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根据1915~2005年的长系列数据,对泰晤士河口水温和水化学特性对鱼类的影响进行了评价。结果表明,20世纪60年代之前河口上中游水温持续上升,此后下游水温开始上升而上中游水温下降,河口地区的温度变化模式受电厂热排水影响。水温与鱼类平均数量和水体溶解氧呈负相关,其Spearman相关系数分别为-0.468和-0.607(P〈0.05)。BOD、氨氮和溶解氧与鱼类消失和重现存在对应关系,说明污染是影响鱼类长期变化的一个主要因素。气候变化也可能通过径流和潮汐的改变对鱼类产生影响。由于河口环境复杂以及各因子间的协同作用,泰晤士河口生态改善的影响因子还有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

泰晤士河口水温和水化学特性对鱼类的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1915~2005年的长系列数据,对泰晤士河口水温和水化学特性对鱼类的影响进行了评价。结果表明,20世纪60年代之前河口上中游水温持续上升,此后下游水温开始上升而上中游水温下降,河口地区的温度变化模式受电厂热排水影响。水温与鱼类平均数量和水体溶解氧呈负相关,其Spearman相关系数分别为-0.468和-0.607(p<0.05)。BOD、氨氮和溶解氧与鱼类消失和重现存在对应关系,说明污染是影响鱼类长期变化的一个主要因素。气候变化也可能通过径流和潮汐的改变对鱼类产生影响。由于河口环境复杂以及各因子间的协同作用,泰晤士河口生态改善的影响因子还有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

采用长系列数据,分析了影响泰晤士河潮汐河段生态状况的主要因素。1915~2006年的监测数据表明其生态状况经历了污染、恢复和稳定3个阶段,20世纪40-60年代是污染最重的时期,伴随着较高的水温、氨氮和生化需氧量以及较低的溶解氧含量,该时期少有底栖无脊椎动物的记录。自60年代以来,随着水质的恢复,无脊椎动物也逐渐增多,其数量的波动与水化学指标,尤其是溶解氧具有相关性。尽管1960年以前的无脊椎动物和水质资料缺失比较严重,但仍需彻底整理和分析所有数据,以便在以后的研究中建立水质指标与无脊椎动物群落间的定量关系。  相似文献   

将淮河与泰晤士河的水治理过程进行较为详细的对比分析,主要从两流域的自然特性,污染程度,治理阶段,治理措施和投资的角度分析原因,总结经验教训,并借鉴泰晤士河的治理经验,针对性地提出治淮建议,期望对“十一五”及后续的治淮工作有所贡献.  相似文献   

小浪底排沙洞是我国首例采用无粘结预应力混凝土衬砌的水工隧洞,根据运行期间混凝土应变计所获得的大量实测数据,对排沙洞衬砌混凝土应变在温度和内水压力影响下的变化进行了分析。结果表明,对于同一衬砌段,端部断面内侧混凝土的温度影响系数aT大于端部断面厚度中部;3^#排沙洞ST3-A段端部断面昕比中部断面小,而ST3-B段正好相反;同一断面位于时钟6:00、12:00位置的口,较大,平均值约为-6.83με/℃;对于同一时钟位置,衬砌厚度内侧水头影响系数aW大于衬砌厚度中部;3^#排沙洞衬砌的aW小于2^#排沙洞。分析结果表明,在温度和水头作用下,衬砌混凝土应变计所在位置的混凝土应力均为压应力,没有产生引起裂缝的拉应力,小浪底排沙洞可正常使用。  相似文献   

We collected fish samples and measured physical habitat characteristics, including summer stream temperatures, at 156 sites in 50 tributary streams in two sampling areas (Upper Fraser and Thompson Rivers) in British Columbia, Canada. Additional watershed characteristics were derived from GIS coverages of watershed, hydrological and climatic variables. Maximum weekly average temperature (MWAT), computed as an index of summer thermal regime, ranged from 10 to 23 °C. High values of MWAT were associated with large, warm, low relief watersheds with a high lake influence. Measures of community similarity suggested that the fish community changed most rapidly through a lower transition zone at an MWAT of about 12 °C and an upper transition zone at an MWAT of about 19 °C. These results were confirmed using existing fisheries inventory data combined with predictions of MWAT from a landscape‐scale regression model for the Thompson River watershed. For headwater sites in the Chilcotin River watershed (which drains into the middle Fraser River), the relative dominance of bull trout versus rainbow trout (based on inventory data) decreased with increasing predicted MWAT although the distinction was not as clear as for the Thompson River sites. The fish communities in these watersheds can be characterized in terms of very cold water (bull trout and some cold water species), cold water (salmonids and sculpins) and cool water (minnows and some cold water salmonids). The two transition zones (ca 12 and 19 °C) can be used to identify thresholds where small changes in stream temperature can be expected to lead to large changes in fish communities. Such clear, quantifiable thresholds are critical components of a management strategy designed to identify and protect vulnerable fish communities in streams where poor land use practices, alone or in combination with climatic change, can lead to changes in stream temperatures. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

泰晤士河流域与太湖流域水污染治理比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史虹 《水资源保护》2009,25(5):90-97
对太湖流域与泰晤士河流域的水污染治理过程进行比较分析。通过对两流域的主要特征、污染情况、水污染治理等方面的对比分析,总结太湖流域水污染治理的经验教训,并借鉴泰晤士河流域的治理经验,提出有针对性的太湖治理建议。  相似文献   

水环境化学是一门在大学环境、水文、地质等许多专业领域新兴的的一门重要专业基础课程,对许多学科领域的研究和发展具有重要作用。在对水环境化学的研究对象及其重要性、课程的发展现状与教材建设情况等进行分析的基础上,提出了水环境化学的内容和讲授思想。  相似文献   

水库网箱养鱼对水质的影响及防治对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
水库网箱养鱼从20世纪90年代初期规模和密度越来越大,严重的污染了库区及周围环境的水质。文中系统性地分析了水库网箱养鱼的污染状况,并以山东周村水库为例进行了实际监测。揭示了网箱养鱼的污染来源,水质污染的原因及程度。分析表明,水库网箱养鱼污染主要来自大量投放的饵料、肥料、鱼病防治药剂和鱼类自身的代谢产物,其不仅污染了库区水质而且对周围200 m范围内的水质产生了影响;文末提出了改善水库网箱养鱼水质的措施和对策,供有关管理部门参考。  相似文献   

通过渗析法和水汽平衡法研究不同温度控制下干密度1.7 g/cm~3压实红粘土持水特性(SWRC:soil water retention characteristics)。试验结果表明:20℃下干密度1.7 g/cm~3压实红粘土进气值约为110 k Pa;试样控制的温度越高,压实红粘土样持水能力越低,土样进气值随着温度升高而减小,且呈线性关系;Van Genuchten(1980年)土水特征模型能很好的描述干密度1.7 g/cm~3压实红粘土持水特性曲线。  相似文献   

双峰寺水库为武烈河流域拟建的1座大型水库,利用武烈河承德站水温和气象系列资料,在对水库水温分布类型判别的基础上,通过对库表面月平均水温的估算及库底平均水温计算方法比选,并根据水库下游河道环境生态用水要求,确定分层取水的水深控制范围,为水库水工分层取水设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Hydrological regime, physical habitat structure and water chemistry are interacting drivers of fish assemblage structure in floodplain rivers throughout the world. In rivers with altered flow regimes, understanding fish assemblage responses to flow and physico‐chemical conditions is important in setting priorities for environmental flow allocations and other river management strategies. To this end we examined fish assemblage patterns across a simple gradient of flow regulation in the upper Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. We found clear separation of three fish assemblage groups that were spatially differentiated in November 2002, at the end of the winter dry season. Fish assemblage patterns were concordant with differences in water chemistry, but not with the geomorphological attributes of channel and floodplain waterholes. After the summer‐flow period, when all in‐channel river sites received flow, some floodplain sites were lost to drying and one increased in volume, fish assemblages were less clearly differentiated. The fish assemblages of river sites did not increase in richness or abundance in response to channel flow and the associated potential for increased fish recruitment and movement associated with flow connectivity. Instead, the more regulated river's fish assemblages appeared to be under stress, most likely from historical flow regulation. These findings have clear implications for the management of hydrological regimes and the provision of environmental flows in regulated rivers of the upper Murray–Darling Basin. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

松涛水库水温数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究热带地区湖泊型水库水温分布规律,以海南省松涛水库为研究对象,采用垂向一维水温模型——DYRESM模拟水温分布,探究该水库水温结构及垂向水温年内演变规律。经分析可知:松涛水库水温呈显著的稳定分层结构,水温垂向分布具有明显的季节性;6、7月平均水温最高,2月最低,水深40 m处至库底水体水温不随时间改变,常年保持在19℃左右;全年内,水库表层水温均高于入流水温和当地气温;入库流量猛增时会导致水库水温出现双温跃层结构。  相似文献   

将MIKE3数学模型应用于依生布古水库水温的数值模拟,给出各月坝前水温沿垂向分布,并通过对比建库前后逐月月平均水温,得出4—8月水库下泄水温低于天然河道水温,9月~次年3月水库下泄水温高于天然河道水温。  相似文献   

水库水温结构及其对库区水质影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴凌全  李华  陈小燕 《红水河》2010,29(5):30-35
大型水库的建设在发挥巨大作用的同时,也带来了一些环境问题,引起人们广泛的关注,水温分层问题便是其中之一。针对水库水温分层问题,介绍了水库不同水温结构的类型及特点,总结了水库水温预测的最常用的方法:包括经验法和数学模型法,并分析了两种方法的适用条件及计算精度;探讨了水库蓄水后库区水动力特性的改变以及分层结构对库区水质的影响。研究结果表明:水库蓄水后,库区纵向流速分布自库尾至坝前段逐渐减小,水温分层会导致其它水质参数如溶解氧(DO)、pH值、化学需氧量(COD)等的分层,为水库的水温计算和库区生态环境影响评价提供依据。  相似文献   

长引水隧洞对水温影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了查明水体在流经发电引水隧洞后水温的变化,相应天然河道的水温变化以及引水式电站尾水汇入天然河道后水温分布情况,我们实测了渔子溪一级电站,岷江映秀湾电站和南桠河三级电站的引水隧洞井,出口水温,与经水隧洞相对应的天然河道水温以及尾水下游受影响河段内的水温。  相似文献   

Changes in water levels and development of shorelines are expected to negatively affect coastal marshes. The small-bodied fish assemblage was sampled in the inner marsh vegetation zone in five Les Cheneaux bays with differing levels of development. Observations were made from 1996 to 2004 during which time summer water levels varied from 177.2 m to 176.0 m (chart datum = 176.0 m). Each marsh was sampled for 10 consecutive days in July and August using gangs of five baited commercial minnow traps. Assemblage composition was assayed by species richness, the number of native minnow species, the percentage of selected tolerant fishes (bowfin, Amia calva, mudminnow, Umbra limi, common carp, Cyprinus carpio, and brown bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus), and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE). There were no consistent relationships between fish assemblage measures and year, water level, annual change in water level, exposure, and water temperature. Fish assemblage measures except CPUE were impacted by the density of building along the shoreline, a measure of development. Impervious surface area was < 4.5% and was not consistently related to fish assemblage measures.  相似文献   

天然水温估值计算方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合某流域气象、水温实测资料,分析影响天然河道中水温变化的因子,以非线性拟合的方法建立了各因子与水温变化之间的响应关系。最终使用拟合计算与海拔修正相结合的方法估算天然水温。提供一种对实测水温资料不足地区水温值的估算方法,为流域开发、规划尤其是水温模拟预测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The St. John's Bayou water control structure near New Madrid, MO, connects the main Mississippi River to two large backwater areas called the New Madrid Floodway and St. John's Bayou. While this area has been altered, the New Madrid Floodway and St. John's Bayou account for the only substantial portion of the historic Mississippi River floodplain that remains and provides the only critical connection between backwater/floodplain habitat and the river. Fish passage was evaluated during April–December 2010 using ultrasonic telemetry. Stationary receivers were placed strategically at five locations above and below the structure in St. John's Bayou, in the floodway and the outlet to the Mississippi River. A total of 100 individuals representing 14 species were tagged. Total number of detections during an 8‐month period was 1 264 717. Fifteen individuals representing five species moved into the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; seven individuals returned to St. John's Bayou. Thirteen of the 14 species moved upstream through the structure. Of the 85 individuals that stayed in the bayou, 29 fish passed through the structure for a total of 92 passage events. The downstream : upstream passage was roughly 50:50. Passage was correlated with river rise, with frequency of passage being higher in spring, but passage occurred each month during the study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Clean Water Act of 1972 is credited with improving water quality across the USA, although few long‐term studies tracking hydrologic, chemical, and biological responses to cleanup efforts exist. The Trinity River of Texas was plagued by poor water quality for more than a century before passage of legislation to reduce point source pollution from the Dallas–Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex. We tracked changes in components of flow regime; concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, phosphorus, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD); and fish assemblage composition in three mainstem reaches during a 40‐year period (1968–2008) following implementation of a large‐scale cleanup initiative. Results suggest little change in flow regime components such as magnitude, timing, and rate of change among the three reaches during 1968–2008. Concentrations of water quality parameters declined through time and with greater distance from DFW, including the lowest concentrations in the reach downstream of a mainstem reservoir (Lake Livingston). Fish assemblage composition shifts correlated with attenuated nutrient and BOD concentrations, and species richness generally increased among all reaches. Native and intolerant fishes consistently increased through time among all three reaches, although lentic and non‐native species also increased downstream of Lake Livingston. Our findings suggest a revitalization of the Trinity River fish assemblage associated with reduced nutrient pollution in DFW (even among distant reaches) and also illustrate potential confounding factors such as stream impoundment and continued nutrient deposition that likely preclude complete recovery. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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