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郑华升  朱四荣  李静  李卓球  张小玉 《功能材料》2012,43(23):3228-3231
自制装置构造构件的平面纯剪切变形,将薄层状的树脂基碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)粘贴在构件的纯剪切区域表面,在弹性范围内分析了CFRP的电阻对平面纯剪切变形的响应。实验结果表明,剪应变导致单向连续碳纤维增强的CFRP的纵向电阻变化不明显,其剪切力阻效应灵敏度约为0.16;碳纤维毡增强的CFRP具有显著的剪切力阻效应,其电阻表现出随剪应变线性的可恢复的增加,其剪切力阻效应灵敏度约为2.58。结合线应变致力阻效应产生机制,并通过CFRP细观结构的分析得出,纤维的随机乱向分布及纤维搭接形态的多样性是碳纤维毡增强的CFRP存在剪切力阻效应的主要原因。  相似文献   

以短切碳纤维毡和环氧树脂为原材料制成复合材料,考察了该材料在单向拉伸载荷下的力阻响应。实验结果表明,该材料具有正力阻效应(拉应变引起材料的电阻增大)。其中,单层碳纤维毡/环氧树脂复合材料的力阻灵敏度可达13.9,但在加载过程中其电阻表现出逐渐衰减趋势;多层碳纤维毡/环氧树脂复合材料的力阻性能更为稳定,但随着层数的增加灵敏度逐渐降低,5层复合材料的力阻灵敏度下降到5.7。多层复合材料的立体导电网络是其稳定性提升和灵敏度下降的主要原因。将碳纤维毡/环氧树脂多层复合材料敷设在梁结构表面形成智能表层,利用其力阻性能实现了梁结构在循环载荷下的变形监测以及在单调载荷作用下损伤监测。  相似文献   

碳纤维在复合材料基体中的分布较大程度地影响了碳纤维智能材料的感知特性,故需在微米尺度下研究多角度偏轴拉伸下的碳纤维单丝的力电功能响应。测试了不同角度拉伸环境下碳纤维单丝的电阻变化,并对其电阻的变化情况进行了分析。结果表明碳纤维单丝在外载荷偏轴拉伸作用下电阻变化与拉伸角度间存在非线性关系。外载荷在纤维方向产生的应变对电阻变化率的作用强于垂直纤维方向应变对电阻变化率的作用,62°拉伸角为正负力阻效应的临界角度。  相似文献   

电阻法在碳纤维复合材料结构健康监测(SHM)中具有巨大应用前景。本文研究了碳纤维三维角联锁机织复合材料经向和纬向试件在弯曲作用下力-电阻响应,探究电阻变化与复合材料结构损伤的相关性。试验结果表明:经向和纬向试件在弯曲作用下电阻变化与试件主要承载纱线损伤情况具有相关性。准静态三点弯曲加载下,试件电阻变化可以反映试件承载能力变化:在最大载荷点之前,试件电阻基本不变;主要承载纱线发生断裂损伤时,电阻增加。弯曲疲劳加载下,试件电阻变化可以反映试件承载能力退化情况:在弯曲疲劳加载前期,三维角联锁机织复合材料呈现负压阻效应;随着循环次数增加,基体裂纹、界面脱粘等不可逆损伤不断累积,电阻缓慢增大;在弯曲疲劳加载后期,主要承载纱线断裂,电阻显著增加;试件最终疲劳失效时,电阻急剧增加。  相似文献   

树脂基搭接碳纤维智能层的力阻特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种具有局部搭接结构的树脂基碳纤维智能层, 将其敷设于结构表面以检测结构受载时的变形, 实现对结构大范围监测。基于该智能层, 采用单轴拉伸和三点弯曲的加载方式, 对构件进行应变和位移检测。实验发现, 碳纤维局部搭接结构是引起力阻效应的主要因素, 其单位应变的电阻率变化的灵敏度达到104, 相当于非搭接连续碳纤维复合材料力阻效应灵敏度的34倍。实验结果还进一步表明, 树脂基搭接碳纤维智能层力阻曲线光滑稳定, 其传感极限约为8500 με。建立了树脂基搭接碳纤维复合材料的电学模型, 揭示了这种力阻效应主要来源于搭接界面处层间电阻的变化, 并从纤维轴向力、搭接面积和层间剪应变三个方面解释了这种层间电阻变化的机制。   相似文献   

碳纤维增强塑料/结构钢复合结构的电偶腐蚀试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测量开路电位、电偶电位、电偶电流等,对某种碳纤维增强塑料与Q235结构钢组成的复合结构在电解质中产生的电偶腐蚀问题进行了试验研究,提出了采取对碳纤维增强塑料进行表面绝缘封闭处理的方法,来消除这种电化学腐蚀。  相似文献   

含有热固性基体的碳复合材料在长期载荷和环境影响下的使用寿命主要由使用性能的可逆和不可逆变化的总和决定。本文提出了一种在环境条件以及相当于使用载荷的静态载荷下复合材料行为的数学预测模型变量,用于研究交叉铺层环氧酚醛碳复合材料,预测结果和实验结果非常一致。  相似文献   

碳纤维复合材料(CFRP) 孔壁的微观形态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用电子显微镜对碳纤维复合材料(单向) 孔壁表面微观形态进行了详细的观察分析, 首次得到了许多孔壁表面微观形态的SEM 照片, 并得出一些有益的结论。   相似文献   

内嵌预应力碳纤维增强塑料筋混凝土梁正截面承载力计算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
曾宪桃  段敬民  丁亚红 《工程力学》2006,23(Z2):112-116
对拉区混凝土保护层中内嵌有预应力碳纤维增强塑料筋加固的混凝土梁的受力阶段进行了分析,对其受弯破坏形态、受弯承载力极限状态及正截面的承载力进行了分析和讨论,导出了对应不同破坏形态下承载力计算公式,并与试验结果相比,得出了一些有益的结论,可供设计参考。  相似文献   

粘贴碳纤维布(CFRP)加固梁时,通常需对其进行锚固,避免发生因CFRP布过早剥离而无法充分利用其抗拉强度。但当梁施工空间较小,梁侧面形状不规则时,CFRP布锚固较困难,采用新型碳纤维束铆钉锚固的方式能够很好地解决这一弊端。本文通过对四组不同锚固方式下的CFRP布加固梁进行四点受弯承载力试验,对比分析加载过程中各梁的力学性能和破坏规律,研究表明碳纤维束铆钉锚固下CFRP布加固梁强度和刚度都有显著增强。进一步对碳纤维束铆钉锚固方法优化,得到最佳碳纤维束铆钉锚固深度约为80mm,最佳锚固间距约为200mm。  相似文献   

Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) has electrical conductivity in both the parallel and transverse directions of the fiber. Because an electrical network may be changed with the applied strain, the electrical conductivity of the CFRP will also be changed for the piezoresistivity. Strain monitoring of CFRP can therefore be conducted, not by using an additional sensor, but by measuring the change in electrical resistance. There have been many studies on the gauge factors of unidirectional CFRPs, although significant mutual differences have been determined in the results reported. It is thought that the differences may be caused by the strong electrical anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the unidirectional CFRP. In this study, a new concept was introduced to precisely measure the gauge factors of a unidirectional CFRP. A finite element analysis was utilized to take into consideration a non-uniform electrical potential field in a unidirectional CFRP. The gauge factors were obtained as a result of minimizing the error sum of the squares of the electrical potentials between the experimental and analytical results. The gauge factor in the fiber direction was affected by this factor in the thickness direction depending on the specimen configuration. The results of the finite element analysis showed the possibility of a unidirectional CFRP showing both positive and negative gauge factors in the fiber direction.  相似文献   

The present study deals with electrical resistance changes in woven-fabric CFRP during loading. Four kinds of plain weave woven-fabric CFRP laminated specimens are prepared and subjected to cyclic tensile loading that does not cause any damages, and the electrical resistance changes of the specimens are measured experimentally by the four-probe method. As a result, the present study shows that the electrical resistance of a specimen comprised of six ±45° plies decreases remarkably with increasing number of loading cycles. The decrease is caused by shear plastic deformation of ±45° plies. The thickness shrinkage caused by shear plastic deformation increases the number of fiber contacts, and this decreases the interlaminar contact resistance between the plies. For a single ±45° ply, the same electrical resistance decrease caused by the shear plastic deformation is observed, and the magnitude of the decrease is smaller than that of the six-ply laminate tested. This is because the effect of interlaminar contact resistance decrease does not exist for a single ±45° ply. For the six 0°/90° plies, the present study shows that electrical resistance in the through-thickness direction is decreased by out-of-plane plastic deformation of carbon fiber and misalignment of the plies.  相似文献   

通过四次烘干和三次吸湿试验,考察了湿度变化对多壁碳纳米管复合水泥砂浆(MWCNTs/CM)的电阻和压阻效应的影响,并与素水泥砂浆(CM)进行对比。结果表明:在试件湿度较大时,烘干和吸湿对MWCNTs/CM和CM电阻的影响较小,而当试件湿度较低时(第三次烘干及第一次吸湿后,湿度变化比低于1%时),电阻随着湿度的降低突然增加,并且湿度变化对CM电阻的影响程度显著高于MWCNTs/CM。同样,当试件湿度较大时,烘干和吸湿对MWCNTs/CM和CM压阻效应的影响较小,当试件湿度较低时(在第三次烘干后),CM和MWCNTs/CM的压阻效应显著增强,并且湿度变化对CM压阻效应的影响显著高于MWCNTs/CM。研究还表明,在湿度变化量大致相同时,吸湿过程中CM和MWCNTs/CM达到渗流阈值附近时压阻效应高于烘干过程。最后,初步探讨了MWCNTs/CM压阻效应随湿度变化的作用机理,给出了MWCNTs/CM压阻效应随湿度变化的等效电路模型。  相似文献   

In this work, we propose a 3 dimensional (3D) numerical model to predict the piezoresistivity behaviors of a nanocomposite material made from an insulating polymer filled by carbon nanotubes (CNTs). This material is very hopeful for its application in highly sensitive strain sensor by measuring its piezoresistivity, i.e., the ratio of resistance change versus applied strain. In this numerical approach, a 3D resistor network model is firstly proposed to predict the electrical conductivity of the nanocomposite with a large amount of randomly dispersed CNTs under the zero strain state. By focusing on the fact that the piezoresistivity of the nanocomposite sensor is largely influenced by the tunneling effects among neighboring CNTs, we modify this 3D resistor network model by adding the tunneling resistance between those neighboring CNTs within the cut-off distance of tunneling effect, i.e., 1.0 nm in this study. The predicted electrical conductivity by this modified 3D resistor network model is verified experimentally. Furthermore, to analyze the piezoresistivity of the nanocomposite sensor under various strain levels, this modified 3D resistor network model is further combined with a fiber reorientation model, which is used to track the orientation and network change of rigid-body CNTs in the nanocomposite under applied strain. This combined model is employed to predict the piezoresistivity of the nanocomposite iteratively corresponding to various strain levels with the experimental verifications. Some key parameters, which control the piezoresistivity behavior, such as, cross-sectional area of tunnel current, height of barrier, orientation of CNTs, and electrical conductivity of CNTs and other nanofillers, are systematically investigated. The obtained results are very valuable, which can provide guidance for designing the strain sensor of this nanocomposite with enhanced sensitivity.  相似文献   

碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料的压阻效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验研究了短切碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料(CFRC)的压阻效应, 获得了正、负两种压阻效应相互转换的全过程。从隧道效应和孔隙的连通性角度对该现象的产生机理进行了探讨。结果表明, 在连续烘干和单向循环加载条件下, CFRC的压阻效应会随含水量变化而发生改变。多数情况下, CFRC的体积电阻率随压应变单调减少, 压阻效应为正。含水量越少, 正压阻效应越明显。当含水量减少到约3.19%~4.04%的范围时, CFRC的体积电阻率随压应变单调增加, 压阻效应为负。与正压阻效应相比, 负压阻效应表现更强。CFRC的正、负压阻效应及其相互转换是隧道效应和孔隙连通性两方面相互影响的必然结果。   相似文献   

为了探索三维石墨烯-碳纳米管(G-CNTs)/水泥净浆的压敏性能,采用四电极法研究了荷载作用下GCNTs/水泥净浆的电阻率变化,并分析不同G-CNTs掺量、加载幅度、加载速度以及恒定荷载对电阻率变化的影响。研究表明:随着G-CNTs掺量的增加,电阻率呈先减小后稳定的变化趋势,在G-CNTs掺量由0.2wt%增加至1.6wt%时,电阻率下降51.8%;电阻率与温度呈负相关;G-CNTs掺量高于0.8wt%时可以显著提高水泥净浆的压敏性能,且电阻率变化率与应力应变有明显的对应关系,1.2wt%G-CNTs掺量下试件的应力灵敏系数和应变灵敏系数分别为2.3%/MPa和291;G-CNTs/水泥净浆电阻率变化率幅值随着加载幅度增大而相应增加,其电阻率变化率曲线在不同加载速度以及恒定荷载作用下均与应力-应变曲线一一对应,具有良好的压敏特性。  相似文献   

将石墨水泥砂浆(GCC)试块(40mm×40mm×40mm)预埋混凝土柱(100mm×100mm×300mm)中,利用四电极法研究了其在混凝土柱受到不同幅值循环荷载和单调加载作用下的压阻特性。研究结果表明,GCC试块体积电阻的变化率与混凝土柱的受力状态呈现良好的对应关系。  相似文献   

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