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描述了利用实验物理与工业控制系统(EPICS)平台对HL-2A主机运行参数进行的集中测控系统开发。系统采用s7nodave设备驱动模块,实现了Soft IOC与各PLC的通讯,将各子系统的PLC集成到了EPICS控制系统中。通过对关系型数据库和应用层软件CSS中数据归档及报警等组件的扩展与配置,实现OPI层与各个子系统的实时通信。测控系统成功地将HL-2A主机参数集中在EPICS平台下运行,为下一代装置的主机集中测控系统设计打下了基础。  相似文献   

为确保 HL-2M 装置能安全、稳定地进行初始等离子体放电实验,参考国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER) 的安全联锁设计,并结合 HL-2M 装置的实际现状,建立了一套基于可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)慢控制的中央安全联 锁系统。搭建了一套千兆光纤星形网用来满足各系统之间的通讯。中央安全联锁系统根据故障风险等级和预先设 定的故障处理机制,协调各子系统进行联锁保护动作。WINCC 监控画面显示各子系统的运行状态和故障信息。 采用 EPICS CA 协议和 S7nodave 驱动实现了软 IOC 读取 PLC 变量,并结合 C#编程实现了对主机大厅门禁访问系 统的控制,保障了人员和设备的安全。该套中央安全联锁系统已经投入使用,平均扫描周期 1~3ms,满足 HL-2M 装置初始等离子体放电的安全联锁保护需求。  相似文献   

HL-2M装置放电管理平台的主要功能是为装置运行人员提供一个运行时序系、PLC逻辑保护系统和反馈控制系统的平台.在放电间歇,它在历史数据的基础上预置下一次放电的各种控制波形、配置各个技术子系统的运行模式和运行参数.其基于反射内存的通讯机制主要负责将控制参数和预设波形以有效的、可靠的方式传递到其它子系统中.与各相关子系统...  相似文献   

为了提高HL-2A装置的实验数据交换效率,通过在HL-2A上部署EPICS系统,结合HL-2A的控制系统PLC,提出并建立了一种可行的HL-2A指令与数据共享方法,同时给出了程序的实例.  相似文献   

分析了HL-2A 实验中可能存在的各种故障问题,设计并开发了一种基于EPICS 网络的实时监测和报警系统。通过SNMP 协议,以EPICS 网络为基础,进行全域的消息监控及实时报警。实现了有效监控实验运行过程中整个IT 系统、控制系统、采集主机等异常情况,并实时进行电话报警、短信报警、邮件报警,有效解决了实验中遇到的各种故障监测及可能引发的问题。  相似文献   

分析了HL-2A实验中可能存在的各种故障问题,设计并开发了一种基于EPICS网络的实时监测和报警系统。通过 SNMP 协议,以 EPICS 网络为基础,进行全域的消息监控及实时报警。实现了有效监控实验运行过程中整个 IT 系统、控制系统、采集主机等异常情况,并实时进行电话报警、短信报警、邮件报警,有效解决了实验中遇到的各种故障监测及可能引发的问题。  相似文献   

HL-2A װ������Һ濾�¶ȷ�������ϵͳ���   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
设计了HL-2A装置主机真空室烘烤温度反馈控制系统,用实验法获得系统近似数学模型,建立了HL-2A装置烘烤系统阶跃响应模型。运用控制理论对系统性能指标进行了设计分析,利用Simulink软件对控制系统进行了稳定性分析,通过西门子PLC300系统对此控制系统进行了软硬件实现。  相似文献   

为简化实验物理和工业控制系统(EPICS)在 HL-2M 装置的部署和使用,基于 Web 技术设计了一个 用于聚变装置全域监控集成的通用软件框架。软件框架的主体包含以 EPICS 的控制反转(IOC)为核心的底层基础 设施,基于 EPICS Archiver Appliance 的归档存储服务器以及 Web 应用程序三个部分。利用此框架,在聚变装置 各子系统上快速部署全域监控集成的基础设施,并通过 Web 网页进行统一的配置和管理。软件框架已经在 HL-2A 装置的若干子系统上成功进行了测试,能够满足目前监控集成的基本需求。  相似文献   

设计了HL-2A装置主机真空室烘烤温度反馈控制系统,用实验法获得系统近似数学模型,建立了HL-2A装置烘烤系统阶跃响应模型。运用控制理论对系统性能指标进行了设计分析,利用Simulink软件对控制系统进行了稳定性分析,通过西门子PLC300系统对此控制系统进行了软硬件实现。  相似文献   

以现有聚变实验工程管理运维经验为基础,根据HL-2M装置测量控制的新需求,参考ITER控制、数据采集及通讯规范,开展了HL-2M测量与控制系统运行和管理研究。通过对全域子系统进行统一配置及管理,架构高性能网络完成不同通讯任务,设计扩容高速物理数据存储系统,实施运行状态监测与报警等,规划建设了HL-2M集成化测控系统管理运行平台。这项研究立足于优化实验信号质量,实现实时信号高效传输,提高实验工程管理自动化水平,保障实验过程中设备与数据安全并具备较高可实施性。  相似文献   

首次报导了托卡马克等离子体边缘与湍流相关的极向剩余胁强剖面的测量结果。采用外中平面往复式静电探针阵列对HL-2A托卡马克边缘的极向湍流动量输运进行研究。在没有外部动量注入的欧姆放电下,剩余胁强为有限值、且其空间剖面在等离子体边缘具有明显的径向梯度,表明托卡马克等离子体边缘存在极向动量源。由动量源产生的动量主要以扩散形式向与剩余胁强相反的方向传播,最终的结果是等离子体边缘存在有限的雷诺胁强。在最后闭合磁面以内0.5~2cm区域,剩余胁强的梯度提供自发旋转的力矩,由该力矩引起的动量产生与由速度梯度引起的动量扩散共同导致了雷诺胁强出现负梯度,造成动量沉积,从而驱动极向平衡流。  相似文献   

利用静电探针阵列对HL-2A边缘等离子体径向和极向速度进行了测量,获得了最后闭合磁面附近湍流的雷诺协强 以及 和 间相位差的剖面。实验表明,虽然 、 的幅值对雷诺协强的大小会有影响,但雷诺协强的变化趋势主要取决于二者相位差的变化;另一方面,欧姆放电以及不同电子回旋加热功率L模放电条件下的实验结果显示,密度扰动引起的粒子输运所带来的极向动量输运的贡献与雷诺协强项对极向动量输运的贡献是可比的。这表明在分析湍流引起的动量输运时必须考虑粒子输运的贡献。  相似文献   

利用静电探针阵列对HL-2A边缘等离子体径向和极向速度进行了测量,获得了最后闭合磁面附近湍流的雷诺协强〈(v)r(v)θ〉以及(v)r和(v)θ间相位差的剖面.实验表明,虽然(v)r、(v)θ的幅值对雷诺协强的大小会有影响,但雷诺协强的变化趋势主要取决于二者相位差的变化;另一方面,欧姆放电以及不同电子回旋加热功率L模放电条件下的实验结果显示,密度扰动引起的粒子输运所带来的极向动量输运的贡献与雷诺协强项对极向动量输运的贡献是可比的.这表明在分析湍流引起的动量输运时必须考虑粒子输运的贡献.  相似文献   

Current theories of zonal flow dynamics focus on the transport of poloidal momentum. Different from a cylinder, stationary poloidal flows in a tokamak are accompanied by (possibly kinetic) flows along the magnetic field, which maintain incompressibility, and comprise the major part of the flow energy. In numerical turbulence studies, the flows saturate by the turbulent diffusion of the parallel flow, whereas the poloidal momentum transport continues to strongly drive the flows.  相似文献   

HL-2A 装置的边缘参数测量   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
HL-2A 装置中平面边缘的等离子体特性通过磁力传动的马赫/ 雷诺协强/ 朗缪尔10 探针组进行了研究。10 探针组安装在可径向向里和向外移动, 并可绕轴旋转360o 的传动杆上, 用于测量主等离子体边缘的温度、密度、悬浮电位、空间电位、径向和极向电场、湍流的雷诺协强、径向和极向等离子体流速及其径向分布。HL- 2A 装置的实验结果表明, 边缘等离子体扰动诱发的雷诺协强产生了边缘极向流; 雷诺协强的径向梯度驱动带状流抑制了湍流输运。  相似文献   

To obtain a good confinement, mandatory in a fusion reactor, the understanding of the formation of transport barriers in the edge plasma of a tokamak is essential. Turbulence, the major candidate to explain anomalous transport, can be quenched by sheared flows in the edge which rip the convective cells apart, thus forming a barrier. Experimental evidence from the Chinese HT-6M tokamak [Y.H. Xu et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 3867], points to the fact that momentum transfer from the turbulence can create these sheared flows via the Reynolds stresses. A new 1-D fluid model for the generation of the poloidal flow, has been developed taking into account the driving force of the Reynolds stress and the friction forces due to neutrals and parallel viscosity. Special attention has been dedicated to the computation of the flux-surface-averaging for the various terms. This model has been confronted with the experimental results obtained in the HT-6M tokamak, where Reynolds stresses were generated by application of a turbulent heating pulse. If the model is applied in cylindrical geometry, the calculated Reynolds stress-induced flow agrees well with the measured poloidal velocity in the plasma edge. However, when the full toroidal geometry is taken into account, it seems that the Reynolds stresses are too small to explain the observed rotation. This indicates that the role of the Reynolds stresses in inducing macroscopic flow in the torus is weakened. A combined system of probes allowing to measure the Reynolds stress and the rotation velocity simultaneously, has been developed and installed on the CASTOR tokamak (Prague). We report here on the first results obtained.Presented at the Workshop Electric Fields Structures and Relaxation in Edge Plasmas, Nice, France, October 26–27, 2004.  相似文献   

A heavy ion beam probe was used to study the characteristics of density and potential fluctuations in the TEXT tokamak. Fluctuations of density and space potential are nearly Boltzmann like, n˜/n~φ˜/kTe, near the edge of the plasma (0.80.9). The turbulent E&oarr;×B&oarr; radial particle flux is sufficient to account for all of the particle loss from the tokamak. No poloidal asymmetries, within a poloidal angle range of about 70°, are observed in the fluctuation levels. The fluctuation spectral shape, the density potential phase angle, and the fluctuation propagation speed show a strong radial dependence  相似文献   

The poloidal long-wavelength E x B time-varying flows were directly measured using a forked Langmuir probe in the HT-7 tokamak. Low-frequency (<10 kHz) E x B flows were observed at the plasma edge, which possess many of the characteristics of zonal flows, including a poloidal long-wavelength (k(theta)rho(i) approximately 0) and narrow radial extent (k(r)rho(i) approximately 0.1). The cross bicoherence of turbulent Reynolds stress indicates the existence of nonlinear three-wave coupling processes and the generation of low-frequency E x B flows. The estimated flow-shearing rate is of the same order of magnitude as the turbulence decorrelation rate and may thus regulate the fluctuation level and thereby the turbulence-driven transport.  相似文献   

The experimental investigation on the drives of the poloidal flow in KT-5 D tokamak are presented. It is found that the poloidal flow is the main contributor to the radial electric field, and the Reynolds stress can drive significant poloidal flows in ohmic discharges. The investigation on the relationship between the radial gradient of Reynolds stress and the poloidal flow in biasing discharges indicates that not only Reynolds stress but also the Lorentz's force can drive the poloidal flow.  相似文献   

Analytical approximations are used to clarify the effect of Larmour radius on rf ponderomotive forces and on poloidal flows induced by them in tokamak plasmas. The electromagnetic force is expressed as a sum of a gradient part and of a wave momentum transfer force, which is proportional to wave dissipation. The first part, called the gradient electromagnetic stress force, is combined with fluid dynamic (Reynolds) stress force, and gyroviscosity is included into viscosity force to model finite ion Larmour radius effects in the momentum response to the rf fields in plasmas. The expressions for the relative magnitude of different forces for kinetic Alfven waves and fast waves are derived.  相似文献   

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