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Abstract— The Campos Sales meteorite fell close to the town of Campos Sales in the northeastern Brazilian state of Ceará (7°2′ S, 40°10′ W) on 1991 January 31 at 10:00 P.M. (local time). Several fragments were recovered from an area estimated to be 1 × 3 km. The stone is an ordinary L5 chondrite (Fa25.0 and FS21.6) and is lightly shocked (S1). Metal phases present are kamacite, tetrataenite, and antitaenite. Noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe have been analyzed in two bulk samples of Campos Sales. All exposure ages based on determination of cosmogenic 3He, 21Ne, 38Ar, 83Kr, and 126Xe abundances and on the cosmogenic 81Kr/83Kr ratio agree well, which suggests no gas loss during cosmic-ray exposure. The cosmic-ray exposure age is 23.3 ± 1.0 Ma, which falls in the range observed for L5 chondrites (20–30 Ma). The gas-retention ages indicate He loss that must have occurred prior to or during ejection from the L-chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Establishing connections between meteorites and their parent asteroids is an important goal of planetary science. Several links have been proposed in the past, including a spectroscopic match between basaltic meteorites and (4) Vesta, that are helping scientists understand the formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies. Here we show that the shocked L chondrite meteorites, which represent about two thirds of all L chondrite falls, may be fragments of a disrupted asteroid with orbital semimajor axis a=2.8 AU. This breakup left behind thousands of identified 1–15 km asteroid fragments known as the Gefion family. Fossil L chondrite meteorites and iridium enrichment found in an ≈467 Ma old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, and perhaps also ∼5 large terrestrial craters with corresponding radiometric ages, may be tracing the immediate aftermath of the family-forming collision when numerous Gefion fragments evolved into the Earth-crossing orbits by the 5:2 resonance with Jupiter. This work has major implications for our understanding of the source regions of ordinary chondrite meteorites because it implies that they can sample more distant asteroid material than was previously thought possible.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of interstellar dust probably formed in the nebulae around protostars, a setting similar to that envisioned for meteoritic material. From studies of the mineralogy and composition of meteorites it is possible to obtain quantitative information on the conditions that prevailed in the nebula. For example, pressures in the range 10–3 to 10–6 atm are indicated. At these pressures the kinetics of nucleation and grain growth are favorable.The fact that the gas associated with interstellar dust has solar H/S ratios indicates that FeS, which forms at 680 K, independent of pressure, is not present in the dust. Since iron only becomes oxidized at even lower temperatures, also via pressure-independent reactions, oxidized iron is not expected in the dust. If most interstellar dust forms in nebulae and is ejected back into space, a relatively high temperature is implied, 700K. Dust formation around stars with high C/O ratios is expected to produce minerals found in the highly reduced enstatite chondrites.High-temperature fractionation processes ( 1000 K) played an important role in the nebula. Much of the Al, Ca, Ti, etc., evidently condensed and accreted into cm-sized objects, some of which are found in carbonaceous chondrites. These objects are explicable in terms of formation from a cooling neutral gas with cosmic composition. Their most important distinguishing characteristics are low volatile and low Si contents, coupled with high refractory element contents constrains formation via isothermal compression to grain temperature 1000 K.Invited contribution to the proceedings of a workshop onThermodynamics and Kinetics of Dust Formation in the Space Medium held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 6–8 September, 1978.  相似文献   

About half of the lunar meteorites in our collections are feldspathic breccias. Acquiring geochronologic information from these breccias is challenging due to their low radioactive-element contents and their often polymict nature. We used high-spatial-resolution (5 μm) NanoSIMS (nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry) U-Pb dating technique to date micro-zircons in the lunar feldspathic meteorites Dhofar 1528 and Dhofar 1627. Three NanoSIMS dating spots of two zircon grains from Dhofar 1528 show a discordia with an upper intercept at 4354 ± 76 Ma and a lower intercept at 332 ± 1407 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.01, p = 0.91). Three spots of two zircon grains in Dhofar 1627 define a discordia with an upper intercept at 3948 ± 30 Ma and a lower intercept at 691 ± 831 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.40, p = 0.53). Both samples likely experienced shock metamorphism caused by impacts. Based on the clastic nature, lack of recrystallization and the consistent U-Pb and Pb-Pb dates of the zircons in Dhofar 1528, the U-Pb date of 4354 Ma is interpreted as the crystallization age of its Mg-suite igneous precursor. Some of the Dhofar 1627 zircons show poikilitic texture, a crystallization from the matrix impact melt, so the U-Pb date of 3948 Ma corresponds to an impact event, likely the Imbrium basin-forming event. These data are the first radiometric ages for these two meteorites and demonstrate that in situ (high spatial resolution) U-Pb dating has potential for extracting geochronological information about igneous activities and impact events from lunar feldspathic and polymict breccias.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic analysis of nesquehonite recovered from the surface of the LEW 85320 H5 ordinary chondrite shows that the δ13C and δ18O values of the two generations of bicarbonate (Antarctic and Texas) are different: δ13C = +7.9‰ and +4.2‰; δ18O = +17.9‰ and + 12.1‰ respectively. Carbon isotopic compositions are consistent with equilibrium formation from atmospheric carbon dioxide at ?2 ± 4 °C (Antarctic) and +16 ± 4 °C (Texas). Oxygen isotopic data imply that the water required for nesquehonite precipitation was derived from atmospheric water vapour or glacial meltwater which had locally exchanged with silicates, either in the meteorite or in underlying bedrock. Although carbonates with similar δ13C values have been identified in the SNC meteorites EETA 79001 and Nakhla, petrographic and temperature constraints argue against their simply being terrestrial weathering products.  相似文献   

Abstract— Compositions of metal, sulfide, olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase/plagioclase glass were studied for the melted and unmelted parts of the heavily shocked H6(S6) chondrite‐Yanzhuang. We found that the partitioning of some trace elements significantly changed between the 2 parts; compared with the corresponding minerals in the unmelted part, Ga is enriched in the metal, Co, Cr, and Zn are enriched in the sulfide, Cr is enriched in olivine and pyroxene, and Ti is enriched in the plagioclase glass of the melt pocket. These detailed studies of the mineral phases put constraints on 3 important parameters (temperature, pressure, and duration) associated with the post‐shock melting process. The coexistence of melted and unmelted olivine in the melt pocket of Yanzhuang implies a peak temperature after shock that approaches the melting point of olivine. The lack of Ni in the olivine crystallized from a melt suggests crystallization of olivine at pressures below 10 kbar. The resetting of Ga partitioning between metal and silicate in the melt pocket indicates that the interval from the peak temperature after shock to the crystallization of metal‐sulfide and plagioclase glass in the melted part of Yanzhuang is longer than 500 sec.  相似文献   

Abstract— A stony meteorite fell near the Fuc Bin village, Vietnam, in July, 1971. Based on optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis, the meteorite is classified as an L5 chondrite that contains olivine (Fa23.6), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs20.3 Wo1.3), high-Ca pyroxene (Fs7.5 Wo44.2), plagioclase (Ab83.8 Or5), chlorapatite, merrillite and opaque minerals: chromite, troilite, kamacite, taenite, tetrataenite and native copper.  相似文献   

Abstract— Magnesium‐iron olivine in the Sixiangkou L6 chondrite contains abundant fractures induced by plastic deformation during shock metamorphism. This study reports the discovery of lamellar ringwoodite that incoherently nucleated and grew along planar and irregular fractures in olivine. Magnesium‐iron interdiffusion took place between olivine matrix and crystallizing ringwoodite at high pressures and high temperatures, which resulted in higher FeO content in ringwoodite lamellae than in olivine. This suggests that a quasi‐hydrostatic high pressure lasting for several minutes should have been produced in the shock veins of the meteorite. The intracrystalline transformation of olivine to ringwoodite also has implications for phase transitions in subducting lithospheric slabs because planar and irregular fractures are commonly produced in olivine that suffered plastic deformation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrogenesis of four lunar highlands meteorites, Dhofar 025 (Dho 025), Dhofar 081 (Dho 081), Dar al Gani 262 (DaG 262), and Dar al Gani 400 (DaG 400) were studied. For Dho 025, measured oxygen isotopic values and Fe‐Mn ratios for mafic minerals provide corroboratory evidence that it originated on the Moon. Similarly, Fe‐Mn ratios in the mafic minerals of Dho 081 indicate lunar origin. Lithologies in Dho 025 and Dho 081 include lithic clasts, granulites, and mineral fragments. A large number of lithic clasts have plagioclase AN# and coexisting mafic mineral Mg# that plot within the “gap” separating ferroan anorthosite suite (FAN) and high‐magnesium suite (HMS) rocks. This is consistent with whole rock Ti‐Sm ratios for Dho 025, Dho 081, and DaG 262, which are also intermediate compared to FAN and HMS lithologies. Although ion microprobe analyses performed on Dho 025, Dho 081, DaG 262, and DaG 400 clasts and minerals show far stronger FAN affinities than whole rock data suggest, most clasts indicate admixture of ≤12% HMS component based on geochemical modeling. In addition, coexisting plagioclase‐pyroxene REE concentration ratios in several clasts were compared to experimentally determined plagioclase‐pyroxene REE distribution coefficient ratios. Two Dho 025 clasts have concordant plagioclase‐pyroxene profiles, indicating that equilibrium between these minerals has been sustained despite shock metamorphism. One clast has an intermediate FAN‐HMS composition. These lunar meteorites appear to represent a type of highland terrain that differs substantially from the KREEP‐signatured impact breccias that dominate the lunar database. From remote sensing data, it is inferred that the lunar far side appears to have appropriate geochemical signatures and lithologies to be the source regions for these rocks; although, the near side cannot be completely excluded as a possibility. If these rocks are, indeed, from the far side, their geochemical characteristics may have far‐reaching implications for our current scientific understanding of the Moon.  相似文献   

The flux of small meteoroids, originating primarily from comets, consists of sporadic, random objects and others whose orbits are related. Here, we summarize data relevant to the question of whether the flux of large meteoroids of asteroidal origin (recoverable as meteorites) also consists of objects with random orbits, as well as coorbital objects. After reviewing some relevant properties of planetary materials, applications of two nuclear techniques - radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) - to this question are discussed. Contents of ten thermally labile trace and ultratrace elements determined by RNAA (Ag, Bi, Cd, Cs, In, Rb, Se, Te, Tl, Zn) act as thermometers for thermal metamorphism in parent sources. These data, together with spectral reflectivity information, establish the nature of surfaces on abundant C-, G-, B- and F-class asteroids. Data for these ten cosmothermometers in H4-6 type ordinary chondrites, when treated by multivariate statistical techniques, demonstrate that a suite chosen by one set of criteria (the circumstances of their fall in May, between 1855 and 1895) is distinguishable by another set, i.e. compositionally, from all other such falls analyzed. Hence, this suite, H Cluster 1, has an average thermal history distinguishable from those of all other falls, demonstrating that near-Earth source regions for H chondrite falls changes rapidly. AMS measurements of cosmogenic36Cl (301 kyr half-life), quantify nominal terrestrial ages for Antarctic H chondrites whose contents of thermometric trace elements were also established by RNAA. While multivariate statistical analysis of RNAA data from Antarctic H chondrites with nominal terrestrial ages 50 kyr are not distinguishable from those of falls, older Antarctic H chondrites are compositionally distinguishable from falls. Assertions that these highly significant compositional differences reflect terrestrial or methodologic causes are refutable. This result argues that near-Earth source regions of H chondrites have changed over a long time, as well. Thus, the Earth receives a highly biased sampling of planetary objects in the Solar System in any one time-period.  相似文献   

Abstract— Measurements of particle tracks, cosmogenic radionuclides, and rare gas isotopes in Mbale indicate that the meteoroid had a simple, one-stage exposure for 30.2 Ma in interplanetary space. On the basis of the measured track production rates and 60Co and 26Al activities, the meteoroid is estimated to be a sphere with a radius of ~36 cm. The activities of several cosmogenic radionuclides (i.e., 57Co, 54Mn, 22Na, 44Ti, and 26Al) in two fragments having different shielding, as estimated by their track density and 60Co activity, provide the depth variation in their production rates. Cobalt-57, 54Mn and 22Na activities agree with the production that is expected around the maximum of the solar cycle 22 as calculated from the Sunspot numbers. The U, Th-4He and K-40Ar ages are measured to be 0.54 Ga indicating a late thermal event which is in agreement with the thermal history of some other L group chondrites. The trapped N has δ15N of ?57 ± 4%o, which is much lighter than the average L-group chondrite value; this indicates the presence of an isotopically anomalous light N component.  相似文献   

Abstract— The abundances of alkali elements in the Earth's core are predicted by assuming that accretion of the Earth started from material similar in composition to enstatite chondrites and that enstatite achondrites (aubrites) provide a natural laboratory to study core-mantle differentiation under extremely reducing conditions. If core formation on the aubrite parent body is comparable with core formation on the early Earth, it is found that 2600 (±1000) ppm Na, 550 (±260) ppm K, 3.4 (±2.1) ppm Rb, and 0.31 (±0.24) ppm Cs can reside in the Earth's core. The alkali-element abundances are consistent with those predicted by independent estimates based on nebula condensation calculations and heat flow data.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our studies of the silicate-bearing inclusions in the IIICD iron meteorites Maltahöhe, Carlton and Dayton suggest that their mineralogy and mineral compositions are related to the composition of the metal in the host meteorites. An inclusion in the low-Ni Maltahöhe is similar in mineralogy to those in IAB irons, which contain olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, graphite and troilite. With increasing Ni concentration of the metal, silicate inclusions become poorer in graphite, richer in phosphates, and the phosphate and silicate assemblages become more complex. Dayton contains pyroxene, plagioclase, SiO2, brianite, panethite and whitlockite, without graphite. In addition, mafic silicates become more FeO-rich with increasing Ni concentration of the hosts. In contrast, silicates in IAB irons show no such correlation with host Ni concentration, nor do they have the complex mineral assemblages of Dayton. These trends in inclusion composition and mineralogy in IIICD iron meteorites have been established by reactions between the S-rich metallic magma and the silicates, but the physical setting is uncertain. Of the two processes invoked by other authors to account for groups IAB and IIICD, fractional crystallization of S-rich cores and impact generation of melt pools, we prefer core crystallization. However, the absence of relationships between silicate inclusion mineralogy and metal compositions among IAB irons analogous to those that we have discovered in IIICD irons suggests that the IAB and IIICD cores/metallic magmas evolved in rather different ways. We suggest that the solidification of the IIICD core may have been very complex, involving fractional crystallization, nucleation effects and, possibly, liquid immiscibility.  相似文献   

A large shock‐induced melt vein in L6 ordinary chondrite Roosevelt County 106 contains abundant high‐pressure minerals, including olivine, enstatite, and plagioclase fragments that have been transformed to polycrystalline ringwoodite, majorite, lingunite, and jadeite. The host chondrite at the melt‐vein margins contains olivines that are partially transformed to ringwoodite. The quenched silicate melt in the shock veins consists of majoritic garnets, up to 25 μm in size, magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates. The magnetite, maghemite, and phyllosilicates are the terrestrial alteration products of magnesiowüstite and quenched glass. This assemblage indicates crystallization of the silicate melt at approximately 20–25 GPa and 2000 °C. Coarse majorite garnets in the centers of shock veins grade into increasingly finer grained dendritic garnets toward the vein margins, indicating increasing quench rates toward the margins as a result of thermal conduction to the surrounding chondrite host. Nanocrystalline boundary zones, that contain wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, and magnesiowüstite, occur along shock‐vein margins. These zones represent rapid quench of a boundary melt that contains less metal‐sulfide than the bulk shock vein. One‐dimensional finite element heat‐flow calculations were performed to estimate a quench time of 750–1900 ms for a 1.6‐mm thick shock vein. Because the vein crystallized as a single high‐pressure assemblage, the shock pulse duration was at least as long as the quench time and therefore the sample remained at 20–25 GPa for at least 750 ms. This relatively long shock pulse, combined with a modest shock pressure, implies that this sample came from deep in the L chondrite parent body during a collision with a large impacting body, such as the impact event that disrupted the L chondrite parent body 470 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new meteorite find from the Nullarbor Plain in Australia was studied using optical, SEM, and electron microprobe techniques. The meteorite, Nullarbor 018, is an orthodox L6 chondrite that experienced minor-to-moderate alteration of metal during terrestrial weathering (grade A–B to B). During weathering, troilite was preferentially altered, and roughly 20% of the original complement of S in the meteorite was removed. Shock metamorphic effects corresponding to shock stage S4 (or shock facies d) are found, including the presence of some diaplectic feldspar (maskelynite). The meteorite is not obviously paired with other finds from the Nullarbor region, but the possibility that it is paired cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Dhofar 1671 is a relatively new meteorite that previous studies suggest belongs to the Rumuruti chondrite class. Major and REE compositions are generally in agreement with average values of the R chondrites (RCs). Moderately volatile elements such as Se and Zn abundances are lower than the R chondrite values that are similar to those in ordinary chondrites (OCs). Porphyritic olivine pyroxene (POP), radial pyroxene (RP), and barred olivine (BO) chondrules are embedded in a proportionately equal volume of matrix, one of the characteristic features of RCs. Microprobe analyses demonstrate compositional zoning in chondrule and matrix olivines showing Fa‐poor interior and Fa‐rich outer zones. Precise oxygen isotope data for chondrules and matrix obtained by laser‐assisted fluorination show a genetic isotopic relationship between OCs and RCs. On the basis of our data, we propose a strong affinity between these groups and suggest that OC chondrule precursors could have interacted with a 17O‐rich matrix to form RC chondrules (i.e., ?17O shifts from ~1‰ to ~3‰). These interactions could have occurred at the same time as “exotic” clasts in brecciated samples formed such as NWA 10214 (LL3–6), Parnallee (LL3), PCA91241 (R3.8–6), and Dhofar 1671 (R3.6). We also infer that the source of the oxidation and 17O enrichment is the matrix, which may have been enriched in 17O‐rich water. The abundance of matrix in RCs relative to OCs, ensured that these rocks would be apparently more oxidized and appreciably 17O‐enriched. In situ analysis of Dhofar 1671 is recommended to further strengthen the link between OCs and RCs.  相似文献   

Abstract We report on a series of measurements of 14C in samples of the L-chondrite Knyahinya, as a function of depth. The results show 14C concentrations ranging from 37 to 58 dpm/kg. These measurements are compared to the levels of 21Ne, 10Be and noble-gas ratios in this meteorite reported by Graf et al (1990). We also compare the 14C data to the expected profile based on two sets of model calculations. The behavior of this radioisotope with depth is similar to that expected from the models, and good agreement with the profiles of other nuclides is also observed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Micrometeorites have been significantly altered or melted by heating, which has been mainly ascribed to aerodynamic drag during atmospheric entry. However, if a major fraction of micrometeorites are produced by impacts on porous asteroids, they may have experienced shock heating before contact with the Earth's atmosphere (Tomeoka et al. 2003). A transmission electron microscope (TEM) study of the matrix of Murchison CM chondrite experimentally shocked at pressures of 10–49 GPa shows that its mineralogy and texture change dramatically, mainly due to shock heating, with the progressive shock pressures. Tochilinite is completely decomposed to an amorphous material at 10 GPa. Fe‐Mg serpentine is partially decomposed and decreases in amount with increasing pressure from 10 to 30 GPa and is completely decomposed at 36 GPa. At 49 GPa, the matrix is extensively melted and consists mostly of aggregates of equigranular grains of Fe‐rich olivine and less abundant low‐Ca pyroxene embedded in Si‐rich glass. The mineralogy and texture of the shocked samples are similar to those of some types of micrometeorites. In particular, the samples shocked at 10 and 21 GPa are similar to the phyllosilicate (serpentine)‐rich micrometeorites, and the sample shocked at 49 GPa is similar to the olivine‐rich micrometeorites. The shock heating effects also resemble the effects of pulse‐heating experiments on the CI and CM chondrite matrices that were conducted to simulate atmospheric entry heating. We suggest that micrometeorites derived from porous asteroids are likely to go through both shock and atmospheric‐entry heating processes.  相似文献   

The Park Forest (L5) meteorite fell in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois (USA) on March 26, 2003. It is one of the currently 25 meteorites for which photographic documentation of the fireball enabled the reconstruction of the meteoroid orbit. The combination of orbits with pre‐atmospheric sizes, cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE), and radiogenic gas retention ages (“cosmic histories”) is significant because they can be used to constrain the meteoroid's “birth region,” and test models of meteoroid delivery. Using He, Ne, Ar, 10Be, and 26Al, as well as a dynamical model, we show that the Park Forest meteoroid had a pre‐atmospheric size close to 180 g cm?2, 0–40% porosity, and a pre‐atmospheric mass range of ~2–6 tons. It has a CRE age of 14 ± 2 Ma, and (U, Th)‐He and K‐Ar ages of 430 ± 90 and 490 ± 70 Ma, respectively. Of the meteorites with photographic orbits, Park Forest is the second (after Novato) that was shocked during the L chondrite parent body (LCPB) break‐up event approximately 470 Ma ago. The suggested association of this event with the formation of the Gefion family of asteroids has recently been challenged and we suggest the Ino family as a potential alternative source for the shocked L chondrites. The location of the LCPB break‐up event close to the 5:2 resonance also allows us to put some constraints on the possible orbital migration paths of the Park Forest meteoroid.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to assess weathering effects, sixteen elements were determined by neutron activation in the surficial layer and the interior of the extensively weathered Bayard L5 chondrite. Na, As, Sb, La and Sm show enrichment in the surface; for these elements soil concentrations are greater than in the meteorite. Elements showing no significant differences between surface and interior are Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Se, Eu, Yb, Ir and Au; with the exception of Eu and Yb, soil concentrations were lower than those in the chondrite. Concentrations of Fe, Ni and Co, and to some extent Na, are lower than the mean of the L-chondrite values probably due to oxidation and leaching from the chondrite. The data support an L classification for the Bayard chondrite.  相似文献   

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