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风成沙波纹脊线提取与应用计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李猛  董治宝  张正偲 《中国沙漠》2014,34(2):312-317
风成沙波纹是沙质地表在风力作用下形成的最小地貌单元,对研究风沙的起动过程和运动过程极其重要,同时,沙波纹形态特征的研究为了解大尺度范围风沙地貌形态演变提供理论基础。然而由于风成沙波纹尺度较小,形成速度较快,导致对其形态特征的观测比较困难。近些年,随着计算机图形学的迅猛发展,数字图像处理方法得到了较大发展,使得测量和计算更加便捷。本文基于高清相机拍摄的风成沙波纹图像,借助于Matlab平台,采用数字图像处理技术,对沙波纹脊线进行提取,并应用于沙波纹形态参数计算。本文选取腾格里沙漠东南缘的沙波纹进行验证分析,得到风成沙波纹波长的正态分布规律,沙波纹的波长随时间逐渐增长,在40 min的时间范围内,波长由不足1 cm逐步发展到接近10 cm。最后,采用数字图像处理方法,计算了沙波纹脊线长度和波长。采用数字图像处理方法,波长等数据更易于获取和统计,数据采集效率大大提高,为风成沙波纹的研究提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

沙波纹生成的耦合映射格子模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用耦合映射格子模型模拟了三维、不对称、带有Y形连结的沙波纹的形成与演化过程。模拟显示了在风力作用下,平坦床面上的沙粒通过自组织形成沙波纹,其波长通过合并逐渐增长,而成熟后的沙波纹具有长而缓的迎风坡和短而陡的背风坡,并以确定的速度向下风方向迁移,这些特征很接近自然界中的沙波纹。此外,还模拟了双风向下沙波纹形态的变化,结果与Rubin等人关于横向、斜向床面形态形成条件的论断相符合。  相似文献   

通过实地考察、观测和采样,利用Google Earth遥感影像和激光粒度分析仪,研究了科尔沁沙地大型沙波纹(large-scale ripples, LSR)的空间分布、单体和群体的基本形态和粒度特征,探讨了LSR粗颗粒的来源、它同普通沙波纹和普通风成沙在颗粒组成、形态特征和内部沉积结构方面的区别。结果表明:(1)科尔沁沙地的LSR主要分布于翁牛特旗中部和北部地区。(2)LSR空间单元的空间形态具有片状、斑块状和条带状3种类型,分别发育于宽阔的丘间地、沙丘中上部、槽形低地3类地形部位。(3)LSR平均长度为6.32 m,总体走向为东北—西南,平均波长为1.68 m,空间分异较为明显;单体LSR的前后坡不对称。(4)LSR的颗粒为中砂-粗砂粒级,其中粗颗粒主要来自旧河道的河流冲积层、下伏Q3河湖相地层、剥蚀残山的风化壳和山麓洪积物。(5)LSR同普通沙波纹在外观、物质组成、几何形态和内部沉积结构方面有明显差异。该项研究将有助于促进风沙地貌学的理论发展和实践。  相似文献   

武生智  王鹏 《中国沙漠》2013,33(4):967-972
本文基于颗粒的质量守恒原理,考虑了沙粒的跃移、溅移和蠕移运动,建立了风成沙波纹的非线性积分微分演化方程,并进而通过尺度变换得到了近似的微分方程。数值求解该微分方程,得到了与野外观测相一致的沙波纹斑图,同时再现了沙波纹生成、合并的非线性行为,为进一步风成地貌形成演化的理论分析提供了一种可行的数学物理方法。  相似文献   

分析了毛乌素沙地中部流动沙丘与固定-半固定沙丘沉积物粒度、元素和微形态特征。结果表明:流动沙丘沙和固定-半固定沙丘沙均以细沙和中沙为主,流动沙丘沙的分选性较好,而固定-半固定沙丘沙的分选性较差,沙丘在频繁强烈的风沙活动环境下跃移搬运,且搬运方式一定,搬运动力稳定。与上部陆壳平均化学组成(UCC)相比,常量元素SiO2和Na2O富集,其余均亏损,而微量元素中,Co富集明显。沙丘沙物质CIA值与上部陆壳平均值接近,表明沙丘经历了低等的化学风化。流动沙丘和固定-半固定沙丘颗粒磨圆度普遍较差,大多呈现棱角状或次棱角状外形,真正圆状外形较少。风成环境的典型标志碟形撞击坑占比很大,推断毛乌素沙地中部气候相对干燥,机械作用占主导地位,化学风化作用甚微。  相似文献   

华南海岸现代风成沙与海滩沙的粒度特征差异   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
基于华南海岸沙丘集中分布的闽南、粤东、粤西、海南岛沿岸141个现代沙丘沙和70个海滩沙样品的粒度数据,从粒径组成、粒度参数、粒度参数图和概率累积曲线等方面,分析了华南海岸现代风成沙与海滩沙的粒度差异特点。结果表明:现代沙丘沙较海滩沙细、分选程度变好、正偏相对增多及峰态变窄,但二者的差异并不显著,其概率累积曲线相近且一般通过粒度参数图难以区分,差异程度还呈现出明显的区域性。上述差异主要受华南海岸沙丘发育时间较短、季风气候的风向交替、台风频发、风沙活动空间不足、沙源粗细不同与沙丘规模差别等因素影响。  相似文献   

长江河口悬沙的运动方式与沉积形态特征分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
长江河口为三级分汊四口入海的中等潮汐强度的三角洲河口。长江河口的悬沙输运有净上移、净下泄、上层下泄而下层上溯、潮滩与主槽之间的泥沙交换及涨潮槽泥沙倒灌落潮槽等五种形式。根据悬沙沉积的不同地点不同沉积形态可分为暗沙、拦门沙、口外水下三角洲以及河口潮滩四种类型。  相似文献   

不同组合间距的尼龙阻沙网积沙形态特征对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地垄间平沙地,布设了两条尼龙阻沙网水平组合防沙实验,组合间距分别为2H、5H、10H、15H(H为阻沙网高度),一个风季中对实验设置的地形及纵断面蚀积量进行了动态观测。结果表明:(1)各尼龙阻沙网组合形成有规律的地表蚀积空间分布格局:形成以阻沙网为核心的积沙区,其上下风侧分布有较稳定的风蚀区,两条阻沙网之间存在临时的风蚀区。(2)在阻沙网前后形成与阻沙网高度相近的积沙体,在第一条阻沙网上风侧区域,积沙厚度与水平距离呈指数函数关系,在阻沙网背风侧,积沙厚度与水平距离呈二次函数关系。(3)2H和5H积沙体纵断面呈单峰状,风季中后期形似“几”字形,而10H和15H呈双峰状,风季中后期形似“M”字形。(4)阻沙网组合间距越小,积沙分布就越集中,形体越高大,反之则越分散,风季末阻沙网积沙体地形起伏度、平均坡降、积沙体积比、积沙断面面积轮廓比大小排序均为2H>5H>10H>15H。(5)阻沙网积沙体积具有随阻沙网间距增大而降低的趋势,观测断面最大积沙体积5HH>2H>15H>10H,5H、2H、15H分别较10H大13.20%、12.34%、3.78%,可见,5H防沙效果最优。  相似文献   

基于DEM的黄土塬形态特征分析及发育阶段划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于DEM的地形分析方法已被广泛应用于地貌学研究中,但当前研究以定性或半定量居多,利用各类参数对大面积区域的量化分析研究较少。本文以黄土高原为研究区,利用GIS 及DEM地形分析方法,将坡度小于15°的正地貌提取出来,然后利用坡度与起伏度结合分析得到黄土塬顶面,两者相减得到黄土塬坡面,最终提取黄土塬1106 个;选取黄土塬核心区的106 个样本,分别计算坡面平均坡度、顶面长短轴比、沟壑密度、顶面与底面比、地面裂度5 个指标,然后对其分别进行等级划分,计算5 个指标的几何平均值,作为评价研究区黄土塬相对年龄的指标;对组合指标(I)进行分析后,将其划分为3 级,分别为早期(I<1.74)、中期(1.74≤I<2.12)和晚期(I≥2.12)。研究结果显示,在黄土塬的不同发育阶段,各个形态指标整体上存在差异,各子类型内部也存在发育先后不一致的情况。在对黄土塬各子类型计算发育阶段指数之后发现,从黄土塬、黄土残塬到黄土梁塬,I值逐渐增大。形态指标的有序变化与前人研究所得的黄土地貌发育过程十分一致。  相似文献   

基于1990年、2002年、2013年的遥感影像、基础地理信息数据,开展北京城区边界信息提取,从城市扩展过程、空间形态、扩展类型、空间结构演变4个方面对北京市城区空间演进过程进行分析。结果表明:1990—2013年北京市辖区城区面积扩展了559.20 km~2,2013年的城区面积是1990年的2.29倍,城区面积扩展明显;北京市城市空间扩展具有显著的阶段性,1990—2002年、2002—2013年两个时段的城市扩展面积及速率均呈显著增加趋势,前期以中心城区外围的"片状"扩展为主,后期以内部填充的集约式扩展为主。  相似文献   

风沙流的风程效应研究是定量获取风沙流沿程变化的核心和难点,风程效应是指输沙率随沙床表面或地块长度的增加而不断增大,而后趋于稳定的变化特征,饱和输沙率(fmax)和饱和路径长度(Lsat)是风程效应的重要参数。采用自动连续称重式集沙仪,以河北坝上地区康保县境内典型旱作农田为研究对象,观测了2017、2018年和2021年内4次典型风蚀事件,分析近地表5 cm高度风沙流的风程效应在5 min时间尺度下的变化特征。结果表明:(1) 近地表输沙通量随风程距离的增大而增大。(2) 4次风蚀事件中Lsat的变化范围在11~280 m之间,并存在明显差异,其变化与风速无关。(3) 近地表风沙流的fmax与风速(U)呈幂函数关系。(4) 风程效应的变化特征与地表可蚀性因子、地表微地貌变化有着紧密联系,未来应对不同的土壤类型和质地农田的风程效应进行深入研究。  相似文献   

A wind tunnel investigation on the transverse motion of aeolian sand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wind tunnel experiment was performed to investigate aeolian grain motions in the transverse direction, which is perpendicular to the incoming flow and parallels the sand bed. The trajectories in the horizontal plane were recorded by high-speed camera. Statistical analysis of 630 trajectories shows that both the motion orientation and the time-averaged speed follow Gaussian distributions. An exclusive method was used to analyze the driving mechanism. It was concluded that the three-dimensional turbulent air flow, rather than the spin of grain or grain–bed collisions, controls the transverse motion.  相似文献   

稳态风沙流中瞬态输沙特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风沙流中沙粒运动在来流风速不变时也会表现出非稳态特征。在风洞内利用粒子图像测速系统(PIV)测量了风沙运动的时间序列,并基于PIV测量技术提出风沙流中沙粒平均直径、数密度、平均水平速度和输沙通量等参数在某一时刻的计算方法,其中输沙通量的计算考虑沙粒大小垂向分布的影响。结果表明:来流风速不变时,沙粒平均直径、数密度、平均水平速度和输沙通量随时间具有明显的波动性;沙粒平均直径和平均水平速度的标准偏差一般随高度增加而增加,沙粒数密度和输沙通量标准偏差随高度增大而减小;这些参数的相对标准偏差均随高度增加而增大。  相似文献   

The harmonious character in equilibrium aeolian transport on mixed sand bed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mao Xing   《Geomorphology》2007,86(3-4):230-242
Wind tunnel experiments were carried out to measure the spatial distribution in equilibrium transport of four types of mixed sand. The flux profiles of each grain size group were calculated. It is found that the vertical distribution of mean grain size has a close relation with the grain size distribution in the sand bed. In a log-linear plot, the flux profiles of main grain size groups are all straight lines and their slopes are nearly equal. It is also found that the ratio of transport rate of each size group to the whole transport rate is directly proportional to the mass ratio of each size group in the sand bed and the proportion value is only dependent on the grain size. This harmonious law is applicable to all four types of mixed sand used in the experiment.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of aeolian sand mass flux   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J. R. Ni  Z. S. Li  C. Mendoza 《Geomorphology》2003,49(3-4):205-218
Vertical profiles of the horizontal mass flux of blown sand are investigated experimentally using a passive vertical array in a wind tunnel. Considering lower sampling efficiency of the sand trap in the near-bed region, this investigation is complemented by the measurements of the longitudinal profiles of mass flux made using a horizontal sand trap. The experiments were conducted with two test sands and five different stream velocities.In the upper part of the vertical profile, the measured data exhibit an exponential decay distribution with a positive deviation occurring in the near-bed region. The measured longitudinal profiles are similar to the measured vertical profiles. Linking both profiles and the modes of sand transport, it is possible that saltating sand grains give rise to the well-known exponential decay distribution of mass flux, and that creeping and reptating grains force a deviation from it. A simple equation applicable for both the vertical and the longitudinal sand mass flux variations is introduced and the parameters are estimated from experimental data.  相似文献   

Sand velocity in aeolian sand transport was measured using the laser Doppler technique of PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) in a wind tunnel. The sand velocity profile, probability distribution of particle velocity, particle velocity fluctuation and particle turbulence were analyzed in detail. The experimental results verified that the sand horizontal velocity profile can be expressed by a logarithmic function above 0.01 m, while a deviation occurs below 0.01 m. The mean vertical velocity of grains generally ranges from − 0.2 m/s to 0.2 m/s, and is downward at the lower height, upward at the higher height. The probability distributions of the horizontal velocity of ascending and descending particles have a typical peak and are right-skewed at a height of 4 mm in the lower part of saltation layer. The vertical profile of the horizontal RMS velocity fluctuation of particles shows a single peak. The horizontal RMS velocity fluctuation of sand particles is generally larger than the vertical RMS velocity fluctuation. The RMS velocity fluctuations of grains in both horizontal and vertical directions increase with wind velocity. The particle turbulence intensity decreases with height. The present investigation is helpful in understanding the sand movement mechanism in windblown sand transport and also provides a reference for the study of blowing sand velocity.  相似文献   

The momentum profile of an aeolian saltation cloud is poorly understood. In this paper, height profiles for saltation momentum are reconstructed for three particle-size populations at four wind velocities based on profiles for mean particle velocity and relative particle concentration of saltation cloud obtained using particle image velocimetry in a wind tunnel. The results suggest that the saltation momentum profiles are characterized by peak curves with a maximum at some height above the surface. The height of this maximum increases with increasing wind velocity, but decreases with increasing particle size. It is linearly correlated with average saltation height and is comparable with the results of numerical simulations in a previous study. Our results confirm that Bagnold’s kink is an important feature of wind velocity profiles modified by the presence of saltating particles and that the height of the kink is closely related to the average trajectories of the saltating particles.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel and field calibration of five aeolian sand traps   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The efficiency of five aeolian sand samplers was tested via wind tunnel experiments and field measurements. The samplers were: the Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) sampler, the Modified Wilson and Cooke (MWAC) sampler, the Suspended Sediment Trap (SUSTRA), the Pollet catcher (POLCA), and the saltiphone. In the wind tunnel, the samplers were calibrated against an isokinetic sampler (a modified Sartorius SM 16711 sampler with adjustable flow rate), and this for three sand types (median diameter: 132, 194 and 287 μm) and five wind speeds (ranging from 6.6 to 14.4 m s−1). In the field, seven calibration tests of two weeks each were conducted. The absolute efficiencies of the BSNE, MWAC and POLCA are more or less comparable and vary between 70% and 120%, depending on sediment size and wind speed. For the SUSTRA, the efficiency is somewhat lower for fine sands and for wind speeds above 11 m s−1. Finally, the saltiphone can accurately detect the periods of saltation transport, but in its current version, the instrument is not accurate when measuring the absolute saltation flux. The most recommendable sampler in the test is the MWAC, not only because of its high efficiency, but also because its efficiency is independent of wind speed.  相似文献   

Sampling efficiency of vertical array aeolian sand traps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Z. S. Li  J. R. Ni 《Geomorphology》2003,52(3-4):243-252
Previous investigations have indicated that the sampling efficiency of aeolian sand traps is low and varies greatly in the near-bed region. Outside this region, the efficiency tends to be consistently higher for all types of trap. An evaluation was carried out to compare the sampling efficiency of different types of aeolian sand trap based on the comparison of the “actual” and the measured sand mass flux profiles, with emphasis on the single-tube vertical array trap, conventional array trap, and step-like array trap. A simple formula is proposed to express the actual vertical profile of sand mass flux, which has been validated with the unique data obtained with an isokinetic trap by [Sedimentology 45 (1998) 789]. Using the experimental data collected by the present authors and those by other investigators, sampling efficiencies of three types of trap are examined in terms of the frequency distribution of all the samples. For the single-tube traps, the sampling efficiency varies from 65% to 95%, with a mode at 75%. For both the conventional array and step-like array traps, sampling efficiencies range from 15% to 85%, with the modal frequencies at 35% and 75%, respectively. This review seems to suggest that the peak frequency with higher sampling efficiency coincides with the maximum sand-grain Reynolds number.  相似文献   

A performance test was conducted in a wind tunnel by changing the principal configuration parameters of a sampler such as the diameter of the container, inlet width and cone height. The results show that the average sand collection rate is from 80% to 90% when any one of the configuration parameter levels is changed. However, the variation of a parameter level results in different ef-fects on the sand collection rate for each soil sample within a certain size range of sand grains. The results show that for various sand grain sized soil sample at each wind speed, the sand collection rate decreases when the diameter of the container changes from 50 mm to 40 mm, the sand collection rate increases by about 2%-3% when the inlet width changes from 10 mm to 8 mm, and the sand collection rate increases by about 3%-4% when cone height is altered from 100 mm to 125 mm. The average sand collection rate is enhanced by 2%-4% for the soil sample of different sized sand grains when the diameter of the container is 50 mm, the inlet width is 8 mm, and cone height is 125 mm.  相似文献   

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