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Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) with a state-of-the-art Ni/YSZ anode have been tested in simulated bio-syngas with controlled addition of phenol as a model molecule to study the influence of tars on the degradation of SOFCs operated with gasified biomass. The post-test analysis results of SOFCs are described after operation with different concentrations of phenol. The tests with pure syngas and up to 2 g/Nm3 of phenol show a relatively stable performance in a short-term period of 500 h, but the test with 8 g/Nm3 phenol shows drastic degradation. The microstructural changes of anode and support layers, phase changes, and carbon deposition were analyzed and discussed based on performance degradation and post-test analysis. No structural changes were found after tests with pure syngas. On the other hand, the addition of phenol causes macro- and micro-scale structural changes in the support, spreading from the fuel inlet. The support shows an erosion pattern and both Ni and YSZ were found as dust after the test. In these eroded areas, carbon fibers were observed by SEM and it was more pronounced with higher phenol content. There was no material phase transformation related to syngas or phenol, but surface carbon deposition was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy in the support and anode layers.  相似文献   

One-parameter bifurcations of periodic solutions of differential equations in ?n with a finite symmetry group Γ are studied. The following three types of periodic solutions x(t) with the symmetry group H $\subseteq $ Γ are considered separately. ? F-cycles: H consists of transformations that do not change the periodic solution, h(x(t)) ≡ x(t); ? S-cycles: H consists of transformations that shift the phase of the solution, $$h\left( {x\left( t \right)} \right) \equiv x\left( {t + {\tau }\left( h \right)} \right)\quad \left( {{\tau }\left( h \right) \ne 0\,{if}\,h \ne e} \right)$$ ? FS-cycles: H consists of transformations of both F and S types. In the present paper bifurcations of F-cycles at double real multipliers and all codimension one bifurcations of S-cycles were studied. In the present paper a more complicated case of a double pair of complex multipliers for F-cycles is considered and bifurcations of FS-cycles are shortly discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the concept and mathematical treatment for a techno-economic modelling framework designed to enable exploration of fuel cell micro combined heat and power (micro-CHP) system design and control. The aim is to provide a tool that can help to focus research and development attention on the system characteristics critical for commercial success of these technologies, present cost targets for developers, and to ensure policy makers provide appropriate instruments to support commercialisation. The model is distinctive in that it applies mixed integer unit commitment formulation to link design and control decisions for micro-CHP, and explicitly characterises stack degradation in a techno-economic framework. It is structured to provide depiction of the fuel cell stack and balance-of-plant, supplementary thermal-only system (e.g. tail gas burner), thermal energy storage, and electrical power storage. Technically, the fuel cell stack is characterised by steady-state thermal and electrical efficiencies for full and part-load operation, its nameplate capacity, minimum operating set-point, and stack degradation via performance loss rate proportional to power density and thermal cycling rate. The dynamics of operation are emulated via ramp limits, minimum up-time and minimum down-time constraints, and start-up and shutdown costs and energy consumptions. The primary performance evaluation metric adopted is the maximum additional capital cost a rational investor would pay for the fuel cell micro-CHP system over and above what they would pay for a competing conventional heating system. The companion article (Part 2) applies the developed model to consider the impact of stack degradation on economic and environmental performance.  相似文献   

This is the second paper in a series of three papers generated from a recent study on crack-opening-area analysis of circumferentially cracked pipes for leak-before-break applications. This paper (Part II—Model Validations) focuses on the evaluation of current analytical models, discussed in the first paper (Part I—Analytical Models) as well as finite element models for conducting crack-opening-area analyses of pipes with circumferential through-wall cracks. The evaluation was performed by direct comparisons of the predicted results with the test data from full-scale pipe fracture experiments. The results from 25 full-scale pipe fracture experiments, conducted in the Degraded Piping Program, the International Piping Integrity Research Group Program and the Short Cracks in Piping and Piping Welds Program, were used to verify the analytical models. The main objective was the evaluation of engineering analysis procedures (estimation methods) as well as the ability of the finite element method to predict crack-opening displacements and shapes in pipes with circumferential through-wall cracks. Statistics were developed to quantify the accuracy of the current predictive models. A wide variety of pipe fracture tests involving cracks in base metals, weld metals and bimetallic weld metals were analyzed. Pipes containing both simple through-wall cracks and complex cracks were evaluated.  相似文献   

This paper, in parallel to the investigation on axially embedded cracks reported in the companion paper, presents a numerical study on the linear-elastic KI and T-stress values over the front of elliptical cracks circumferentially embedded in the wall of a pipe/cylindrical structure, under a uniform pressure applied on the inner surface of the pipe. The numerical procedure employs the interaction-integral approach to compute the linear-elastic stress-intensity factor (SIF) KI and T-stress values for embedded cracks with practical sizes at different locations in the wall of the pipe. The parametric study covers a wide range of geometric parameters for embedded cracks in the pipe, including: the wall thickness to the inner radius ratio (t/Ri), the crack depth over the wall thickness ratio (a/t), the crack aspect ratio (a/c) and the ratio of the distance from the centerline of the crack to the outer surface of the pipe over the pipe wall thickness (eM/t). The parametric investigation identifies a significant effect of the remaining ligament length on both the T-stress and KI values at the crack-front location (denoted by point O) nearest to the outer surface of the pipe and at the crack-front location (denoted by point I) nearest to the inner surface of the pipe. The numerical investigation establishes the database to derive approximate functions from a nonlinear curve-fitting procedure to predict the T-stress and KI values at three critical front locations of the circumferentially embedded crack in a pipe: points O, I and M. The proposed T-stress and KI functions utilize a combined second-order polynomial and a power-law expression, which presents a close agreement with the T-stress and KI values computed from the very detailed finite element models. The comparison between the circumferentially embedded crack and the axially embedded crack indicates that both the T-stress and KI values at crack-front points O and I in a circumferential crack equal approximately 50% the T-stress and KI values at the corresponding front locations in an axial crack with the same crack depth ratio, the same crack aspect ratio and the same pipe wall thickness to the inner radius ratio.  相似文献   

In this paper is proposed a nonlinear current-mode control for the fuel cell/battery/ultracapacitor hybrid power sources (HPS) that improves the ripple factor of the fuel cell current. The nonlinear current control is analyzed and designed using a systematic approach. The design goal is to generate an anti-ripple via buck current controlled source in order to mitigate the inverter current ripple. All the results have been validated in several simulations. The simulation results successfully show that nonlinear current-mode control determines in the low frequency-domain better performances than other current-mode control techniques, such as the hysteretic current-mode controller or the peak current-mode controller. The current ripple factor is one of the used performance indicators.  相似文献   

Flow pulsation in externally heated pipes generates a pulsating temperature field, which, in turn results in oscillating thermal stresses across the pipe wall. In the present study, pulsating flow inside a circular pipe, which is externally heated, is considered. The flow and temperature fields are computed numerically using a control volume approach. The resulting thermal stresses across the pipe wall due to temperature variation in the transverse direction are computed. Pressure pulsation at the pipe inlet is employed to produce the flow pulsation. The simulations are extended to include different pipe lengths, pipe diameters and pipe thickness. It is found that pipe diameter has a significant effect on the effective stress levels; in which case, the amplitude of the oscillation in stress levels across the pipe wall reduces considerably with increasing pipe diameter. Moreover, the effect of Reynolds number is more pronounced at mid and outlet planes such that increasing Reynolds number amplifies the amplitude of stress levels in the pipe.  相似文献   

Performance of the thermally-driven metal hydride hydrogen compressor (MHHC) is defined by (a) its H2 compression ratio and maximum output H2 pressure; (b) throughput productivity/average output flow rate; (c) specific thermal energy consumption which determines H2 compression efficiency. In earlier studies, the focus of the R&D efforts was on the optimisation of the design of the MH containers and heat and mass transfer in the MH storage and compression system aimed at shortening the time of the H2 compression cycle. This work considers an important but insufficiently studied aspect of the development of the industrial-scale thermally driven MHHC's – selection of the materials and optimisation of the materials performance. Further to the operation in the specified pressure/temperature ranges, materials selection should be based on the estimation of the productivity of the compression cycle, and specific heat consumption required for the H2 compression, which together determine the process efficiency.The current work presents a model to determine productivity and heat consumption for a single- and multi-stage MHHC's which is based on use of Pressure – Composition – Temperature (PCT) diagrams of the utilized metal hydrides at defined operating conditions – temperatures and hydrogen pressures – and main operational features of the MHHC (number of stages, amounts of the MH materials used, cycle time). In Part I of this work [Lototskyy, Yartys, et al., Int J Hydrogen Energy, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.10.090], we showed that the calculated cycle productivities significantly vary for the different materials. Analysis of the system performance carried out in this work (Part II) shows that the throughput productivity and efficiency of a multi-stage MHHC also depends on the types and amounts of the used MH materials in the multi-stage compressor layout. This has been analysed for a number of the most practically important AB5 and Laves type AB2 hydrogen storage alloys integrated into the MHHC's.A comparison of experimentally measured performances of single-, two- and three-stage industrial-scale MHHC's developed by the authors earlier shows their satisfactory agreement with the modelling results thus demonstrating a high value of the presented method for the proper materials selection during development of the MHHC. As an important future development, the work presents a performance evaluation of a two-stage MHHC for H2 compression operating in the pressure range from 30 to 500 atm at operating temperatures between 20 and 150 °C.  相似文献   

The influence of injection technology on the fuel–air mixing process and the combustion development are analyzed by means of visualization techniques. For this purpose, two injectors (one solenoid and one piezoelectric) are characterized using an optical accessible two stroke engine. Visualization of liquid penetration has allowed the measurement of the stabilized liquid length, which is related with the efficiency of fuel–air mixing process. A theoretical derivation is used in order to relate this liquid length with chamber conditions, as well as to make a temporal analysis of these phenomena. After this, natural flame emission and chemiluminescence techniques are carried out. These results indicate that the piezoelectric system has a more efficient fuel–air mixing and combustion, reducing the characteristic times as well as soot formation. Finally, a correlation for the ignition delay of the two systems is obtained.  相似文献   

Nanofluid is a new kind of working fluid with special properties to enhance the heat transfer of heat pipes. This paper reviews and summarizes the research done on heat pipes using nanofluids as working fluids in recent years. The effect of characteristics and mass concentrations of nanoparticles on the thermal performance in various kinds of heat pipes with different base fluids under various operating conditions have been discussed. The mechanism of enhancement or degradation of heat transfer utilizing nanofluids in the investigated heat pipes has been explained. The paper discusses the relative reduction of the total heat resistance for various heat pipes with nanofluids in comparison with the existing ones and also presents a perspective on possible future research applications.  相似文献   

For the seven technically feasible Biomass-Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell (B-IGFC) systems investigated in this two-part system analysis, the interactions between the used biomass gasification processes, gas processing technologies and SOFC concepts are investigated primarily employing ASPEN PLUS™ flowsheeting models. Based on the results of the system simulations, the power production costs are estimated for the various B-IGFC systems. The impact of the most important assumptions made for the presented thermo-economic system analysis is assessed through a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

Catalyst based on cobalt and chrome was investigated as cathode material for hydrogen production process via water electrolysis. Electrocatalytic efficiency of proposed system was studied using quasi-potentiostatic, galvanostatic and impedance spectroscopy techniques of the catalyst obtained by in situ electrodeposition in an alkaline, 6 M KOH, electrolyser. In accordance to our previous studies, synergetic effect of cobalt complex and chrome salt is observed, with its maximum at high temperatures and for high current densities (industrial conditions). The Tafel slopes were found to be around 120 mV and exchange current densities in the range of 10−3 mA cm−2 up to 10−2 mA cm−2. Results are presented to show the Tafel slopes, the exchange current densities, the apparent energy of activation and the apparent electrochemical surface of in situ formed Co–Cr catalyst. This study shows that catalytic performance of Co–Cr was achieved not only from the increase of the real surface area of electrodes, but also from the true catalytic effect.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of the stability of growth of a single through-wall circumferential crack in a 304 stainless steel pipe, subject to displacement control tensile loading. Irrespective of the crack length, the instability condition is given by the expression
where δ0 is the flow stress, E is Young's modulus, L is the pipe length, R is the pipe radius, χ is the crack tip opening angle (CTOA) associated with crack growth, and TMAT is the material's tearing modulus. The results are compared with those obtained by Zahoor, who used different boundary conditions, and also with those obtained by the present author for a symmetric two-crack model.  相似文献   

The problem of impact of a thermoelastic rod against a heated rigid barrier is considered, in so doing lateral surfaces and free end of the rod are heat insulated, and free heat exchange between the rod and the rigid obstacle or ideal thermal contact occurs within contacting end. The rod's thermoelastic behavior is described by the Green–Naghdi theory of thermoelasticity. D'Alembert's method, which is based on the analytical solution of equations of the hyperbolic type describing the dynamic behavior of the thermoelastic rod, is used as the method of solution. This solution involves four arbitrary functions which are determined from the initial and boundary conditions and are piecewise constant functions. The procedure developed enables one to analyze the influence of thermoelastic parameters on the values to be found and to investigate numerically the longitudinal coordinate dependence of the desired functions at each fixed instant of the time beginning from the moment of the rod's collision with the barrier up to the moment of its rebound both without account for the stress and temperature fields coupling (in the companion paper, Part I) and in the case of coupling thermoelasticity (in this paper). As a numerical example, the impact of a thermoelastic rod against a heated barrier is considered with a small parameter of coupling between the strain and temperature fields. It has been shown that the presence of small coupling results in the generation of a new shock wave of small amplitude, namely: the reflected thermal wave from the incident elastic wave at the free rod's end. The rod's rebound may occur either at the moment of simultaneous arrival at the contact place of two reflected waves: elastic wave from the incident thermal wave and thermal wave from the incident elastic wave—or at the time when the reflected elastic wave from the incident elastic wave reaches the contact point.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the understanding of the thermal and structural behavior of an innovative Type IV multi-spherical composite-overwrapped pressure vessel through an experimental assessment that consists of hydrostatic testing at ambient conditions and pressure cycling with a cryogenic medium (LN2). During hydro-burst testing at a high displacement rate, the strain and damage progression is monitored with Digital-Image-Correlation (DIC) and Acoustic Emission (AE) techniques respectively. The effect of filling with LN2, pressure cycling and draining on the composite overwrap temperature gradient and strain evolution is additionally obtained with Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) and thermocouples. Utilization of AE helped to reveal the different damage mechanisms occurring and enabled the evaluation of the pressure window of the multi-sphere. The experimental measurements in the cryogenic regime verified the suitability of the involved stiffness and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) fitting functions developed in [32] that enable to establish of a relationship between strain and temperature during cryogenic chill-down and pressure cycling. This study provides a framework about the suitability of conformal Type IV multi-spherical COPVs for cryogenic storage.  相似文献   

Composites graphite/salt for thermal energy storage at high temperature (~200 °C) have been developed and tested. As at low temperature in the past, graphite has been used to enhance the thermal conductivity of the eutectic system KNO3/NaNO3. A new elaboration method has been proposed as an alternative to graphite-foams infiltration. It consists of compression at room temperature of a physical mixing of expanded natural graphite particles and salt powder. Two different compression routes have been investigated: uni-axial compression and isostatic compression. The first part of the paper shows that both uni-axial and isostatic cold-compression are simple and equally efficient techniques for improving the salt thermal conductivity. The second part of the paper is focused on the analysis of their phase transition properties. It is shown that graphite does not degrade the salt within the composites; that is, no changes are observed neither in the salts transition temperatures nor in its latent heat. On the contrary, some negative effects as pores over pressurization and salt leakage can appear if no void space enough is available within the composite for salt volume expansion when melting. Such negative effects are only observed in the composites obtained by isostatic cold-compression.  相似文献   

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