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高精度静态卫星重力场模型在全球海洋环流研究、全球/区域数字高程基准面确定等领域有重要应用,本文研究仅利用GOCE卫星和联合GRACE卫星观测数据确定高精度高阶次静态重力场模型.利用GOCE卫星全周期高精度引力梯度分量(VxxVyyVzzVxz)观测值基于直接最小二乘法构建300阶次的SGG(Satellite Gravity Gradiometry)法方程,并利用卫星跟踪卫星观测值基于点域加速度法构建130阶SST(Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking)法方程,然后利用方差分量估计联合SGG和SST法方程确定300阶次纯GOCE卫星重力场模型GOSG02S.利用全周期GRACE观测数据由动力学方法解算了180阶次的SWPU-GRACE2021S模型,并将其对应法方程与GOCE卫星法方程联合解算了GRACE和GOCE的联合模型WHU-SWPU-GOGR2022S.分别基于XGM2019模型和GPS水准数据对本文解算的三个模型GOSG02S、SWPU-GRACE2021S和WHU-SWPU-GOGR2022S在频域和空域进行了精度分析,结果表明,GOSG02S和WHU-SWPU-GOGR2022S模型与GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R6、GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R6、GO_CONS_GCF_2_SPW_R5、GOCO06s和Tongji-GMMG2021S等使用了GOCE卫星全周期数据的模型精度相当,精度差异基本都在毫米量级;SWPU-GRACE2021S模型在160阶次之前与国际主流GRACE卫星重力场模型ITSG-Grace2018s和Tongji-Grace02s精度相当.


本文在法方程层面融合GOCE卫星的VxxVyyVzzVxz重力梯度分量观测数据和GRACE卫星观测数据,采用直接法解算了220阶次的重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.首先利用ⅡR带通滤波器在5~41 mHz的重力梯度带宽范围内对约24个月的GOCE重力梯度观测方程进行无相移滤波处理,并组成解算220阶次重力场模型的法方程,各梯度分量根据相对于参考模型统计精度进行定权;然后与13.5 a GRACE数据建立的180阶次Tongji-Grace02s重力场模型的法方程进行叠加,解算了220阶次的无约束纯卫星重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.利用EIGEN-6C4重力场模型、GNSS/水准数据、DTU15重力异常数据以及欧洲区域似大地水准面模型EGG2015等数据对Tongji-GOGR2019S模型精度进行全面的检核评定,结果表明:引入GOCE卫星梯度数据后,高于72阶的位系数精度优于Tongji-Grace02s模型,Tongji-GOGR2019S模型的整体精度接近同阶次的DIR-R6等GOCE卫星第6代模型.  相似文献   


本文在法方程层面融合GOCE卫星的VxxVyyVzzVxz重力梯度分量观测数据和GRACE卫星观测数据,采用直接法解算了220阶次的重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.首先利用ⅡR带通滤波器在5~41 mHz的重力梯度带宽范围内对约24个月的GOCE重力梯度观测方程进行无相移滤波处理,并组成解算220阶次重力场模型的法方程,各梯度分量根据相对于参考模型统计精度进行定权;然后与13.5 a GRACE数据建立的180阶次Tongji-Grace02s重力场模型的法方程进行叠加,解算了220阶次的无约束纯卫星重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.利用EIGEN-6C4重力场模型、GNSS/水准数据、DTU15重力异常数据以及欧洲区域似大地水准面模型EGG2015等数据对Tongji-GOGR2019S模型精度进行全面的检核评定,结果表明:引入GOCE卫星梯度数据后,高于72阶的位系数精度优于Tongji-Grace02s模型,Tongji-GOGR2019S模型的整体精度接近同阶次的DIR-R6等GOCE卫星第6代模型.


研究利用重力场模型直接进行GPS高程转换的方法,即模型高程异常法和模型重力位法.根据误差传播定律,导出了由重力场模型位系数方差计算模型高程异常以及模型正常高的误差公式,并对影响两种GPS高程转换方法精度的因素进行分析.利用具有代表性的EGM96、EIGEN-51C和EGM2008重力场模型及某线路GPS/水准数据对两种方法进行实验研究与精度分析,结果表明:理论公式及实验结果都显示两种高程转换方法是等价的,转换精度相当;两种方法使用过程中,均可能需要系统偏差校正;EGM2008重力场模型具有非常好的分辨率及精度,在局部区域,基于EGM2008模型的GPS高程转换精度有望达到cm级.  相似文献   

GOCE卫星提供的梯度数据含有非常大的低频误差,如何处理这种误差是GOCE数据处理中最为关键的工作之一.本文根据GOCE卫星的运行情况,首先分析了梯度数据的频率特性,推导了频率与阶次的对应关系;并在此之上,介绍了针对低频误差的滤波方法,即移去恢复和向前向后滤波方法,前者可解决滤波中的低频信号损失问题,后者则主要解决了滤波中的相位漂移问题.最终结果表明:引力梯度的时间频谱与球谐展开中的阶次虽不是一一对应的,但各阶所对应的最大截止频率与阶次却有一定的显式表达.同时也表明,本文所采用的滤波方法是有效的,达到了消除低频误差但保留观测频段信号的目的.  相似文献   

GOCE引力梯度的频谱分析及滤波   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
GOCE卫星提供的梯度数据含有非常大的低频误差,如何处理这种误差是GOCE数据处理中最为关键的工作之一.本文根据GOCE卫星的运行情况,首先分析了梯度数据的频率特性,推导了频率与阶次的对应关系;并在此之上,介绍了针对低频误差的滤波方法,即移去恢复和向前向后滤波方法,前者可解决滤波中的低频信号损失问题,后者则主要解决了滤波中的相位漂移问题.最终结果表明:引力梯度的时间频谱与球谐展开中的阶次虽不是一一对应的,但各阶所对应的最大截止频率与阶次却有一定的显式表达.同时也表明,本文所采用的滤波方法是有效的,达到了消除低频误差但保留观测频段信号的目的.  相似文献   

The so-called highly reduced-dynamic (HRD) orbit determination strategy and its use for the determination of the Earth’s gravitational field are analyzed. We discuss the functional model for the generation of HRD orbits, which are a compromise of the two extreme cases of dynamic and purely geometrically determined kinematic orbits. For gravity field recovery the energy integral approach is applied, which is based on the law of energy conservation in a closed system. The potential of HRD orbits for gravity field determination is studied in the frame of a simulated test environment based on a realistic GOCE orbit configuration. The results are analyzed, assessed, and compared with the respective reference solutions based on a kinematic orbit scenario. The main advantage of HRD orbits is the fact that they contain orbit velocity information, thus avoiding numerical differentiation on the orbit positions. The error characteristics are usually much smoother, and the computation of gravity field solutions is more efficient, because less densely sampled orbit information is sufficient. On the other hand, the main drawback of HRD orbits is that they contain external gravity field information, and thus yield the danger to obtain gravity field results which are biased towards this prior information.  相似文献   

The gravity field models GUCAS_EGM and GUCAS_EGM_DL are established from GOCE data (GOCE Level 2 Products from Nov. 1 to Dec. 31, 2009) based on the method of the invariants of the gravity gradient tensor, where GUCAS_EGM is derived after GOCE gravity gradient data are filtered with FIR, and GUCAS_EGM_DL is computed with an additional Durbin-Levison arithmetic apart from FIR. Since this method, different from current programs dealing with GOCE data, is introduced for the first time, some new problems are required to be discussed in advance; for example, how to filter GOCE gravity gradient data, how to compute the invariants of the gradient tensor, and how to deal with the pole gap and so on. In addition, by comparing our models with ones recommended by ESA, it can be seen that the variations of GUCAS_EGM and the models recommended by ESA to EGM08 are almost equivalent, and the variation of GUCAS_EGM_DL to EGM08 is obviously less than ones of the recommended models.  相似文献   

利用欧空局发布的三组GOCE引力场模型及CNES-CLS 2010平均海面高数据,计算得到了全球的稳态海面地形,进而得到了全球地转流速度图.在此基础上重点对黑潮进行了对比分析.结果表明:GOCE不同组解的稳定性较好,所计算的稳态海面地形的差异基本在厘米量级内,这间接表明了GOCE引力场模型提供的大地水准面的精度达到了厘米量级.此外,通过将GOCE与GRACE相应结果进行对比发现,GOCE可提供更多的局部信息,特别是对于流速快、水流窄的边界流,如黑潮、墨西哥湾流等,GOCE所得结果更加清晰,速度也更精确.  相似文献   

在四川盆地西部建立了一个由302个观测站组成的区域观测网,并进行了高精度流动重力与GPS观测,其目的是获取区域自由空气重力异常(简称重力异常)的分布特征,并对EGM2008模型在该区域的结果进行验证分析.研究区域实测的重力异常总体为负值,由西到东逐步从-160×10-5ms-2平缓变化到-60×10-5ms-2左右.EGM2008地球重力场模型揭示的模型重力异常较好地勾画出研究区域的总体地形分布形态,龙泉山脉以及四川盆地与青藏高原的边界皆存在明显的模型重力梯度带.研究区东南部的模型重力异常大约为-50×10-5ms-2左右,但在龙泉山西部成都平原地区,模型重力异常则达到-120×10-5ms-2左右.在区域观测网内绝大部分观测点上,模型与实测重力异常的差值几乎为一个常数(-10×10-5ms-2左右),说明EGM2008地球重力场模型可较好地反映实际重力场的空间分布形态.如果配以一定数量的地面观测数据进行整体调节,EGM2008地球重力场模型就可以较真实地反映实际地球重力场.  相似文献   

The reprocessing of Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) Level 1b gradiometer and star tracker data applying upgraded processing methods leads to improved gravity gradient and attitude products. The impact of these enhanced products on GOCE-only and combined GOCE+GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) gravity field models is analyzed in detail, based on a two-months data period of Nov. and Dec. 2009, and applying a rigorous gravity field solution of full normal equations. Gravity field models that are based only on GOCE gradiometer data benefit most, especially in the low to medium degree range of the harmonic spectrum, but also for specific groups of harmonic coefficients around order 16 and its integer multiples, related to the satellite’s revolution frequency. However, due to the fact that also (near-)sectorial coefficients are significantly improved up to high degrees (which is caused mainly by an enhanced second derivative in Y direction of the gravitational potential — VYY), also combined gravity field models, including either GOCE orbit information or GRACE data, show improvements of more than 10% compared to the use of original gravity gradient data. Finally, the resulting gradiometry-only, GOCE-only and GOCE+GRACE global gravity field models have been externally validated by independent GPS/levelling observations in selected regions. In conclusion, it can be expected that several applications will benefit from the better quality of data and resulting GOCE and combined gravity field models.  相似文献   

Systematic differences are noted between those global response functions (Q = I1/E1; W = Z/H) derived from single observatories and those derived from global averages. Using a simple first-order model to simulate global scale lateral heterogeneities, we argue that reasonable differences in the depth to the conductosphere (d (average) = 400 km in one hemisphere, 600 km in the other) result in significant differences in the response functions at single observatories. These differences appear to be easily resolvable within the expected error-bars of actual observations. At this point it is believed that regional differences in global response parameters can indeed be used to infer large-scale differences in the depth to the conductosphere, providing that systematic biases introduced in data processing and interpretation are minimized.  相似文献   

A new generation of global geopotential models (GGM) is being developed. These solutions offer a file with fully-normalized spherical harmonic coefficients of the Earth’s gravitational potential up to a degree greater than 2000 with very low commission errors. This paper analyses the recent Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008, developed up to degree and order 2159 with additional coefficients to degree 2190 and order 2159, which means recovering the gravitational field up to approximately 20 km wavelengths. 223 GPS/levelling points of the new Spanish High Precision Levelling Network in the Valencia region (Eastern Spain) are used as external tool for evaluation in that particular region. The same evaluation has been performed to other different global (EGM96 and EIGENCG03C), continental (EGG97), regional (IGG2005 and IBERGEO2006) and local (GCV07) geoid models for comparison purposes only. These comparisons show that EGM2008 is the geoid model that best fits to the GPS/levelling data in that region.  相似文献   

Based on the synchronous joint gravity and magnetic inversion of single interface by Pilkington and the need of revealing Cenozoic and crystalline basement thickness in the new round of oil-gas exploration, we propose a joint gravity and magnetic inversion methodfor two-layer models by concentrating on the relationship between the change of thicknessI and position of the middle layer and anomaly and discuss the effects of the key parameters. Model tests and application to field data show the validity of this method.  相似文献   

We investigate prediction abilities of different variants of kriging and different combinations of data in a local geometric (GNSS/leveling based) geoid modeling. In order to generate local geoid models, we have used GNSS/leveling data and EGM2008 geopotential model. EGM2008 has been used twofold. Firstly, it was used as a basic long wave-length trend to be removed from geoid undulation data to generate a residual field of geoid heights modeled later by kriging (remove-restore technique). Secondly, EGM2008-based undulations were used as a secondary variable in a cokriging prediction procedure (as pseudo-observations). Besides the use of EGM2008, the kriging-based local geometric geoid models were generated only on the basis of raw undulations data. Kriging itself was used in two variants, i.e. ordinary kriging and universal kriging for univariate and bivariate cases (cokriging). The quality of kriging-based prediction for all its variants and all data combinations have been investigated on one fixed validation dataset consisting of 86 points and three training data sets characterized by a different density of sampling. Results of this study indicate that incorporation of EGM08 as a long wave-length trend in kriging prediction procedure outperforms cokriging strategy based on incorporation of EGM08 as a secondary spatially correlated variable.  相似文献   




Five years of global temperatures retrieved from radio occultations measured by Champ (Challenging Minisatellite Payload) and SAC-C (Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas-C) are analyzed for gravity waves (GWs). In order to separate GWs from other atmospheric variations, a high-pass filter was applied on the vertical profile. Resulting temperature fluctuations correspond to vertical wavelengths between 400 m (instrumental resolution) and 10 km (limit of the high-pass filter). The temperature fluctuations can be converted into GW potential energy, but for comparison with parameterization schemes GW momentum flux is required. We therefore used representative values for the vertical and horizontal wavelength to infer GW momentum flux from the GPS measurements. The vertical wavelength value is determined by high-pass filtering, the horizontal wavelength is adopted from a latitude-dependent climatology. The obtained momentum flux distributions agree well, both in global distribution and in absolute values, with simulations using the Warner and McIntyre parameterization (WM) scheme. However, discrepancies are found in the annual cycle. Online simulations, implementing the WM scheme in the mechanistic COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere—Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) general circulation model (GCM), do not converge, demonstrating that a good representation of GWs in a GCM requires both a realistic launch distribution and an adequate representation of GW breaking and momentum transfer.  相似文献   

Estimation of sedimentation in reservoirs helps in the management and design of the reservoir's useful capacity. This research was done on the Awash River basin at the Koka Dam Reservoir in Ethiopia. The method applied was the loose integration of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model and Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System(HEC-RAS) model for the estimation of the sediment load reaching the reservoir. The SWAT model was used for the estimation of erosion at the catchment level,and the HEC-RAS model was applied to estimate the sediment transport in the river channel. The implemented method allows sedimentation in the floodplains and bed shear stress to be considered in the sediment modeling, which cannot be considered in the SWAT model. In addition, the river cross sectional properties and the hydrodynamic processes in the rivers were considered in the modeling process. The data used in this study are a combination of i) observed data collected by government agencies, ii) data available online in data repositories, and iii) data extracted from remote sensing in the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission(SRTM) Digital Elevation Model(DEM). The calibration and validation of the SWAT model was done by using Sequential Uncertainty Fitting(SUIF-2) calibration and validation tools. The HEC-RAS model was calibrated by adjusting the roughness factor. The output from the integrated approaches gives better estimates of flow and sediment near the inlet to the reservoir, with coefficients of determination of 0.85 and 0.67, respectively, and Nash Sutcliffe coefficients of model fit efficiency of 0.90 and 0.62, respectively, for daily simulations.  相似文献   

Long flood series are required to accurately estimate flood quantiles associated with high return periods, in order to design and assess the risk in hydraulic structures such as dams. However, observed flood series are commonly short. Flood series can be extended through hydro-meteorological modelling, yet the computational effort can be very demanding in case of a distributed model with a short time step is considered to obtain an accurate flood hydrograph characterisation. Statistical models can also be used, where the copula approach is spreading for performing multivariate flood frequency analyses. Nevertheless, the selection of the copula to characterise the dependence structure of short data series involves a large uncertainty. In the present study, a methodology to extend flood series by combining both approaches is introduced. First, the minimum number of flood hydrographs required to be simulated by a spatially distributed hydro-meteorological model is identified in terms of the uncertainty of quantile estimates obtained by both copula and marginal distributions. Second, a large synthetic sample is generated by a bivariate copula-based model, reducing the computation time required by the hydro-meteorological model. The hydro-meteorological modelling chain consists of the RainSim stochastic rainfall generator and the Real-time Interactive Basin Simulator (RIBS) rainfall-runoff model. The proposed procedure is applied to a case study in Spain. As a result, a large synthetic sample of peak-volume pairs is stochastically generated, keeping the statistical properties of the simulated series generated by the hydro-meteorological model. This method reduces the computation time consumed. The extended sample, consisting of the joint simulated and synthetic sample, can be used for improving flood risk assessment studies.  相似文献   

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