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Higher-order ionospheric (HOI) delays are one of the principal technique-specific error sources in precise global positioning system analysis and have been proposed to become a standard part of precise GPS data processing. In this research, we apply HOI delay corrections to the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China’s (CMONOC) data processing (from January 2000 to December 2013) and furnish quantitative results for the effects of HOI on CMONOC coordinate time series. The results for both a regional reference frame and global reference frame are analyzed and compared to clarify the HOI effects on the CMONOC network. We find that HOI corrections can effectively reduce the semi-annual signals in the northern and vertical components. For sites with lower semi-annual amplitudes, the average decrease in magnitude can reach 30 and 10 % for the northern and vertical components, respectively. The noise amplitudes with HOI corrections and those without HOI corrections are not significantly different. Generally, the HOI effects on CMONOC networks in a global reference frame are less obvious than the results in the regional reference frame, probably because the HOI-induced errors are smaller in comparison to the higher noise levels seen when using a global reference frame. Furthermore, we investigate the combined contributions of environmental loading and HOI effects on the CMONOC stations. The largest loading effects on the vertical displacement are found in the mid- to high-latitude areas. The weighted root mean square differences between the corrected and original weekly GPS height time series of the loading model indicate that the mass loading adequately reduced the scatter on the CMONOC height time series, whereas the results in the global reference frame showed better agreements between the GPS coordinate time series and the environmental loading. When combining the effects of environmental loading and HOI corrections, the results with the HOI corrections reduced the scatter on the observed GPS height coordinates better than the height when estimated without HOI corrections, and the combined solutions in the regional reference frame indicate more preferred improvements. Therefore, regional reference frames are recommended to investigate the HOI effects on regional networks.  相似文献   

Four widely used algorithms for the computation of the Earth’s gravitational potential and its first-, second- and third-order gradients are examined: the traditional increasing degree recursion in associated Legendre functions and its variant based on the Clenshaw summation, plus the methods of Pines and Cunningham–Metris, which are free from the singularities that distinguish the first two methods at the geographic poles. All four methods are reorganized with the lumped coefficients approach, which in the cases of Pines and Cunningham–Metris requires a complete revision of the algorithms. The characteristics of the four methods are studied and described, and numerical tests are performed to assess and compare their precision, accuracy, and efficiency. In general the performance levels of all four codes exhibit large improvements over previously published versions. From the point of view of numerical precision, away from the geographic poles Clenshaw and Legendre offer an overall better quality. Furthermore, Pines and Cunningham–Metris are affected by an intrinsic loss of precision at the equator and suffer from additional deterioration when the gravity gradients components are rotated into the East-North-Up topocentric reference system. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The performance of a three-dimensional ionospheric electron density model derived from FormoSat3/COSMIC GPS Radio Occultation measurements, called the TaiWan Ionosphere Model (TWIM), in removing the ionospheric delays in single-frequency pseudorange observations is presented. Positioning results using TWIM have been compared with positioning results using other ionospheric models, such as the Klobuchar (KLOB) and the global ionospheric model (GIM). C/A code pseudoranges have been observed at three International GPS Service reference stations that are representative of mid-latitude (BOR1 and IRKJ) and low-latitude (TWTF) regions of the ionosphere. The observations took place during 27 geomagnetically quiet days from April 2010 to October 2011. We perform separate solutions using the TWIM, KLOB, GIM ionospheric models and carry out a solution applying no ionospheric correction at all. We compute the daily mean horizontal errors (DMEAN) and the daily RMS (DRMS) for these solutions with respect to the published reference station coordinates. It has demonstrated that TEC maps generate using the TWIM exhibit a detailed structure of the ionosphere, particularly at low-latitude region, whereas the Klobuchar and the GIM only provide the basic diurnal and geographic features of the ionosphere. Also, it is shown that even for lower satellite elevations, the TWIM provides better positioning than the Klobuchar and GIM models. Specifically, using TWIM, the difference of the uncorrected solution (no ionospheric correction), and the other solutions, relative to the uncorrected solution, is 45 % for the mean horizontal error (DMEAN) and 42 % for the horizontal root-mean-square error (DRMS). Using Klobuchar and GIM, the percent for DMEAN only reaches to about 12 % and 3 %, while the values for the DRMS are only 12 and 4 %, respectively. In the vertical direction, all models have a percentage of about 99 and 70 % for the mean vertical error (VMEAN) and vertical root-mean-square error (VRMS), respectively. These percentages show the greater impact of TWIM on the ionospheric correction compared to the other models. In at least 40 % of the observed days and across all stations, TWIM has the smallest DMEAN, VMEAN, DRMS, and VRMS daily values. These values reach 100 % at station TWTF. This shows the overall performance of TWIM is better than the Klobuchar and GIM.  相似文献   

A recursive method is developed to compute the ratios of the oblate spheroidal harmonics of the second kind and their first-, second-, and third-order derivatives. The recurrence formulas consist of three kinds: (1) fixed-degree increasing-order, (2) mixed-degree increasing-order, and (3) fixed-order decreasing-degree. The three seed values are evaluated by rapidly convergent series. The derivatives of the ratios are recursively obtained from the values and lower-order derivatives of the same harmonic order and of the same or higher degrees. The new method precisely and quickly computes the ratios and their low-order derivatives. It provides 13 correct digits of the ratios of degree as high as 262,000 and runs 20–100 times faster than the existing methods.  相似文献   

The majority of navigation satellite receivers operate on a single frequency. They compensate for the ionospheric delay using either an ionospheric model which typically only corrects for 50% of the delay or a thin-shell map of the ionosphere. A 4D tomographic imaging technique is used to map the free electron density over the full-height of the ionosphere above North America during autumn 2003. The navigation solutions computed using correction based upon the thin-shell and the full-height maps are compared in this paper. The maps are used to calculate the excess propagation delay on the L1 frequency experienced by GPS receivers at selected locations across North America. The excess delay is applied to correct the single-frequency pseudorange observations at each location, and the improvements to the resulting positioning are calculated. It is shown that the thin-shell and full-height maps perform almost as well as a dual-frequency carrier-smoothed benchmark and for most receivers better than the unfiltered dual-frequency benchmark. The full-height corrections perform well and are considerably better than thin-shell corrections under extreme storm conditions.  相似文献   

随着GALILEO计划的实施、美国GPS和俄罗斯GLONASS现代化以及SBAS系统的使用,综合利用各个系统的卫星信号可以提高定位精度及其可靠性。为了适应新增卫星导航系统的信号频率和观测值的不同,在RINEX第二版数据交换格式的基础上产生了RINEX第三版。本文讨论了RINEX第二版中的2.10和RINEX第三版中的3.00的格式之间的差异,并论述了RINEX3.00格式的相关应用情况。  相似文献   

A new method for modeling the ionospheric delay using global positioning system (GPS) data is proposed, called the ionospheric eclipse factor method (IEFM). It is based on establishing a concept referred to as the ionospheric eclipse factor (IEF) λ of the ionospheric pierce point (IPP) and the IEF’s influence factor (IFF) . The IEF can be used to make a relatively precise distinction between ionospheric daytime and nighttime, whereas the IFF is advantageous for describing the IEF’s variations with day, month, season and year, associated with seasonal variations of total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere. By combining λ and with the local time t of IPP, the IEFM has the ability to precisely distinguish between ionospheric daytime and nighttime, as well as efficiently combine them during different seasons or months over a year at the IPP. The IEFM-based ionospheric delay estimates are validated by combining an absolute positioning mode with several ionospheric delay correction models or algorithms, using GPS data at an international Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) service (IGS) station (WTZR). Our results indicate that the IEFM may further improve ionospheric delay modeling using GPS data.  相似文献   

SBAS orbit and satellite clock corrections for precise point positioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The quality of real-time GPS positions based on the method of precise point positioning (PPP) heavily depends on the availability and accuracy of GPS satellite orbits and satellite clock corrections. Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) provide such corrections but they are actually intended to be used for wide area differential GPS with positioning results on the 1-m accuracy level. Nevertheless, carrier phase-based PPP is able to achieve much more accurate results with the same correction values. We applied SBAS corrections for dual-frequency PPP and compared the results with PPP obtained using other real-time correction data streams, for example, the GPS broadcast message and precise corrections from the French Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales and the German Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt. Among the three existing SBAS, the best results were achieved for the North American wide area augmentation system (WAAS): horizontal and vertical position accuracies were considerably smaller than 10 cm for static 24-h observation data sets and smaller than 30 cm for epoch-by-epoch solutions with 2 h of continuous observations. The European geostationary navigation overlay service and the Japanese multi-functional satellite augmentation system yield positioning results with biases of several tens of centimeters and variations larger by factors of 2–4 as compared to WAAS.  相似文献   

北斗系统全球电离层建模理论与方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电离层延迟是卫星导航系统的主要误差源.北斗卫星导航系统(BDS )已由区域系统(北斗二号系统,BDS-2 )发展为全球系统(北斗三号系统,BDS-3 ) ,BDS-3星座具有全球覆盖、区域异构的特点,卫星播发了S和L频段多个导航信号,向下兼容 BDS-2的 B1I和 B3I信号,增加B1C、B2a(兼容 GPSL1/L...  相似文献   

In Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) using L-band frequencies, the ionosphere causes signal delays that correspond with link related range errors of up to 100 m. In a first order approximation the range error is proportional to the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere. Whereas this first order range error can be corrected in dual-frequency measurements by a linear combination of carrier phase- or code-ranges of both frequencies, single-frequency users need additional information to mitigate the ionospheric error. This information can be provided by TEC maps deduced from corresponding GNSS measurements or by ionospheric models. In this paper we discuss and compare different ionospheric correction methods for single-frequency users. The focus is on the comparison of the positioning quality using dual-frequency measurements, the Klobuchar model, the NeQuick model, the IGS TEC maps, the Neustrelitz TEC Model (NTCM-GL) and the reconstructed NTCM-GL TEC maps both provided via the ionosphere data service SWACI (http://swaciweb.dlr.de) in near real-time. For that purpose, data from different locations covering several days in 2011 and 2012 are investigated, including periods of quiet and disturbed ionospheric conditions. In applying the NTCM-GL based corrections instead of the Klobuchar model, positioning accuracy improvements up to several meters have been found for the European region in dependence on the ionospheric conditions. Further in mid- and low-latitudes the NTCM-GL model provides results comparable to NeQuick during the considered time periods. Moreover, in regions with a dense GNSS ground station network the reconstructed NTCM-GL TEC maps are partly at the same level as the final IGS TEC maps.  相似文献   

In this contribution the integrity of single- receiver, single-channel, multi-frequency GNSS models is studied. The uniformly most powerful invariant test statistics for spikes and slips are derived and their detection capabilities are described by means of minimal detectable biases (MDBs). Analytical closed-form expressions of the phase-slip, code-outlier and ionospheric-disturbance MDBs are given, thus providing insight into the various factors that contribute to the detection capabilities of the various test statistics. This is also done for the phaseless and codeless cases, as well as for the case of a temporary loss-of-lock on all frequencies. The analytical analysis presented is supported by means of numerical results.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach for cycle slip detection and repair under high ionospheric activity using undifferenced dual-frequency GPS carrier phase observations. A forward and backward moving window averaging (FBMWA) algorithm and a second-order, time-difference phase ionospheric residual (STPIR) algorithm are integrated to jointly detect and repair cycle slips. The FBMWA algorithm is proposed to detect cycle slips from the widelane ambiguity of Melbourne–Wübbena linear combination observable. The FBMWA algorithm has the advantage of reducing the noise level of widelane ambiguities, even if the GPS data are observed under rapid ionospheric variations. Thus, the detection of slips of one cycle becomes possible. The STPIR algorithm can better remove the trend component of ionospheric variations compared to the normally used first-order, time-difference phase ionospheric residual method. The combination of STPIR and FBMWA algorithms can uniquely determine the cycle slips at both GPS L 1 and L 2 frequencies. The proposed approach has been tested using data collected under different levels of ionospheric activities with simulated cycle slips. The results indicate that this approach is effective even under active ionospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Zhu  Feng  Chen  Xi  Ma  Liye  Liu  Wanke  Zhang  Xiaohong 《GPS Solutions》2023,27(3):1-16
GPS Solutions - The multipath effect is well known as one of the dominant error sources in most high-precision GNSS applications, as its site-dependent and fast-changing nature render it...  相似文献   

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