not isolated to Australia but is, rather, of international significance.  相似文献   

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