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High-intensity pulsed electric field (HIPEF) is a nonthermal treatment studied for its wide antimicrobial spectrum on liquid food, including milk and dairy products. Moreover, the antimicrobial effect of HIPEF may be enhanced by combining HIPEF with other treatments as hurdles. Nisin and lysozyme are natural antimicrobial compounds that could be used in combination with HIPEF. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of combining HIPEF with the addition of nisin and lysozyme to milk inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus with regard to different process variables. The individual addition of nisin and lysozyme did not produce any reduction in cell population within the proposed range of concentrations, whereas their combination resulted in a pH-dependent microbial death of Staph. aureus. The addition of nisin and lysozyme to milk combined with HIPEF treatment resulted in a synergistic effect. Applying a 1,200-μs HIPEF treatment time to milk at pH 6.8 containing 1 IU/mL of nisin and 300 IU/mL of lysozyme resulted in a reduction of more than 6.2 log units of Staph. aureus. Final counts resulting from the addition of nisin and lysozyme and applying HIPEF strongly depended on both the sequence of application and the milk pH. Thus, more research is needed to elucidate the mode of action of synergism as well as the role of different process variables, although the use of HIPEF in combination with antimicrobial compounds such as nisin and lysozyme is shown to be potentially useful in processing milk and dairy products.  相似文献   

The effect of high-intensity pulsed electric fields (HI-PEF) processing (35.5 kV/cm for 1,000 or 300 μ with bipolar 7-μs pulses at 111 Hz; the temperature outside the chamber was always < 40° C) on microbial shelf life and quality-related parameters of whole milk were investigated and compared with traditional heat pasteurization (75° C for 15 s), and to raw milk during storage at 4° C. A HIPEF treatment of 1,000 μ ensured the microbiological stability of whole milk stored for 5 d under refrigeration. Initial acidity values, pH, and free fatty acid content were not affected by the treatments; and no proteolysis and lipolysis were observed during 1 wk of storage in milk treated by HIPEF for 1,000 μ. The whey proteins (serum albumin, β-lactoglobulin, and α-lactalbumin) in HIPEF-treated milk were retained at 75.5, 79.9, and 60%, respectively, similar to values for milk treated by traditional heat pasteurization.  相似文献   

High-intensity pulsed electric field (HIPEF) is a non-thermal food processing technology that is currently being investigated to inactivate microorganisms and certain enzymes, involving a limited increase of food temperature. Promising results have been obtained on the inactivation of microbial enzymes in milk when suspended in simulated milk ultrafiltrate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of continuous HIPEF equipment on inactivating a protease from Bacillus subtilis inoculated in milk. Samples were subjected to HIPEF treatments of up to 866 micros of squared wave pulses at field strengths from 19.7 to 35.5 kV/cm, using a treatment chamber that consisted of eight colinear chambers connected in series. Moreover, the effects of different parameters such as pulse width (4 and 7 micros), pulse repetition rates (67, 89, and 111 Hz), and milk composition (skim and whole milk) were tested. Protease activity decreased with increased treatment time or field strength and pulse repetition rate. Regarding pulse width, no differences were observed between 4 and 7 micros pulses when total treatment time was considered. On the other hand, it was observed that milk composition affected the results since higher inactivation levels were reached in skim than in whole milk. The maximum inactivation (81%) was attained in skim milk after an 866-micros treatment at 35.5 kV/cm and 111 Hz.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an important udder pathogen often associated with subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. Identification of Staph. aureus-positive udder quarters and cows is an important part of control programs to reduce spread of Staph. aureus within and between dairy herds. Therefore, accurate and easy-to-perform culturing methods of Staph. aureus in milk are needed. In the present study, 8 methods for isolation of Staph. aureus in bovine milk samples were investigated. The methods involved different culturing volumes, enrichment, incubation, and freezing processes as well as sedimentation and use of the Mastistrip cassette (SVA, Uppsala, Sweden). Three different sets of milk samples were collected, and 6, 5, and 4 methods were used in each subset of samples. Our results indicate an increased probability of detecting Staph. aureus in milk samples when a simple incubation step (37°C for 18 h) without additives was included before culturing. Using this incubation method, the number of Staph. aureus-positive udder quarters and cows increased by 50 and 29%, respectively, compared with using the standard method of direct culturing of 10 μL of milk. The improved method may be especially useful for detection of low concentrations of Staph. aureus in milk; for example, when screening herds for Staph. aureus.  相似文献   

For more than 30 yr, a control plan for Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus has been carried out in more than 1,500 dairy herds of the province of Brescia (northern Italy). From 2010 to 2011, the apparent prevalence of Strep. agalactiae has been relatively stable around 10%, but the apparent prevalence of Staph. aureus has been greater than 40% with an increasing trend. The aim of this paper was to estimate and compare the diagnostic accuracy of 3 assays for the detection of Strep. agalactiae and Staph. aureus in bulk-tank milk samples (BTMS) in field conditions. The assays were a qualitative and a quantitative bacteriological culture (BC) for each pathogen and a homemade multiplex real-time PCR (rt-PCR). Because a gold standard was not available, the sensitivities (Se) and specificities (Sp) were evaluated using a Bayesian latent class approach. In 2012 we collected one BTMS from 165 dairy herds that were found positive for Strep. agalactiae in the previous 2-yr campaigns of eradication plan. In most cases, BTMS collected in these herds were positive for Staph. aureus as well, confirming the wide spread of this pathogen. At the same time we also collected composite milk samples from all the 8,624 lactating cows to evaluate the within-herd prevalence of Strep. agalactiae. Streptococcus agalactiae samples were cultured using a selective medium Tallium Kristalviolette Tossin, whereas for Staph. aureus, we used Baird Parker modified medium with added Rabbit Plasma Fibrinogen ISO-Formulation. In parallel, BTMS were tested using the rt-PCR. Regarding Strep. agalactiae, the posterior median of Se and Sp of the 2 BC was similar [qualitative BC: Se = 98%, posterior credible interval (95%PCI): 94–100%, and Sp = 99%, 95%PCI: 96–100%; quantitative BC: Se = 99%, 95%PCI: 96–100%, and Sp = 99%, 95%PCI: 95–100%] and higher than those of the rt-PCR (at 40 cycle threshold, Se = 92%, 95%PCI: 85–97%; Sp = 94%, 95%PCI: 88–98%). Also in case of Staph. aureus, the posterior medians of BC were generally higher than those of rt-PCR. In fact, although the Se of BC was slightly lower (rt-PCR at 40 cycle threshold, median Se = 99%, 95%PCI: 97–100%, and qualitative BC, median Se = 94%, 95%PCI: 87–99%), the Sp was much higher (rt-PCR at 40 cycle threshold, median Sp = 67%, 95%PCI: 38–97%; qualitative BC, median Sp = 95%; 95%PCI: 76–100%). Our study confirms that BC and rt-PCR are reliable diagnostic tools to detect Strep. agalactiae and Staph. aureus, and rt-PCR results should be confirmed by BC carried out on BTMS and possibly on composite milk samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the role of teat skin colonization in Staphylococcus aureus intramammary infections (IMI) by evaluating genetic relatedness of Staph. aureus isolates from milk and teat skin of dairy cows using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and characterizing the isolates based on the carriage of virulence genes. Cows in 4 known Staph. aureus-positive herds were sampled and Staph. aureus was detected in 43 quarters of 20 cows, with 10 quarters positive in both milk and skin (20 isolates), 18 positive only in milk, and 15 only on teat skin. Quarters with teat skin colonized with Staph. aureus were 4.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with Staph. aureus IMI than quarters not colonized on teat skin. Three main clusters were identified by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis using a cutoff of 80% similarity. All 3 clusters included both milk and skin isolates. The majority of isolates (72%) belonged to one predominant cluster (B), with 60% of isolates in the cluster originating from milk and 40% from teat skin. Genotypic variability was observed within 10 pairs (formed by isolates originating from milk and teat skin of the same quarter), where isolates in 5 out of the 10 pairs belonged to the same cluster. Forty-two virulence factors were screened using PCR. Some virulence factors were carried more frequently by teat skin isolates than by milk isolates or isolates from quarters with high somatic cell counts. Isolates in the predominant cluster B carried virulence factors clfA and clfB significantly more often than isolates in the minor clusters, which may have assisted them in becoming predominant in the herds. The present findings suggest that teat skin colonization with Staph. aureus can be an important factor involved in Staph. aureus IMI.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the distribution of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) across the main milk and colostrum fractions (cream, curd, and whey). Raw milk and colostrum were inoculated with 1 of 2 MAP strains, ATCC 19698 or S-23, yielding initial concentrations of 106 to 107 cfu/mL. After fractionation, for milk as well as for colostrum, 80 to 90% of the recovered MAP cells were found in the curd fraction and 10 to 20% in the cream fraction. Total MAP colony counts in milk whey were 4 to 5 log10 units lower than colony counts of inoculated milk. In colostrum, colony counts were 2 to 3 log10 units lower in whey than in inoculated colostrum. Because of the slow growth of MAP and to proceed more smoothly with set-up and optimization of the method, luminescent MAP strains were used. The high correlation coefficient (r = 0.960) between colony counts and luminescence measurements showed that the use of luminescent MAP strains during method development was plausible.  相似文献   

The response of Staphylococcus aureus growth inhibition by Lactococcus garvieae to catalase and milk lactoperoxidase, and its efficiency in raw milk cheese were evaluated. S. aureus and L. garvieae were co-cultivated in broth buffered at pH 6.8, and in raw, pasteurized and microfiltered milk, in presence and absence of catalase. Although H2O2 production by L. garvieae was detected only in agitated broth, the inhibition of S. aureus by L. garvieae was reduced by catalase both in static and shaking cultures by 2.7 log, pasteurized milk (∼0.7 log), microfiltered milk (∼0.6 log) and raw milk (∼0.2 log). The growth of S. aureus alone in microfiltered milk was delayed compared with that in pasteurized milk and inhibition of S. aureus by L. garvieae was stronger in microfiltered milk. The inhibition of coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) by L. garvieae in raw milk cheese was similar to that in raw milk (∼0.8 log), but weaker than that in pasteurized and microfiltered milks. L. garvieae also had an early antagonistic effect on the growth of several other microbial groups, which lastingly affected populations levels and balance during cheese ripening.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based method to detect and quantify Staphylococcus aureus in bronopol-preserved milk samples from subclinical intramammary infections (IMI). Serial dilutions of milk artificially inoculated with Staph. aureus ATCC 29213 were used to establish a standard curve (cfu/mL) of the qPCR assay targeting the Staph. aureus thermonuclease-encoding gene nuc according to the strain plate count. The analytical sensitivity, specificity, and repeatability of the qPCR assay were determined. A total of 60 milk samples, collected from mammary quarters without abnormal appearance and with positive isolation of Staph. aureus, were submitted to both the qPCR protocol and Staph. aureus plate counting and results from both methods were compared. Staphylococcus aureus from bronopol-preserved, subclinical IMI milk samples were not accurately enumerated by qPCR compared with plate counting of the nonpreserved, raw milk sample. The detection limit of the qPCR protocol of inoculated Staph. aureus ATCC 29213 in bronopol-preserved milk samples was 1.04 × 101 cfu/mL. The qPCR protocol can be a high-throughput and rapid diagnostic assay to accurately detect Staph. aureus IMI from bronopol-preserved milk samples compared with a traditional culturing method. However, the proposed qPCR protocol is not accurate for counting of Staph. aureus in bronopol-preserved milk samples from naturally infected mammary glands.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus causes a wide range of diseases in multiple species. Some sequence types (ST) are observed in a variety of hosts, whereas other strains are mainly associated with bovine mastitis, suggesting host adaptation. We propose that host adaptation of Staph. aureus may influence bacteriological cure of bovine subclinical mastitis after antimicrobial treatment. To test this hypothesis, multilocus sequence typing was performed on Staph. aureus isolates from 60 treated and 79 untreated control quarters that were obtained from well-defined cohorts of dairy cows from a recently conducted randomized field trial on early treatment of subclinical mastitis. Bovine-associated ST were distinguished from non-bovine-associated ST based on the literature and public databases. The association between host adaptation and bacteriological cure was investigated using population-averaged logistic regression models. Thirteen ST were identified, with approximately 80% of isolates belonging to bovine-associated ST. The odds for cure were around 2.5 times as high for non-bovine-associated ST as for bovine ST in treated quarters, whereas no difference in spontaneous cure was observed in untreated control quarters. In addition, host adaptation was related to known predictors of cure, such as penicillin susceptibility and somatic cell count. All isolates belonging to non-bovine-associated ST were resistant to penicillin, whereas the majority of isolates belonging to bovine-associated ST were penicillin susceptible. Penicillin-resistant bovine-associated strains were associated with high somatic cell counts compared with other strains. The correlation between penicillin resistance, cell counts, and host adaptation may affect the association between host adaptation and cure. For diagnostic purposes, a simple and fast alternative to multilocus sequence typing of Staph. aureus to determine host adaptation may be valuable.  相似文献   

Bacteriocin-producing lactococci were isolated from raw ewes’ milk samples obtained from 5 different Protected Designation of Origin Zamorano cheese manufacturers. Thirteen isolates with antimicrobial activity against Lactococcus lactis HP were selected. Eleven were identified by a PCR technique as L. lactis ssp. lactis and 2 were identified as L. lactis ssp. cremoris. They were grouped under 4 different pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. The presence of structural genes of both nisin and lacticin 481 was detected in 10 L. lactis ssp. lactis isolates belonging to 2 different pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. Coproduction of nisin and lacticin 481 was confirmed after semipurification by using selective indicators. The production of 2 bacteriocins by the same strain is an uncommon property, with relevance in food safety. Nisin and lacticin 481 L. lactis-producing strains might be used as adjunct cultures to the commercial starter in the manufacture of dairy products.  相似文献   

Phage-encoded endolysins are recently considered as new biocontrol tools to inhibit pathogens in food. In this work, we have studied the ionic requirements for optimal lytic activity of LysH5, the endolysin encoded by the staphylococcal bacteriophage phi-SauS-IPLA88. LysH5 activity was inhibited by the presence of Mn++ and Zn++ and enhanced by Ca++, Mg++ and NaCl. When LysH5 was combined with nisin, a bacteriocin currently used as a biopreservative in food, a strong synergistic effect was observed. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of nisin and LysH5 were reduced 64- and 16-fold, respectively, as determined in checkerboard microtitre tests. In addition, nisin enhanced 8-fold the lytic activity of LysH5 on cell suspensions. The synergy observed in vitro was confirmed in challenge assays in pasteurized milk contaminated with S. aureus Sa9. Clearance of the pathogen was only achieved by the combined activity of both antimicrobials. As far as we know, this is the first study that exploits the possibilities of hurdle technology combining a phage-encoded endolysin and the bacteriocin nisin for efficient S. aureus inhibition in milk.  相似文献   

Mastitis is an important disease for the dairy industry worldwide, causing economic losses and reducing milk quality and production. Staphylococcus aureus is a worldwide agent of this intramammary infection, which also causes foodborne diseases. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates in milk of mastitis cows in Brazil and to analyze the genetic lineages and the content of antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors among these isolates. Fifty-six MSSA isolates were recovered from 1,484 milk samples (positive for the California mastitis test) of 518 cows from 11 different farms in Brazil (representing 51% of total Staph. aureus obtained), and they were further characterized. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from 3.7% of California mastitis test-positive tested milk samples and from 6.2% of tested mastitic cows. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus isolates were characterized by spa typing, agr typing, and multilocus sequence typing, and resistance and virulence traits were investigated by PCR. Seven spa types were identified among MSSA (% of isolates): t127 (44.6), t605 (37.5), t002, t1784, t2066 (1.8), and 2 new ones: t10856 (10.7) and t10852 (1.8). Five distinct sequence types (ST) were detected (% of isolates): ST1 (46.4), ST126 (37.5), ST133 (10.7), ST5 (3.6), and a novel ST registered as ST2493 (1.8). Resistances were detected for streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. One strain contained the chloramphenicol resistance gene (fexA; included within transposon Tn558) and 3 strains contained the tetracycline resistance gene [tet(K)]. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus strains were susceptible to most of the antibiotics studied and lacked the virulence genes of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (lukF/S-PV), toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tst), exfoliative toxin A (eta), and exfoliative toxin B (etb), as well as the genes of the immune evasion cluster. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus isolates were detected in a relatively low proportion of cows with mastitis (6.2%) and recovered isolates presented high diversity of genetic lineages, with CC1 and CC126 the predominant clonal complexes, and CC133 also being detected. Larger epidemiological studies with molecular characterization of isolates are required to deepen the knowledge on the circulating genetic lineages among the cow population with mastitis.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of contagious intramammary infection in dairy cattle, and the ability to produce biofilm is considered to be an important virulence property in the pathogenesis of mastitis. The aim of this study was to characterize the biofilm formation capacity of methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA), encoding mecA or mecC, isolated from bulk tank milk in Great Britain. For this purpose, 20 MRSA isolates were grown on microtiter plates to determine the biofilm production. Moreover, the spa-typing and the presence of the intercellular adhesion genes icaA and icaD were analyzed by PCR. All MRSA isolates tested belonged to 9 spa-types and were PCR-positive for the ica genes; 10 of them (50%) produced biofilm in the microtiter plate assay. This is also the first demonstration of biofilm production by mecC MRSA.  相似文献   

The discovery of a new mecA homolog, mecC, necessitates a modification of diagnostic procedures for the identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), as most assays used for the genotypic and phenotypic mecA detection cannot currently recognize mecC. Although the prevalence, distribution, and importance of mecC are not yet completely understood, an exchange of mecC-MRSA between humans and animals seems possible. All previously reported observations of mecC-positive strains have been sporadic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about multiple cases of mecC-positive Staph. aureus in 1 dairy herd. Clonal complex 130 Staph. aureus harboring mecC were found in milk samples from 16 of 56 lactating cows kept in a herd in Bavaria, Germany. Almost all quarter milk samples positive for mecC-MRSA had the lowest possible California Mastitis Test score; composite somatic cell counts obtained from monthly milk recordings showed a mean of 51,600 cells/mL in mecC-MRSA affected cows. Additionally, mecC-positive clonal complex 130 Staph. aureus were detected in swab samples from the mammary skin and a teat lesion of 1 cow from this herd. This report suggests that mecC-carrying strains are able to spread among livestock, and that they have the ability to cause multiple cases in single herds. Therefore, future studies targeting MRSA in dairy cows need to consider mecC.  相似文献   

In previous research, we have demonstrated that Bifidobacterium bifidum MF 20/5 fermented milk possessed stronger angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity than other lactic acid bacteria, including Lactobacillus helveticus DSM 13137, which produces the hypotensive casokinins Ile-Pro-Pro (IPP) and Val-Pro-Pro (VPP). The aim of this study is to investigate the ACE-inhibitory peptides released in B. bifidum MF 20/5 fermented milk. The novel ACE-inhibitory peptide LVYPFP (IC50 = 132 μM) is reported here for the first time. Additionally, other bioactive peptides such as the ACE-inhibitor LPLP (IC50 = 703 μM), and the antioxidant VLPVPQK were identified. Moreover, the peptide and amino acid profiles, the ACE-inhibitory activity (ACEi), pH, and degree of hydrolysis of the fermented milk were determined and compared with those obtained in milk fermented by L. helveticus DSM 13137. The sequences of the major bioactive peptides present in fermented milk of B. bifidum and L. helveticus were identified and quantified. B. bifidum released a larger amount of peptides than L. helveticus but no IPP or VPP were detected in B. bifidum fermented milk. Also the lactotripeptide concentrations and ACEi were higher in L. helveticus fermented milk when the pH was maintained at 4.6. This may represent a technical advantage for B. bifidum that reduces the pH at a slow enough rate to facilitate the peptide generation without the need for pH control. Thus these findings show the potential for the use of this probiotic strain to produce fermented milk with a wider range of health benefits including reduction of blood pressure.  相似文献   

This research aimed to evaluate the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus isolates in milk and in the milking environment of 10 small-scale farms (<400 L/d) located in the regions of Franca and Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Two-hundred twenty samples of milk were collected from individual cows, along with 120 samples from bulk tank milk, 389 samples from milking equipment and utensils (teat cups, buckets, and sieves), and 120 samples from milkers’ hands. Fifty-six Staph. aureus strains were isolated from 849 analyzed samples (6.6%): 12 (5.5%) from milk samples of individual cows, 26 (21.7%) from samples of bulk tank milk, 14 (3.6%) from samples collected from equipment and utensils, and 4 (3.3%) from samples from milkers’ hands. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing of the 56 Staph. aureus isolates by SmaI restriction enzyme resulted in 31 profiles (pulsotypes) arranged in 12 major clusters. Results of this study indicate a low incidence, but wide distribution of Staph. aureus strains isolated from raw milk collected from individual cows and surfaces of milkers’ hands and milking equipment in the small-scale dairy farms evaluated. However, the high percentage of bulk milk samples found with Staph. aureus is of public health concern because raw, unprocessed milk is regularly consumed by the Brazilian population.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important pathogens causing mastitis in dairy cows and in Mediterranean buffaloes. Genotype B (GTB) is contagious in dairy cows and may occur in up to 87% of cows of a dairy herd. It was the aim of this study to evaluate genotypes present, clinical outcomes, and prevalence of Staph. aureus in milk samples of primiparous Mediterranean dairy buffaloes. Two hundred composite milk samples originating from 40 primiparous buffaloes were collected from May to June 2012, at d 10, 30, 60, 90, and 150 d in milk (DIM) to perform somatic cell counts and bacteriological cultures. Daily milk yields were recorded. Before parturition until 40 to 50 DIM, all primiparous animals were housed separated from the pluriparous animals. Milking was performed in the same milking parlor, but the primiparous animals were milked first. After 50 DIM, the primiparous were mixed with the pluriparous animals, including the milking procedure. Individual quarter samples were collected from each animal, and aliquots of 1 mL were mixed and used for molecular identification and genotyping of Staph. aureus. The identification of Staph. aureus was performed verifying the presence of nuc gene by nuc gene PCR. All the nuc-positive isolates were subjected to genotype analysis by means of PCR amplification of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region and analyzed by a miniaturized electrophoresis system. Of all 200 composite samples, 41 (20.5%) were positive for Staph. aureus, and no genotype other than GTB was identified. The prevalence of samples positive for Staph. aureus was 0% at 10 DIM and increased to a maximum of 22/40 (55%) at 90 DIM. During the period of interest, 14 buffaloes tested positive for Staph. aureus once, 6 were positive twice, and 5 were positive 3 times, whereas 15 animals were negative at every sampling. At 90 and 150 DIM, 7 (17.5%) and 3 buffaloes (7.5%), respectively, showed clinical mastitis (CM), and only 1 (2.5%) showed CM at both samplings. At 60, 90, and 150 DIM, 1 buffalo was found with subclinical mastitis at each sampling. At 30, 60, 90, and 150 DIM, 2.5 (1/40), 22.5 (9/40), 35 (14/40), and 10% (4/40) were considered affected by intramammary infection, respectively. Buffaloes with CM caused by Staph. aureus had statistically significantly higher mean somatic cell count values (6.06 ± 0.29, Log10 cells/mL ± standard deviation) and statistically significantly lower mean daily milk yields (7.15 ± 1.49, liters/animal per day) than healthy animals (4.69 ± 0.23 and 13.87 ± 2.64, respectively), buffaloes with IMI (4.82 ± 0.23 and 11.16 ± 1.80, respectively), or with subclinical mastitis (5.47 ± 0.10 and 10.33 ± 0.68, respectively). Based on our knowledge, this is the first time that Staph. aureus GTB has been identified in milk samples of dairy Mediterranean buffaloes.  相似文献   

Enterocin AS-48 was tested in apple juice against the cider-spoilage, exopolysaccharide-producing strain Lactobacillus diolivorans 29 in combination with high-intensity pulsed-electric field (HIPEF) treatment (35 kV/cm, 150 Hz, 4 μs and bipolar mode). A response surface methodology was applied to study the bactericidal effects of the combined treatment, with AS-48 concentration and HIPEF treatment time as process variables. At subinhibitory bacteriocin concentrations, microbial inactivation by the combined treatment increased as the bacteriocin concentration and the HIPEF treatment time increased (from 0.5 to 2.0 μg/ml and from 100 to 1000 μs, respectively). Highest inactivation (4.87 logs) was achieved by 1000 μs HIPEF treatment in combination with 2.0 μg/ml AS-48. While application of treatments separately did not protect juice from survivors during storage, survivors to the combined treatment were inactivated within the following 24 h of storage, and the treated samples remained free from detectable lactobacilli for at least 15 days at temperatures of 4 °C as well as 22 °C. The combined treatment could be useful for inactivation of exopolysaccharide-producing L. diolivorans in apple juice.  相似文献   

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