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GOCE卫星提供的梯度数据含有非常大的低频误差,如何处理这种误差是GOCE数据处理中最为关键的工作之一.本文根据GOCE卫星的运行情况,首先分析了梯度数据的频率特性,推导了频率与阶次的对应关系;并在此之上,介绍了针对低频误差的滤波方法,即移去恢复和向前向后滤波方法,前者可解决滤波中的低频信号损失问题,后者则主要解决了滤波中的相位漂移问题.最终结果表明:引力梯度的时间频谱与球谐展开中的阶次虽不是一一对应的,但各阶所对应的最大截止频率与阶次却有一定的显式表达.同时也表明,本文所采用的滤波方法是有效的,达到了消除低频误差但保留观测频段信号的目的.  相似文献   

GOCE引力梯度的频谱分析及滤波   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
GOCE卫星提供的梯度数据含有非常大的低频误差,如何处理这种误差是GOCE数据处理中最为关键的工作之一.本文根据GOCE卫星的运行情况,首先分析了梯度数据的频率特性,推导了频率与阶次的对应关系;并在此之上,介绍了针对低频误差的滤波方法,即移去恢复和向前向后滤波方法,前者可解决滤波中的低频信号损失问题,后者则主要解决了滤波中的相位漂移问题.最终结果表明:引力梯度的时间频谱与球谐展开中的阶次虽不是一一对应的,但各阶所对应的最大截止频率与阶次却有一定的显式表达.同时也表明,本文所采用的滤波方法是有效的,达到了消除低频误差但保留观测频段信号的目的.  相似文献   

The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite data is used to estimate the rate of ice mass variability over Greenland. To do this, monthly GRACE level 2 Release-04 (RL04) data from three different processing centers, Center for Space Research (CSR), German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) and Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) were used during the period April 2002 to February 2010. It should be noted that some months are missing for all three data sets. Results of computations provide a mass decrease of −163 ± 20 Gigaton per year (Gt/yr) based on CSR-RL04 data, −161 ± 21 Gt/yr based on GFZ-RL04 data and −84 ± 26 Gt/yr based on JPL RL04.1. The results are derived by the application of a non-isotropic filter whose degree of smoothing corresponds to a Gaussian filter with a radius of 340 km. Striping effects in the GRACE data, C20 effect, and leakage effects are taken into the consideration in the computations. There is some significant spread of the results among different processing centers of GRACE solutions; however, estimates achieved in this study are in agreement with the results obtained from alternative GRACE solutions.  相似文献   

An airborne gravity campaign was carried out at the Dome-C survey area in East Antarctica between the 17th and 22nd of January 2013, in order to provide data for an experiment to validate GOCE satellite gravity gradients. After typical filtering for airborne gravity data, the cross-over error statistics for the few crossing points are 11.3 mGal root mean square (rms) error, corresponding to an rms line error of 8.0 mGal. This number is relatively large due to the rough flight conditions, short lines and field handling procedures used. Comparison of the airborne gravity data with GOCE RL4 spherical harmonic models confirmed the quality of the airborne data and that they contain more high-frequency signal than the global models. First, the airborne gravity data were upward continued to GOCE altitude to predict gravity gradients in the local North-East-Up reference frame. In this step, the least squares collocation using the ITGGRACE2010S field to degree and order 90 as reference field, which is subtracted from both the airborne gravity and GOCE gravity gradients, was applied. Then, the predicted gradients were rotated to the gradiometer reference frame using level 1 attitude quaternion data. The validation with the airborne gravity data was limited to the accurate gradient anomalies (TXX, TYY, TZZ and TXZ) where the long-wavelength information of the GOCE gradients has been replaced with GOCO03s signal to avoid contamination with GOCE gradient errors at these wavelengths. The comparison shows standard deviations between the predicted and GOCE gradient anomalies TXX, TYY, TZZ and TXZ of 9.9, 11.5, 11.6 and 10.4 mE, respectively. A more precise airborne gravity survey of the southern polar gap which is not observed by GOCE would thus provide gradient predictions at a better accuracy, complementing the GOCE coverage in this region.  相似文献   

This study examines the recent evolution of the Greenland ice sheet and its six major drainage basins. Based on laser altimetry data acquired by the Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), covering the period September–November 2003 to February–March 2008, ice surface height changes and their temporal variations were inferred. Our refined repeat track analysis is solely based on ICESat data and is independent of external elevation models, since it accounts for both ice height changes and the local topography. From the high resolution ice height change pattern we infer an overall mean surface height trend of −0.12 ± 0.006 m yr−1. Furthermore, the largest changes could be identified at coastal margins of the ice sheet, exhibiting rates of more than −2 m yr−1. The total ice volume change of the entire ice sheet amounts to −205.4 ± 10.6 km3 yr−1. In addition, we assessed mass changes from 78 monthly Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) solutions. The Release-04 gravity field solutions of GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam cover the period between August 2002 and June 2009. We applied an adjusted regional integration approach in order to minimize the leakage effects. Attention was paid to an optimized filtering which reduces error effects from different sources. The overall error assessment accounts for GRACE errors as well as for errors due to imperfect model reductions. In particular, errors caused by uncertainties in the glacial isostatic adjustment models could be identified as the largest source of errors. Finally, we determined both seasonal and long-term mass change rates. The latter amounts to an overall ice mass change of −191.2 ± 20.9 Gt yr−1 corresponding to 0.53 ± 0.06 mm yr−1 equivalent eustatic sea level rise. From the combination of the volume and mass change estimates we determined a mean density of the lost mass to be 930 ± 11 kg m−3. This value supports our applied density assumption 900 ± 30 kg m−3 which was used to perform the volume–mass-conversion of our ICESat results. Hence, mass change estimates from two independent observation techniques were inferred and are generally in good agreement.  相似文献   

Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is the first satellite mission that observes gravity gradients from the space, to be primarily used for the determination of high precision global gravity field models. However, the GOCE gradients, having a dense data distribution, may potentially provide better predictions of the regional gravity field than those obtained using a spherical harmonic Earth Geopotential Model (EGM). This is investigated in Auvergne test area using Least Squares Collocation (LSC) with GOCE vertical gravity gradient anomalies (Tzz), removing the long wavelength part from EGM2008 and the short wavelength part by residual terrain modelling (RTM). The results show that terrain effects on the vertical gravity gradient are significant at satellite altitude, reaching a level of 0.11 E?tv?s unit (E.U.) in the mountainous areas. Removing the RTM effects from GOCE Tzz leads to significant improvements on the LSC predictions of surface gravity anomalies and quasigeoid heights. Comparison with ground truth data shows that using LSC surface free air gravity anomalies and quasi-geoid heights are recovered from GOCE Tzz with standard deviations of 11 mGal and 18 cm, which is better than those obtained by using GOCE EGMs, demonstrating that information beyond the maximal degree of the GOCE EGMs is present. Investigation of using covariance functions created separately from GOCE Tzz and terrestrial free air gravity anomalies, suggests that both covariance functions give almost identical predictions. However, using covariance function obtained from GOCE Tzz has the effect that the predicted formal average error estimates are considerably larger than the standard deviations of predicted minus observed gravity anomalies. Therefore, GOCE Tzz should be used with caution to determine the covariance functions in areas where surface gravity anomalies are not available, if error estimates are needed.  相似文献   

We have considered the influence of ocean temperature and salinity changes, mass changes of the Greenland ice sheet (GIS) and the isostatic response of the solid earth to the most recent glacial cycle on 20th century sea-level change along the US east coast with the intention of better understanding the observed signal as well as determining the potential of the tide gauge data for constraining the recent (past 50–100 yr) mass balance of the GIS and earth viscosity structure. Our results show that the signal due to steric changes is large and displays a complex spatial variation which can account for a significant portion of the observed signal. In contrast, that due to changes in the GIS is relatively small and insensitive to the specific geometry of the mass balance model adopted. As a consequence, the tide gauge data alone are not capable of providing useful constraints on either the magnitude or form of recent GIS mass balance. Our inference of mantle viscosity structure based on the tide gauge data was affected dramatically when the steric effect was accounted for: An earth model with an upper mantle viscosity of 8 × 1019 Pa s and a lower mantle viscosity of 5 × 1022 Pa s produced the best fit to the steric-corrected data; the optimal fit to the uncorrected data was obtained for upper and lower mantle viscosities of 5 × 1020 Pa s and 1022 Pa s, respectively.  相似文献   


两极冰盖消融及其质量变化作为全球气候变化的重要指标之一,一直是联合国政府间专门气候委员会IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)报告的重点关注内容.GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment,2002年4月—2017年6月)和GRACE-FO(GRACE Follow-on,2018年5月至今)重力卫星,作为监测两极冰盖质量变化最直接和有效的手段,存在近一年的观测间断期.因此本文提出联合Swarm三颗低轨卫星观测资料(2015年1月—2019年6月)和ARIMA-MC(Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model-Monte Carlo)预测方法来填补两组重力卫星间断期两极冰盖消融质量变化观测的时间序列,从而基于完整时间序列来研究两极冰盖质量时空变化规律.研究结果表明:(1)利用Swarm卫星反演得到的时变重力场信号和ARIMA-MC预测方法可以有效填补间断期两极冰盖消融质量变化的时间序列,但两种方法得到的结果也存在一定的差异;(2)在2002年4月—2020年3月期间,GRACE/GRACE-FO探测到南极和格陵兰岛冰盖质量变化速率分别为-119±23 Gt·a-1和-259±20 Gt·a-1,等效于全球平均海平面每年约上升0.33 mm和0.72 mm;(3)南极威尔克斯地区在2010—2020年期间的冰盖融化速率较2002—2009年期间增加了10倍,Swarm结果也证实了该地区近年来的加速消融;(4)2019年夏季格陵兰岛冰盖明显的加速消融与夏季北大西洋涛动有关.


Data on the concentrations of the cosmogenic 10Be isotope and Na+ and Ca2+ ions, as well as on ice accumulation rates in central Greenland, obtained by the GISP2 collaboration were studied in a time interval spanning about 40 000 recent years. Joint analysis of the indicated glacial and chemical paleoseries demonstrated that in a period from 12 008 to 24 008 years ago, the 10Be flux variations were most free of influence of climate and changes in the geomagnetic dipole moment. As a consequence, this time interval is most suitable for studying periodicities of purely solar nature. Statistical analysis of the 10Be flux data has revealed significant variations with periods of 500–800 years and 1300–1600 years in the time interval from 12 008 to 17 008 years ago. This evidence favors the existence of the appropriate cycles of solar activity in the mentioned epoch. Similar periodicities are also revealed in the time interval from 3288 to 8008 years ago.  相似文献   

Regional estimation of total recharge to ground water in Nebraska   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Naturally occurring long-term mean annual recharge to ground water in Nebraska was estimated by a novel water-balance approach. This approach uses geographic information systems (GIS) layers of land cover, elevation of land and ground water surfaces, base recharge, and the recharge potential in combination with monthly climatic data. Long-term mean recharge > 140 mm per year was estimated in eastern Nebraska, having the highest annual precipitation rates within the state, along the Elkhorn, Platte, Missouri, and Big Nemaha River valleys where ground water is very close to the surface. Similarly high recharge values were obtained for the Sand Hills sections of the North and Middle Loup, as well as Cedar River and Beaver Creek valleys due to high infiltration rates of the sandy soil in the area. The westernmost and southwesternmost parts of the state were estimated to typically receive < 30 mm of recharge a year.  相似文献   

高亚洲冰川质量变化趋势的卫星重力探测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用高亚洲地区32个Mascon,基于GRACE RL05时变重力场模型频域和空域上的两种计算方法有效分离并提取出高亚洲冰川及其毗邻地区的等效水质量变化,得到2002—2013年期间高亚洲地区更为可靠的Mascon质量变化.高亚洲冰川质量变化的空间特征是:青藏高原内陆地区以正增长为主,边缘地区以负增长为主,在藏东南的最边缘地区冰川质量损失最为严重.天山地区、帕米尔和昆仑山地区、喜马拉雅山和喀喇昆仑山地区、青藏高原内陆地区冰川质量的平均变化趋势分别为-2.8±0.9 Gt/a、-3.3±1.5 Gt/a、-9.9±2.1 Gt/a和5.0±0.8 Gt/a, 高亚洲冰川质量整体的平均变化趋势为-11.0±2.9 Gt/a.印度等北部平原地区地下水平均变化趋势为-35.0±4.2 Gt/a,该地区地下水信号泄漏是影响GRACE研究高亚洲冰川质量变化的关键因素,频域法和空域法能有效改正该地区地下水信号泄漏的影响.  相似文献   

Fourier transformation of gravity and magnetic anomalies from space to the frequency domain provides aready method for source depth estimation since progressively deeper sources are indicated by the lower frequency components of an anomaly. Two examples are presented here to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach. One example pertains to the interpretation of vertical intensity magnetic anomalies over a layered ultramafic body for estimating the thickness of relatively non-magnetic layer in it and map the dispositions of the layers. The other example is the estimation of crustal thickness in the Indian region from the Bouguer anomaly map. The spectral method is shown, by these two examples, to provide a rapid and elegant tool for the source depth estimation for magnetic and gravity data.  相似文献   

We use the concentration of in situ 10Be in quartz isolated from fluvial and morainal sand to trace sediment sources and to determine the relative contribution of glacerized and deglaciated terrain to Greenland's sediment budget. We sampled along the western, eastern, and southern margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet, and collected sediment sourced from glacerized (n = 19) and non‐glacerized terrain (n = 10), from channels where sediment from glacerized and non‐glacerized terrain is mixed (n = 28), from Holocene glacial‐fluvial terraces (n = 4), and from one sand dune. In situ 10Be concentrations in sediment range from 1600 to 34 000 atoms g‐1. The concentration of in situ 10Be in sediment sourced from non‐glacerized terrain is significantly higher than in sediment sourced from glacerized areas, in mixed channel sediment, and in terrace sediment that was deposited during the Holocene. To constrain the timing of landscape exposure for the deglaciated portion of the Narsarsuaq field area in southern Greenland, we measured in situ 10Be concentration in bedrock (n = 5) and boulder (n = 6) samples. Paired bedrock and boulder ages are indistinguishable at 1σ uncertainty and indicate rapid exposure of the upland slopes at ~10.5 ka. The isotope concentration in sediment sourced from non‐glacerized terrain is higher than in sediment sourced from glacerized terrain because the non‐glacerized landscape has been exposed to cosmic radiation since early Holocene deglaciation. Sediment from glacerized areas contains a low, but measurable concentration of 10Be that probably accumulated at depth during a prolonged period of exposure, probably before the establishment of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The concentration of 10Be in mixed fluvial sediment and in terrace sediment is low, and similar to the concentration in sediment from glacerized areas, which indicates that the Greenland Ice Sheet is the dominant source of sediment moving through the landscape outside the glacial margin in the areas we sampled. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of evaporation from the ground surface of Asian cryosphere sites are presented, as estimated by the lysimeter method, a profile method, and a heat budget method. The observation sites were located on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, in the Qilian and Tianshan Mountains of China, and in eastern Siberia. The lysimeter method has been demonstrated to be a reliable observation technique for estimating daily evaporation from the land surface, given suitable experiment design and operation. Daily mean evaporation varied within the range of 0·3 to 3·5 mm on the permafrost surface, and regional differences in evaporation were strongly related to surface soil moisture. Locally, topography, by way of its influence on surface soil moisture, was found to control evaporation systematically. Seasonality of ground evaporation in permafrost regions is dominated by thaw–freeze cycles at the surface; evaporation from the melting permafrost surface is up to four to seven times greater than that from frozen ground. In forested terrain, the interception of precipitation can reduce daily evaporation by 60 to 70%. Sublimation from the snow surface was observed at some sites in the range of 0·2 to 1·0 mm daily; atmospheric conditions, such as wind speed and saturation deficit, were dominant factors in determining snow sublimation. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the data on the conductivity and concentration of nitrates (ions) in an ice core from central Greenland obtained with high time resolution. The performed analysis indicates that the abrupt increase in the concentration of sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere due to additional ionization resulted from precipitation of solar cosmic ray energetic particles is one of the main factors that cause simultaneous origination of powerful peaks in the nitrate conductivity and concentration. Thus, coincidences of peaks in both studied paleoseries are manifestations of the effect that has been experimentally registered with lidar and satellite equipment for the last 25 years. This demonstrates that the relationship between the aerosol concentration and the ionization rate in the stratosphere is real and makes it possible to expand the interval where this relationship exists to more than 200 years. The possible physical mechanisms of the observed phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

断层破裂面倾角变化对断陷盆地强地面运动的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地震事件中,断层破裂面的倾角大小直接影响到地表强地震动的分布状态,尤其在断陷盆地中,强地面运动特征还可能受到盆地结构及盆地内多条围限断层的影响.本文模拟了银川断陷盆地内的活动断层——银川隐伏断层南段发生Mw6.5特征地震时,断层破裂面倾角在30°~85°范围内变化时引起的强地面运动,探讨了断层破裂面倾角变化对盆地内强地面运动分布特征和强度的影响.结果表明:破裂面倾角较缓时,银川盆地内的强地面运动分布区域不仅仅决定于发震断层的产状,同时还受到断层上盘距离最近的芦花台断层的影响,致使强地面运动集中于两条断层所围限的区域;随着发震断层破裂面的倾角逐渐增大,强地面运动以发震断层产状的影响为主,强震集中区向发震断层靠近并分布于发震断层上盘,且沿断层走向方向出现了强度不同的地震动反射区;尤其是发震断层破裂面倾角接近垂直时,受银川盆地"西陡东缓"结构和盆地西边界贺兰山东麓断裂反射作用的影响,竖向地震动反射区强度在远离发震断层的西北方向明显增大,致使芦花台断层附近区域与银川断层南段上盘区域成为地震发生时可能遭受震害最严重的地区.本文探讨结果提醒我们在类似区域的活动断层附近进行建(构)筑规划和地震工程设计时,有必要考虑发震断层破裂面倾角大小和盆地内其它断层构造的共同影响,综合评价潜在地震对盆地内近断层地表及各类建(构)筑物的危害性.  相似文献   

Based on snow- and ice-thickness measurements at >11 000 points augmented by snow- and icecore studies during 4 expeditions from 1986 - 92 in the Weddell Sea, we describe characteristics and distribution patterns of snow and meteoric ice and assess their importance for the mass balance of sea ice. For first-year ice (FY) in the central and eastern Weddell Sea, mean snow depth amounts to 0.16 m (mean ice thickness 0.75 m) compared to 0.53 m (mean ice thickness 1.70 m) for second-year ice (SY) in the northwestern Weddell Sea. Ridged ice retains a thicker snow cover than level ice, with ice thickness and snow depth negatively correlated for the latter, most likely due to aeolian redistribution. During the different expeditions, 8, 15, 17 and 40% of all drill holes exhibited negative freeboard. As a result of flooding and brine seepage into the snow pack, snow salinities averaged 4‰. Through 18O measurements the distribution of meteoric ice (i.e. precipitation) in the sea-ice cover was assessed. Roughly 4% of the total ice thickness consist of meteoric ice (FY 3%, SY 5%). With a mean density of 290 kg/m3, the snow cover itself contributes 8% to total ice mass (7% FY, 11% SY). Analysis of 18O in snow indicates a local maximum in accumulation in the 65 to 75^S latitude zone. Hydrogen peroxide in the snow has proven useful as a temporal tracer and for identification of second-year floes. Drawing on accumulation data from stations at the Weddell Sea coast, it becomes clear that the onset of ice growth is important for the evolution of ice thickness and the interaction between ice and snow. Loss of snow to leads due to wind drift may be considerable, yet is reduced owing to metamorphic processes in the snow column. This is confirmed by a comparison of accumulation data from coastal stations and from snow depths over sea ice. Temporal and spatial accumulation patterns of snow are shown to be important in controlling the sea-ice cover evolution.  相似文献   

No Abstract. .This is the corrected version of the Acknowledgments and some references of the above mentioned article that appeared electronically Online First on April 1, 2005 (this issue, pp. 224–236).  相似文献   

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