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In this paper, some sufficient conditions for rings and modules to satisfy the monomial conjecture are given. A characterization of Cohen-Macaulay canonical modules is presented.


Using the theory of cohomology annihilators, we define a family of topologies on the set of isomorphism classes of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over a Gorenstein ring. We study compactness of these topologies.  相似文献   

The main result states: if is a module finite extension of excellent local normal domains which is unramified in codimension two and if represents a deformation of the completion of , then there is a corresponding -algebra deformation such that the ring homomorphism represents a deformation of . The main application is to the ascent of the arithmetic Cohen-Macaulay property for an étale map of smooth projective varieties over an algebraically closed field.  相似文献   

Let a be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring R and M be a finitely generated R-module of dimension d. We characterize Cohen-Macaulay rings in term of a special homological dimension. Lastly, we prove that if R is a complete local ring, then the Matlis dual of top local cohomology module Ha^d(M) is a Cohen-Macaulay R-module provided that the R-module M satisfies some conditions.  相似文献   


Several bounds on the number of generators of Cohen-Macaulay ideals known in the literature follow from a simple inequality which bounds the number of generators of such ideals in terms of mixed multiplicities. Results of Cohen and Akizuki, Abhyankar, Sally, Rees and Boratynski-Eisenbud-Rees are deduced very easily from this inequality.


We investigate the Cohen-Macaulay property for rings of invariants under multiplicative actions of a finite group . By definition, these are -actions on Laurent polynomial algebras that stabilize the multiplicative group consisting of all monomials in the variables . For the most part, we concentrate on the case where the base ring is . Our main result states that if acts non-trivially and the invariant ring is Cohen-Macaulay, then the abelianized isotropy groups of all monomials are generated by the bireflections in and at least one is non-trivial. As an application, we prove the multiplicative version of Kemper's -copies conjecture.


In this article, we delve into the properties possessed by algebras, which we have termed seeds, that map to big Cohen-Macaulay algebras. We will show that over a complete local domain of positive characteristic any two big Cohen-Macaulay algebras map to a common big Cohen-Macaulay algebra. We will also strengthen Hochster and Huneke's ``weakly functorial" existence result for big Cohen-Macaulay algebras by showing that the seed property is stable under base change between complete local domains of positive characteristic. We also show that every seed over a positive characteristic ring maps to a balanced big Cohen-Macaulay -algebra that is an absolutely integrally closed, -adically separated, quasilocal domain.



The purpose of this paper is to present a family of Cohen-Macaulay monomial ideals such that their integral closures have embedded components and hence are not Cohen-Macaulay.  相似文献   

Let be a Gorenstein complete local ring. Auslander's higher delta invariants are denoted by for each module and for each integer . We propose a conjecture asking if for any positive integers and . We prove that this is true provided the associated graded ring of has depth not less than . Furthermore we show that there are only finitely many possibilities for a pair of positive integers for which .


Approximately Cohen-Macaulay Rings and Samuel FunctionsWangFuzheng(王福正)(DepartmentofMathematics,PeikingUniversityBeijing,1008...  相似文献   

This paper addresses problems on arithmetic Macaulayfications of projective schemes. We give a surprising complete answer to a question poised by Cutkosky and Herzog. Let be the blow-up of a projective scheme along the ideal sheaf of . It is known that there are embeddings for , where denotes the maximal generating degree of , and that there exists a Cohen-Macaulay ring of the form (which gives an arithmetic Macaulayfication of ) if and only if , for , and is equidimensional and Cohen-Macaulay. We show that under these conditions, there are well-determined invariants and such that is Cohen-Macaulay for all d(I)e + \varepsilon$"> and e_0$">, and that these bounds are the best possible. We also investigate the existence of a Cohen-Macaulay Rees algebra of the form . If has negative -invariant, we prove that such a Cohen-Macaulay Rees algebra exists if and only if , for 0$">, and is equidimensional and Cohen-Macaulay. Moreover, these conditions imply the Cohen-Macaulayness of for all d(I)e + \varepsilon$"> and e_0$">.


Let A and B be Artin R-algebras of finite Cohen-Macaulay type. Then we prove that, if A and B are standard derived equivalent, then their Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebras are also derived equivalent. And we show that Gorenstein projective conjecture is an invariant under standard derived equivalence between Artin R-algebras.  相似文献   

Let be a local Noetherian Cohen-Macaulay ring with the approximation property. We show that admits a canonical module.


We provide the regularity and the Cohen-Macaulay type of binomial edge ideals of Cohen-Macaulay cones,and we show the extremal Betti numbers of some classes of Cohen-Macaulay binomial edge ideals:Cohen-Macaulay bipartite and fan graphs.In addition,we compute the Hilbert-Poincaré series of the binomial edge ideals of some Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graphs.  相似文献   

Associated to a simple undirected graph G is a simplicial complex ΔG whose faces correspond to the independent sets of G. We call a graph G shellable if ΔG is a shellable simplicial complex in the non-pure sense of Björner-Wachs. We are then interested in determining what families of graphs have the property that G is shellable. We show that all chordal graphs are shellable. Furthermore, we classify all the shellable bipartite graphs; they are precisely the sequentially Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graphs. We also give a recursive procedure to verify if a bipartite graph is shellable. Because shellable implies that the associated Stanley-Reisner ring is sequentially Cohen-Macaulay, our results complement and extend recent work on the problem of determining when the edge ideal of a graph is (sequentially) Cohen-Macaulay. We also give a new proof for a result of Faridi on the sequentially Cohen-Macaulayness of simplicial forests.  相似文献   

In this paper we determine the possible Hilbert functions ofa Cohen–Macaulay local ring of dimension d and multiplicitye, in the case where the embedding dimension v satisfies v =e + d – 3 and the Cohen–Macaulay type is less thanor equal to e – 3. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification:primary 13D40; secondary 13P99.  相似文献   

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